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7,200 руб
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6,600 руб
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6,600 руб
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Collecting together all the splendid Blood Bowl Star Player releases, this bundle is a quick and easy way to pick up these legends of the pitch. Morg ‘N’ Thorg, the hulking Ogre Blocker who’s willing to play for any team (as long as they’re not Undead…), is a cheerfully brutish miniature covered...
37,050 руб
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In those isolated cases where the body has been all but irrevocably destroyed but the Custodian’s mind remains intact and their will to survive undimmed, internment within the cold and unyielding body of a Dreadnought is the next step. To this purpose, the few Dreadnoughts of the Legio Custodes...
17,360 руб
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This Space Wolves Legion Transfer Sheet is perfect for personalising the models in your Space Wolves collection. It is an A4 sheet packed with a huge number of symbols including Legion honour and rank markings, runes, squad markings for vehicles and infantry and full, detailed banners.
5,850 руб
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1,950 руб
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The elite amongst the elite, carefully selected and recruited for their exceptional abilities, the Deathwatch are a thin black line, a sentinel that stands between the Imperium and alien threats unimaginable. Always outnumbered – such is the staggering scale of the hordes they face – this noble...
2,580 руб
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The Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon is a prototype weapon system designed as a more compact and portable variant of the highly successful Kheres pattern. Unfortunately, during field testing, it was found to be prone to catastrophic failure under heavy use – but being rewarded with the sheer...
3,220 руб
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A larger and bulkier version of the Combat Shield, Storm Shields are powered shields providing more effective defence against attack. Wielded by those clad in Cataphractii Terminator armour, they form a near-impenetrable barrier. This set of 5 resin Storm Shields features Imperial Fists...
4,780 руб
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This bundle allows you to upgrade a set of Cataphractii Terminators with Storm Shields, featuring Imperial Fists Iconography. The Cataphractii Pattern Terminators are a set of 5 detailed multi-part plastic models which includes an optional sergeant shield, bare head and a grenade harness....
13,460 руб
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4,760 руб
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This bundle nets you a Reikland Reavers team, and a fantastic Ogre to field with them. You’ll receive the plucky Reikland Reavers team – 2 blitzers, 2 throwers, 2 catchers and 6 linemen – and a Blood Bowl Ogre.
6,000 руб
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This multi-part box contains the components to build a Blood Bowl Ogres. The box comes supplied with a 32mm Blood Bowl round base, featuring a hole to slot the ball into when the miniature has possession. We expect this box to sell well, as the Blood Bowl Ogre can be used in any Blood Bowl...
3,900 руб
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With Hurricane Crossbows & Aetherwings / Vanguard-Raptors With Longstrike Crossbows & Aetherwings Raining death upon the enemy from afar, Vanguard-Raptors armed with longstrike crossbows are marksmen with few equals. Poised in well-chosen vantage points they wait with bolts loaded,...
5,250 руб
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Commanders of the Vanguard Auxiliary Chambers, the Lord-Aquilors are masters of the hunt, tracking their foes across the Mortal Realms as they ride the winds aetheric. When the foe is cornered, the Lord-Aquilor will strike with their starbound blade, channelling their hatred of the enemies of...
6,830 руб
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The Vanguard-Palladors of the Vanguard Chambers are without doubt the fastest ground elements of the Stormhosts. By transmuting into wind-borne lightning atop their Gryph-chargers, they can ride the celestial hurricane to circumvent the enemy army’s defences, before reassuming their corporeal...
9,990 руб
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FW_ 99551465004
At the forefront of the armies of the Iron Hills stand the Iron Hills Captains. Stalwart and hardy, these Dwarven veterans are handpicked to lead by Dain Ironfoot himself and have proven to be capable fighters in all manner of warfare. Yet it is their tactical minds that truly set the Iron...
5,270 руб
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The Dwarves of the Iron Hills will follow their lord without question into battle. Their unbending resolve and will to fight drives them forwards against unassailable odds. Many Dwarves are equipped with huge mattocks or crossbows, whilst others are armed with long spears and broad shields;...
