
Miniature Type
По цене
Валькирия это штурмовой, двухмоторный транспорт, обеспечивающий выброску десанта прямо на поле боя. Помимо доставки войск, Валькирии обеспечивают воздушную поддержку наземным частям,уничтожая противника залпами противопехотных ракет. Этот набор содержит 128 деталей, необходимых для сборки...
10,880 руб
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Ракетная установка "Мантикора" это самоходная пусковая установка, запускающая ракеты с разделяющейся боеголовкой. "Мантикора" оборудована 4 ракетами, готовыми нести опустошение в рядах противника. Набор содержит 85 деталей, позволяющих собрать ракетную установку "Мантикора" или ракетную...
10,630 руб
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Герой Империума, и один из самых опытных танковых командиров, когда-либо водивший Леман Русс, рыцарь Паск это гений и прирожденный художник в искусстве танковой войны.
3,080 руб
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Clanrats mass into huge clawpacks, their vast numbers bolstering their courage and allowing them to surge across the battlefield and overwhelm the enemy, regardless of the hideous casualties they suffer along the way. Clanrats are the main front-line unit in a skaven army. They’re great for...
5,250 руб
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The Seekers of Slaanesh are the outriders of the daemonic hosts, Daemonettes who ride upon swift and deadly Steeds. Seekers can cover vast distances at unbelievable speeds; they are an excellent flanking force, able to deftly outmanoeuvre almost any foe. The Steeds are lithe, unsettling...
5,070 руб
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The Herald asserts his will over the Juggernaut as a mortal would over a more earthly steed. Such a pairing is far deadlier than the sum of its parts. Should a foe survive the frenzied biting and goring of a Juggernaut, they are likely to be crushed beneath its brass body or cut down by the...
8,000 руб
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PIP 41073
1,700 руб
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The 2nd Company of the Dark Angels Chapter, the Ravenwing is numbered among the finest fast attack forces in the Imperium. Each member of the Ravenwing is an expert biker, a masterful Land Speeder pilot and a skilled gunner. This upgrade frame has 99 components to customise your Space Marine...
2,340 руб
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The mightiest servants of the Dark Gods are blessed with monstrous power and life unending amongst the Slaves to Darkness. Each Daemon Prince was once a devoted servant of Chaos, whose actions in life have earned him blessings beyond counting and elevation to daemonhood. This multi-part...
6,000 руб
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Few devices sum up the blend of science, sorcery and the sheer inhuman ingenuity of the Skaven, than the infernal war engine known as the Doomwheel. The Doomwheel whirs quickly across the battlefield, unleashing powerful warp lightning bolts that blast those nearby to shrivelled blackness, as...
6,630 руб
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The Skaven of Clan Moulder will regularly create new and terrifying creatures to unleash upon the world, but none quite as depraved and horrific as the Hell Pit Abomination. A writhing mass of muscle, bone and mechanical components, the Hell Pit Abomination is a living mountain of misshapen...
10,730 руб
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Allegedly a direct conduit to Gorkamorka, whose words spill forth with wild abandon, Wurrgog Prophets are regarded with awe and reverence by the Bonesplitterz. Quite, quite mad, they see signs of the Great Green God everywhere, and each of these signs is screaming ‘Waaagh!’ directly into their...
4,490 руб
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Серые Рыцари самый таинственный из всех Империума многих организаций. Самая передовая психохирургия и биоинженериz используется для превращения их в самых могущественных воинов в галактике, не знающих страха и сомнений, которые могут уничтожить здравомыслие простых смертных. Серые Рыцари...
4,580 руб
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The Inquisition is the most powerful and secretive organisation within the Imperium. Its agents, the Inquisitors, are the last line of defence for the Emperor and Mankind. They are utterly ruthless, and empowered to use any means they deem necessary to complete their work, no matter how drastic...
3,610 руб
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Jokaero are heavyset, orange-furred apes with retractable fingers and toes, similar in appearance to the orang-utans of ancient Terra. Yet this primitive appearance is completely misleading. Jokaero are technosavants without peer and have an instinctive understanding of machinery and...
2,830 руб
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Многие инквизиторы сопровождаются проповедником или экзорцистом, чей огненный катехизис является анафемой для порождений Хаоса. Для демонов, его Литании чистоты являются смертельными, как меч, заставляя их страдать от ран, которые они, как правило, игнорируют. When the armies of the Imperium...
3,080 руб
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Втрое выше человеческого роста, эти боевые машины несут мощное оружие как дальнобойное, так и ближнего боя. Почтенные дредноуты являются релквиями ордена, которых будят только в случае большой необходимости. В каждом дредноуте заключено тело великого героя, смертельно раннного в сражении.
