Armies of Imperium

Miniature Type
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The Astra Militarum uses the crushing weight of numbers to overwhelm their foes, and that means you're going to be rolling a lot of dice. We can't guarantee your Commissar will be satisfied with your efforts, but you'll certainly look good while you're playing. This is a set of 16...
3,720 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 25.02.2025

A Cadian Command Squad, consisting of officers and the veteran warriors who protect them, leads their elite force into battle. The core of the army comprises grizzled Kasrkin, armed with a potent arsenal of weapons. They are supported by Attilan Rough Riders, highly mobile cavalry who are...
20,150 руб

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Artillery Teams from the Astra Militarum use all manner of heavy weaponry to annihilate the foe from extreme range. The various munitions hurled by these heavy weapons are capable of eliminating entire squads of infantry, cracking open reinforced bunkers, and laying waste to armoured convoys....
7,950 руб

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Death Korps Heavy Weapons Squads are deployed to support infantry assaults, forming overlapping fields of fire to pin down the enemy and enable waves of infantry to advance. Fire coordinators direct the gunners under their command and ensure they keep up a punishing rate of fire. This multipart...
6,360 руб

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The Death Korps of Krieg's grim regiments excel in the most gruelling of conditions – their famous siege troops holding key positions no matter the onslaught unleashed upon them. They're not unlike a pitiless cult of sacrifice – with their legendary endurance, death often claims their foes...
6,360 руб

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Krieg Combat Engineers are renowned for their skill as demolitions experts, sappers, and close-quarters trench fighters. It is their task to accompany the first waves of a Death Korps assault, clearing razorwire and defusing mines before bringing their shotguns and trench clubs to bear upon the...
5,430 руб

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Death Rider units are filled with soldiers that have earned the honour – a high one for any soldier of Krieg. Astride their genetically enhanced Krieg steeds, these bold cavalry riders thunder across no man's land with lances leveled and sabres drawn to crash into the foe, scattering infantry...
7,950 руб

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Krieg Command Squads are led by representatives of the Officio Prefectus, most commonly a high-ranking Commissar, assisted by a retinue of veterans and junior officers. They lead from the front and will often be found in the thickest fighting. This multipart plastic kit builds a Krieg Command...
5,430 руб

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Lord Marshal Dreir leads from the front, despite his lofty rank, and often to the horror of his superiors. That he and his loyal Krieg steed have emerged from so many battles alive and victorious speaks to his skill as both commander and cavalry soldier. This multipart plastic kit builds Lord...
7,360 руб

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The Astra Militarum is the first, and often last, line of defence for Humanity. It's the largest coordinated fighting force in the galaxy, with ranks of trained and equipped soldiers tithed from countless planets and united by their faith in the God-Emperor. With grit and determination, Astra...
7,360 руб

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“Only in Death Does Duty End” The claiming of war trophies by victorious forces has been commonplace for millennia. While in centuries past, these souvenirs may have taken the form of flags, art, weapons, or other trinkets, in the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium, the spoils of war are...
4,880 руб

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The Astra Militarum is the backbone of Imperial military might. They are the men and women holding the line – a bulwark between Humanity and a galaxy of nightmarish horrors. Amongst the Astra Militarum's massed regiments, the dour Death Korps of Krieg are some of the most fabled. To these...
27,900 руб

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The Inner Circle are the elites of the Dark Angels Chapter who, from deep within the Rock, guide the plans of the Dark Angels and all its successor Chapters. They are led into battle once more by the returned Primarch to fight the most heinous of foes alongside his personal guard. Lion...
29,450 руб
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Imperial Knights are colossal suits of armour bristling with heavy weapons, employed by noble houses of the lmperium. They can lay waste to entire enemy armies, particularly when they come together in groups known as lances. The highly versatile Knights Paladin provide the strategic backbone to...
29,450 руб
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Where the Adepta Sororitas tread, the light of the Emperor shines. They are the armed wing of the Imperial faith, defending its cathedrums, chapels, and holy shrines from the heretic, the mutant, the witch, and the alien. However, some fall short of the Sisterhood’s stringent codes. Help these...
29,450 руб
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Diminutive, keen-eyed and instinctively stealthy, the abhuman Ratlings serve the Astra Militarum primarily as outstanding snipers – they can take the head off a heretic with their rifles from over a mile away. Get ready to celebrate with this incredibly detailed diorama showing two Ratling...
5,270 руб

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Inquisitor Coteaz is a Puritan of the Ordo Malleus – he spends every waking moment studying reports made by his countless agents, or facing down daemons, heretics, and aliens in open battle. He wields the power of the warp and his mighty Nemesis daemon hammer to combat the daemonic and prosecute...
5,430 руб
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The Blood Angels favour close-ranged strikes where their speed, grace, and skill can be harnessed. Assault Intercessors form the backbone of these forces, equipped for melee but versatile by nature. When the elite Sanguinary Guard lend their strength, they are a deadly foe indeed. Take the...
20,150 руб
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Canonesses of the Adepta Sororitas go to battle equipped with jump packs, using them to descend from the heavens and mete out the Emperor's justice. They are the greatest and most experienced warriors of their Orders, combining their strategic expertise with martial prowess. This multipart...
5,430 руб
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The Blood Angels are counted amongst the most noble of Space Marine Chapters – the angelic defenders of Humanity. Yet beneath their angelic exterior lie dark secrets, the ferocious Red Thirst and the berserk psychosis known as the Black Rage. This set of 18 cards will help you keep track of...
4,030 руб

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