4,680 руб
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Whilst other Dwarven kingdoms prefer to keep their feet planted firmly on the ground, the Dwarves of the Iron Hills utilise the mountain goats native to their homeland to ride into war. When Dain's goats hit home, they do so in an avalanche of steel plates and stone-hard horns, shieldwalls are...
11,510 руб
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The Horus Heresy Book Seven – Inferno is a supplement for Warhammer 40,000 which depicts the cataclysmic battle of the Burning of Prospero, home planet of the Thousand Sons Legion, the near-destruction of that Legion, the fall of its Primarch, Magnus, and the tangled web of fate and treachery...
19,500 руб
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WYR 20724
2,980 руб
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WYR 20344
2,980 руб
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PIP 72101
This is the full warlock version of the character solo Una the Falconer featured in Forces of HORDES: Circle Orboros Command. FEATURES: Now a full warlock, Una the Skyhunter has mastered her control over the winged warbeasts of the Circle. Her Hawker ability grants her battlegroup warbeasts...
2,410 руб
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PIP 72099
This is a new character warpwolf featured in Forces of HORDES: Circle Orboros Command. FEATURES: The character warpwolf Loki is at his best when disrupting an enemy’s carefully laid plans. Boasting Drag, Shield Guard, and two new Controlled Warping abilities that grant him the ability to ignore...
7,100 руб
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PIP 71107
This is the full warlock version of the character solo Horgle Ironstrike featured in Forces of HORDES: Trollbloods Command. FEATURES: The full warlock version of Horgle Ironstrike, Horgle the Anvil has mastered the fiery elemental powers of the forge. Thanks to spells like Firestarter, which...
4,260 руб
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PIP 41145
A skilled ’jack marshal and mechanik and a versatile fighter, Colbie Sterling is the captain of a small mercenary company known as the Black River Irregulars—a group with a reputation for getting things done even when it means putting themselves at risk. Sterling seeks the most lucrative...
1,700 руб
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PIP 41138
Clothed in black to honor and mourn the last king of Llael, Thorn Gun Mages are among the deadliest and most zealous soldiers of the Llaelese Resistance. Each of these veteran gun mages is a lethal arcane combatant skilled in the use of Llaelese double-barreled magelocks. Their virtuosity with...
3,970 руб
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PIP 31123
With its advanced armament and heavily armored hull, Major Beth Maddox’s personal warjack Brickhouse is a veritable wall of steel. While capable of enduring sustained assaults and holding vital battlefield positions, the warjack is just as eager to wade into enemy ranks to crush opposing...
8,520 руб
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PIP 31122
Captain Allison Jakes earned her promotion to full-fledged warcaster through circumstances far beyond the scope of any ordinary trial, and she now carries herself with the confidence of one who has seen the ravages of war. With each new battle her reputation grows, and despite her youth she...
2,270 руб
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The warrior-heralds of Sigmar, bearing a message of violent retribution, the Prosecutors are a gliding storm of vengeance. Hurling down stormcall javelins without mercy or relent, they use incredible speed and manoeuvrability to overwhelm their enemies, destroying them utterly in a glorious...
11,510 руб
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Magically reforged with the thunderous power of a god, immortal, proud and strong, the Liberators are the hammer of Sigmar in human form, hurled down from the skies with the blistering force necessary to shatter the rule of Chaos. This multi-part plastic kit gives you everything necessary to...
10,730 руб
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The Judicators attack with speed and accuracy, with arcing, whistling volleys of arrows and bolts signalling their arrival in battle. The massed, howling forces of Chaos are their sworn, hated enemies, and they will soon feel the wrath of sigmarite crossbow bolts and hissing, crackling arrows of...
7,350 руб
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Bold raiders and expert scouts, the Vanguard-Hunters are the elite infantry of the Vanguard Auxiliary Chambers. Battle-hardened veterans, they are experts at using the terrain to their advantage. Their daring guerilla raids necessitate constant movement – more than once has a...
9,750 руб
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Pack-hunting creatures from the realm of Azyr, Gryph-hounds are noble beasts who detest corruption. Their sharp senses pierce deception as easily as their beaks and claws shred the flesh of the unfaithful. Packs of Gryph-hounds are known to ally themselves to those fighting for a just cause, and...
