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PIP 36006
Reductors march to war accompanied by an eerie buzz that heralds death. These clockwork soldiers carry swarm projectors designed to launch thousands of pernicious clockwork devices. Once released, this deadly payload seeks the foe in a violent metallic cloud that sweeps around their Convergence...
6,390 руб
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Resin weapon arm for the Decimator Daemon Engine, can be used on either the left or the right hand side.
3,900 руб
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Resin close combat arm for the Decimator Daemon Engine, can be used on either the left or the right hand side.
3,900 руб
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10 man resin multi-part Death Korps of Krieg infantry squad with Sergeant and Flamer.
13,650 руб
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Skink Priests are wizards who can channel the forces of nature to aid Lizardmen armies in the thick of battle. This multi-part plastic kit contains 10 components with which to make a Lizardmen Skink Priest armed with staff and sacrificial blade.
4,880 руб
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9,230 руб
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The Dire Avengers are first amongst the Aspect Warriors of the Eldar. They represent the War God's unending thirst for vengeance upon a galaxy of woe, and as such they are merciless to their foes and unstinting in their devotion to their people. The Dire Avengers in this kit are all armed with...
5,250 руб
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Warpgnaw Verminlords are the pathfinders and half-insane guides of the great horde of verminkind, dwelling within the folds of reality as wanderers of the vast network of gnawholes and dimensional passages used by the Skaven to infest all of creation, never wholly within any realm at one time....
13,850 руб
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When greenskins gather for war, their Shamans build mighty idols of Gorkamorka. Some are formed from the rubble of the Orruks’ recent conquests, mortared with noxious Squiggoth dung. Others are built using strange stone quarried in the deep places of the realms, or even incorporate volatile...
13,500 руб
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Gargants whose sheer size, stupidity and propensity for drunken, ill-tempered violence makes others of their kind seem positively mundane by comparison, Bonegrinder Giants are walking catastrophes capable of levelling an entire town without breaking a sweat—assuming they can stay on...
27,300 руб
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This massive Daemon Engine of Khorne is built in hell forges with the sole purpose of killing, maiming and burning its enemies until they are no more than a sticky paste under its mighty tracks. Measuring almost 6" tall, and just over 7" in length, this huge kit comes with a number of assembly...
29,250 руб
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The Necron Tesseract Vault holds an imprisoned Transcendent C’tan, turning his powers into phenomenal weapons of mass destruction that can age its foes to dust, set acres ablaze, or trigger seismic shifts in the planetary crusts with a single gesture. Standing just over a whopping 9” tall,...
29,250 руб
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Box with 6 miniatures: Wildcat (Combi Rifle) x3, Intruder (Combi Rifle), Hellcat (Combi Rifle), Alguacil (Hacker)
7,100 руб
В наличии
Praetors are the mightiest warriors and battle-leaders of the Legiones Astartes, second only to the godlike Primarchs in their martial skill and generalship. Each is a vastly experienced warrior and warlord, unique in character, who has writ a legend for themselves in blood and slaughter....
10,920 руб
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Modelled in the thick of bloody combat, his arrogance and condescension given way to fratricidal anger and battle-born wrath, this dynamic miniature showcases the full opulence of Fulgrim’s panoply. The miniature comes supplied in a handsome presentation box, and features a large 60mm scenic...
19,500 руб
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The Marauder Destroyer variant was developed during the second war for Armageddon after heavy losses among Imperial Navy forces. Ork air power quickly came to dominate the skies across Armageddon, and forced the few remaining Marauders to be refitted to operate at night, flying at extremely low...
63,380 руб
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Pack of two Punisher Cannons and ammunition cannisters suitable for hardpoints on the Vulture Gunship
3,710 руб
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The Hierophant is amongst the largest and most formidable of the Tyranid Bio creatures faced by ground forces. A complete multi-part resin kit, standing approximately 10inches (255mm) tall.
68,250 руб
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Huge Tyanind Bio construct armed with massive Bio Cannons and Scything Talons. The Tyranid Harridan includes 4 Gargoyle clusters that locate to the chest. This is a complete resin kit.
78,000 руб
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A complete multi-part resin model measuring approximately 129mm/5 inches high.
16,970 руб
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A complete multi-part resin model measuring over 22cm/10 inches in length. Armed with four massive Scything Talons and an Acid Spray. Termagant shown for scale purposes only.
32,180 руб
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A complete multi-part resin model. Armed with two massive Scything Talons and two huge Barbed Stranglers. The rules for the Barbed Hierodule can be found in Warhammer 40,00 Apocalypse.
