Вармашина 40% (Акция завершена)

Период проведения промо-акции: от 15/12/2023 по 30/12/2023

PIP 35085
релиз 14 июня
1,560 руб
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PIP 34028
Сталкер (Stalker Cryx Bonejack) очень специфичен даже среди прочих варджеков Cryx. Обладающий уникальным шасси, этот бонеджек имеет высокую проходимость (Pathfinder) и скрытный силуэт (Stealth), что в сочетании с улучшенным блоком приема (Extended Control Range) позволяет неслышной тенью...
1,700 руб
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PIP 34047
Блек Огрин Боардинг Пати (Абордажная Команда Черных Огринов, Cryx Black Ogrun Boarding Party) - жуткие задиры, меткие стрелки и пугающие рукопашники. Черные Огрины издавна промышляют пиратством, однако абордаж в их понимании это несколько большее явление, чем просто рукопашная схватка....
1,700 руб
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1,700 руб
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PIP 32023
1,700 руб
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PIP 32032
Высший Верный Амон Ад-Раза (High Allegiant Amon Ad-Raza - Protectorate Warcaster) безусловно, еретик и подлежит сожжению пред Храмом Menoth – но покуда Protectorate of Menoth нуждается в варджеках, Амон Ад-Раза будет занимать свой пост и вести немилые иерархии боевые машины в бой. Вера в...
1,700 руб
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PIP 41063
One of the best-paid mercenaries in western Immoren, Thor Steinhammer repairs and command warjacks with outstanding skill. This consummate combat mechanik can coax unheard-of performance out of his machines, scorch any nearby enemies with his ever-ready torch, and keep the warjacks of other...
1,700 руб
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PIP 31068
Капитан Кара Слоэн (Captain Kara Sloan) стоит целой стрелковой бригады, хотя она и женщина. Враги, оказавшиеся в прицеле ее винтовки, оказываются сладкой добычей для ее союзников, а каждый WarJack под ее руководством становится точнее и сильнее. Вооруженная своим магическим ружьем она без...
1,700 руб
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PIP 35027
Офицер и Знаменосец Побеждающих Стражи Рассвета (Dawnguard Invictor Officer & Standard Bearer - Retribution of Scyrah Unit Attachment) – это ветераны бесчисленных битв, которые пережили не только ярость врага но и безжалостность своих командиров. Теперь Офицер занимает свою должность...
1,700 руб
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PIP 41073
1,700 руб
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PIP 31071
This all-new version of Commander Adept Nemo presents a dynamic new sculpt for this classic warcaster.
1,700 руб
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PIP 34068
Варкастер Cryx Пират Куин Скарре (Королева Пиратов Скарре, Cryx Warcaster Pirate Queen Skarre) - жестокая и расчетливая предводительница нежити, сознательно избравшая столь оригинальный способ достижения личной власти. Она подлая. Она безжалостная. Она жертвует своими солдатами при каждом...
1,700 руб
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PIP 33065
Комендант Ируск (или Каомандант Ируск, Kommandant Irusk - Khador Warcaster), автор книги «Как полностью покорить врага», объемистого труда по военной тактике и организации войны, широко известного в Железных Королевствах (Iron Kingdoms). Командант Ируск предпочитает аккуратные, филигранно...
1,700 руб
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PIP 32065
For years the Priestess of the Flame has been preparing her temple for war; she was instrumental in reshaping the Temple Flameguard into a true fighting force. A devoted, ambitious, and intense woman, Feora leads from the front, entering the fray with righteous satisfaction to lay the...
1,700 руб
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PIP 41089
An Iosan scholar well versed in the arcane arts, Sylys Wyshnalyrr barters his talents to the armies of the Iron Kingdoms in exchange for access to their libraries and safe passage across their lands. Given Sylys’ attention, even the most puissant warcaster would find his own sorcerous ability...
1,700 руб
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PIP 91056
1,700 руб
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PIP 36015
Attunement servitors boldly fly between enemies to seek out high priority targets and mark them for destruction. Attunement servitors fire small glass globes filled with phosphorescent lumichem to bathe their targets in highly adhesive, chemiluminescent fluid that impairs mobility and is highly...