3,750 руб
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A much rarer form of wraith construct than the Wraithknight itself, Skathach Wraithknights were designed to walk the endless paths of the Aeldari's ethereal realm and to purge them of any who would dare trespass. Equipped with complex webway shunt generators and rare, specialised weapons,...
32,180 руб
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Filled with hundreds of individual transfers, the Mechanicum Taghmata Transfer Sheet is perfect for adding detail to your entire Mechanicum collection. From the markings and insignia of the Mechanicum’s orders, to glyphs and numerals, this sheet has transfers for you whole army, from infantry to...
5,850 руб
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Said to be companions of the Wolf King from his earliest days as a foundling upon the bleak desolation of Fenris, these two creatures are beasts of prodigious size, formidable intelligence and a physical power that beggars belief in purely ‘natural’ creatures of their type. The guardians of...
20,670 руб
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Kairos Fateweaver can see the past and the future, and uses this ability to twist destiny to suit his own malevolent purposes. This twin-headed terror is a master of magic, able to transform foes into tentacle-ridden Chaos Spawn, or incinerate them with multicoloured blasts of fire. He is the...
18,750 руб
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None recognise the presence of the Daemon known as the Changeling before it is too late. A master of illusory disguise, the Changeling secretes itself amongst its quarry, sowing confusion and misdirection. Upon throwing aside its fleshly masquerade, the Changeling uses trickery and its...
6,140 руб
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The Changer of Ways, the Master of Fortune, the Great Conspirator and the Architect of Fate – these are just some of the names of Tzeentch. A brother god to Nurgle, Khorne and Slaanesh, and often an ally of the Horned Rat, he is the undisputed master of the arcane arts. His daemonic followers...
11,250 руб
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The Dwarf Giants are an old team with a very long and distinguished history. They were one of the original Blood Bowl sects, and have been present for every major development in the game’s history. In more recent times they have consolidated their talents and re-launched themselves as major...
6,300 руб
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A ton of weird, wonderful and bizarre events can and will happen on and off the pitch during games of Blood Bowl, and they’re represented brilliantly by the Hall of Fame cards. Building on the cards included in the boxed game is this pack of 26 cards – split into two decks, the 10-card Magical...
2,340 руб
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Ranked amongst the greatest of the Saurus Guard, Eternity Wardens are dedicated protectors, summoned from the stars by the magic of the slann. Forming a nigh-impenetrable wall of snarling maws and celestite polearms, they have lived countless lifetimes in their service - should an Eternity...
4,490 руб
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Similar in aspect to the Contemptor Dreadnoughts of the Legiones Astartes, the Contemptor-Galatus is a markedly superior war machine. The unrivalled skills of the warrior entombed within its sarcophagus notwithstanding, the Contemptor-Galatus is stronger, faster and better armoured. Designed...
17,360 руб
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Designed as a high manoeuvrability hunter-killer, the Pallas Grav-attack is a rapid strike vehicle utilising advanced repulsor-lift technology. Filling a similar battlefield role to the various patterns of Land Speeder and Attack Speeder of the Legiones Astartes, the Pallas has superior agility,...
18,720 руб
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Safeguard your fortunes with the C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack! Designed for use in the game's Cinematic Play and Epic Play formats, the C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack contains one C-ROC Cruiser miniature, one M3-A Interceptor miniature with an alternate paint scheme, seven ship cards, thirty...
12,600 руб
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The ubiquitous TIE fighter was one of the Empire's most common symbols of oppression. When one of these nimble crafts fell into the hands of Rebel saboteur and artist Sabine Wren, she knew exactly how to customize it for use against the Empire. Brilliantly repainted and retooled, the TIE fighter...
2,700 руб
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Make your opponents fear the First Order and the dark side of the Force with the Upsilon-class Shuttle Expansion Pack for X-Wing ! It features one pre-painted, large-base miniature of the sleek, predatory shuttle that the First Order typically used to escort its high-ranking officers....
7,200 руб
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First appearing in The Force Awakens , the quadjumper arrives to X-WingM as a Scum and Villainy ship, full of new maneuvers and dirty tricks. In addition to its pre-painted quadjumper miniature, the Quadjumper Expansion Pack allows you to militarize this typically unarmed ship with four...