7,690 руб
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The Stormraven Gunship is an armoured versatile craft that combines the role of dropship, armoured transport and strike craft. This multi-part plastic kit contains 116 components including every option available for the Stormraven from heavy bolters, assault cannons and plasma cannons...
14,250 руб
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PIP 32075
The Flameguard Cleanser officer leads his men into the heart of battle on a tide of scourging flame. Under his command the range and destructive potential of Cleanser purifiers are greatly increased, and they gain the ability to lay down searing curtains of fire that incinerate all who dare...
2,130 руб
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PIP 35041
Ремесленник Дома Шиел (House Shyeel Artificer - Retribution Solo) распоряжается немыслимыми и непостижимыми силами мира и богов во имя Воздаяния. Дом Шиел вложил в обучение этих могущественных магов Retribution of Scyrah все свои знания и невероятное количество времени – и затраты эти...
2,700 руб
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Немезида Дрэднайт это абсолютное оружие в борьбе с Хаосом. Более высокие, более сильные и тяжелее бронированные, чем его братья, Немезида Дрэднайт были созданы, чтобы взять на себя мощь Великих Демонов и Принцев и истребить их. Хотя требуются многие годы обучения чтобы контролировать Дрэднайт, и...
8,250 руб
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PIP 34080
Чудовищное зло во всем его призрачном величии, Врейс Енджайн (Механизм Призраков, Wraith Engine - Cryx Battle Engine), порождение щедро удобренных смертью полей сражений западной части Immoren и триумф некротехнологии Cryx одновременно. Всегда скрытый под плотной пеленой смерти и боли,...
12,070 руб
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The Land Raider is the single most destructive weapon in the Adeptus Astartes' arsenal. Protected by bonded ceramite and adamantium armour, the Land Raider is impervious to all bar the most destructive weaponry. Equally impressive are its armaments - lascannon and heavy bolters allow the...
14,140 руб
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PIP 31086
Cygnar’s dashing gun mages are a unique breed of soldier-sorcerers who can weave devastating arcane power into their unerring pistol shots. With highly accurate magelock pistols, gun mages can snipe distant targets, cripple heavily armored foes, or knock enemies off their feet. Отряд...
4,970 руб
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The Land Raider is the single most destructive weapon in the Adeptus Astartes' arsenal. Protected by bonded ceramite and adamantium armour, the Land Raider is impervious to all bar the most destructive weaponry. Equally impressive are its armaments - lascannon and heavy bolters allow the Land...
13,500 руб
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Standing three times the height of a man, these towering war machines bare powerful weapons and are as lethal at range as in close assault. A chapter's Dreadnoughts are treasured relics, only awoken in great need. Encased inside every Dreadnought, lies a mighty Space Marine hero, who has...
8,780 руб
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Rhino armoured troop carriers are the mainstay of every Space Marine Chapter's vehicle pool. With an optimal balance of armour, transport capacity and manoeuvrability, the Rhino allows the Space Marine to swiftly redeploy, rush squads into positions of strategic advantage or conduct surgical...
6,380 руб
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850 руб
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Разорбэк это модификация бронетранспортера Носорог, в котором транспортная вместимость была пожертвована в пользу установки систем тяжелого вооружения. Набор содержит все детали, необходимые для сборки бронетранспортера Разорбэе и сборки спаренной лазерной пушки или спаренного тяжелого...
6,750 руб
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PIP 31089
Варджек Чарджер (Cygnar Charger Light Warjack) – разумный выбор при действиях против легких соединений противника. Легкая броня, высокая скорость и серьезное дальнобойное вооружение обеспечивают доминирование над тяжелой пехотой противника. В ближнем бою этого шустрого дальнобойщика необходимо...
2,700 руб
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PIP 32084
2,700 руб
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PIP 35025
Конники Стражей Рассвета (Dawnguard Destors - Retribution Cavalry Unit), или Десторы Давнгуардов (эльфийск.возвышенн.) – это элитные отряды знатных воинов, служить в которых великая честь. Лучшие отпрыски знатных домов издавна начинают свою службу Иос (Ios) в рядах этих умелых бойцов,...
4,260 руб
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PIP 41087
Once a Llaelese noble turned to the vile arts of necromancy, the Thamarite called the Ragman has been drawn to the battlefields of western Immoren by the palpable odor of death. As he picks among the dead for his unnatural purposes, his profane magic lets him kill with a glance and animate his...
