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In the long-lost world-that-was, Gotrek Gurnisson was a monster slayer without peer. Seeking a valiant death to atone for a mysterious sin, he travelled the world, his poet companion Felix by his side, seeking the mightiest doom he could find. When the End Times came, Gotrek finally met his fate...
5,850 руб
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Fellwater Troggoths are miserable beasts of fen and swamp. Covered in scales, they drip slime and emit a stench that is outstandingly offensive, even by greenskin standards. This multi-part plastic boxed set contains the components needed to make three Fellwater Troggoths, armed with...
8,290 руб
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Most Moonclan leaders have at least one Gobbapalooza rambling around their lurklair causing mischief. Gatherings of so-called wise-grots, petty shamans and gabbling loonpriests, each Gobbapalooza...
8,780 руб
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Transport yourself back in time with this very special Noise Marine miniature! We’ve taken the iconic 1991 Jes Goodwin Noise Marine and given him a makeover, bringing to life the classic details you know and...
6,140 руб
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Of all the armies that seek to conquer the stars in the 41st Millennium, the Death Guard are truly the foulest and most corrupt. Made monstrous by their patron god Nurgle – lord of plagues and grandfather of disease – they are decay and entropy made manifest, living icons of hopelessness and...
6,630 руб
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Masters of celestial engineering, the Lord-Ordinators are wise men who have shaped the Mortal Realms through the word of Sigmar and the readings of the heavens. When their sharp and serious minds cannot re-mould reality to their whims, they take up their hammers and march to war, hewing the...
5,850 руб
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T'au Sniper Drone Teams are the ultimate anti-infantry weapon in the T'au arsenal. Each drone is equipped with a Rail Rifle that can fire a high velocity projectile at such extraordinary speed that it will punch clean through the armour of almost any adversary. The resultant mess is enough...
6,440 руб
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With their cyfar compasses and dowserchimes, the Soulscryers can map the dark corners of a being’s soul as well as those of the mortal realms, marking them out as navigators and priests among the Idoneth. Whether their quest leads towards spirit-plunder or along new paths of the whirlways, the...
4,680 руб
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The Inquisition is the most powerful organisation of the Imperium’s many branches. Its agents, the Inquisitors, command fear and respect in equal measure. They are creatures of myth as much as flesh and blood, relentless beings who descend from on high to pass judgment upon the mutant, the...
5,850 руб
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The Garrison of Erebor consisted of a mighty throng of warriors – well trained and highly disciplined Dwarven fighters whose loyalty to their king was unflinching. Clad in fine Dwarf-wrought armour and wielding weapons that were the envy of Middle-earth, these study soldiers were a match for...
7,800 руб
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The wealth of Dale, City of Men, ensures its soldiers have quality armour and ?ne Dwarven weapons. When not protecting their homeland, these men can be seen on ships bound for distant wars. The Warriors of Dale kit is made up of ten uniquely posed miniatures. Each one wears chainmail, thick...
7,800 руб
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Sly Marbo is a natural born survivor, a veritable one-man army, a loner who sticks to the shadows. Few have seen his face and none have heard him speak. Marbo silently acknowledges orders with a slight nod before vanishing in search of the foe. Marbo kills with mechanical efficiency, striking...
4,490 руб
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Moria Goblins are small, mean-spirited creatures that live a troglodyte existence in the numerous mines beneath the Misty Mountains, and many of the once-great Dwarven halls are now home to these loathsome beings. They scuttle through the tunnels with amazing dexterity, attacking,...
6,630 руб
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Ferocious wolf-like creatures that have found mutual cause with the vassals of the Dark Lord, Wargs are comparable in size to a horse and many times more dangerous than an ordinary wolf. Swift, agile and deadly, Wargs hunt in packs, usually led by a powerful Warg Chieftain. When the...
2,830 руб
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The Corsairs of Umbar are ruthless raiders possessed of a savagery more commonly associated with Orcs rather than Men. Fortunately for the seafaring folk of Middle-earth, Corsair attacks are generally as brief as they are vicious, for the renegades of Umbar have little stomach for...
