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Период проведения промо-акции: от 15/12/2023 по 30/12/2023

Menoth Warcaster High Exemplar K
Великий Экземплар Креосс (High Exemplar Kreoss – Protectorate Warcaster) предпочитает лично сражаться с врагами, ведь лишь так он может сохранить жизни своих бойцов во имя Менота. Он способен на великие свершения во имя веры и Протектората, а жуткий боевой цеп в его руке отправляет еретиков и...
200 руб
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Khador Man-O-War Shocktrooper Un
Мановары - шоктруперы (Солдаты - Штурмовики, Man-O-War Shocktroopers - Khador Unit) – это элита войск Khador. Самая лучшая броня, которую только смогли придумать в оружейных мастерских, самые прочные щиты с встроенными пушками для сокрушающего выстрела по противнику перед атакой, опаснейшие в...
1,280 руб
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Menoth Repenter Light Warjack
320 руб
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Menoth Vanquisher Heavy Warjack
450 руб
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Menoth Crusader Heavy Warjack
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Khador Destroyer Heavy Warjack
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Khador Warcaster Kommander Sorsc
Коммандер Сорша Кратикофф (Kommander Sorscha Kratikoff - Khador Warcaster) – толковый офицер вооруженных сил королевства Khador. Её коронный прием – сковать противника ледяными оковами и за счет этого развернуть свои отряды максимально эффективно. Не являясь приверженцем ведения кровавой...
130 руб
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PIP 25003
Welcome to war on a new scale, where combat is up close, personal, and decisive. Here, battles are fought by just a few worthy warriors in brutal and unforgiving squad-on-squad skirmishes in which every soldier is a hero and every shot counts. Company of Iron is an exciting new way to...
10,790 руб
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PIP Code: 1054
To those who worship Cyriss, no tenet is more sacred than the Fifth Harmonic—the belief that the Clockwork Goddess will manifest once the perfect machine is created across all of Caen. The key to this vessel’s completion lies in the geomantic fulcrums of power that cover the world, many in...
1,200 руб
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PIP 32012
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PIP 41022
630 руб
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PIP 32019
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PIP 41021
1,080 руб
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5,680 руб
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PIP 71013
Brave kriel warriors gather to fight in defense of their lands and form the core of Trollblood armies. More than simple brutes, these trollkin can survive injuries that would kill a human outright, and the war shamans who train and lead them call mighty powers from their goddess to form the...
3,120 руб
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PIP 74109
Following the unconventional path laid by Zaal, the Ancestral Advocate, the extoller caste has redefined its destiny, and now its most esteemed members no longer fear the Void. Some whose service to Zaal has been exemplary are allowed to transcend death to become immortal vessels, a stature...
2,130 руб
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Don’t ever tell Helga that she’s not fast ’cause then she’s gonna get real busy killin’ and maimin’ to prove to you that she is. Helga is a Scout class Hero who has unmatched mobility. As the only Hero capable of moving twice in one turn, Helga can burn rubber and speed through the Arena to...
4,970 руб
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The Host of Archons is accepted as the manifestation of Morrow’s will on Caen, and their appearances are always momentous. Awe-inspiring as they are, the sight of a Morrowan archon can chill the blood of even the most pious, as they herald events that are both terrifying and world-changing....
5,680 руб
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PIP 34010
Основная сила легионов нежити Cryx, и даже больше - именно из - за орд этих восставших мервецов силы не - мёртвых и прозваны легионами. Отряды Мехрабов (Механизированные Рабы, Mechanithralls Cryx Unit) заменили с развитием некротехнологии традиционных зомби в подчинении варкастеров Cryx....
650 руб
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PIP 33136
The Greylords Covenant has long served the Khadoran Army by assisting in the detection and education of warcasters, knowing the best methods to unleash their arcane powers. Adjuncts are specially trained arcanists assigned to directly lend support to warcasters on the battlefield. In addition to...
2,130 руб
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The Order of Illumination relies on an arsenal of blessed weapons and holy wards, the preservation and upkeep of which falls to Morrowan battle priests. Soldiers of the Order are glad to be joined by such priests, who support them in battle with prayers and shield them from enemy magic. Battle...
