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Little is known of the mysterious First of the Vyrkos. When she and her lupine packs hunt, the enemy is overcome by a storm of savage claws and slavering fangs, their champions hideously transfigured by the cruel and ancient matriarch.  This ancient Soulblight vampire is as deadly as they...
7,130 руб
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Marching in relentless unity, their fleshless hands clutching rusted weapons, the Deathrattle legions advance with grim and unstoppable purpose. A Wight King on Skeletal Steed – available first in this box – leads the charge of the mouldering Black Knights, while the implacable Grave Guard...
7,130 руб
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Marching in relentless unity, their fleshless hands clutching rusted weapons, the Deathrattle legions advance with grim and unstoppable purpose. A Wight King on Skeletal Steed – available first in this box – leads the charge of the mouldering Black Knights, while the implacable Grave Guard...
13,500 руб
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White Dwarf is Games Workshop's premium Warhammer magazine, packed with amazing content each month such as new rules and background, short stories, regular columns, special guests, and more. Here’s what you can look forward to in May’s issue: Contact! Letters, painting...
1,200 руб
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Once a courageous vampire-knight who, despite holding no love for Ghur's mortal races, refused to prey upon those weaker than herself, Lauka Vai's constant struggle against the hunger within was cruelly cut short while tangling with a Tzeentchian sorcerer. Upon falling into a pool of primordial...
8,250 руб
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Elder vampires often continue to grow in power as the years tick by, their arcane and martial might growing steadily even as the paragons of mortal races wither and die. Many take up the mantle of a Vampire Lord, commanding legions of undead servants and scores of lesser Soulblight vampires in...
3,900 руб
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Some vampires dedicate their eternal lives to the mastery of one pursuit, and those determined to become peerless warriors invariably end up among the ranks of the Blood Knights. Atop their hulking undead nightmare mounts and clad in thick plate armour, these martial experts are unstoppable on...
8,250 руб
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Grotesque monsters that prey upon the blood of the unfortunate souls they catch, Fell Bats are an amalgamation of deathly magics and the Soulblight curse brought into being by their vampire masters. Often seeking out victims to drain for their lord's own sustenance, the grossly oversized...
7,130 руб
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Deadwalker Zombies are created from the bodies of the recently dead, given strength through the power of dark necromancy and sent onto the battlefield in shambling hordes. Utterly mindless and driven by a collective instinct alone, zombie migrations have become an ever-present plague following...
7,130 руб
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Bedecked in rusting weapons and wearing the fading scraps of once-proud armour, Deathrattle Skeletons are the unflinching core of many a Soulblight vampire's army. Not only are they tireless, remorseless warriors, but also diligent workers in the fields of the Deathrattle Kingdoms, ruled over by...
7,690 руб
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The gangers that fight in the name of House Goliath are hulking brutes, each a pillar of muscle and pent-up violence ready to be unleashed. The weapons and equipment that they use reflect this brutality. Upgrade your Goliath fighters with a selection of deadly weaponry allowing you to create a...
3,300 руб
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Masters of pharmaceuticals and chemical manipulation, what Eschers may lack in terms of raw physical strength, they more than make up for in speed, skill, and deadly flair. The weapons and equipment used by an Escher gang emphasise their strengths and lethal skills. Upgrade your Escher fighters...
3,300 руб
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All Bonesplitterz carry a spark of the violent god Gorkamorka's wild rage in their cracked minds. In the Wurrgog Prophet Hedkrakka, the self-proclaimed 'Gob of Gork', this connection is especially strong. Hearing the Great Green God's command through his serpent familiar, Hedkrakka led his...
5,100 руб
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Redesigned for the Second Season ruleset, this deck of 44 cards will help you keep track of stats and profiles for your team, positions, and Star Players – plus Special Play cards exclusively for use with Chaos Chosen teams. – 5 Player Reference cards for Beastman Runner Linemen, Chosen...
4,100 руб
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The stadiums of Chaos Chosen teams have more in common with arenas built for mortal combat than a sporting pitch. The proliferation of gore and weaponry do nothing to dispel the notion… One side of the pitch depicts the unyielding stone of a regulation pitch, but the piles of skulls...
7,220 руб
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The walls of the underhive are covered in various pieces of propaganda from advertisements to wanted posters, and from instructions to other markings and tags left by both gangs and authorities. Choose from a huge selection of transfers to bring your Necromunda gaming board to life. This A4...