6,630 руб
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In scattered and isolated places across Middle-earth, the dead walk, ever bound to this world by sorcery or curse. Almost all undying beings are bound into the service of Sauron, he who forged their deathless existence. By contrast, the spirit-folk of the Dwimorberg are tied to an...
6,630 руб
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Vandus Hammerhand is a sworn enemy of the Dark Gods. As Lord-Celestant of the hammers of Sigmar his warriors fight as one, energised by his purpose and might. Vandus was the first to tame a celestial Dracoth, and the first to harness the beast’s ability to breathe bolts of magical force....
6,340 руб
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The Ringwraiths, or Nazg?l, were once the Kings of Men, the bearers of the magical rings created by Sauron. Their rings granted endless life but gradually enslaved the Kings to Saurons will. Together with their leader, the Witch-king of Angmar, they are known as the Nine and are the most deadly...
10,730 руб
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Borne into war by shimmering bolts of divine lightning, the Stormcast Eternals are warriors of vengenace. Forged by the god-king Sigmar into living weapons against the power of Chaos, some of these soldiers of the heavens are notable even amongst their shining brethren for their heroic deeds –...
3,900 руб
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It is said of the Doomseeker that his axe scorches the air with every swing, that he spits glowing embers with every war cry, and that the wrath of the forge burns in his glare. The ur-gold runes hammered into his very flesh glow with the power of his shattered god, and it is the thirst for more...
4,680 руб
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Amidst the all-encompassing horrors of the dominion of Chaos, only the strong and the ruthless survive. The Darkoath Chieftain is a notable survivor; his every deed is meant to win the favour of the Dark Gods. He has slain countless mighty rivals, bested many great beasts, and sworn...
4,680 руб
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Enormous, foul-tempered porcine beasts of a strength and fury that even orruks respect, gruntas trample down all but the biggest foe, devouring the remains and noisily smashing apart everything in their path – much to the vivid delight of the Ironjawz who bounce gleefully upon their somewhat...
12,680 руб
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Saurus Oldblood On Carnosaur / Skink Oracle on Troglodon / Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur A mass of corded muscle and thick, scaled hide, covered in an intimidating latticework of scars new and ancient, the Saurus Oldbloods are mighty war leaders of the seraphon. Striding into battle with...
13,650 руб
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A magic user of terrifying renown, able to wield fell energies and bend them to his grim will, a Chaos Sorcerer Lord is a fearsome foe to encounter. Able to bestow his followers with daemonic essence, boosting their skill, strength and endurance to unholy levels, his magical abilities and...
2,830 руб
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Huge engines of death pulled into the fray by crazed, muscular destriers, Chaos Chariots are driven at incredible speed toward the foe, announcing their impact with shattered bones and torn flesh aplenty. The charioteers are experts with their barbed whips, stirring their steeds into a frenzy...
6,830 руб
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Assassins protect the future of humanity by eliminating the few who become tainted with treachery, greed, the daemonic or other evils too heinous to name. Formal records of their exploits are not available - it is not known precisely how many worlds have been saved from destruction by these...
5,270 руб
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Darting through even the most hostile environments with ease, Tau Drones are guided by a networked AI of impressive capabilities. Data flows back and forth constantly between them, advising and distributing information on threats, optimal paths and targets instantaneously, creating a blanket of...
2,340 руб
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Осколки К'тана - создания меизмеримой силы. Они могут выпускать разряды энергии, упралять разумом своих врагов и изгонять их в другие слои реальности. На самом деле, способности осколка ограничены только дувумя вещами - воображением и памятью создания, от которого он был отколот.
6,050 руб
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With an unrivalled knowledge and understanding of the art of war, Autarchs are the supreme commanders of the Eldar warhost. An Eldar army led by an Autarch acts as a perfect war machine, displaying an elegant synchronicity that can outflank and outmanoeuvre any enemy with ease and grace. This...
4,490 руб
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The Helblaster Volley Gun is one of the most infamous black-powder weapons ever invented, its devastating firepower able to tear apart an entire regiment in one thunderous volley. The Helblaster Volley Gun would make an imposing addition to any Empire collection, and represent an ingenious...