32,180 руб
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Pack of 3 Ripper Swarms. Complete resin models with three 40mm plastic bases.
6,830 руб
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PIP 41102
The Tactical Arcanist Corps always work in threes. They undergo training and drilling together until they can meet and even exceed the exacting standards imposed by the Brand of Odom for Rhul’s elite battle mages. They defend those they are contracted to protect with scorching salvos of arcane...
4,260 руб
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The huge Ork Squiggoth is one of the more extreme off shoots of the Orkoid race. It is often seen on the frontline trampling and devouring its foes. Complete resin kit includes 8 crew. Can be armed with various guns which are sold separately.
77,030 руб
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The Ork Squiggoth is one of the more extreme off shoots of the Orkoid race. It is often seen on the frontline trampling and devouring its foes. Complete resin kit includes 4 plastic crew. Can be armed with any of the Ork guns which are sold seperately.
24,380 руб
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The Kill Bursta mounts a huge-bore Kannon capable of destroying bunkers and siege-works with ease. The Kill Blasta instead has an insane array of Shootas, Gatlers and rapid-firing Kannons, collectively called a Giga-Shoota. This kit can be built as either the Kill Bursta or Kill Blasta...
34,130 руб
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Complete resin and plastic kit.
9,750 руб
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Following the Saint-Saen Crusade's liberation of twelve worlds in the Segmentum Obscurus, STC patterns were recovered for an air superiority fighter, smaller and more agile than the iconic Thunderbolt. The Lightning has since been disseminated to other worlds with strong ties to the Imperial...
25,350 руб
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Complete resin kit. Turbine powered Ork tracked vehicle with twin Big Shootas. Grot crew and extra Ork weapons are sold seperately and shown for illustration purposes only.
18,140 руб
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Complete resin and plastic kit includes folding platform.
10,530 руб
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The Killkannon fires either large bore frag rounds to use against enemy infantry, or a solid shell for destroying tanks. This is a multi-part resin kit including three Gretchin crew.
5,460 руб
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The Ork Supa-Kannon is a huge artillery piece made for destroying enemy positions and decimating heavy infantry units. This monstrous gun is most often loaded onto the back of a Battlewagon or Big Trakk. The Ork Supa-Kannon is a multi-part resin kit including three Gretchin crew.
7,410 руб
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The Grot Mega Tank represents the pinnacle of Gretchin-built Heavy Tank technology, an overpowering war machine that drives all before it in a storm of scrap and destruction. Hammered together out of junk, spare Mekboy know-wotz and unbridled Grot enthusiasm, the Grot Mega Tank adds even...
21,840 руб
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The lunatic product of the deranged imaginations of grot riggers and scavs that have spent far too long basking in the insane genius of the Big Meks, Grots Tanks are diminutive armoured vehicles made to imitate the far larger Ork Wagons and Tanks. The set contains four different resin variant...
20,670 руб
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The set contains 5 Kommando Heads and 1 Nob Head, 5 Kommando backpacks and 1 Nob Back pack, Boss pole and Big Choppa. Resin conversion set
5,460 руб
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Huge Ork Mek Boss with 2 Grot 'elpers. Complete resin kit.
10,340 руб
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Huge saw-blade arms are often seen on Mega Dreads. Their pilots love seeing them rip through even the strongest of armour. Compete resin arm for the Ork Mega or Meka dreads.
6,050 руб
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Meks often delight in diverting the power of the Stompas roaring engines into enormous and unpredictable force beam generators, built into the head of this gigantic idol to Gork (or possibly Mork). Such devastating power can tear even the mighty Titans of the Adeptus Mechanicus asunder in a...
10,340 руб
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The Lifta-Droppa is a massive energy weapon capable of tossing huge tanks across the battlefield with devastating results. Complete resin Lifta-Droppa arm for the Ork Stompa.
10,920 руб
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Complete resin and plastic kit includes three Gretchin crew
13,650 руб
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The Warp Hunter, perhaps the rarest of Aeldari tanks, sacrifices the transport capacity of the Falcon chassis to mount the terrifying firepower of a large D-Cannon, a weapon capable of tearing open the very fabric of reality and engulfing its target in the dark energies of the Warp. Complete...
12,680 руб
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Armed with a fell Prism Lance and arrayed in the ghostly panoply of an Aeldari wraith, the Shadow Spectres Exarch is dedicated to the craft of ranged death, hunting heavily armoured prey with consummate skill. Complete resin kit.