4,880 руб
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Necromunda is a world of mines, factories, refineries, and processing plants. The planet is a vast powerhouse of industry, making thousands and thousands of different items for use throughout nearby planetary systems. In the darkness of the underhive, fights between the clan houses over the...
21,000 руб
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Gloriel Summerbloom is famously whimsical and carefree, even for a Wood Elf! She revels in the beauty and grace of a well-played game, though she doesn't care for the violence which everyone else seems to enjoy so much. Her fans find this refreshing, whilst her detractors find it hopelessly...
4,680 руб
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There are some poor souls who find themselves wedded to a Blood Bowl fan of such boundless enthusiasm that it encroaches into every aspect of daily life. Important dates and anniversaries are ignored or forgotten, and family functions are avoided. Before long, the unfortunate lover begins to...
4,680 руб
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You might not imagine Ogre culture to be especially egalitarian, but both male and female Ogres play Blood Bowl with equal gusto in the Ogre Kingdoms. Ogre women have a similar build and temperament to Ogre men, including that crucial aptitude for grievous violence. If you're looking to field...
7,410 руб
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The Fire Raptor Gunship is a specialised variant of the Storm Eagle known to have its origins in the Imperium’s dim and distant past. The vehicle is configured to maximise ammunition stowage in order to feed the voracious appetite of its numerous weapons and this is achieved by sacrificing...
34,130 руб
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Orlock Road Captains are, without exception, hard men and women willing to thumb their nose at authority and forge their own path. However, Orlock gangers respect independence as much as strength, and a successful Road Captain needs to be the embodiment of both of these traits. A good Road...
5,270 руб
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As a master endrineer from the famed sky-port of Barak-Zilfin, Drongon Humboldsson is one of the foremost experts in keeping the Kharadron's skyvessels ship-shape and skyworthy. Taking to the field in an ingenious Dirigible Suit with a team of Endrinrigger apprentices in tow, Drongon ensures the...
9,750 руб
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Atra'zan the Immolator seeks to engulf the Mortal Realms in an arcane firestorm. To see this done, he's assembled a troupe of daemonic pyromaniacs who surge into battle like a living inferno, delighting in the agonised screams of burning mortals and the stench of charred flesh. Drown the...
9,750 руб
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Krulghast Cruciators were once mortals that met a gruesome end on the torture rack. In death, their bitter souls have been twisted by Nagash into ghastly manifestations of torment, replete with instruments of excruciation possessed of a wicked animus. Bring terror to the battlefield with deadly...
5,100 руб
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As the revered Lord-Celestant of the Hallowed Knights and a living symbol of hope to all citizens of Order, Gardus Steel Soul shines like a beacon of divine light at the head of his Stormcast Eternals war host. Wielding his faith as surely as he does his runeblade and warhammer, Steel Soul never...
4,730 руб
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While the Mortal Realms rage under the fires of countless wars, one scorned figure looks to take advantage and further his unknowable agenda. Be'lakor, the Dark Master, whose schemes have had their twisted tendrils in many momentous events, begins to enact the final stages of his grand ambition....
5,250 руб
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Be'lakor, the Dark Master, is the first of the Daemon Princes and a consummate champion of Chaos. Wreathed in ethereal shadows and lifted high above the battlefield on monstrous wings, Be'lakor regards the efforts of his foes with a bitter scorn as they struggle in vain against his diabolical...
18,750 руб
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When Titans and their Knight allies march to war, they do so emblazoned with the icons of their Legion, badges of honour and other marks of their fealty to the Omnissiah – or to other, darker, masters. Decorate your Adeptus Titanicus Warlord, Warbringer, Reaver and Warhound Titans with this set...
3,320 руб
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When Titans and their Knight allies march to war, they do so emblazoned with the icons of their Legion, badges of honour and other marks of their fealty to the Omnissiah – or to other, darker, masters.  Decorate your Adeptus Titanicus Warlord, Reaver and Warhound Titans with this set of...
3,320 руб
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When Titans and their Knight allies march to war, they do so emblazoned with the icons of their Legion, badges of honour and other marks of their fealty to the Omnissiah – or to other, darker, masters. Decorate your Adeptus Titanicus Warlord, Warbringer, Reaver and Warhound Titans with this set...