4,880 руб
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6,830 руб
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Hellions are airborne killers. Feral Dark Eldar, they descend upon their prey in a flurry of hooked blades before hurtling away to safety. Hellions ride to war upon skyboards, single-pilot anti-gravity boards, and pump their systems full of combat drugs. They are crazed terror troops who swoop...
4,880 руб
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The Razorshark Strike Fighter is a sleek atmospheric aircraft that is capable of sweeping down from the skies and blasting ground targets with its potent payload. Built along a design pattern modified from this aircraft, the Razorshark Strike Fighter forgoes an Interceptor Drone in favour of...
11,700 руб
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The Doomsday Ark is a technological wonder, easily eclipsing the primitive energy weapons of the Imperium. Even fired at low power the doomsday cannon is ferociously destructive. The Doomsday Ark is a large model with an imposing presence in any Necron collection. It features several immense...
9,750 руб
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Никто, даже сами Арлекины, не знает пределы способностей Solitaire. Существуют рассказы, что эти сверхъестественные убийцы могут взбираться на отвесные стены крепости, выходить из тени внутри закрытых бункеров, и даже замедлять само время. Любому, кто встанет на пути Solitaire, суждено...
4,490 руб
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The Eldar use powerful support weapons to provide their warriors with long-range firepower. Capable of mounting any of three distinctive and deadly guns, Eldar Support Weapons can be suited to a number of battlefield roles, including anti-personnel and anti-tank duties, as the needs of the...
3,330 руб
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Терминаторы Кровавых Ангелов используются для особо важных миссий - уничтожение вражеских военачальников, подавление элитных частей и охота на сверхтяжелую технику. Набор содержит 76 деталей, необходимых для сборки пяти терминаторов ордена Кровавых Ангелов. Набор содержат комплекты...
9,750 руб
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The Succubi are the ruling elite of the Wych Cults. Impossibly elegant and beautiful, they stalk through the mayhem of battle as if born to it. They regularly take the lead in the war against realspace, not only for the feast of plunder, but also to hunt the champions of the lesser races and...
4,290 руб
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The Voidraven Bomber is designed to provide heavy support to Dark Eldar forces. This sleek, terrifying attack craft is capable of supersonic speeds while delivering a devastating void mine - a bomb that detonates two warheads, one establishes a crackling sphere of energy, the second releases a...
13,650 руб
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Haemonculi are deranged flesh-sculptors that dwell in the dank bowels of Commorragh. They are master torturers, expert poisoners and dark alchemists that are capable of transcending death itself. Their ability to alter the bodies of their victims to create obscene horrors wrought of flesh and...
4,290 руб
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As attendants and servants to the Haemonculi, each Wrack is an abhorrent example of his master's surgical craftsmanship, an individual cut apart and refashioned into a walking instrument of torture. Upon the field of battle they will defend their creator with their lives, utilizing all manner of...
6,140 руб
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7,800 руб
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Ork Meks are eccentric inventors that possess a natural ability for creating wotzits and fixin' gubbinz. From building deadly dakka from scrap to creating wobbling bubbles of force to protect da boyz from harm, Meks can do it all. This single frame plastic Mek is armed with a kustom mega...
3,900 руб
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Big Mek’s are obsessed with creating ever larger and more devastating war machines to unleash upon their foes. Their (often calamitous) endeavours have spawned some deadly dakka, one particularly volatile creation is the Shokk Attack Gun. By projecting a narrow force field tunnel through...
5,660 руб
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5,100 руб
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Таурокс это надежный штурмовой транспорт, оснащенный тяжелым вооружением для поддержки войск на поле боя. Вы можете оснастить транспорт спаренной боевой пушкой, спаренной пушкой Гатлинга или пусковой ракетной установкой. Борта Таурокс Прайма могут быть оснащены двумя автопушками или...
8,780 руб
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Each Helbrute holds a living creature within its plated metal chest - a Chaos Space Marine driven over the edge of madness. Interment in these twisted Dreadnought mockeries is no honour - it is a torturous living death - So it’s no surprise that most Helbrutes are completely psychotic. This...
9,750 руб
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Защитники Улья – тяжело-бронированные твари, вооружённые чрезвычайно мощными симбиотическими био-орудиями. Они созданы для охраны Кораблей-Ульев Тиранидов и капиллярных башен, появляющихся на захватываемых планетах-жертвах. С помощью своего вооружения, они способны справиться практически с любым...