1,700 руб
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PIP 36027
The elimination servitor operates by one directive: hunt down and terminate any and all it does not recognize as an ally. Once it has acquired a target, an elimination servitor advances in a series of precise movements intended to bring its spike projector to bear with the greatest efficiency....
1,700 руб
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PIP 91073
This official Convergence of Cyriss token set includes: 12 Focus Tokens 5 Spell Tokens 4 Upkeep Spell Tokens 2 Shield Wall Tokens 3 Variable Tokens 4 Flare Tokens 2 Beacon Tokens 4 Knockdown Tokens 3 Dug In Tokens 3 Soul Tokens 2 Token Stands Wet- or...
1,700 руб
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PIP 36025
Those priests who dedicate themselves to creating and perfecting the Convergenceт??s weapons of war are known as transverse enumerators. These senior priests have an intimate grasp of design specifications, tolerances, and limitations which allow them to quickly adjust a unitт??s tactics, even...
1,700 руб
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Each 2016 Faction Deck contains updated and redesigned stat cards for every model released before June 1, 2016 for the new edition of the WARMACHINE tabletop miniatures game. FEATURES: The Faction Decks contain cards for all of a player’s faction’s miniatures that were released before June 1,...
1,700 руб
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The Lys Healer is a new Retribution solo featured in WARMACHINE: Prime. FEATURES: A dedicated support solo for Retribution, the Lys Healer brings her powerful protective magic to shield the troops around her from harm. Able to make models immune to stationary and knockdown or to cause animi...
1,700 руб
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PIP 32122
релиз 24 мая Few deliverers survive long enough to gain true mastery of the weapons they wield, but those who do can earn the distinguished title of arms master, directing their charges in combat from the back lines. Tasked with the upkeep and repair of Skyhammer rockets and Sunburst...
1,700 руб
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PIP 76025
The noble is a fool who would accept this spider’s duel. To all the wastrel nobles in the Iron Kingdoms, Lord Longfellow is a terrifying specter. With stunning accuracy, this arachnoid gentleman guns down those audacious enough to hold themselves in higher regard than their fellows, serving...
1,700 руб
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PIP 31138
Masters of covert operations, sabotage, and targeted elimination behind enemy lines, the officers of the trencher commandos are the best of the best. These officers lead squads of commandos on the most dangerous and sensitive assignments, where their paramount goal is always simple:...
1,700 руб
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PIP 31128
A battle-hardened gun mage of the Order of the Arcane Tempest, Lieutenant Bastian Falk takes on special assignments in support of the Cygnaran Army. He has mastered several unique tactics over the years and is particularly notable for the rare ability to use his gun mage powers through a...
1,700 руб
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PIP 34143
Blood priestesses preserve the ancient traditions of Satyxis blood magic, worshipping the very act of bloodletting itself. Able to harness the arcane force of spilled vitality, these priestesses perform sacred rituals of primal power that predate Toruk's reign. Wetting their sacral...
1,700 руб
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Metal and Resin
1,700 руб
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A mad Iosan prophet, the Hermit of Henge Hold is beset by visions of possible futures, many of them laced with horror and imminent destruction. The truth he perceives is invaluable to every denizen of the Iron Kingdoms - included the invading infernals. Whom and why he serves are secrets only...
1,820 руб
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PIP 34141
Admiral Axiara Wraithblade is one of the most feared women on the Meredius and oversees countless pirate flotillas from her flagship, the Morbid Angel . Wraithblade earned her moniker from the blood-consecrated sword Anathema she wields. The weapon is a relic of Satyx, purified by blood...
1,840 руб
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PIP 34148
Found in the maelstrom of battle, her laughter punctuated by the crack of her pistols as she sows chaos and death, Severa Blacktide is a legendary Satyxis warrior. Blacktide is the finest Satyxis gunslinger alive and is counted among the premier gun mages in western Immoren. Each bullet...
1,840 руб
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PIP 34022
Горешейд Бастрад и Деазволкер (Cryx Warcaster Goreshade the Bastard & Deathwalker), могучий воин и молчаливая тень девушки, Варкастер Cryx и его компаньон на поле боя и вне его… В чем - то даже романтическая история бывшего предводителя легионов, стремившегося к высшей власти,...