2,270 руб
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Engineered as a modified variant of an Ordic weapon first invented by Midfast Munitions, the Steelhead Volley Gun can unload a steady barrage into enemy lines. It utilizes a double-rowed rack of seven barrels firing solid shot in sequence to batter infantry and even light warjacks into oblivion....
4,970 руб
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PIP 31010
Earning their commissions in bullets and blood, long gunner lieutenants lend tactical expertise to any riflemen lucky enough to serve with them. Able to suppress areas of the field, the lieutenant can control the flow of battle. The accompanying standard bearer ensures that his comrades keep a...
990 руб
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As the Steelhead Mercenary Company evolved into a larger outfit, capable of fielding full armies for hire, it saw the need to develop an artillery division. This cannon is the mainstay Steelhead artillery weapon, providing blasts of concussive firepower to complement withering volleys of...
4,970 руб
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Each piece of artillery employed by the Steelheads has a distinct role, directed by veteran gunners to exploit that artillery’s strengths. Mortars fire in high soaring arcs, directing explosive payloads onto the heads of distant targets, even those otherwise shielded from direct fire by...
4,970 руб
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Blood magic is the oldest of arcane practices in western Immoren, one the Tharn have mastered. While bloodweavers leap into the fray to wet their sacrificial blades, blood shamans are more reserved and focused, steeped in deeper sacrificial rites. They have long served the masters of the Circle...
2,130 руб
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2,130 руб
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PIP 76023
Avoid drunken stumbles and tavern brawls, or these intemperate imps will take you all. Cask imps are mischievous grymkin that take no greater pleasure than bedeviling drunkards. At the Defiers’ commands, cask imps chaotically hurtle themselves at the enemy to control the flow of battle,...
1,700 руб
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7,100 руб
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1,700 руб
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Cut through the fog of war with official WARMACHINE and HORDES universal game tokens. Vibrant and visible, these effect tokens make marking and remembering in-play effects a snap, even in the thick of the action! FEATURES: Each set of these tokens contains 10 Blind tokens, 10 Knockdown tokens,...
2,130 руб
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PIP 34138
The terrifying and ghostly witch Agrimony, more often whispered of as the Crone of the Dying Strands, is herself enslaved to Captain Rengrave, the first citizen of Cryx. She is nearly as old as her master, once having ruled her own island and standing apart from the pirate kings of old,...
1,990 руб
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PIP 76022
One today and one tomorrow, a matching set to see no sorrow. Spiteful creatures that lurk behind the looking glass and fall upon the vain enraptured by their own reflections, glimmer imps now skulk into combat to aid their fellow grymkin. With no eyes of their own, they crave stealing the...
1,420 руб
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PIP 41125
A former physician who has turned his skills to the ceaseless conflicts of western Immoren, Sergeant Nicolas Verendrye is highly esteemed by those under his command. Verendrye has found his place in the bloody press of melee, employing his medical expertise to keep his men standing and using...
2,270 руб
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PIP 71115
Among the Northkin leadership are their revered elders, many of whom are also powerful mystics, either shamans or sorcerers who can lend the cold of the north to the power already contained in krielstones to strengthen their allies. The winds they summon can speed an army into the fray...
2,550 руб
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Cut through the fog of war with official WARMACHINE and HORDES universal game tokens. Vibrant and visible, these effect tokens make marking and remembering in-play effects a snap, even in the thick of the action! FEATURES: Each set of these tokens contains 15 Fire tokens, 10 Corrosion tokens,...
2,130 руб
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Official customizable wet- or dry-erase capable WARMACHINE and HORDES tokens take your players’ games to the next level! This faction set includes key tokens to get any player right into the action of a game of WARMACHINE and HORDES. FEATURES: New and veteran players alike will want these...
2,130 руб
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Official customizable wet- or dry-erase capable WARMACHINE and HORDES tokens take your players’ games to the next level! This faction set includes key tokens to get any player right into the action of a game of WARMACHINE and HORDES. FEATURES: New and veteran players alike will want these...
