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It is the Tidecasters who conjure the phantasmal sea that allows aelf and aquatic beast to move and breathe as if they were in their own natural environment. They are able to conjure spells from the repressed anguish of the Idoneth, the curse that echoes still from their ancestors’ torture...
3,750 руб
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This is a pack of 44 handy reference cards for a Chaos Chosen Blood Bowl team, along with blank cards allowing every coach to create their own players! Contained in the pack: - Reference cards for Beastman Runner, Chosen Blocker, Minotaur, Chaos Spawn, and Frog; - Reference cards for the...
3,000 руб
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With their cyfar compasses and dowserchimes, the Soulscryers can map the dark corners of a being’s soul as well as those of the mortal realms, marking them out as navigators and priests among the Idoneth. Whether their quest leads towards spirit-plunder or along new paths of the whirlways, the...
4,680 руб
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A splendid deck of 24 cards covering all the Star Players from Death Zone Seasons 1 & 2, as well as the Blood Bowl boxed game – this is a treat for all sports fans. Each reference card features handsome (well… mostly handsome) artwork, along with the player’s name, race, statline, skills and a...
1,800 руб
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The Soulrenders are unusual amongst the Isharann, for they are trained alongside the Akhelians, and are well accustomed to acting at the forefront of battle. Upon each Soulrender’s helm dangles a lurelight, its strange glow attracting and absorbing souls. Armed with a hooked polearm known as a...
4,880 руб
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Note: a copy of the Necromunda: Underhive boxed game is required to use this supplement. The rules included with the Necromunda: Underhive boxed game cover battles between Houses Escher and Goliath – these are not the only Houses vying for supremacy of the underhives. Necromunda: Gang War 3...
2,250 руб
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Guest edited by the Head Coach of the Nordland Raiders, Johan T. Mad, this is the very first issue of Spike! Journal. Covering the Chaos Chosen, with a veritable host of brand-new content for Blood Bowl, this is sure to be a must-have for every player – not just Chaos. Contained in the 36-page...
1,500 руб
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The exact identity of the owner of the Doom Lords is unknown – he is referred to commonly as ‘The Overfiend’. When establishing his team, the Overfiend cut no corners. He hired the best coach money could buy and equipped...
6,300 руб
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House Van Saar is the technological powerhouse of Necromunda, its artisans and armourers creating the finest weapons and wargear of all the clans. Their staggering power, however, is built around a dark...
6,150 руб
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Namarti Reavers provide the archers and scouts for the Idoneth Deepkin phalanxes. The Akhelians recognise the need for reconnaisance, picket forces and massed missile fire, but regard such...
7,130 руб
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He was the first of his kind, and is the last of the Cythai still alive. All Ionrach bow before him, their one acknowledged leader, the eldest and greatest of their race. He is Volturnos, High King of the...
7,130 руб
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A specialised transport vehicle, the Termite is capable of deploying a full squad of warriors onto the battlefield whilst bypassing enemy fortifications and sentries. It is capable of tunnelling rapidly through even the densest of materials at speeds comparable to surface transport craft, thanks...
23,400 руб
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The commander of the M?mak cohort upon the Pelennor, The M?mak War Leader led the charge of the M?makil against the Rohirrim, seeing numerous Riders of Rohan trampled underfoot before meeting his end at the tip of ?omer’s spear. This kit includes the resin and plastic components you need to...
18,140 руб
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PIP 76030
Hollow Holden is the direct result of the WARMACHINE community’s actions in the Crossroads of Courage yearlong narrative league. As a weapon attachment for the Hollowmen unit (PIP 76013), Holden increases the unit’s capabilities and lethality turn to turn based on a bit of random luck...
2,550 руб
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PIP 37020
The Dragon’s Breath Rocket is the long-range artillery of the Crucible Guard. Not only can it fire over the heads of the enemy’s front lines to reach key support models, its rockets contain a gas that makes anything that survives being hit easier for the rest of its allies to destroy. With its...
4,970 руб
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PIP 37016
Aurum Lucanum Athanor Locke is a unique warcaster since she can be fielded in either a Crucible Guard or Convergence of Cyriss army. She can be swapped into the Crucible Guard Army Box (PIP 37001) to provide a different play style from the included warcaster. When fielded as the leader of a...