1,850 руб
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PIP 31040
Captain Finn is a fearless veteran of countless engagements who rose through the ranks of the Trenchers as a living legend. His scar-riddled skin serves as a reminder that the best officers lead from the front. Maxwell charges forward and dodges bullets to seize key strategic positions ahead of...
1,850 руб
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PIP 31047
Офицер Траншейной Пехоты Cygnar (Cygnar Trencher Officer) по давней армейской традиции всегда приходит в отделение вместе со своим снайпером (Cygnar Trencher Sniper). Подобный подход позволяет усилить подразделение пехоты (Cygnar Trencher Unit) специалистом дальнего боя, да и в рукопашной...
1,850 руб
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1,850 руб
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PIP 33062
Grim masters of elemental cold, the icy stares of the Koldun Lords seem almost to freeze the blood of those they gaze upon. Koldun Lords often obscure themselves and the warjacks under their control in a mist filled with churning snow and capable of freezing solid any foolish enough to approach...
1,850 руб
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PIP 32001
Великий Инспектор Севериус (Grand Scrutator Severius - Protectorate Warcaster) уже давно расстался не только с пламенем юности – но и с силой зрелости. Глубокий старик, на закате своей жизни достигший высот в иерархии Protectorate of Menoth, Севериус не стремиться демонстрировать свою верность...
1,850 руб
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PIP 31079
Капитан Cygnar Йонас Мердок (Cygnar Captain Jonas Murdoch Character Mercenary Attachment) давно подвизается на полях сражений в качестве опытного заместителя командиров наемников. Годы службы в подразделениях Траншейной пехоты Cygnar (Cygnar Trencher Unit) испортили его характер, но дали...
1,850 руб
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PIP 35045
Hypnos, a myrmidon of the most exacting construction, is of the creation of Lord Arcanist Ossyan's own labors. The lord arcanist has forged an insoluble connection with Hypnos, allowing it to draw energy from Ossyan and become an extension of his abilities. In his presence the...
1,850 руб
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1,850 руб
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PIP 31132
Privateer Press Warmachine Cygnar: Commander Anson Hitch Solo If there is one warcaster the trenchers would call their own, it is Colonel Markus Brisbane—the most decorated and universally respected of Cygnar’s veteran battle mages. Brisbane is a pure soldier through and through, a...
1,850 руб
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1,850 руб
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PIP 35007_h
Гидра (Hydra - Retribution Heavy Myrmidon) – эффективный и сложноуничтожаемый тяжелый мирмидонец, мех-магический воин армии Retribution of Scyrah. Дом Шиел вложил в разработку Гидры немало усилий, и шла она с большим трудом. Однако, эльфы Ios всегда славились своей решительностью и...
1,925 руб
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The Thamarite Advocates are peerless masters of the forbidden arts who have dedicated themselves to the destruction of the infernals and the protection of humanity. Once denizens of the shadows long-accustomed to serving their Dark Mistress in secret, the Advocates have put aside old differences...
1,930 руб
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PIP 34020
Байл Траллы (Желчные Рабы, Bile Thralls Cryx Unit) - это исторгнутые из недр жутких лабораторий Cryx чудовищные некроконструкты, рядом с которыми неуютно даже их создателям. Эти шумящие, булькающие, чавкающие и неприятно колышущие синюшно - зелеными раздутыми брюхами мерзости созданы для...
1,950 руб
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PIP 34064
Гхост Рейдеров Блекбейна (Призрачные Рейдеры Блекбейна, Blackbane's Ghost Raiders - Cryx Revenant) редко можно встретить вдали от их командира, тем не менее, иногда их замечают перемещающимися по каким - то своим делам. Неизвестно, что за поручения они выполняют, и выполняют ли вообще, однако...
1,950 руб
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PIP 34025
Никто, кроме разве что Некротехов Cryx (Cryx Necrotech) не может с уверенностью сказать что такое Машин Врейс (Призрак - машина Cryx, Cryx Solo Machine Wraith) ). C равной долей вероятности это духи жрецов Cyriss или магов - механиков, а может и вовсе искаженные проклятыми знаниями Cryx духи...
1,990 руб
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PIP 31081
Among Cygnar’s greatest living battlefield generals, Archduke Alain Runewood has given up the comfort and safety of his estates in aid of his country and his king. Wherever his command fights, Runewood leads from the heart of battle. His tactical acumen is finely honed, and his inspiring presence pushes his sword knights to fight fearlessly in the face of even the most dangerous foe.