1,560 руб
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PIP 34078
Скавенджер (Чистильщик, Scavenger Cryx Bonejack) - особенный легкий варджек Cryx, созданный на базе шасси Сталкера (Stalker Cryx Bonejack). Это относительно недорогой некроконструкт, призвание которого заключается в добивании раненых противников (Finisher). С целью быстрого перемещения на...
1,990 руб
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PIP 32074
The attendant priest brings the strength of Menoth to mercenaries who choose to receive the deity’s light and truth. Through his earthly vessel, Menoth blesses the weapons of those who do battle in his name, moves aside obstacles in their path, and wards them from the heathen magic of their...
1,700 руб
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PIP 41086
Strong enough to wield handheld battle cannons that fire explosive shells across the battlefield, the ogrun assault corps serve their employers as highly mobile artillery. Their great strength and fearsome axes allow them to effectively deal death in melee as well as at range.
9,940 руб
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PIP 33077
A weapon platform that can deliver death and ruin to nearly any part of the battlefield, the Khador gun carriage is a rolling engine of destruction. Its dual cannons can blast apart enemy warjacks, shatter troop formations, or transform the earth into a crater-scarred wasteland. Their resounding...
12,070 руб
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Ungors are more dextrous than Gors and possessed of a wiry strength that makes them more than a match for humans. They live to murder and despoil all that is wholesome and are extremely cruel and spiteful creatures. Ungors take to the field in large herds, arming themselves with stout spears...
4,880 руб
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The chariots used by Beast of Chaos armies are ramshackle constructions, built from heavy pieces of lumbar scavenged from the ruins of buildings. Drawn by Tuskgors, whose brute strength and ferocity far outmatches that of mere horses, these chariots inflict terrible damage as they charge into...
7,800 руб
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Bestigor are the strongest and meanest of all the Beastmen footsoldiers, and are prone to acts of excessive violence. In battle Bestigors form a solid, armoured mass of muscle and iron that charges forward, huge axes levelled, ready to hew the foe limb from limb and trample his broken body...
8,290 руб
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Centigors are drunken, jealous creatures and carry out extreme acts of cruelty and violence on the battlefield.  The Centigor models come in unique defiant poses. Each Centigor carries either a crude spear or horn, and wears limited amounts of chainmail and cloth, while their beastbuckler...
12,190 руб
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Drakespawn Knights are some of the most fearsome of the Order Serpentis' dreaded warriors. The skill of the knights and viciousness of their mounts set them above the cavalry of lesser races. Though few in number, the ferocity of the Drakespawn Knights is such a decisive weapon that they can...
6,140 руб
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PIP 31060
Если у вашей девушки - варкастера еще нет Сквайра – обязательно (!) подарите ей этого полезного спутника! Этот маленький забавный самодвижущийся паровой чемодан на самом деле – важнейшее приобретение любого варкастера Cygnar! Сквайр (Cygnar Squire Warcaster Attachment) – это чрезвычайно...
1,420 руб
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Асторат - верховный капеллан Кровавых Ангелов. Истинный Ангел Смерти, легенда разрушения, человек сражающийся как одержимый и несущий дары смерти и искупления. Набор нуждается в сборке и покраске. Мы рекомендуем использовать для этого клей и краски фирмы «Citadel». Astorath the Grim...
4,580 руб
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Bounding in a disturbing fashion, Flamers of Tzeentch spring toward the foe spouting wyrdflame, the warpfire of Chaos itself. The supernatural flames writhe and leer, but most of all they burn, scorching the foe’s flesh, bones and soul. Yet the Changer of Ways is fickle, and fires that have...
4,500 руб
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Воины Аспекта Жалящих Скорпионов олицетворяют собой смертельные атрибуты их тезки, и они являются самыми мощными из всех аспектов ближнего боя. Они беспощадные убийцы, наслаждающиеся охотой и убийством. Когда они начинают свою атаку, они используют сюрикен пистолеты и пиломечи скорпионов; чьи...
8,000 руб
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Torquemada Coteaz has ever been driven by a single consuming passion: to destroy Daemons wherever they manifest, and with uncompromising force. With spies on every corner and trusted acolytes at his beck and call, Coteaz can outfox and outwit his opponents, leaving them ducking for cover or,...
4,580 руб
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An Ork Warboss is the largest and most powerful of all the Orks in his tribe. A bloodthirsty and battle-hardened warrior equipped with the best wargear the tribe can provide, he towers above even his personal retinue. To achieve the rank of Warboss requires a combination of cunning, violence and...
