
Blood Bowl: Star Players

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A splendid deck of 24 cards covering all the Star Players from Death Zone Seasons 1 & 2, as well as the Blood Bowl boxed game – this is a treat for all sports fans. Each reference card features handsome (well… mostly handsome) artwork, along with the player’s name, race, statline, skills and a list of the teams they’re willing to play for. For a price (which is also listed on the card, handily!)

The Players:

Barik Farblast
Bo Gallant?
Eldril Sidewinder
Glart Smashrip
Griff Oberwald
Grim Ironjaw
Guffle Pusmaw
Hakflem Skuttlespike
Helmut Wulf
Horkon Heartripper
Jordell Freshbreeze
Karla Von Kill
Kreek Rustgouger
Mighty Zug
Morg 'n' Thorg
Madcap Miggz
Prince Moranion
Ripper Bolgrot
Roxanna Darknail
Scrappa Sorehead
Lucien Swift
Valen Swift
Varag Ghoul-Chewer

Willow Rosebark

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