3,320 руб
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When Titans and their Knight allies march to war, they do so emblazoned with the icons of their Legion, badges of honour and other marks of their fealty to the Omnissiah – or to other, darker masters. Decorate your Adeptus Titanicus Warlord, Warbringer, Reaver and Warhound Titans with this set...
3,320 руб
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Blood Bowl referees carry the weighty responsibility of interpreting and enforcing the sacred writings of Nuffle. They're entrusted with the vital duty of upholding the values of the beautiful game and ensuring both teams strictly follow the rules and compete fairly. Good job so many of them are...
2,360 руб
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Amateur games of Blood Bowl are often played on a smaller pitch, with fewer players. A quick game of Sevens is a well-loved way to settle a grudge, pass the time, or take out business and romantic rivals with a convenient 'accident'. Even professional teams occasionally play a game of Sevens to...
6,380 руб
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When the conversation of greatest Orcs to play Nuffle’s sacred game crops up, as it often does in the various taverns in the Badlands, one name is always mentioned. The now legendary Varag Ghoul-Chewer continues to dominate the sport, growing stronger and tougher with time.  Varag is a...
2,360 руб
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Griff Oberwald is amongst the greatest Human players to ever step onto the gridiron. Certainly, whenever the discussion of ‘greatest player ever’ crops up, Griff is one of the players mentioned as a top-ranking candidate. It wouldn't be outrageous to suggest that the golden boy of the Bögenhafen...
2,360 руб
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Show you mean business with dice as serious and brooding as your players. This full set of Black Orc dice are a dark metallic colour with classic green markings, so they look like they're forged from black iron, including a grim spiked ball icon. This set includes all of the dice you need to...
2,180 руб
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This deck contains 44 cards to help you keep track of stats and profiles for your team, positions, and Star Players – plus Special Play cards exclusively for use with Imperial Nobility teams. They come packaged in a flip-top card box for safe travels. This set includes: – 5 Player Reference...
3,150 руб
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In addition to being an incredibly popular pastime, beloved by an impressively broad and diverse fanbase, Blood Bowl is also a shockingly lucrative business. Imperial Nobility teams have been springing up out of the woodwork of late, the seemingly bottomless coffers of their patrons hiring top...
6,000 руб
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Black Orcs have been splitting off and forming their own teams for years now. Smarter, stronger, and more serious than their kin, they were tired of soaking up all the big hits and giving up all the glory. Their biggest weakness is a lack of speed – but that's where the Goblins come in. Well...
6,000 руб
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Blood Bowl is a sprawling and chaotic game, played in many different ways across the world. Whether it's playing a quick game of Sevens, hiring unscrupulous mercenary players to help you score an easy win, or venturing out in conditions that could hardly be called ideal, this variety makes for...
4,730 руб
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As the Horus Heresy rages across the galaxy, the ground shakes where mighty Battle Titan maniples march to war. A destructive force of cataclysmic scale, each maniple contains multiple Titans of the Collegia Titanica, working together under the command of a Princeps Seniores to bring ruin and...
21,750 руб
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Warmaster Heavy Battle Titans are the embodiment of the Omnissiah's wrath. Once hidden away from prying eyes, these war machines were unleashed during the cataclysmic days of the Horus Heresy. Though few in number, the thunderous tread of a Warmaster is an omen of impending doom, for little can...
21,000 руб
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The galaxy is in flames. The Emperor’s glorious vision for Humanity is in ruins, His armies locked in brutal civil war. The greatest of these bitter combatants are the towering god-engines of the Adeptus Titanicus. Those Titan Legions that remain loyal to the Emperor of Mankind fight boldly to...
4,730 руб
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The galaxy is at war. On a countless worlds, the Emperor's loyal armies fight to defend His realm from those who would tear it asunder. Among the greatest of the Imperium's defenders are the loyalist Titan Legions. Each god-machine is worth a thousand warriors, armed with destructive weaponry...
6,380 руб
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The Mirrored City of Shadespire is a nightmare plane of illusions and madness, an ever-changing labyrinth of endless stairs, cramped streets, and soaring archways. Dare you enter and claim the glory that awaits? This starter set is the ideal way to get into Warhammer Underworlds. With two...
7,500 руб
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What's in the box? 1x Black Dragon Kalameet miniature 1x Black Dragon Kalameet boss dial 1x Mega Boss game board 4x Level 4 Encounter cards 22x Boss Behaviour and Data cards 4x Calamity tokens 1x Rules leaflet This...