12,190 руб
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A killer of astonishing skill, Shadowblade is an assassin of legendary stature. Able to hide within regiments on the battle field, and even move between them, no opponent can predict when or where he will strike. All they know for certain is that if they are unlucky enough to encounter him, his...
4,290 руб
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Whether you choose to assemble a Stalker or a Hunter, this kit will create an anti-aircraft tank to be feared and admired. The Space Marine Stalker can target multiple enemies, stitching the skies with a hail of armour piercing bullets. The Space Marine Hunter, meanwhile, scours the enemies from...
11,700 руб
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Skink Priests are wizards who can channel the forces of nature to aid Lizardmen armies in the thick of battle. This multi-part plastic kit contains 10 components with which to make a Lizardmen Skink Priest armed with staff and sacrificial blade.
3,600 руб
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Looming ghost warriors many times larger than even the mighty Wraithlords, the war machines known as Wraithknights are still dextrous enough to run through the ruin of a shattered city, leaping from pillar to spar as their arcane weapons bring oblivion to the enemies of the Eldar....
18,750 руб
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This box is the most cost effective way to buy three multi-part plastic Space Marine Scout Bikes. They can be assembled with either twin-linked boltguns or an Astartes grenade launcher. The box includes a host of additional parts that allow you to arm the Scout with a bolt pistol, a shotgun, or...
6,340 руб
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Master Gunship pilot Shas'la T'au Sha'ng, now better known as Longstrike, has quickly become the Fire caste's most heralded tank ace. Since his first training session, he exhibited an almost innate ability to handle a Hammerhead. Due to his unerring aim, Longstrike was chosen to trial the new...
2,830 руб
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A Commander, or in the language of the Tau, a 'shas'o', is the highest rank a Fire Warrior can obtain. It is a position of great honour. Tau Commanders prefer to lead from the front, pushing their XV8 Crisis Battlesuits to their fullest. The XV8 Battlesuit Commander is sculpted in an energetic,...
6,440 руб
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The Realm of Battle Gameboard is Citadel's high quality, plastic, modular gaming surface. Made from the same plastic as your Citadel miniatures, each of its six unique sections are finely-detailed, robust and can be painted in exactly the same way as the rest of your miniature collection. These...
50,700 руб
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Tzeentch created two daemons, P’tarix and Xirat’p, for the sole purpose of learning every spell in existence. The Blue Scribes, as they are known, ride their Disc of Tzeentch through the realms seeking every fragment of arcana. While P’tarix inscribes magical spells and stabs nearby enemies with...
7,800 руб
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Orks love fire and it was therefore inevitable that someday a Mek would think of attaching canisters of volatile promethium to the underside of an Ork Bommer - thus the Burna-Bommer was born. Armed with burna bombs and skorcha rokkits, the Burna-Bommer performs its attack runs at as low an...
9,750 руб
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Личный телохранитель и спутник немезора Зандрекха, настолько давно сражающийся с ним бок о бок, что выработал особые тактики и способности ,чтобы защитить своего повелителя. В отличие от Зандрекха, Обирон отлично осознает изменения, постигшие их расу, но уже оставил попытки привести своего...
3,320 руб
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Когда-то один из самых могучщественных повелителей Некронтир, поднявшийся с поста владки заштатоной планеты на окраине галактики до правителя дюжины звездных систем, Зандрекх, чья армия все еще является значительной силой, не вполне в своем уме. Поврежденный во время Великого Сна разум Зандрекха...
4,490 руб
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Из всех повелителей некрон Высший лорд - наиболее могучий и опасный. Под его командованием находятся неисчислимые легионы воинов некрон, ужасающие машины и огромный спектр разрышительного оружия, способного с легкостью разрушать целые миры.
3,020 руб
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Тразин Вечный известен как собиратель историй, артефактов и событий. В его распоряжении находятся технологии и реликвии, достаточно ценные, чтобы не иметь цены. В его коллекции находятся хор Альтанзара, голова Себастьяна тора, челюсьб Поработителя, громадный человек в причудливых доспехах. В...