2,130 руб
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PIP 34145
Feared by all in the port towns of the Broken Coast who know of her exploits as “the Queen of Blood,” the blighted trollkin Jussika Bloodtongue is a favored lieutenant of Slaughterborn, a brutal taskmaster who leads hosts of Bloodgorgers and marauders in great orgies of destruction. She...
2,550 руб
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3,550 руб
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PIP 37006
Doctor Adolpheus Morley is a mad scientist who uses the battlefields of western Immoren as his laboratory. He can be attached to a variety of Mercenary units in a Crucible Guard army, pairing especially well with Horgenhold Forge Guard (PIP 41101) and...
2,130 руб
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PIP 71111
Pygs make for particularly effective lookouts. The pygs’ natural hardiness and adaptability to the elements lets them stay in the field for an indefinite period. They have keen eyes and can spot approaching forces from a great distance. When battle begins, their size allows them to sneak about...
4,970 руб
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Official customizable wet- or dry-erase capable WARMACHINE and HORDES tokens take your players’ games to the next level! This faction set includes key tokens to get any player right into the action of a game of WARMACHINE and HORDES. FEATURES: New and veteran players alike will want these...
2,130 руб
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4,970 руб
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PIP 71110
Dedicated raiding bands are vital for smaller kriels that rely on their spoils to survive. These skirmishers use ambushes and hit-and-run tactics. Raiders carry firebombs used to set buildings ablaze to distract sentries and lure them from storehouses, bombs equally effective against...
12,070 руб
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The Hammerfall Siege Crawler is the first Mercenary Battle Engine. FEATURES: Bristling with guns and layered with thick steel armor, the Hammerfall Siege Crawler is a powerful new weapon for Mercenary, Cygnar, and Khador players. Its siegebreaker guns with their AOE 4 POW 15 can devastate...
12,070 руб
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House Vyre was once noted for its sinister weapons of war, and the Siren harkens back to those morally dubious inventions. Capable of mystically seizing control of those it slays to turn them against their former allies, the Siren makes use of terrifying technology. Only the dire nature...
3,260 руб
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Official customizable wet- or dry-erase capable WARMACHINE and HORDES tokens take your players’ games to the next level! This faction set includes key tokens to get any player right into the action of a game of WARMACHINE and HORDES. FEATURES: New and veteran players alike will want these...
2,130 руб
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Had destiny chosen a different path for him, Prospero would have been one of the greatest warcasters to grace the Order of the Golden Crucible and the Crucible Guard. But Prospero was not to achieve his full potential. When the Khadorans assaulted Llael, Prospero`s body was destroyed. To...
2,270 руб
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Gatormen bokors do not loathe death, as other creatures and their dark arts are sacred rituals. The dank powers of death rise steaming from the swamps and can be bound into dead flesh, harnessed to augment the cold-blooded warlocks leading the Blindwater Congregation. Bereft of thought and...
2,550 руб
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9,230 руб
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PIP 76012
Click and clack, bound and leap, these nightmares will their harvest reap! These grotesque little nightmares may act ridiculous, but they ravenously defend their masters and devour the enemies of the Wicked Harvest. Able to bound in great leaps to land upon their prey, or to spring into...
2,130 руб
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PIP 76005
If you care not where you roam, every road will take you home. Traveling the unknown parts of Caen, the Wanderer once wished only to go where he pleased —until his confinement within the depths of Urcaen drove him mad. Now freed from that hell, he roams the world seeking those marked by sin...
3,120 руб
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Official customizable wet- or dry-erase capable WARMACHINE and HORDES tokens take your players’ games to the next level! This faction set includes key tokens to get any player right into the action of a game of WARMACHINE and HORDES. FEATURES: New and veteran players alike will want these...
2,130 руб
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6,960 руб
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8,520 руб
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PIP 71119
From a Land of Ice and Snow… Out of the blizzards of the frozen north march the Northkin, a mighty alliance of resolute trollkin warriors. The Northkin rush to battle with axes in hand, the blood of trolls in their veins, and frost-rimed winter trolls at their side, and any who face...