11,150 руб
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Описание В тени живой горы две банды схлестнулись, чтобы узнать, кто займёт место под солнцем, а кого ждёт бесславная гибель. Хотя цели, которые они преследуют в Могиле Зверя, различны, сейчас им не остаётся ничего, кроме как бороться за выживание и славу в Ужасной Бездне. Стартовый набор...
5,250 руб
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Dungeon Plunger Cutter Set Dungeon cutter set will allow you cut and imprint textured and plaint tiles to be used in your miniatures bases and Dungeon tiles. Thickness of the pieces: 3mm This set is including 6 tools as follows: 1x Cobblestone 25mm 1x Cobblestone 32mm 1x Bricks...
1,800 руб
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At the heart of Shyish, the ancient city of Ulfenkarn stands upon the precipice of doom. The cruel vampire lord Radukar the Wolf has transformed this once-proud city into nothing more than a feasting table for him and his coterie of malicious servants. Now, a group of heroes seek to lift the...
23,950 руб
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The Shrines Luminor, carried atop a realmstone-rich metalith that hovers gracefully above the ground, are bastions of cleansing purity in the tumultuous aftermath of the Age of Chaos. Garrison your heroes in these graceful monuments to provide a range of powerful benefits for your army, for...
8,250 руб
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Prodigal twins exemplifying the Teclian and Tyrionic martial philosophies favoured by the Lumineth, Ellania and Ellathor have already displayed an unrivalled level of skill despite their mere fifty years of age. Unfortunately, their meteoric rise earned them as many enemies as friends, and now...
6,380 руб
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Although they hail from the Scinari caste, a Loreseeker is one dedicated to mastering the arts of magic and combat equally – it is even said that they are everything it is to be Lumineth in one body. Their role is to hunt down and catalogue all the lore and learning of the Mortal Realms, no...
3,750 руб
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Soldiers and scholars both, the Vanari Bladelords are a walking contradiction of Lumineth philosophies. Although they hail from the Tyrionic nations and dedicate themselves to mastery of combat in all its forms, they make their home in Teclian cities and devote just as much time to studying the...
7,690 руб
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Made from supple, yet extremely strong dreamwood, the Vanari Starshard Ballistas are the premier artillery piece of the Lumineth Realm-lords. Firing a pair of long, perfectly balanced bolts in unison, the brilliant flash of light that accompanies their impact dazzles and disorients all those who...
6,750 руб
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Hurakan Windmages are the wisest of their order, aelimentiri of such prowess that the winds of their homeland regard them as kin. More at home flying through the skies than walking on land, these mages are born aloft on an aelementor wind visible only as a rolling blur of energy. Experts at the...
4,880 руб
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Of all the seven sentient winds of Hysh, none have suffered so greatly at the hands of Chaos as Sevireth. Manifesting in physical form to defend the Ten Paradises, the spirit also known as the Red Gale seeks to tear down the monuments of its foes with scouring magical sandstorms, all the while...
9,990 руб
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Scinari Calligraves are esoteric symbol-mages, adept at painting aetherquartz light-magic onto the very realm itself in the form of colossal aelven runes. As the magic of geomantic transference passes from their pages to the land beneath their feet, powerful effects ripple through the earth to...
3,750 руб
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Bearing majestic standards into battle at the head of a Vanari host, Bannerblades are honoured champions of the Lumineth trusted with the sacred duty of defending the enchanted banners even in the thick of combat. These standards are magical artefacts blessed by each of the four aelementiri...
4,500 руб
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Bounding across the plains on their nimble treerunner steeds, Hurakan Windchargers loose arrows with the unerring accuracy of master archers even while travelling at breakneck speeds. Preferring to fire a single killing shot over the massed arrow barrages of the Auralan Sentinels, it is said...
8,250 руб
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Representatives of Tyrion's will among the Vanari warhosts, Lord Regents speak with an authority unmatched among their militant kin. Bedecked with dazzlingly pure aetherquartz and displaying feats of surpassing martial skill, these august warriors inspire their comrades through both word and...
7,500 руб
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Amongst the deluded cannibals of the Ymetrican Flesh-eaters, there are none more devoted to Nagash than Gorstane Mortevell. With screeching, howling invective, the ghoulish emperor drives his court into a frenzy of religious devotion. To their victims, it is nothing more than a rabid display of...
