Warhammer Underworlds

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Bogrit's Beastgrabbaz have entered the mines beneath Embergard seeking signs of the huge troggoth, Trugg. Their leader, Borgit Wolf-Killa fancies himself as a hunter and uses his mates, Snagz and Hobblin’ Dregg, as bait. His real trump card is Uglug, a troggoth who dreams of growing to massive...
5,430 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 25.02.2025

In the corpse of Embergard, glory and honour bow to the need for victory. A knife in the back here, a throttling grip from the darkness there – inglorious reversals of fortune are not merely rife, but the order of the day. Edge of the Knife is a complete and ready-to-play Rivals deck, usable by...
3,490 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 25.02.2025

Укажите необходимую банду в комментарий к вашему заказу Предзаказ продлится до 19 января включительно. Пара недель потребуется для изготовления и сортировки тиража карт.
200 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 13.03.2025

Предзаказ продлится до 19 января включительно. Пара недель потребуется для изготовления и сортировки тиража карт. This deck contains a 33-card universal Rivals deck, consisting of: – 1x Cover Card with lore and a list of the cards – 12x Objective Cards – 10x Ploy Cards – 10x Upgrade Cards...
800 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 13.03.2025

In the dark, twisting tunnels beneath the ruins of Embergard, warbands clash for glory! No matter which master they serve, they fight to claim treasure, make a name for themselves, and defeat their rivals. This box collects fighter cards and warscroll cards for 16 Warhammer Underworlds...
9,070 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 25.02.2025

The forces of Destruction flock to the mines underneath Embergard, guaranteed a steady stream of worthy opponents against whom they can vent their aggression and malice. To them, the loot and glory are a distant secondary benefit. This kit bundles four Destruction-themed warbands for Warhammer...
12,400 руб
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Death is everywhere in the Mortal Realms. The forces of Nagash worm their way into the tunnels beneath Embergard, seeking enchanted relics, and claiming more souls for the Supreme Lord of the Undead. This kit bundles four Death-themed warbands for Warhammer Underworlds. All the miniatures are...
12,400 руб
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The myriad minions of Chaos seek to subvert, corrupt, and otherwise destroy the Mortal Realms. They can be found everywhere, including the ruins of Embergard, where small groups of warriors endlessly clash to earn glory and amass plunder. This kit bundles four Chaos-themed warbands for...
12,400 руб
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Across the Mortal Realms, the forces of Order seek to hold back the tides of Destruction, Chaos, and Death. Small forces can be found beneath the ruins of Embergard, keeping sacred relics and powerful artefacts out of enemy hands, and restoring light and truth. This kit bundles four...
12,400 руб
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The mines of Embergard are dangerous places to venture. That doesn't stop enterprising, wreckless, or motivated bands of fighters, some of them learning to use the environmental hazards within to wreak havoc on rival warbands for glory and loot. Wrack and Ruin is a complete and ready-to-play...
3,490 руб
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Embergard is infused with a wrathful energy. Warriors caught in the grip of this madness charge headlong into combat, using their heightened aggression to smash aside any obstacle, or foe, in their path. Reckless Fury is a complete and ready-to-play Rivals deck, usable by any warband in your...
3,490 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 25.02.2025

Grandfather's Gardeners see the sweltering innards of Embergard to be ripe for transformation into a seething cauldron of plagues – especially with the emberstone drawing in so many potential hosts... The disease-ridden Phleghmus Potbelly leads this warband and sees his duty as a simple one –...
5,430 руб
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The Jaws of Itzl were once part of a grander warhost sent against the Skaven. Yet a terrible cave-in saw most of the Seraphon buried, including their Starmaster. Only the blessed Kro-Jax, a living wellspring of ferocious Azyrite energy, and a handful of his reptilian fellows escaped. Kro-Jax...
5,430 руб
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Embergard was supposed to be a new hope – a gateway to the east of the Great Parch and a cornerstone in the ever-expanding empire of Sigmar’s people. Unfortunately, it was on the edge of the apocalypse as the Ruinous powers of Chaos tore the Parch asunder. Beneath the ruins of this once-great...
13,180 руб
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Тhe tunnels of the Wintermaw are said to conceal ancient treasures, lost secrets, and even mortal souls trapped within eternal ice. However, those foolhardy enough to claim such prizes will soon encounter the hideous burrowing abominations that slew these poor souls in the first place......
13,180 руб
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The Mirrored City of Shadespire is a nightmare plane of illusion and madness, an ever-changing labyrinth of endless stairs, cramped streets, and soaring archways. Many roving warbands enter this damned place to claim the treasure, secrets, and glory that await within – but few escape victorious,...
12,790 руб
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n the Deathgorge’s depths lie blood-magic artefacts encased within ancient ice. These Rimelocked Relics are the treasures of lost civilisations – weapons and artefacts held fast in the Everwinter’s arctic clutches. Only a burning desire can thaw the magical hoarfrost to free them, though many...
3,490 руб
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Zondara Rivenheart lost the love of her life – Ferlain – to a terrible curse that left him a snarling beast. Now she will stop at nothing in her efforts to save him. A stolen tome has unlocked the secrets of necromancy to this desperate wizard, and led her to believe that she might find a way to...
5,430 руб
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The ice-coated tunnels of the Deathgorge contain untold treasures frozen within their walls. Those brave enough to traverse the freezing continent of Bjarl and weather the Everwinter's curse must still battle rival warbands to have any hope of claiming these riches. The Malevolent Masks lay...
3,490 руб
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Daggok Finksteala is on a murderous mission to decapitate the brightest and best fighters within the Deathgorge. With each head he takes, his kunnin' increases – or so he believes – and he means to gather enough smarts to make him a Killaboss. His warband, da Stab-Ladz, shares his vision and...
5,430 руб
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