2,700 руб
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Wave 10 Expansion Pack Used for deploying troops under the cover of darkness or into the midst of dangerous situations, the U-wing fulfilled the Rebel Alliance's need for a hardy transport craft. Contents: Rulesheet 1 U-wing Ship 1 Plastic Base 2 Plastic Pegs 2 Ship Tokens...
5,400 руб
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Wave 10 Expansion Pack The sleek and agile TIE striker was developed primarily by Imperial forces stationed on planetary installations, where its adaptive ailerons and potent weaponry made it an excellent safeguard against Rebel incursions. Contents: 1 TIE Striker Ship 1 Plastic...
2,700 руб
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PIP 74086
With five huge heads independently biting and spitting acid at its foes, the Desert Hydra is one of the most devastating warbeasts the Skorne Empire has ever captured and conditioned for war. Each head can release a focused spray of highly corrosive acid or snatch up opponents to be devoured by...
15,620 руб
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Magisters are powerful sorcerers in service to Tzeentch. Filled with eldritch energies, a Magister can wield fantastical fires to scorch the foe, or transform an enemy into the squelching, misshapen form of a Chaos Spawn. As a member of the cabal of an Arcanite Cult, a Magister will use all his...
2,880 руб
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Gifted with arcane abilities, precognitive visions and savage intelligence, Tzaangor Shamans are the most powerful of their kind. Born beneath dark omens, they are born to greatness, gifted with Discs of Tzeentch that raise them figuratively and literally above the heads of their peers. With...
4,730 руб
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Savage, avian beasts dedicated to Tzeentch, Tzaangors have been willingly warped into shapes and forms pleasing to the Architect of Fate. They watch and wait, with bestial cunning and cold intelligence, and when the time comes to strike they fight with a bitter strength, hacking with sharp...
6,600 руб
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Elite Tzaangors, possessing strange feathers and elaborate horns, the Tzaangor Enlightened are truly blessed with the favour of Tzeentch. They wield ornate spears that set them above their lesser kin, some even riding upon Discs of Tzeentch. Tzaangor Enlightened can see strands of the past –...
7,130 руб
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Very little is truly known about the Ogroid Thaumaturges – other than their fearsome prowess in combat. In their rage, their skin writhes with arcane energy, eldritch sigils blazing across their muscular frames. Multicoloured flames of Tzeentch erupt about them as they tear enemies apart...
6,830 руб
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Human cultists of Tzeentch, Chanters of Change, the Kairic Acolytes have made dire sacrifices for the promise of knowledge and power, spending decades becoming worthy enough to attempt the Kairic Test of Nine. They walk amongst the unsuspecting, remaining covert, waiting patiently until the...
9,260 руб
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Standing high in the favour of Tzeentch, Gaunt Summoners are sorcerers capable of shifting the tide of battle single-handedly. Luckily for Sigmar and his allies, there exist only nine of these immensely powerful beings. Each has been gifted with a changestaff and a key to one of the nine...
4,880 руб
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PIP 35068
This is a multi-part plastic kit that can build either the new Helios colossal or a resculpted version of the classic Hyperion colossal. FEATURES: Boasting one of the most powerful ranged attacks in all of WARMACHINE and HORDES, the Hyperion represents the pinnacle of Iosan firepower. Trading...
15,620 руб
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PIP 32127
This is the new character heavy warjack featured in Forces of WARMACHINE: Protectorate of Menoth Command . FEATURES: Eye of Truth is the personal warjack of Malekus, the Burning Truth. Such is the pair’s connection that Malekus can channel spells through Eye of Truth while it is in his control...
8,520 руб
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PIP 32126
This is the newest version of the Protectorate warcaster Feora featured in Forces of WARMACHINE: Protectorate of Menoth Command . FEATURES: The latest incarnation of this player-favorite warcaster, Feora, the Conquering Flame excels at bringing the flames of the Creator straight to her...
4,970 руб
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PIP 32118
This is the full warcaster version of the Protectorate character Initiate Tristan Durant featured in Forces of WARMACHINE: Protectorate of Menoth Command . FEATURES: Sovereign Tristan Durant bends much of his considerable power toward pushing his warjacks to incredible exploits, thanks to...
2,410 руб
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