26,980 руб
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PIP 34136
A malevolent specter born of Cryxian magic, the Hellslinger Phantom bears a striking resemblance to the Cygnaran warcaster Allister Caine, and rumors suggest it was made from a sliver of his very soul. The Hellslinger Phantom mimics Caine’s style on the battlefield, firing runeshots akin to the...
2,130 руб
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1,590 руб
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2,560 руб
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2,840 руб
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PIP 91055
1,700 руб
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PIP 76010
Slinking in the shadows upon feet like grasping hands, the horror called the gorehound ranges all across our lands. The gorehound hunts far and wide at its masters’ bidding. Its long tongue tastes the air for the sweet taint of corruption as it stalks its prey. Once a stonehearted coward...
2,560 руб
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PIP 37020
The Dragon’s Breath Rocket is the long-range artillery of the Crucible Guard. Not only can it fire over the heads of the enemy’s front lines to reach key support models, its rockets contain a gas that makes anything that survives being hit easier for the rest of its allies to destroy. With its...
4,970 руб
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Official customizable wet- or dry-erase capable WARMACHINE and HORDES tokens take your players’ games to the next level! This faction set includes key tokens to get any player right into the action of a game of WARMACHINE and HORDES. FEATURES: New and veteran players alike will want these...
2,130 руб
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PIP 76004
True and false are merely words to turn the masses into herds. The last of the Defiers to spurn Menoth, the Heretic is a self-styled god who rebelled against his creator. Believing all are able to become divine, he fashioned himself into a paragon of his own distorted virtues. Now the Heretic...
2,560 руб
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This is a metal version of the Retribution of Scyrah Mk II Battlegroup Box warcaster Kaelyssa, Night’s Whisper featured in WARMACHINE: Prime. FEATURES: This metal version of the classic battlegroup box warcaster gives Retribution of Scryah players both old and new the chance to bring the...
1,990 руб
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PIP 35086
релиз 14 июня Aelyth Vyr is one of the most distinguished ryssovass ever to have watched over the mountain passes of the Shard Spires. He is the embodiment of the ryssovass tradition—a steadfast defender of his people and a merciless killer bent on ending the lives of those blighted Nyss who...
2,130 руб
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PIP 71096
As war has consumed the trollkin people, even outlaws and bandits among them have taken up arms in defense of kith and kriel. Peerless woodsmen and hunters, these highwaymen blend easily into forests and swamps. They strike from the shadows, unleashing withering pistol fire from a distance...
8,520 руб
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The pattern for Kallus’ mind and body are indelibly imprinted upon his athanc shard, ensuring his restoration no matter what he undergoes. This was proven when Kallus endured the one act that could truly destroy him: being consumed by a dragon. What should have ended his existence instead made...
5,390 руб
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PIP 91030
Enhance your WARMACHINE experience with these beautifully-sculpted Mercenary wreck markers for both light and heavy warjacks. Specifically designed to deliver a stunning visual impact without limiting game play, these specially crafted pieces both gorgeously represent the carnage of battle and...
850 руб
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Dire Troll Brawlers go to battle wielding oversized flails made from stout iron chain and scavenged scrap metal. Bellowing primitive war cries, brawlers hurl themselves at any opponent, swinging these chains in sweeping, unpredictable arcs. What these trolls lack in intelligence they...
4,970 руб
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PIP 74091
A master mortitheurge, Hexeris is unrivaled in the manipulations of life and death. He has lost the ability to empathize with the living and now sees them as machines with precisely analyzed thresholds for potential, injury, and pain. Those who speak to him leave feeling tainted, for his...
2,550 руб
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7,810 руб
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The Shrike soars against the weight of its great tempered-steel wings by virtue of the roaring fires of its necrotite engine and the dark spells woven into its frame. Following the predatory instincts instilled in its cortex, the Shrike surveys the field of battle from aloft before plunging into...