3,900 руб
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Криптеки - элитная каста некрон, занимающаяся техническим обеспечением расы. Вооруженные диковинным оружем и странными приборами, они сопровождают высших повелителей некрон как советники и слуги, обрушивая на врага всю мощ своих изобретений.
2,830 руб
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Повелители некрон - гораздо более могучие создания, чем любой личгард. Сохранившие известную долю самостоятельного мышления, они сопровождают высших повелителей в бою в составе свиты, либо становятся во главе отрядов других металлических солдат. Сфера Воскрешения - древний артефакт, улучшающий...
2,830 руб
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Осколки К'тана - создания меизмеримой силы. Они могут выпускать разряды энергии, упралять разумом своих врагов и изгонять их в другие слои реальности. На самом деле, способности осколка ограничены только дувумя вещами - воображением и памятью создания, от которого он был отколот.
6,050 руб
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The Warp Spiders Aspect Warriors are the epitome of aggressive defence. Using a compact warp-generator housed within their armoured backpack, they can make short warp-jumps, disappearing and reappearing in the blink of an eye. This makes them the perfect ambush unit and many a foe has suddenly...
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The Swooping Hawks are the swift airborne support of the Eldar warhost. They wear wings made of vibrating feather plates that incorporate small gravitic lifters, allowing them to soar high above the battlefield before swooping down on enemy units, firing into them with lasblasters and grenade...
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Few Necrons awaken from stasis-sleep with fully functioning consciousness. Most arise addled by the long slumber, their wits and reason slow to come fully online. Not so Anrakyr - he rose from dormancy with his mind intact and a great purpose foremost in his mind: to reunite the dynasties....
4,490 руб
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When a Deff Dread just isn't stompy, shooty or killy enough, a Big Mek feels the urge to build a Stompa. Capable of laying waste to entire armies, a Stompa is a walking, shooting, roaring idol of Gork (or possibly Mork) that's just spoiling for a fight. Especially large Stompas are sometimes...
19,500 руб
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Имперская Гвардия является громоздкой военной машиной и для успешного проведения операций требуется четкая структура командования. Офицеры, которые ведут отряды обязаны следить за выполнением их подчиненными приказов высшего командования. Командиры взводов сопровождаются специально...
5,850 руб
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Командира имперской гвардии сопровождает множество санитаров, адъютантов, помощников по лагерю и специалистов-консультантов извне полка, которые могут поддерживать связь с другими элементами боевой группы. В блистере содержится три металические модели: офицера связи флота, офицера...
4,100 руб
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Воины Аспекта Жалящих Скорпионов олицетворяют собой смертельные атрибуты их тезки, и они являются самыми мощными из всех аспектов ближнего боя. Они беспощадные убийцы, наслаждающиеся охотой и убийством. Когда они начинают свою атаку, они используют сюрикен пистолеты и пиломечи скорпионов; чьи...
7,800 руб
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Орки обычно зацикливаются на том, от чего получают наибольшее удовольствие, и объединяются в группы с другими также мыслящими Орками. Танкобои - великолепный пример одной их таких субкультур. Это Парни, испытавшие незабываемые впечатления от прямого попадания во вражеский танк, и громкого и...
6,830 руб
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Ancient pacts sworn between the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Adeptus Astartes allow the Space Marines to send those warriors with an affinity for technology to Mars to train and begin the long, arduous journey of becoming a priest of the Machine God. It is these Techmarines that maintain the...
7,800 руб
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Гвардейцы Улья отвечают за защиту тиранидских структур и способны выдавать залп за залпом интенсивного огня. По сути, это - тяжело-бронированное живое орудие, а его тело - устойчивая боевая платформа для массивной импалер-пушки, соединённой с их передней конечностью. Они телепатически связаны с...
10,730 руб
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Ликтор бродит впереди сухопутных сил Тиранидов, разведывая территорию для отчёта перед Разумом Улья. Это необычный для Тиранидов организм, его главный инстинкт не кормёжка, а сокрытие в тени, вне поля зрения противника. Они охотятся на отстающих и патрули, используя свои лицевые щупальца, чтобы...
