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Изгнанные из земель предков людьми и изолированные ими же уже слишком давно Тролли вышли на тропу войны. Колдуны троллей ведут свои войска состоящие из тренированных воинов несущих гигантское вооружение и броню. Хотя армия и состоит из воинов разных племен, все они сражаются как братья. Способные вынести неимоверные раны , они покажут что они достойны уважения.

Тролли в ближнем бою.

Сила вот что ближний бой для троллей. Их войска сильны и выносливы, и поэтому готовы на бой с любым противником. Хотя и относительно медлительны они настроены на долгую битву и не перед кем не приклонятся . Они так же очень хорошо взаимодействуют между собой чем очень сильно повышают свою боеспособность.

Тролли в дальнем бою.

Они используют позаимствованную у Сигнар технологию огнестрельного оружия. И надо сказать используют они её искусно. Они применяют различную тактику от партизанских вылазок до противопехотных нападений при помощи огромных пик Пронзателей. Они использую много видов стрелкового оружия но его дальность ближе к короткой.

Магия Троллей.

Тролли применяют все виды магии не особо специализируясь на какой то отрасли. У них есть прокачки , разрушающие и защитные заклинания и так же контр магия. Возможно контр и контрольные заклятия и есть их сильной стороной.

Ворбисты Троллей.

Тролли применяют всех возможных троллей и с различным вооружением. Что у них общего они прекрасные бойцы. Так же все их бисты имеют регенерацию. Любой Тролль, что не умер, может восстановить свой потенциал воина и с полной силой продолжить бой. Ужасные Тролли пошли еще дальше они лечат себя пожирая врагов. В результате они ужасно сильны и их ужасно сложно убить.

PIP 71113
Wielding enormous maces made from salvaged scrap metal, the ferocious troll basher is the favored warbeast of many Northkin. Troll Bashers are quick to anger and enjoy crushing enemies before devouring them. Northkin warlocks often let their bashers run at the fore of battle. There,...
2,840 руб
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Dire Troll Brawlers go to battle wielding oversized flails made from stout iron chain and scavenged scrap metal. Bellowing primitive war cries, brawlers hurl themselves at any opponent, swinging these chains in sweeping, unpredictable arcs. What these trolls lack in intelligence they...
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PIP 71111
Pygs make for particularly effective lookouts. The pygs’ natural hardiness and adaptability to the elements lets them stay in the field for an indefinite period. They have keen eyes and can spot approaching forces from a great distance. When battle begins, their size allows them to sneak about...
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PIP 71119
From a Land of Ice and Snow… Out of the blizzards of the frozen north march the Northkin, a mighty alliance of resolute trollkin warriors. The Northkin rush to battle with axes in hand, the blood of trolls in their veins, and frost-rimed winter trolls at their side, and any who face...
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Among the Northkin leadership are their revered elders, many of whom are also powerful mystics, either shamans or sorcerers who can lend the cold of the north to the power already contained in krielstones to strengthen their allies. The winds they summon can speed an army into the fray...
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PIP 71110
Dedicated raiding bands are vital for smaller kriels that rely on their spoils to survive. These skirmishers use ambushes and hit-and-run tactics. Raiders carry firebombs used to set buildings ablaze to distract sentries and lure them from storehouses, bombs equally effective against...
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PIP 71107
This is the full warlock version of the character solo Horgle Ironstrike featured in Forces of HORDES: Trollbloods Command. FEATURES: The full warlock version of Horgle Ironstrike, Horgle the Anvil has mastered the fiery elemental powers of the forge. Thanks to spells like Firestarter, which...
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4,970 руб
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The Northkin Shaman is a new Trollbloods solo featured in HORDES: Primal. FEATURES: The Northkin Shaman is part wizard, part warrior. Boasting Pathfinder and Battle Wizard, the Northkin Shaman can expect to cast two spells during turns in which he gets into melee. Cold Snap lowers the DEF...
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Hoarluk Doomshaper has cemented himself by word and deed as an essential pillar of the United Kriels, preaching a violent rhetoric embracing aggression and the annihilation of all foes. He has proven that victory cannot be attained through peace, but instead requires strength and ruthless...
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PIP 71053
As implacable as the stone she commands, runeshaper Janissa Stonetide batters the enemies of the trollbloods by turning the very earth they tread upon against them. At her command, walls of stone spring up to block an enemy advance, the ground rumbles and shifts beneath a foe’s feet, and...
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PIP 71049
Disciplined soldiers armed with massive, belt-fed cannons, trollkin sluggers walk the battlefield blazing through ranks of foes with a withering hail of bullets. Enemy infantry is cut down in droves, and even the mightiest warbeast eventually succumbs to the concentrated fire of the sluggers’...
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PIP 71096
As war has consumed the trollkin people, even outlaws and bandits among them have taken up arms in defense of kith and kriel. Peerless woodsmen and hunters, these highwaymen blend easily into forests and swamps. They strike from the shadows, unleashing withering pistol fire from a distance...
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PIP Code 71079
Kriel warriors are the heart of the armies of the trollkin. These bands of warrior brothers march to war in defense of their people wielding shields, hand weapons, and an indomitable spirit. They are often accompanied by mighty caber throwers, who put their prowess in the traditional sport of...
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PIP 71091
Sacred monuments of the trollkin, krielstones are carried into battle as reservoirs of spiritual energy. Only the strongest trollkin can bear the immensely heavy stones, which radiate an aura that protects nearby warriors. The accompanying stone scribes bear witness to the brave deeds of their...
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Brave kriel warriors gather to fight in defense of their lands and form the core of Trollblood armies. More than simple brutes, these trollkin can survive injuries that would kill a human outright, and the war shamans who train and lead them call mighty powers from their goddess to form the...
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Trollkin heroes are great champions whose deeds have spread by word of mouth throughout the kriels. They find it impossible to turn from battle for it is only there that they can stand side by side with their brothers in arms and prove that one axe in a strong hand can make a difference even...
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