6,140 руб
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Орки обычно зацикливаются на том, от чего получают наибольшее удовольствие, и объединяются в группы с другими также мыслящими Орками. Танкобои - великолепный пример одной их таких субкультур. Это Парни, испытавшие незабываемые впечатления от прямого попадания во вражеский танк, и громкого и...
6,830 руб
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Ancient pacts sworn between the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Adeptus Astartes allow the Space Marines to send those warriors with an affinity for technology to Mars to train and begin the long, arduous journey of becoming a priest of the Machine God. It is these Techmarines that maintain the...
7,800 руб
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The Ethereal caste are the spiritual leaders of the Tau Empire and command unquestioning loyalty from all the other Tau castes. While they do not command the military strength of the Tau Empire, they do inspire their Fire Warriors to great feats of valour in the face of the enemy. Should the...
2,830 руб
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Гвардейцы Улья отвечают за защиту тиранидских структур и способны выдавать залп за залпом интенсивного огня. По сути, это - тяжело-бронированное живое орудие, а его тело - устойчивая боевая платформа для массивной импалер-пушки, соединённой с их передней конечностью. Они телепатически связаны с...
10,730 руб
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Ликтор бродит впереди сухопутных сил Тиранидов, разведывая территорию для отчёта перед Разумом Улья. Это необычный для Тиранидов организм, его главный инстинкт не кормёжка, а сокрытие в тени, вне поля зрения противника. Они охотятся на отстающих и патрули, используя свои лицевые щупальца, чтобы...
4,100 руб
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The Broodlord is the strongest and most dangerous of all Genestealers, a towering beast of muscle and sharpened claws. As the vanguard of the Tyranid Hive Fleet, the Broodlord and his followers will scout out planets that are ready to be consumed by the great devourer. When the Tyranids finally...
4,100 руб
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A Pyrovore's maw drips with corrosive acids that are powerful enough to reduce armour, flesh and bone to a gooey, smouldering mucous. When confronted by a foe, the Pyrovore launches forth an incandescent fireball from its dorsal bio-weapon that reduces its victims to a pile of burning ash. As...
6,050 руб
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There is nowhere on the battlefield safe from a Herald riding a Disc of Tzeentch. Bolting through the air, he conjures shimmering blue flames to hurl at the foe, while gliding out of reach. Should an enemy appear vulnerable, the Herald will dash in, using its staff of change to cause horrendous...
7,800 руб
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The Dark Eldar employ Razorwing Jetfighters to sow destruction and panic in the midst of the foe. No prey is fast enough to outpace these aggressive and consummately skilled fighter craft, for each of their pilots was once a member of the Reaver elite, and to them fighting at breakneck speed is...
9,560 руб
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The Talos Pain Engines are seen as the pinnacle of the Haemonculi's art. Creations of mad genius, each one is part organic and part mechanical, festooned with surgical apparatus and horrible-looking weapons of war. The bladed forelimbs of a Talos can scissor even an Ogryn into bloody chunks,...
7,690 руб
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The Ravager gunship is arrow-swift. Armed with three devastatingly powerful heavy weapons, it provides the Dark Eldar with armoured fire support, engaging the heaviest of enemy targets. Ravager gunships are so fast and manoeuvrable that they can ambush an enemy tank and destroy it in a single...
10,630 руб
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Warriors of the Kabals form the beating heart of each Dark Eldar strike force. They are the cruellest and most rapacious of their caste, hungry for power and thirsty for the suffering of others. Kabalite Warriors are merciless fighters of murderous intent, who are led to battle by Sybarites,...
5,250 руб
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In the craft of murder, Wyches have no equal. In battle, Wyches feed upon screams of pain. With combat drugs coursing through their veins, Wyches roll, backflip and pirouette out of harm's way, stabbing through visors and neck-joints, slicing open a throat here and piercing a heart there
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Raiders are the favoured transports of the Dark Eldar. Bladed skycraft, they are lightweight and extremely manoeuvrable. Raiders Travel at extreme speed, using their sword-sharp fins and jagged keels to cut apart the foe, while their prow-mounted heavy weapons punish the foe
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The Dark Eldar rely heavily on surprise and raw speed, and hence their skycraft are all fast and manoeuvrable. The most deft of all Commorite transports is the Venom, an arrow-swift skimmer that carries an elite cadre of warriors into battle to strike like a poisoned dart at the heart of the...
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Fyodor Karamazov is an Inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus, and even in those unforgiving ranks a more uncompromising and ruthless individual would be hard to find. Over the course of a career spanning nearly two centuries, Karamazov has blazed a trail of blood and fire from one side of the galaxy...
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