1,990 руб
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PIP 31091
*The Gallant warjack upgrade kit is NOT a complete model. Players will need a Cygnar heavy warjack plastic kit (PIP 31062) in addition to this kit.
1,990 руб
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PIP 33087
The Black Ivan warjack upgrade kit is NOT a complete model. Players will need a Khador heavy warjack plastic kit in addition to this kit.
1,990 руб
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PIP 41083
1,990 руб
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PIP 33074
The kayazy eliminators are assassins who practice their deadly trade with the finesse of the finest artists. Working in pairs, the lithe eliminators move with deft agility to conceal their silent presence. When the time comes to perform their bloody services, they do so with a grace that would...
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PIP 36012
The primary purpose of a steelsoul protector is to serve as a shield against any harm intended for the priests of Cyriss. The shell of the vessel is engineered to be light enough to allow its bearer to move with startling speed while also being tremendously durable. The vesselт??s frame...
1,990 руб
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This is a metal version of the Khador Mk II Battlegroup Box warcaster Kommander Sorscha featured in WARMACHINE: Prime. FEATURES: This metal version of the classic battlegroup box warcaster gives Khador players both old and new the chance to bring the might of Kommander Sorscha to their games. A...
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PIP 33123
релиз 24 мая The artillery kapitans of the Winter Guard understand the true strength of Khadoran artillery. Under their command, crews lay down fearsome barrages just ahead of their advancing troops, decimating enemy lines while creating a chaotic environment that Khadoran forces can turn to...
1,990 руб
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1,990 руб
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1,990 руб
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1,990 руб
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PIP 35001
Лорд Рассвета Вирос (Dawnlord Vyros - Retribution Warcaster) – опасный военачальник, который рассматривает движение Возмездия как еще одну силу, способную вернуть эльфам Иос (Ios) утраченное величие. Ему лично верны многие Дома Иос (Ios), а в войсках его репутаци я крайне высока...
2,130 руб
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PIP 34037
Варкастер Cryx Призрак-Ведьма (Cryx Warcaster Wraith Witch Deneghra) повелевает тенями даже при ярком свете дня. Она уже даже не нежить, но нечто более жуткое и запредельное, и в то же время притягательное (Action: Seduction). Призрак-Ведьма плетёт паутину теней (Feat: Web of Shadows),...
2,130 руб
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PIP 32028
A living pillar of faith, this holy knight feels the demise of every Menite like a blade cutting his flesh, fueling his otherworldly resolve and righteous fury. The Exemplar Seneschal is nothing less than a force of nature, wading diligently through the enemy, sowing death as he goes. Those...
2,130 руб
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PIP 32039
Even those who do not favor the Order of the Wall speak with respect of High Paladin Dartan Vilmon. Chosen by the Harbinger by name to accompany and protect her form as she first prepared for war, Dartan embodies the noblest aspects of his faith. The breach of Sul's ancient walls has brought...
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PIP 35028
Офицер и Знаменосец Часовых Стражи Рассвета (Dawnguard Sentinel Officer & Standard Bearer - Retribution of Scyrah Unit Attachment) обычно являются выходцами из Дома Ниар, славного своими традициями чести и нерушимой клятвы. Мужчины Дома Ниар – истинные воины, образцы для подражания...
2,130 руб
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PIP 32075
The Flameguard Cleanser officer leads his men into the heart of battle on a tide of scourging flame. Under his command the range and destructive potential of Cleanser purifiers are greatly increased, and they gain the ability to lay down searing curtains of fire that incinerate all who dare...
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PIP 31090
Constance Blaize is a resolute champion of Morrow who leads her Precursor Knights into battle against the unholy terrors that threaten all of mankind. Her greatest foes are the sprawling nightmare empire of Cryx and the vile servants of the dark god Thamar. Empowered by her faith, Blaize fights for her god and her nation with fervor inspired by the holy ascendants she reveres.
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PIP 31072
Мощнейший аргумент Cygnar на полях сражений – Башня Шторма (Cygnar Stormsmith Storm Tower). Эта уникальная разработка оружейников Cygnar обеспечивает войскам поддержку мощнейшими разрядами электричества. Благодаря особенностям ведения огня и высокой насыщенности войск Cygnar иммунными к...