9,750 руб
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An air of eccentric jubilation fills the air as Xintil’s finest battle wizards bring their creations to the front line. The visionary Hyshian mage Arcobalde Lazerne leads the way, using his Luminark, Beacon of Intellect, to protect his comrades and send beams of intense Hyshian energy burning...
9,750 руб
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Greatest of the ancient race of Ents, Treebeard is immensely old and has potentially roamed the forests of Middle-earth from the dawn of the world. Since the loss of the Entwives, Treebeard has cared little for the goings-on of those outside Fangorn Forest, instead concerning himself with...
9,380 руб
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The Slann Starmasters of the Seraphon foresaw danger in Beastgrave. Unchallenged, the corrupting presence of Chaos would transform the mountain into a colossal demigod whose power would wreak havoc across Ghur and beyond. To prevent this from coming to pass, the Slann sent a hunting party of...
5,100 руб
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This mission pack is a narrative play expansion for the Warhammer 40,000 Crusade campaign system. Within, you’ll find the rules required to play games of Warhammer 40,000 set in the Charadon Sector, which has become embroiled in war since the arrival of Typhus and the Death Guard at the head of...
5,250 руб
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Datacards make referencing your rules in battle easy. Containing quick-reference Stratagems, they allow you to dictate the battle with the skill and acuity of Vect himself – or, at the very least, ensure you don't forget to use that crucial Stratagem when you need it most! This pack contains...
3,300 руб
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The Drukhari are a decadent race of alien tormentors and raiders. Once part of a galaxy-spanning empire, the Drukhari now indulge in every macabre passion their supreme intelligence can conceive. They consider themselves superior to the galaxy’s other races and are afflicted by a gnawing...
19,500 руб
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The Drukhari are a decadent race of alien tormentors and raiders. Once part of a galaxy-spanning empire, the Drukhari now indulge in every macabre passion their supreme intelligence can conceive. They consider themselves superior to the galaxy’s other races, and suffer a gnawing sickness of the...
6,380 руб
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Unleash the Drukhari in a merciless realspace raid or burn the xenos invaders with the holy fire of the Adepta Sororitas with the Piety and Pain battlebox. Whether you're looking to battle a friend or get a handy selection of units for your Drukhari and Adepta Sororitas collections, this set is...
21,000 руб
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White Dwarf is Games Workshop's premium Warhammer magazine, packed with amazing content each month such as new rules and background, short stories, regular columns, special guests, and more. Here’s what you can look forward to in March’s issue: Contact! Letters, painting advice and...
600 руб
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Lord Borak the Despoiler is one of Blood Bowl’s most popular Star Players – and not just for his bone-crunching skills on the pitch. After all, he’s been Spike! Journal’s favourite agony uncle for longer than anyone can remember, always willing to offer his ultra-violent advice in his regular...
4,680 руб
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Just as they were the vanguard of the army in life, these oath breakers ride ghostly steeds into battle. These dread apparitions are enough to chill the souls of their enemies and cause utter panic and disarray within the ranks of those they charge. Those who stand firm will be met by the...
2,240 руб
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Those who broke the oath made to Isildur suffered from a terrible curse. Over the centuries of the Third Age their bodies decayed and slowly turned to dust. Yet they did not rest, instead becoming spectral forms of their former selves. Although their weapons have long since lost their edge,...
2,830 руб
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The Black Númenóreans are a race of Men who forged a foul alliance with the Dark Lord of Mordor many centuries ago. Some claim that the Black Númenóreans received immortality in exchange for their homage. On the battlefield they keep themselves aloof from the Orcish rabble, forming a warband...
4,100 руб
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Morgul Knights are the embodiment of all the cruelty and malice in Mordor. They are the elite of Sauron's armies, cruel and silent warriors astride dark steeds who wield wicked lances with fearsome skill. Each Morgul Knight is touched by a portion of Sauron's malice, and only the noblest of...
6,050 руб
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Sauron is the Dark Lord, the Enemy, the Lord of the Ring. He is driven by a consuming desire to dominate all of Middle-earth and by a burning hatred of Elves, Men and all who stand in his way. It was Sauron who crafted the great Rings of Power and gave them as gifts to the rulers of the free...
6,440 руб
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Across the galaxy, Necrons awaken in their tomb worlds, ready to rise up and reclaim their long-lost empire. Towering metal monstrosities stride to battle alongside calculating Crypteks, leading legions of undying warriors in their final, inevitable conquest. This set provides you with...