2,130 руб
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PIP Code 71079
Kriel warriors are the heart of the armies of the trollkin. These bands of warrior brothers march to war in defense of their people wielding shields, hand weapons, and an indomitable spirit. They are often accompanied by mighty caber throwers, who put their prowess in the traditional sport of...
9,230 руб
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PIP 72101
This is the full warlock version of the character solo Una the Falconer featured in Forces of HORDES: Circle Orboros Command. FEATURES: Now a full warlock, Una the Skyhunter has mastered her control over the winged warbeasts of the Circle. Her Hawker ability grants her battlegroup warbeasts...
2,410 руб
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PIP 71107
This is the full warlock version of the character solo Horgle Ironstrike featured in Forces of HORDES: Trollbloods Command. FEATURES: The full warlock version of Horgle Ironstrike, Horgle the Anvil has mastered the fiery elemental powers of the forge. Thanks to spells like Firestarter, which...
4,260 руб
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2,840 руб
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PIP 76001
A lonely king on a rotting throne, ruling a kingdom of ash and bone. The King of Nothing wants nothing more than to be left alone. Rejecting Menoth’s desire to see humanity band together, the King of Nothing wishes to have no part in society. Having been cast down as a Defier, he rules over...
2,130 руб
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The Northkin Shaman is a new Trollbloods solo featured in HORDES: Primal. FEATURES: The Northkin Shaman is part wizard, part warrior. Boasting Pathfinder and Battle Wizard, the Northkin Shaman can expect to cast two spells during turns in which he gets into melee. Cold Snap lowers the DEF...
3,410 руб
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850 руб
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PIP 75060
In farrow society, might makes right, and only the strongest and most willful climb the ranks over the battered bodies of those left below them. Through bloody battles against both friend and foe, farrow warlords are those rare few who have scraped together enough clout to hold their positions...
2,130 руб
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PIP 91029
Enhance your WARMACHINE experience with these beautifully-sculpted Mercenary wreck markers for both light and heavy warjacks. Specifically designed to deliver a stunning visual impact without limiting game play, these specially crafted pieces both gorgeously represent the carnage of battle and...
1,420 руб
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PIP 31123
With its advanced armament and heavily armored hull, Major Beth Maddox’s personal warjack Brickhouse is a veritable wall of steel. While capable of enduring sustained assaults and holding vital battlefield positions, the warjack is just as eager to wade into enemy ranks to crush opposing...
8,520 руб
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PIP 76015
Peter, Peter, pumpkin-headed, by the wicked sorely dreaded. Myths and folk legends tell of twisted terrors with pumpkins for heads known as the dread rots. Wielding cruel implements with rusty blades, these creatures single out wicked and exploitative mortals living at the fringes of...
7,100 руб
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PIP 34030
2,840 руб
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7,810 руб
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PIP 41076
1,420 руб
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PIP 34137
This is the new Cryx character warjack featured in Forces of WARMACHINE: Cryx Command. For decades Kharybdis was lost, believed to have been destroyed when the Cygnaran Navy sank the blackship carrying it. With nothing but a crude map, Captain Aiakos set out to recover this powerful helljack...
8,520 руб
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PIP 35076
релиз 14 июня Elara is one of the Retribution’s most skilled killers. She has refined her arcane abilities to suit the ancient traditions of the goddess, Lyliss, patron of assassins, and treats each death she inflicts as a tribute. Elara has mastered the essence of shadow, stepping through one...
2,270 руб
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PIP 71091
Sacred monuments of the trollkin, krielstones are carried into battle as reservoirs of spiritual energy. Only the strongest trollkin can bear the immensely heavy stones, which radiate an aura that protects nearby warriors. The accompanying stone scribes bear witness to the brave deeds of their...
7,810 руб
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8,520 руб
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PIP 34129
This is the full warcaster version of the character solo Aiakos, Scourge of the Meredius, and it is one of the two new warcasters featured in the pages of Forces of WARMACHINE: Cryx Command . A merciless cutthroat of the high seas, Aiakos has risen from humble beginnings among the gangs of...