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PIP 32086
A fanatic assassin able to move between the bounds of life and death, Thyra, Flame of Sorrow is the peerless commander of the Daughters of the Flame. Her twin swords, Grief and Lament, weave a path of razor-edged destruction through the enemy ranks as she leads her sisters into battle. Thyra has...
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PIP 35046
Лорд-чародей Оссиан (Lord Arcanist Ossyan – Retribution Warcaster) происходит из Дома Вир, осуждаемого в Иос (Ios) за чудовищные зверства его предыдущего главы. Однако сейчас, в миг Возмездия, именно Лорд-чародей Оссиан был одним из первых приглашенных возглавить армии Retribution of...
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PIP 41092
Character Heavy Warjack Upgrade Kit
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PIP 41093
General Ossrum Dhurg’s disdain for traditional tactics and penchant for startling improvisation and bold maneuvers have earned him both admiration and ire from his peers. The men he commands, though, regard him with universal respect and affection, not merely for the victories he brings...
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PIP 31104
A consummate duelist, Lieutenant Allison Jakes moves across the war-torn battlefields of western Immoren with deadly poise, striking down foes and then darting away in preparation for her next attack. She utilizes her arcane abilities to impart the same fluidity of movement to the warjacks in...
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PIP 32102
Initiate Tristan Durant is quite young and far from mastery, his face still bare of the mask of authority worn by full priests and his warcaster armor an unfamiliar burden. Yet Tristan stands ready to lead his battlegroup in defense against any who threaten the faithful of Menoth. He is gifted...
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PIP 33103
A rising star in the Khadoran Military, Kovnik Andrei Malakov pushes the warjacks under his control to crush those who dare oppose him. His desire to succeed regardless of the consequences sometimes demands a high cost from his men and machines, but to Malakov, such is the price of victory.
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PIP 35061
Elara, Tyro of the Third Chamber, has been forged into the perfect instrument for the Retribution of Scyrah's war against human arcanists. She stands prepared to face any danger in service to the Retribution. As she darts from foe to foe, each kill imbues her myrmidons with power they in...
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PIP 33094
For years the Greylords Covenant has plundered crypts and forgotten tombs for ancient secrets and weapons to employ in the name of the Motherland. Aleksandra Zerkova is among the most ambitious and ruthless of these occult researchers. With an unrelenting thirst for knowledge and a willingness...
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Major Harrison Gibbs is a new Mercenary solo featured in WARMACHINE: Prime. FEATURES: Though primarily a Mercenary model, Harrison Gibbs still maintains his Cygnar roots thanks to the Partisan [Cygnar] ability. This one-time chef has become a hard-bitten fighter in the years since he...
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PIP 33119
This is the full warcaster version of the character solo Kovnik Andrei Malakov, and it is one of the two new warcasters featured in Forces of WARMACHINE: Khador Command. Kommander Andrei Malakov has developed into a ruthless but eminently capable Khadoran officer. Driven by bold...
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PIP 35084
релиз 28 июня Fane Knight Guardians swear oaths to protect Scyrah, her fane, and her priesthood. These knights served the ailing goddess well before the Retribution came to prominence and have joined the cause to see the goddess and the Iosan people restored. These guardians regard several of...
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PIP 32028
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PIP 31134
Privateer Press Warmachine Cygnar: Trencher Warcaster Lieutenant Solo No journeyman’s life is without peril, but some brave men and women opt to take a nobler and more dangerous path. Enlisting in the trencher corps upon completion of basic warcaster training, these junior...
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PIP 33126
Kapitan Sofia Skirova has earned a place of prestige among the officers of the Black Dragons, the elite of the elite, veteran Iron Fangs who have vowed never to retire from active duty. She ably demonstrates why their emblem is feared, intercepting blows intended for her soldiers while...
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Under the mentorship of Marshal Ashlynn d’Elyse, Gastone Cross has begun to reach his potential and fights alongside the other determined warriors of the Llaelese Resistance. Yet he struggles to control the weapon that first unlocked his warcaster ability. A survivor with a proven knack...