3,550 руб
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PIP 37013
The Crucible Guard Rocketmen are the mobile response squad for their Faction. They excel at getting to where they are needed most when they most need to be there. When dealing with threats close to your own lines, the Suppressor Heavy Warjack (PIP 37011) can support this unit well. When...
9,940 руб
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PIP 37011
Each of the heavy warjacks in this kit offers something unique to Crucible Guard armies, and the Toro can also be fielded with most Mercenary warcasters. The Vindicator is the primary ranged weapon heavy ’jack for the Crucible Guard, making it valuable in any army. The Suppressor is primarily a...
5,680 руб
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4,120 руб
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PIP 37008
TRADE POINTS: The Crucible Guard Combat Alchemists are a versatile support unit. They can create walls of smoke to screen themselves and other valuable targets from enemy fire and use their ice grenades to lower the defense of especially nimble foes. They are a valuable part of any Crucible...
3,550 руб
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PIP 37006
Doctor Adolpheus Morley is a mad scientist who uses the battlefields of western Immoren as his laboratory. He can be attached to a variety of Mercenary units in a Crucible Guard army, pairing especially well with Horgenhold Forge Guard (PIP 41101) and...
2,130 руб
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PIP 37001
An excellent way to start playing the Crucible Guard, the newest WARMACHINE Faction, this box contains a 50-point army built using the Magnum Opus Theme Force. The core of the army is the warcaster Aurum Adeptus Syvestro and his battlegroup of two warjacks. Syvestro is a master of his Faction’s...
32,660 руб
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When the Idoneth Deepkin go to war, they bring their supernatural sea with them....
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100 руб
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Aspect of the Sea / Aspect of the Storm Idolised echoes of a bygone era, the Eidolons of Mathlann are summoned to life in times of dire need. These are no divine avatars, however, but collective manifestations of the ancestral souls of the...
16,500 руб
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Gifted with the spirit-sight and keen analytical minds, the Soul Wardens keep a tally of interred souls, tending to them and calculating how many are needed for certain tasks. Ordinarily they do not...
6,140 руб
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Like all aelves, Namarti Thralls possess a physical grace that to other races appears supernatural. The Thralls march to war for the Idoneth as the main body of their infantry, and it is their task to engage and hold the enemy in place. In battle the...
9,260 руб
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2,630 руб
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House Escher is perhaps the most strikingly different of all the Clan Houses of Necromunda. Like all the Houses it is controlled by a ruling family, and its political life and institutions are dominated by close relatives or families in service. However, unlike the other Houses which have...
4,680 руб
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A recent development of T'au pulse technology, this triple-barrelled Pulse Ordnance Multi-driver uses powerful induction fields to propel a variety of heavy munitions with great force and precision. Fired in rapid volleys, this mix of high explosive and kinetic projectiles can either be used...
18,140 руб
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A rapid-firing, multi-chambered particle weapon whose firepower is unmatched for its size in the T'au arsenal, the Tri-axis Ion Cannon is designed to reap through enemy formations. It can adjust its power levels and rate of fire to deal with light vehicles or heavy armour with precisely...
9,560 руб
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Designed as a radical solution to the limitations of current T'au fusion weapons technology, the Fusion Eradicator combines a battery of multiple synchronised firing chambers. The weapon creates a blast of energy so potent that solid matter caught in its path is torn apart at a molecular...
9,560 руб
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T'au Supremacy armour is larger than any other current class of battlesuit. It is intended to meet a threat that the T'au Empire has not yet prepared for; the defence of worlds within their growing domain from the counter-expansion forces of other races. Lacking the manoeuvrability of other...
39,000 руб
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The T'au Heavy Rail Cannon Array is the most powerful armament yet developed to be mounted on the KX139 Ta'unar Supremacy Armour without structural damage being incurred from its use. It was created to eliminate the toughest enemy targets at extreme range. The main weapon’s fearsome power...
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Mounted upon the KX139 Ta’unar Supremacy Armour, the Nexus Meteor Missile System provides T'au battlefield commanders with a swift, highly mobile and devastating response to enemy ground assault troops and armoured vehicles. When fired in combination, its photon flashes and high explosive...
18,140 руб
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PIP 74091
A master mortitheurge, Hexeris is unrivaled in the manipulations of life and death. He has lost the ability to empathize with the living and now sees them as machines with precisely analyzed thresholds for potential, injury, and pain. Those who speak to him leave feeling tainted, for his...