19,500 руб
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As the Indomitus Crusade spreads across the galaxy, the Primaris Space Marines fight battle after battle, becoming hardened veterans of their Chapters. From the mightiest heroes to the staunchest battle-brothers, each is an honoured warrior whose deeds are legend. This set allows you to add new...
24,380 руб
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6,340 руб
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In the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium, specially selected bands of elite combat operatives hunt each other through a twisting alien tomb… The Pariah Nexus, a growing area of space in which worlds have been silenced, baffles and disturbs the Imperium. Within this region, Space...
18,750 руб
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At the farthest reaches of space, the boundaries of the Imperium change almost daily as new worlds are discovered and settled while others fall to predations of aliens or rogue factions seeking freedom from of the crushing yoke of Imperial oppression. Open hostility is a common occurrence on...
12,000 руб
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Sprawling over countless Imperial worlds, the landscapes known as Sectors Mechanicus are tangled mazes of pipes, conduits, and heaving machinery. Without these rumbling furnaces and smog-belching chimneys, the ceaseless war industries of Humanity would stall, and the armies of the Imperium of...
12,000 руб
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The immense supply districts known as Sectors Munitorum can be found across the Imperium of Mankind. They house the resources needed to power Humanity's vast armies: millions of tonnes of munitions, equipment, weapons, and fuel. Such priceless stockpiles draw the eyes of avaricious raiders,...
12,000 руб
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Блистер содержит одну среднюю неокрашенную миниатюру, на которую предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
1,200 руб
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Блистер содержит одну среднюю неокрашенную миниатюру, на которую предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
1,200 руб
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White Dwarf is Games Workshop's premium Warhammer magazine, packed with amazing content each month such as new rules and background, short stories, regular columns, special guests, and more. Issue 461 features: Contact! Letters, painting advice, and beautifully painted miniatures....
1,200 руб
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ords of Pain are champions of Slaanesh who have sampled countless vices and excesses. Armed with wicked soulpiercer maces, they lead warbands of devoted followers and are always eager to demonstrate their mastery of all forms of agony.  These hard-hitting leaders inspire other mortal...
3,900 руб
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When Chaos Knights march to war they do so emblazoned with the icons of their Houses and marks showing their devotion to the Dark Gods. Decorate your Desecrators, Rampagers, Despoilers, Tyrants and War Dogs with this set of full-colour transfers depicting the icons of three Knightly Houses...
2,830 руб
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Step out of the shadows of Ulgu with a set of dice themed around Morathi's favoured servants. This pack contains 20 dice, with a Daughters of Khaine icon in place of those all-important 6s.  This set contains 20 16mm six-sided dice in blood-red colour with black ink. The 6 facing on each...
3,750 руб
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When the Daughters of Khaine march to war, their wizards and priestesses can conjure blood and shadow into dangerous magicks to harry their foes. The Bloodwrack Viper is an enormous serpent formed from boiling blood, a manifestation of hatred and bitterness that binds its prey into a crushing...
5,850 руб
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Guided by the Daemon Loth'shar, Glutos Orscollion is on a quest to sample the most exotic tastes in the Mortal Realms. Riding atop an opulent palanquin and surrounded by his devoted court, he can unmake whole armies through his loathsome magics. Glutos Orscollion not only augments those around...
20,480 руб
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Sigvald the Magnificent considers himself to be the favoured son of Slaanesh. Few would dare question this belief. In battle, the Geld-Prince fights as a golden blur, laughing cruelly as his elegant blade tears through rabble and champions alike.  Whether you’re after a duellist who can...
7,690 руб
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When the madness of battle descends upon Slaangor Fiendbloods, the carnage left in their wake is truly sickening. These gangly beasts are frighteningly strong and swift, and they fight with a frenzied disregard for their own survival.  Though they look almost delicate, these savage beasts...
7,130 руб
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Slickblade Seekers believe themselves to be aristocrats of war, the chosen knights of the Dark Prince. They desire nothing more than to charge into the thickest portion of the fighting, their whistling glaives lashing out to neatly sever heads and limbs. Sweep around the flanks of the enemy...
8,250 руб
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Blissbarb Archers are the lowest class of Sybarite, but no less deadly for it. Even when running pell-mell across the field, they fire with deadly accuracy, laughing with glee as their sharp and toxin-laced projectiles strike home.  The Blissbarb Archers dance around the battlefield,...
7,130 руб
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