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High Exemplar Cyrenia is a cunning battlefield commander and skilled swordwswoman who rouses her fellow Exemplar to feats of excellence. A luminary member of the Exemplar Order, she excels in defensive tactical strategies, coordinating the efforts of the knights under her command while inspiring...
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PIP 92040
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The woman who would become one of Khador’s greatest warcasters entered military service young, lying to recruiters to get into the Winter Guard two years before normal eligibility. By the time her warcaster talent was recognized, she was already a battle-hardened veteran. Awakened to her talent...
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For most who dwell among the Scharde Islands, the pirate’s life means freedom and a chance for wealth, at least for those who are sufficiently ruthless and driven. Captain Rahera represents these ideals better than most, having risen above the riff-raff of the many pirate dens to seize her own...
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Severius loyally served multiple hierarchs in his time as a scrutator and was a significant voice in the caste even before being elevated to leadership over all of the Protectorate's military forces. As a scrutator potentate, Severius promptly saw fit to support Voyle in his bid for power,...
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Before Allister Caine was acknowledged as a full warcaster and promoted to captain…before he was later demoted to lieutenant for acts unbecoming of an officer…and well before he was then promoted to captain again, he was given the rank of lieutenant as a journeyman warcaster, one...
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PIP 41114
The cephalyx are masters of transforming flesh, crafting killing machines of meat and bone to fight their battles. The Subduer can take specimens alive or dead, ensnaring foes in its nets before inflicting gruesome wounds with its blade. The Warden protects the frailer bodies of the cephalyx by...
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PIP 1084
Clouds of gun smoke and brilliantly arcing lightning accompany the blue and gold of Cygnar into battle. Beset by enemies on all sides, this great nation stands resolute thanks to its heroic warcasters, advanced warjacks, and stalwart soldiers. Wielding weapons that harness the power of the storm...
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PIP 31051
Sebastian Nemo has defended Cygnar for nearly fifty years. Promoted to general, he has learned from recent battles and created new strategies and weapons to throw back his nation's enemies. Nemo takes to battle with surprising aggression and power. His experience thwarts his foe's plans as...
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PIP 41009
Another of Magnus the Traitor's creations, the Renegade is his idea of the perfect support warjack. With the obliterator rocket able to destroy targets at long range, the shredder's ability to tear enemies apart in melee, and an arc node that allows Magnus the ability of slinging spells...
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PIP 35029
contents: this blister pack contains 1x Retribution of Scyrah Houseguard Halberdier Officer 1x Retribution of Scyrah Houseguard Halberdier Standard-Bearer
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PIP 33088
Khador’s Iron Wolf has earned a reputation as a peerless master of heavy armor on the battlefield, a war hero beloved by his men and respected even by the enemies of the Motherland. He is famous for his ability to move large numbers of warjacks at an unprecedented pace to arrive where the...
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PIP 31101
Armed with the mighty nexus blade, the Stormblade infantry captain is a fearsome warrior and peerless leader. A master of the storm knight's tactics, the captain drills his men until they can perform unstoppable charges and precisely maneuver through and around their peers.
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PIP 35058
Possessing immense arcane ability and a talent for the divinatory arts, Issyria has become one of the greatest military assets of House Nyarr. That she has done so while declining to wield a weapon is all the more remarkable. In combat, Issyria uses her powers to perceive the flow of battle,...
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PIP 34108
Having honed his skills through years of piracy upon the Meredius, Aiakos moves with his battlegroup like a specter of death both at sea and on land, striking down foes with wicked effectiveness. Nowhere is his cruelty more apparent than in his weapon of choice, a chained harpoon he uses to...
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PIP 41116
Agitators are the surgical knives of a Cephalyx force. These sinister specialists hover across the battlefield to apply precise pressure to the enemy in order to ensure their enslaved drudges and monstrosities are performing to the utmost of their capacity. An agitator can determine the...
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Although many gobbers have gained acceptance at the fringes of society, swamp gobbers have always held a particularly unsavory reputation, and those who serve as river raiders among the pirate crews that prey on western Immoren are no exception. With rusted hooks, axes, and swords, they hack...
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This is a resculpt of the Cygnar warcaster Captain Victoria Haley featured in WARMACHINE: Prime. FEATURES: Re-imagined and updated for the new edition, this new sculpt of Haley wields her arcane might with stunning efficiency. Able to increase the offensive output of her army thanks to her...