2,550 руб
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PIP 73113
Speaking in the tongue of a mad seer, the Truthbearer prophesies destruction for the enemies of Everblight. His burden oozes a miasma of blighted energies that corrupts all that it touches. Graven with runes whose true purpose was lost with the fall of the Black Kingdom of Morrdh, this...
2,550 руб
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PIP 34151
Caring little for their own safety, blighted trollkin marauders swing braziers on long chains that blaze with fire fed by rendered body fat and whale oil. Marauders delight in setting fire to homes in the coastal communities they raid, waiting for the fleeing victims within to rush...
12,780 руб
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PIP 34150
Smog belchers are black ogrun who wield heavy culverin-style cannons. Smog belcher weapons are crafted by skilled ironmongers, black ogrun metalsmiths who fuse their craft with rituals of bloodletting and dark magic. From the deck of a Cryxian vessel, smog belchers lay down a barrage of...
6,390 руб
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8,520 руб
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PIP 34148
Found in the maelstrom of battle, her laughter punctuated by the crack of her pistols as she sows chaos and death, Severa Blacktide is a legendary Satyxis warrior. Blacktide is the finest Satyxis gunslinger alive and is counted among the premier gun mages in western Immoren. Each bullet...
1,840 руб
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PIP 34147
Misery cages are a cruel twist on the gibbets used on the mainland to punish pirates. While a mundane gibbet holds a living prisoner to waste away, a misery cage wrings arcane power from the flesh and souls of any locked away within. Cryxians stuff the dead and dying into misery cages so...
2,840 руб
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PIP 34146
Among those in the Scharde Islands, some humans possess the gift of sorcery, kindled and enhanced by Toruk’s blight. Covens of these women may join the Cryxian pirate fleets, guided by inscrutable omens. Enthralled by the thrumming of blight in their flesh and blood, they indulge in...
3,550 руб
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PIP 34145
Feared by all in the port towns of the Broken Coast who know of her exploits as “the Queen of Blood,” the blighted trollkin Jussika Bloodtongue is a favored lieutenant of Slaughterborn, a brutal taskmaster who leads hosts of Bloodgorgers and marauders in great orgies of destruction. She...
2,550 руб
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PIP 34144
Iron mongers are black ogrun metalsmiths who combine their craft with rituals of blood and dark magic. The blood-forged weapons they create would be a reason enough for any captain to take iron mongers on as crew, but these ogrun are also skilled in the repair and maintenance of Cryxian...
4,540 руб
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PIP 34143
Blood priestesses preserve the ancient traditions of Satyxis blood magic, worshipping the very act of bloodletting itself. Able to harness the arcane force of spilled vitality, these priestesses perform sacred rituals of primal power that predate Toruk's reign. Wetting their sacral...
1,700 руб
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PIP 34141
Admiral Axiara Wraithblade is one of the most feared women on the Meredius and oversees countless pirate flotillas from her flagship, the Morbid Angel . Wraithblade earned her moniker from the blood-consecrated sword Anathema she wields. The weapon is a relic of Satyx, purified by blood...
1,840 руб
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PIP 33132
Man-O-War tankers are a response to the more impressive armaments and engines of war that Khador now finds set against it. Tankers support their smaller companions in battle, girding them with massive armored shields and laying down heavy supporting fire. Strike tankers are armed with...
4,970 руб
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PIP 33131
Man-O-War tankers are a response to the more impressive armaments and engines of war that Khador now finds set against it. Tankers support their smaller companions in battle, girding them with massive armored shields and laying down heavy supporting fire. Suppression tankers are armed with a pair of volley guns, each being a multiple-barreled light cannon able to fire single chambers in rapid succession or multiple barrels simultaneously. TRADE POINTS: The Man-O-War Tankers are 50 mm-based machines of death. These larger Man-O-War pack firepower that the standard-sized Man-O-War soldier could only dream of. Thanks to its ability to provide covering fire for advancing troops, the Suppression Tanker is valuable with any standard Man-O-War unit. Warcasters that can help increase the accuracy of the Tanker’s guns, such as Vladimir Tzepesci, The Dark Prince (PIP 33013), will greatly benefit the Suppression Tanker.