4,100 руб
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The Broodlord is the strongest and most dangerous of all Genestealers, a towering beast of muscle and sharpened claws. As the vanguard of the Tyranid Hive Fleet, the Broodlord and his followers will scout out planets that are ready to be consumed by the great devourer. When the Tyranids finally...
4,100 руб
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A Pyrovore's maw drips with corrosive acids that are powerful enough to reduce armour, flesh and bone to a gooey, smouldering mucous. When confronted by a foe, the Pyrovore launches forth an incandescent fireball from its dorsal bio-weapon that reduces its victims to a pile of burning ash. As...
6,050 руб
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The Dark Eldar employ Razorwing Jetfighters to sow destruction and panic in the midst of the foe. No prey is fast enough to outpace these aggressive and consummately skilled fighter craft, for each of their pilots was once a member of the Reaver elite, and to them fighting at breakneck speed is...
8,780 руб
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The Ravager gunship is arrow-swift. Armed with three devastatingly powerful heavy weapons, it provides the Dark Eldar with armoured fire support, engaging the heaviest of enemy targets. Ravager gunships are so fast and manoeuvrable that they can ambush an enemy tank and destroy it in a single...
9,750 руб
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In the craft of murder, Wyches have no equal. In battle, Wyches feed upon screams of pain. With combat drugs coursing through their veins, Wyches roll, backflip and pirouette out of harm's way, stabbing through visors and neck-joints, slicing open a throat here and piercing a heart there
5,250 руб
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The mighty Land Raider is without doubt the most powerful battle tank ever built. When the Chaos Legions fled into the Eye of Terror they took with them hundreds of these precious machines. Now, whenever the Legions issue forth another Black Crusade these same Land Raiders are ever in the...
13,160 руб
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The Predators of the Chaos Legions are a legacy of pre-Heresy times. But now daemonic maws adorn every gun barrel and dark icons cover every surface. The Chaos Predator comes complete with all the weapon options the Predator can take, including lascannon and lascannon side sponsons.  This...
10,730 руб
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The Vindicator is another Space Marine vehicle based upon the Rhino Standard Template Construct date. The Vindicator sacrifices its transport capacity in order to mount reinforced armour, additional internal bracing and ammunition storage. This is needed for the massive Demolisher cannon mounted...
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Аспекты Огненного Дракона являются экспертами боя на близом расстоянии, где их фузионное оружие может уничтожить практически любого врага, технику или укрепление, независимо от того, насколько хорошо они бронированные. Этот бокс-сет содержит 5 Эльдар Огненные драконы и экзарха.
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With its potent armament and ability to carry a small squad of fighters, the Falcon is designed to take the fight to the enemy, or to extricate the warriors should resistance prove too fierce. This boxed set cointanis 1 multi-part plastic Eldar Falcon and includes options for a bright...
9,750 руб
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The arcane technologies of the Eldar race make the Fire Prism one of the most daunting battle tanks in the 41st Millennium. Armed with a formidable prism cannon that can blast smoking holes into enemy vehicles or vaporise infantry, the Fire Prism is a versatile and deadly addition to any Eldar...
9,750 руб
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The Whirlwind is an adaptation of the Rhino design, a lightly armoured tank chassis armed with a multiple rocket launcher system capable of raining precision fire down upon enemy positions. Thanks to its target acquisition system, the Whirlwind is able to bombard hidden or entrenched targets...
10,730 руб
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Взводы Крутов Пожирателей самые распространенные из вспомогательных отрядов следующих за армией Тау. Взводы Крутов зачастую идут в бой бок о бок с могучими Крутоксами или свирепыми Гончими. Круты высоко ценятся Тау за их боевую доблесть и помощь на поле боя, за что они получают награды достойные...
6,140 руб
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Steam Tanks are monstrous, smoke-belching creations that rumble towards the enemy, firing deadly cannon balls from their steam-powered guns. The advance of these iron behemoths is terrifying to behold, as arrows ricochet from armoured hulls and enemy warriors are crushed beneath their...
10,730 руб
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As Sigmar's Tempest rolls across the Mortal Realms it is the Devoted who follow closest in its shadow. Throngs of Flagellants bless the ground with bloody feet and chanted prayer. When they encounter men or beasts corrupted by Chaos, they fall upon them with rabid fervour. This boxed set...
4,880 руб
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