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PIP 31122
Captain Allison Jakes earned her promotion to full-fledged warcaster through circumstances far beyond the scope of any ordinary trial, and she now carries herself with the confidence of one who has seen the ravages of war. With each new battle her reputation grows, and despite her youth she...
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PIP 41165
Shadows obscure her every movement, but the name Alexia Ciannor is known across the war-torn Iron Kingdoms. She has garnered a reputation for pitilessness, blasphemy, and sorcerous power that seems out of proportion for her youth. There is no question she has chosen a side in the looming...
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An agent of Llaelese descent, Glyn Cormier dedicated her life to the Order of Illumination from an early age and has long since put aside national loyalties. During recent wars, she has sometimes struggled to maintain her objectivity, but she has endeavored to take the lessons of her mentors to...
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PIP 41026
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PIP 34043
Варкастер Cryx Скарре, Куин оф зе Брокен Коаст (Скарре, Королева Разбитых Берегов, Cryx Warcaster Skarre, Queen of the Broken Coast) - это женщина, для которой не осталось ничего святого в принципе. Она способна плести судьбы, словно ткач плетет холст (Feat: Fate Weaver), и красками для...
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PIP 31027
Few military developments have been so disquieting to Cygnar's rivals as the Hunter; simply stated, it is a jack assassin. Equipped with advanced mechanika relays, an inventive boiler design, and a Long Arm cannon specifically designed for penetrating heavily armored opponents over...
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PIP 31044
Using the same undercarriage as the Hunter, the Grenadier exchanges its predecessor's boiler and long gun for heavier armor and weapons designed for trench war. The 'jack's mattock punches cleanly through even heavy armor, and when assisted by Trenchers, it can launch a hail of...
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PIP 31057
The Black 13th is a well-honed weapon of war sharpened to a razor’s edge by relentless service to the crown. It serves as the elite strike force of the Militant Order of the Arcane Tempest. The exact number of men and women serving in this tight knit organization has waxed and waned since...
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PIP 32027
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PIP 32043
Constructed in secret factories, the Dervish uses the Devout chassis for wholly offensive ends. The 'jack's swords may attack separately or in tandem, and it steps around its foes like the most graceful fencer, leaving bloody and grease-slicked wreckage in its wake.
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PIP 32045
The Covenant of Menoth is a call to war. For two millennia it lay hidden and was studied in secret only by select priests. As the Crusade's flames spread, however, its passages echoed through Immoren once again, strengthening the Lawbringer's loyal warriors and striking down the arcane...
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PIP 41008
The Talon is a black market favorite among mercenaries with enough gold and influence to acquire them. The few moments the Talon's stun lance can provide may be all that is needed to land the critical blow and turn the tide of battle.
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PIP 41033
Magnus has proven to be more than simply a one-man army with a grudge against the nation he once served. He has become a singular lord and master of the arts of war. He relies on no nation's backing, and he carves his legend across western Immoren with blood and blade. He is ruthless in his...
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PIP 41078
contents: this blister pack contains 1x Mercenary Hammerfall High Shield Gun Corps Officer 1x Mercenary Hammerfall High Shield Gun Corps Standard-Bearer
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PIP 34069
Варкастер Cryx Лич Лорд Венетракс (Лорд - лич Венетракс, Cryx Warcaster Lich Lord Venethrax) одержим своей миссией искоренять и подчинять. Он довольно необычен, как для лича, посколько очень часто вынужден общаться с живыми и даже оставлять их в живых, поскольку отвечает за разведывательную сеть...
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PIP 34076
Варкастер империи нежити Cryx Айрон Лич Асфиксиус (Железный Лич Асфиксиус, Cryx Warcaster Iron Lich Asphyxious) опасен в ближнем бою и обладает всеми необходимыми для уничтожения вражеской пехоты навыками. Очень часто его мгновенное перемещение и последующее козырное заклятие опустошает...
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PIP 33072
Бутчер оф Хардов (Orsus Zoktavir - The Butcher of Khardov - Khador Warcaster) – это два с лишним метра мышц, ярости и превосходного владения топором. Броня этого неистового варкастера в прямом смысле соответствует броне варджека, так как состоит из частей корпуса этих боевых машин....
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PIP 36001
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PIP 36007
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