4,970 руб
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PIP 33130
The officers of the bombardier corps lead their soldiers to seize victory in the name of the Motherland. Each has spent a lifetime on the battlefield raining fiery death on the heads of the enemy. This wealth of experience lets the officers direct their units in cunning maneuvers, like slashing through thick underbrush with their steam-powered saws to flank an enemy emplacement before unleashing a hail of explosives with unrelenting precision. TRADE POINTS: The Man-O-War Bombardier Officer is a Command Attachment for the Man-O-War Bombardier unit (PIP 33067). It not only increases the offensive output of these already elite troops by allowing them to fire their Grenade Cannons multiple times, but it also provides some unique utility with a new ability that allows the Bombardiers to cut their way through thick terrain with their Chain Blades as they advance into battle.
2,840 руб
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PIP 33129
In another life, Dragos Dragodovich may have been one of the foremost manhunters to emerge from the forests of Skirov or a barbarian warlord with thousands of warriors sworn to him. Born in a modest trapping village, his youth was spent defending his family’s homestead from wild beasts. Dragos had never even seen a city until his conscription, at which point his size and ferocity let him easily qualify as a Man-O-War. Unlike others of his rank, Dragos does not command a dedicated unit. Instead, he is given special assignments, traveling between Kommands as the war effort demands. TRADE POINTS: Sergeant Dragos is a Command Attachment for the Man-O-War Demolition Corps (PIP 33085) that not only increases the unit’s already impressive offensive capabilities but also provides them with some impressive defensive techniques that will make the Demo Corps harder to defeat in melee combat.
3,550 руб
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PIP 33128
Atanas Arcanovich participated in the capture of Northguard and subsequent occupation of the Thornwood Forest. He was one of the few officers who resolutely held his position against the southerners, refusing to give ground. In recognition for his bravery, Arcanovich received the Star of...
6,390 руб
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PIP 33127
Having risen to the rank of kommandant at an unprecedented age, Sorscha Kratikoff has been tasked with commanding the full might of Khador’s new Man-O-War division. Sorscha began her new assignment spending several months undergoing the rigorous training to control Man-O-War armor, a...
2,840 руб
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From the opening shots of A New Hope , we’re introduced to an ongoing space battle as a massive Star Destroyer closes in on a tiny corvette. The first characters we see within the beleaguered Tantive IV are C-3PO and R2-D2, but only moments later, we witness a squad of troopers dashing down...
4,500 руб
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From Alderaanian diplomat to leader of the Rebel Alliance, Leia Organa’s legacy has been one of inspiration, heroism, self-sacrifice, and leadership. Along with Han Solo and Luke Skywalker, her actions directly led to the ultimate downfall of the Galactic Empire—so it’s only fitting that she...
2,340 руб
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4,500 руб
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Within the General Veers Commander Expansion for Star Wars ™: Legion, you’ll find all the materials that you need to add General Veers to your army as a commander—leading an army on his own or standing side-by-side with another Imperial commander, such as Darth Vader. This expansion pack...
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6,820 руб
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2,910 руб
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Blood Sisters are powerful warriors used as bodyguards to High Priestesses or Bloodwrack Medusae, or as a potent vanguard for the war covens. Each Blood Sister is equipped with a heartshard glaive – a heavy polearm ideal for driving driving through armour and ribs to cut out an opponent’s heart....
7,690 руб
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Tucking their wings close, the Khinerai known as Lifetakers plummet down at high speeds. At the last moment they spread their leathery pinions, snapping their descent as they swing their sickle-blades with maximum force. Foes that survive this devastating assault can strike back, but the...
7,690 руб
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A creature of magic, manipulation and secrets, the High Oracle of Khaine, the Shadow Queen and grand matriarch of the Daughters of Khaine, Morathi is an ancient being, a seeress unmatched in her mastery of dark magics. In addition to being able to summon the horrors of the nightshade-realm, she...
19,500 руб
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Wave 14 Expansion Pack Take the skies with Saw Gerrera and his renegades with the Saw's Renegades Expansion Pack ! Rather than introducing completely new ships to the game, this expansion follows in the vein of the Rebel Aces Expansion Pack and the Heroes of the Resistance Expansion Pack...
9,000 руб
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Wave 14 Expansion Pack Engineered as a high-performance troop transport for in-atmosphere missions, the TIE reaper also made its debut in Rogue One. Equipped with advanced ailerons for precise atmospheric maneuvering, thick armor plating, powerful laser cannons, and the capacity to...
5,250 руб
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