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Hive Secundus was devastated long ago. While it's hardly habitable now, there are always those willing to venture into it for plunder and profit, heedless of the danger posed by crumbling walls, live wires, ruptured pipes, and the like. This multipart, modular kit allows you to build a set of...
10,130 руб

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Hive Secundus is a crumbling wasteland, infested with twisted Malstrain Genestealer broods. There are very few reasons to go there, but data crystal stacks are a compelling trophy for those with the will to secure them. Ancient structures remain each housing a number of these stacks in...
6,150 руб

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Hive Secundus was once Necromunda’s shining jewel. Until over a century ago, something insidious was discovered lurking at its heart, and it was razed to the ground – the ruins declared quarantine extremis. Now, Tek-hunters, nomads and more risk their lives in search of the untold riches said...
21,000 руб

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The Skalvian Explorator is an indomitable example of Ironhead Squat technology, a heavy all-terrain exploration and excavation vehicle suited to extracting the wealth of the Great Equatorial Wastes, surviving its many perils, and ferrying cargo back to safety. Though the Ironhead Squat...
30,230 руб

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The Tauros Venator is an all-terrain vehicle, favoured by the Palanite Enforcers as a rapid interceptor ideal for policing the vital ridgeways that criss-cross Necromunda's ash wastes. The Enforcers only have a limited presence beyond the hive cities, so these swift but well-armed vehicles are...
7,130 руб
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Few things are simple on Necromunda. Gangers thought lost in battle sometimes resurface later, seemingly back from the dead. Mysterious figures rise to plague an area, taunting the local gangs and working towards their own agenda. Settlements grow, falter, or change as the tides of fate shift....
6,150 руб
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Necromunda is a vast machine and the sons and daughters of House Van Saar are its engineers. While other clans and Noble Houses have been content to embrace the slavish traditions of the Imperium, in particular its superstitious fear of technology, those of House Van Saar have sought to unravel...
2,930 руб
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2,250 руб
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Ash Wastes Arachni-rigs – known to House Van Saar as Arachnika Ash-jumpers – are armoured exoskeletons designed to traverse Necromunda’s rugged surface. Jump jets allow them to boost over obstacles, leap free of trouble, or unexpectedly drop in amongst their foes. Heavy weapons and surprising...
6,150 руб
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House Helmawr has fallen! As a living god takes the throne of Necromunda, Lady Haera fights her way to the Dust Wall and the loyal Enforcers stationed there. As the Ash Waste Nomad tribes gather for a massive assault on the Ironhead Squat holds, gangs rush to win favour with House Aranthus,...
6,150 руб
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Necromunda. This hive world was founded over 15,000 years ago, as a mining and manufacturing colony. In the millennia since, the planet's mountains have been reduced to rubble for the ore within, its seas turned into oceans of chemical sludge, its very air poisoned with radioactive filth....
8,250 руб
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Sanctioners are semi-sentient servo-automata, employed by Palanite Enforcers in times of particular crisis. These hulking cybernetic brutes are controlled by the salvaged cranial remains of particularly merciless Enforcers, psycho-conditioned for utter dedication to the letter of the law. As...
7,800 руб
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Out in the deadly deserts of the ash wastes, your gang will need all the help it can get. Demonstrate your faith with this House Cawdor-themed dice set, containing all the different types of dice you'll need for your games of Necromunda – including D6s with the icon of House Cawdor on the 6...
2,360 руб
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Way-Brethren are the outriders of the Redemption’s wasteland crusades. Mounted on mechanical Ridge Walkers, these tireless pilgrims range ahead of the teeming masses of the faithful, blazing a trail between the shrines and holy sites of Necromunda's ash wastes for those that follow. Ridge...
6,150 руб
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Cinderak City has fallen, and the rebellious Lady Credo has dealt a significant blow against the Imperial House. Lady Haera Helmawr seeks to consolidate her damaged authority – but even as she sends hundreds of Enforcer patrols flooding into the depths of Hive Primus, a Redemptionist Crusade...
6,150 руб
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Agents of the House of Blades favour vehicles that are just as fast, deadly, and elegant as themselves, screaming across the ash wastes on customised skimmers and jet-bikes. Escher gangers ride with razor sharp reflexes and intoxicating confidence, darting between hazards and rivals alike. Take...
1,990 руб
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This pack contains 26 cards to keep your games of Necromunda running smoothly, and bring the tricks and schemes of House Escher to bear on your rivals. Included within are 18 Escher Gang Tactics cards detailing ploys unique to the House of Blades, as well as eight blank Fighter cards for...
1,990 руб
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Cutters are fast, agile jetbikes, reflecting House Escher's preference for deadly speed over brutish durability. Borne across the skies of the ash wastes by a staggeringly powerful engine, Cutters are seldom the stablest or safest of rides – but leave any rivals choking on clouds of dust and...
6,150 руб
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The Guild of Coin rules the roads of Necromunda. They transport material between hives and, for a hefty price, they'll even smuggle weapons and people. Crossing the arid, violent, and irradiated ash wastes is a risky business, so the guild employs convoys of Cargo-8 Ridgehaulers. These hulking...
7,690 руб
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In the ash wastes of Necromunda, fuel is as vital as water. Becoming stranded in the weather-blasted expanses leaves a vehicle exposed to the elements and the attention of roaming gangs. Those with access to a supply of promethium are rich in credits, ammo, and the ability to freely traverse the...
6,150 руб
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