2,700 руб
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PIP 35068
This is a multi-part plastic kit that can build either the new Helios colossal or a resculpted version of the classic Hyperion colossal. FEATURES: Boasting one of the most powerful ranged attacks in all of WARMACHINE and HORDES, the Hyperion represents the pinnacle of Iosan firepower. Trading...
15,620 руб
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Barbaric even by the standards of the Scharde Isles, the black ogrun conduct expert, brutal boarding actions. They use harpoon guns to pull targets closer or rip them apart and then set upon any survivors with a variety of cruel blades. The survivors are taken into slavery and bound for the...
7,810 руб
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PIP 32048
This unique pose of the Paladin of the Order of the Wall is even more dynamic than its predecessor.
1,700 руб
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PIP 75011
2,560 руб
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Hoarluk Doomshaper has cemented himself by word and deed as an essential pillar of the United Kriels, preaching a violent rhetoric embracing aggression and the annihilation of all foes. He has proven that victory cannot be attained through peace, but instead requires strength and ruthless...
4,970 руб
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PIP 74041
Even the smallest motion or step a master tormentor takes conveys the potential for immediate death. The shadows find her wherever she strides, and those trying to track her motions amid the darkness discover their eyes are deceiving them. The razor lash with its serrated bone blades is the...
1,420 руб
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2,270 руб
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There are few living things that have accomplished as much as Barnabas, Lord of Blood. Having achieved his goal of transfiguration amid gory carnage, Barnabas has risen from death as a god. Wielding the dark magic of his people, augmented by his own defiance of death, the Lord of Blood goes to...
7,100 руб
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PIP 41145
A skilled ’jack marshal and mechanik and a versatile fighter, Colbie Sterling is the captain of a small mercenary company known as the Black River Irregulars—a group with a reputation for getting things done even when it means putting themselves at risk. Sterling seeks the most lucrative...
1,700 руб
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The murderous Bloodgorgers hail from a kriel of black-hearted savages brought to violent frenzy by the taste and smell of blood. They are thrown away by their masters as fodder for the carnage of war. By feasting on the butchered, Bloodgorgers become nearly invincible as they move fiendishly...
12,780 руб
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PIP 34046
Блек Огрин Боардинг Пати (Абордажная Команда Черных Огринов, Cryx Black Ogrun Boarding Party) - жуткие задиры, меткие стрелки и пугающие рукопашники. Черные Огрины издавна промышляют пиратством, однако абордаж в их понимании это несколько большее явление, чем просто рукопашная схватка....
5,110 руб
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PIP 35018
While Retribution handlers endeavour to train soulless as soldiers, some are destined to serve another function. Energy flows sent to destroy Retribution soldiers are siphoned into the body of the soulless. If they siphon too much it prompts complete organ failure. Heart and lungs burst from...
990 руб
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PIP 74040
t is the extoller soulward who selects the greatest heroes of the battlefield for preservation, guiding spirits to ancestral guardians to escape the Void. Those who survive the potentially deadly ordeal to become an extoller can communicate with the exalted. It is their task to invoke the...
1,420 руб
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PIP 72029
1,080 руб
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PIP 74100
With exaltation a remote hope at best, the ruthless warriors of the Venator caste take to the field for survival and victory instead. Relentless and cunning, Venator dakars are stern leaders with exacting standards. Under the watchful eye of a dakar, other Venators march quickly and take precise...
2,560 руб
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PIP 34053
Наследие повергнутой легионами Cryx нации Llael, Пистол Врейс (Призрак - стрелок, Cryx Solo Pistol Wraith) - лишь слабый слуга смерти. Однако слабый - понятие относительное. Призраки - стрелки могут бестелесными тенями скользить по полю боя, проявляясь в реальном мире лишь для того, чтобы...
1,700 руб
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PIP 76019
Squeal for us, it sounds so nice. ’Tis your reward for gluttony’s vice! Living testaments to the dangers of overindulgence, piggybacks serve as a cautionary tale to all who would surrender to the pleasures of the flesh. The hogs chuff gleefully over the tormented moaning of their withered...
