Starter Products

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HORDES Battlegroup Starter Boxes are the ideal way to get started collecting a HORDES Army. FEATURES: For veteran players, each box contains a brand new, exclusive warcaster. For new players, each box contains a core rules digest, an in-depth tutorial, and a full battlegroup—everything...
6,000 руб
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WARMACHINE Battlegroup Starter Boxes are the ideal way to get started collecting a WARMACHINE Army. FEATURES: For veteran players, each box contains a brand new, exclusive warcaster. For new players, each box contains a core rules digest, an in-depth tutorial, and a full battlegroup—everything...
6,000 руб
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WARMACHINE Battlegroup Starter Boxes are the ideal way to get started collecting a WARMACHINE Army. FEATURES: For veteran players, each box contains a brand new, exclusive warcaster. For new players, each box contains a core rules digest, an in-depth tutorial, and a full battlegroup—everything...
6,000 руб
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WARMACHINE Battlegroup Starter Boxes are the ideal way to get started collecting a WARMACHINE Army. FEATURES: For veteran players, each box contains a brand new, exclusive warcaster. For new players, each box contains a core rules digest, an in-depth tutorial, and a full battlegroup—everything...
6,000 руб
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PIP 36000
Emerging from their hidden temple workshops, the enigmatic Convergence of Cyriss have unleashed their sophisticated clockwork and mechanika weapons called vectors on the Iron Kingdoms as they begin the final phase of their Great Work. The indomitable Forge Master Syntherion sends his heavy Cipher...
7,500 руб
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PIP 34067
Стать причиной падения Железных Королевств – вот мечта истинно следующего путем Cryx! Боевая группа Крикс (Cryx Battlegroup) способна изничтожить любого, посмевшего противиться неумолимой судьбе, воплощением которой является Варастер Варвитч Денегра (Warcaster Warwitch Deneghra)....
7,500 руб
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PIP 31063
Unleash The Power Of The Storm! Armed with the most advanced mechanika in the Iron Kingdoms, the warjacks of Cygnar provide commanders with the perfect balance of mobility and stopping power. Led by Commander Coleman Stryker, the accurate battle cannon fire of the Charger, magical arc node of...
7,500 руб
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PIP 32062
Да сокрушит ваш гнев еретиков и неверных! Божественная сила в полной мере воплощена в этой беттлгруппе Protectorate of Menoth (Protectorate of Menoth Battlegroup), и возглавляет ее несокрушимую мощь никто иной, как Варкастер Высший Экземплар Креосс (Warcaster High Kreoss Exemplar)....
7,500 руб
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руб  –  руб

  • 6000руб
  • 7500руб