Armies of Imperium

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Unleash the alien-hunting skills of the Deathwatch with these handy reference cards! Each set is great for quickly referring to your rules, making sure you'll pick the right Stratagem or psychic powers for your battles with ease. This pack contains the following datacards: - 7x Core...
1,990 руб
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The Deathwatch are a widespread Chapter of Space Marines and the Imperium's greatest weapon against the manifold threats posed by countless xenos races. From their hidden bases in orbiting watch fortresses, the Deathwatch despatch carefully selected operatives to hunt down and exterminate alien...
3,680 руб
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Primaris Techmarines stride selflessly through oncoming fire to soothe the machine spirits of wounded war engines, deftly peeling back damaged armour plates to repair burnt-out cabling and bending warped panels back into shape with their servo-arms and mechadendrites. Techmarines specialise...
5,100 руб
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Hammerfall Bunkers are launched from Space Marine warships in the same manner as Drop Pods. Automated area-denial assets crewed by hard-wired servitors, they have all kinds of battlefield roles, including securing beachheads, hampering enemy assaults and wreaking havoc behind the foe's lines....
8,250 руб
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Warhammer 40,000 is a fast-paced and explosive tabletop wargame. Will you choose to play as the mighty Space Marines, the sinister alien Necrons, or one of the many other unique factions of warriors, aliens, and monsters? Amidst the raging fires of a galaxy at war, collect, build, and paint your...
1,800 руб
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Primarily a defensive weapon, the Firestrike Servo-turret lays down withering volleys of fire to secure flanks or the Space Marines’ base of operations. Mounted on gravitic ventral plates, they can hover across the battlefield to ideal firing positions from which to slaughter attacking...
4,730 руб
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6,600 руб
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The Invader is a highly flexible all-terrain vehicle, perfectly adapted to an aggressive reconnaissance role. Outfitted with either a multi-melta or an onslaught gatling cannon, it can rapidly deliver punishing fire against vulnerable parts of the enemy line, or swiftly engage and destroy...
6,150 руб
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Enter the thrilling world of tabletop gaming in the 41st Millennium with the Elite Edition – a set designed to introduce you to the Warhammer 40,000 hobby. Inside this jam-packed box, you’ll find the makings of two armies plus rules for gaming with them – ideal for kicking off your hobby,...
12,000 руб
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Ephrael Stern has been known by many terms during her long years in service of the God-Emperor – Thrice-born, Daemonifuge, sainted saviour, heretical witch. Once, she had been a respected and accomplished Seraphim within the Order of Our Martyred Lady, but fate had greater things in store for...
7,130 руб
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Kyria Draxus is an audacious Lord Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos who specialises in the hunting and eradication of the Necron threat. Pragmatic to the point of immorality, she has long been considered a radical by her peers, though none could call even her most drastic actions rash. Her every deed...
4,730 руб
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The ruling castes of the Adeptus Mechanicus are the Tech-Priests – robed zealots whose flesh is replaced over time with bionic enhancements. These technosavants carry a bewildering array of titles, and each one specialises in arcane knowledge and esoteric lore, perpetuated with religious...
5,100 руб
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To be promoted from the Skitarii maniples to the Serberys corps is a great honour. They ride swift quadrupedal constructs whose razor-clawed limbs allow them to manoeuvre easily over the most shattered terrain, while their riders are mag-locked in gyro-stabilised positions. Serberys Raiders are...
7,690 руб
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A workhorse not only of the toxic Martian skies, but of distant worlds at the forefront of the Tech-Priests' expansion for millennia, the Archaeopter is an agile fixed-wing aircraft. Piloted by a member of the Pteraxii caste, whose legs and scapuli superior are hardwired into its controls, the...
13,950 руб
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One of many specialised castes of cyborg warriors available to the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Pteraxii are optimised for instinctive reaction and agility. Pteraxii’s reflexes are accentuated by paring back elements of cogitation that impede their primary function. Implanted with additional...
7,690 руб
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The angelic warriors known as Seraphim fight in the advanced guard of an Adepta Sororitas army. Equipped with San Leor pattern jump packs, they descend from on high and launch themselves at the enemy lines, using shock and awe to shatter formations before their fellow Sisters open fire. Each...
7,690 руб
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The Rhino armoured personnel carrier has been a mainstay of the Imperial military forces since the earliest days of the Great Crusade. Fashioned from a Standard Template Construct, Rhinos are exceptionally durable, robust and easy to operate. The Rhinos used by the Militant Orders are...
8,180 руб
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Sororitas who fall short of the Sisterhood's stringent codes of service are stripped of their wargear and cast out from the Order in which they served. Known as Repentia, they are banded together with others who have fallen from grace, and in these squads they are given the opportunity to wash...
7,130 руб
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Canonesses are the martial and spiritual commanders of the Orders Militant. Each is a shining example of purity and dedication of purpose, a veteran warrior of many hundreds of battles, and a slayer of the faithless in numerous war zones. But it takes more than just skill in combat to be granted...
5,100 руб
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A Sister Dialogus drowns out the filthy war cries of the enemy with shouts of exalting praise to the God-Emperor. She is a locus of faith in the Adepta Sororitas battle line, standing upon fire-swept promontories, arm thrust proudly out with her staff of office in an iron grip as shots whine...
5,100 руб
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