6,390 руб
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PIP 76026
Loss and madness are fickle things, but for my new family now I sing. Driven to madness by loss and grief, the grymkin have adopted poor Lady Karianna Rose as one of their own. Lady Rose’s songs soothe the rage that feeds the grymkin nightmares, but she can also whip them into a frenzy on a...
1,850 руб
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PIP 74058
A warrior-philosopher who seeks enlightenment through his own extreme suffering, Master Ascetic Naaresh has unlocked the powers of pain and forged them into a unique and devastating fighting style. Eager to challenge the limits of his philosophy against new foes, Naaresh has left his isolation...
1,990 руб
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PIP 34125
Privateer Press Warmachine Cryx: Corruptor/Reaper/Malice Heavy Warjack Kit PLASTIC BOX Both the Corruptor and the Reaper demonstrate Cryx’s inventive acumen when it comes to killing. While the Corruptor is the pinnacle of corrosive technology applied to strip away metal and flesh, the...
5,390 руб
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PIP 35035
Аспис (Aspis - Retribution Light Myrmidon) – чудесный пример мастерства техномагов Иос (Ios) в сочетании магии и технологии. Этот легкий мирмидонец снабжен могучим самовосстанавливающимся силовым барьером, Аспис великолепно приспособлен для ближнего боя, а его замечательная реакция защищает...
2,980 руб
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PIP 41043
A special legacy of Captain Shae's mutiny, the 'Commodore' is a massive royal-weight cannon such as those found only on first-class ships of the line. The cannon is named in sardonic tribute to Shae's former employer whose skeleton can be seen strapped to the cannon's wide barrel. No man and few...
5,400 руб
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This is a new plastic combo kit that can create either a unit of new Farrow Commandos or a resculpt of the classic Farrow Brigands. FEATURES: The newest addition to the Farrow ranks, the Farrow Commandos have become the vanguard of many Minions armies due to their Advance Deployment,...
7,100 руб
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PIP 34124
Privateer Press Warmachine Cryx: Slayer/Erebus Heavy Warjack Kit PLASTIC BOX The Slayer is a swift, hulking beast of bone and black iron that relishes murdering anything in its path. The helljack known as Erebus, built upon a Slayer chassis, serves Lord Exhumator Scaverous, stalking...
5,390 руб
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PIP 35057
Грифон (Griffon - Retribution Light Myrmidon) обладает зализанными, аэродинамичными формами и высокой скоростью передвижения. Вооружен Грифон алебардой и простым металлическим щитом, что способствует простому выводу – ему не место в линейном сражении. И вправду, варкастеры Retribution of...
2,700 руб
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PIP 32026
2,840 руб
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PIP 31045
Earning their commissions in bullets and blood, long gunner lieutenants lend tactical expertise to any riflemen lucky enough to serve with them. Able to suppress areas of the field, the lieutenant can control the flow of battle. The accompanying standard bearer ensures that his comrades keep a...
1,850 руб
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PIP 75036
The disfigured farrow assistant of Dr. Arkadius, Targ aids his master by tending the violent and unpredictable farrow warbeasts. Although lacking refinement and expertise, Targ has a way with warbeasts. He can push a warbeast to lash out with an unpredictable attack, administer vital medical...
1,990 руб
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1,990 руб
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7,810 руб
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PIP 33130
The officers of the bombardier corps lead their soldiers to seize victory in the name of the Motherland. Each has spent a lifetime on the battlefield raining fiery death on the heads of the enemy. This wealth of experience lets the officers direct their units in cunning maneuvers, like slashing through thick underbrush with their steam-powered saws to flank an enemy emplacement before unleashing a hail of explosives with unrelenting precision. TRADE POINTS: The Man-O-War Bombardier Officer is a Command Attachment for the Man-O-War Bombardier unit (PIP 33067). It not only increases the offensive output of these already elite troops by allowing them to fire their Grenade Cannons multiple times, but it also provides some unique utility with a new ability that allows the Bombardiers to cut their way through thick terrain with their Chain Blades as they advance into battle.
2,840 руб
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