3,900 руб
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Once a disciple of Asurmen, first of the Aeldari Phoenix Lords, Irillyth the Shade of Twilight founded the Shrine of the Shadow Spectres on the Craftworld of Mymeara. Drawn to the small Craftworld in response to a vision of doom and horror, Irillyth gifted the skills of stealth, swiftness and...
4,880 руб
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The Eldar Phoenix is a heavily armed strike aircraft. Able to effectively engage both infantry and armour on the ground, while its sophisticated energy field protects it from enemy fire.
19,500 руб
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The Nightwing Interceptor is the primary fighter aircraft of the Aeldari, combining a speed and manouverability that no Imperial fighter can match, with considerable firepower and sophisticated energy field protection. The Nightwing features a sliding tab to alter the wing position of the...
21,840 руб
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Rare and precious beyond compare, their souls protected from the predations of Slaanesh within spirit stones, long-dead Warlocks of great power can still be summoned to aid their Craftworld in the form of a Wraithseer. Armed with a lethal D-Cannon and a Wraithblade wreathed in the eldritch...
12,090 руб
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Disguised behind shimmering holo-fields, draped with gossamer-thin robes and wraith-like in appearance, the Shadow Spectres were believed long lost by Aeldari Seers. Armed with prism rifles, each a potent anti-tank weapon, and equipped with jet packs, their mobility allows them to hunt down...
12,090 руб
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Commonly found amongst the raiding forces of the Eldar Corsairs, the Eldar Wasp Assault Walker confers additional protection and manoeuvrability to the pilot. Jump jets are added to the sturdy War Walker chassis to bolster this already potent weapons platform with deceptively swift movement....
8,580 руб
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The Hornet is a light tank employed by Aeldari armoured forces in a fast reconnaissance and raiding role. Piloted by a single crewman, it can be found in the forefront of Aeldari aspect warrior assault waves, speeding ahead of heavier Falcons and Wave Serpents and often operating alongside other...
11,700 руб
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Another design of the Aeldari Scorpion. The Scorpion super heavy grav tank is one of the largest vehicles capable of anti-gravitic movement. The Aeldari have used the Scorpion to spearhead an all out attack, especially against strongly defended positions where its Pulsars are used to engage...
45,830 руб
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The Cobra is another of the Aeldari Engines of Vaul. The Cobra is an ancient design much like the Scorpion, but re-armed with a massive D-cannon. This is a weapon capable of tearing a hole through time and space, and allowing the Immaterium to flood into the material plane with terrible...
45,830 руб
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The Aeldari Lynx is an ancient war machine, much larger than the Falcon-pattern tanks more commonly found in an Aeldari Host, yet smaller and faster than the mighty Scorpion and Cobra super-heavy Grav-tanks. A swift and elegant vehicle, manned by a single pilot and equipped with potent targeting...
25,350 руб
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Light scout vehicle used by T'au Pathfinders to designate targets for Seeker Missiles. This set contains 2 resin T'au Pathfinder Tetras.
12,090 руб
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Please Note: This model is shipped with free worldwide express delivery and due to the complexity and size of this kit T'au Mantas are cast to order. The Manta measures 630mm/25 inches long and has a wingspan of 860mm/34 inches! Weighing in at 12.5 kilos/28 pounds, it weighs six times as...
304,200 руб
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A heavily armed variant of the Tiger Shark, the AX-1-0 mounts 2 large Railguns designed to tackle the heaviest armour that the Tau Empire may encounter. The AX-1-0 also carries 6 See
40,950 руб
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The Tau Tiger Shark is a large Drone Carrying aircraft that is often used to deploy gun drones from its internal racks at high altitude. Includes 14 Tau Gun Drones and 2 pilots.
39,980 руб
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Two finely detailed replacement doors and one replacement front plate for the plastic MkII Rhino kit depicting Black Legion iconography.
2,540 руб
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Three finely detailed replacement doors for the Chaos Land Raider tank kit depicting Alpha Legion iconography.
3,710 руб
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The Shas’vre assigned to pilot the XV-9 Battlesuit armour are combat veterans, each a survivor of the deadliest battles against the Greater Good’s most savage foes. The Fire Caste of Ke’lshan has mastered the use of the XV-9, and within this cadre of solemn and determined warriors Shas’o...
10,920 руб
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Mounting cutting-edge fusion gun variants that can be used with the high-tech systems of the XV-9. The Fusion Cascade engulfs its target in powerful melta energy. It fires in bursts, meaning that despite each charge being less powerful than an Imperial equivalent, it can overwhelm its target...
10,530 руб
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This XV-9 wields Phased Ion Guns – these experimental weapons seek to develop the rapid-firing technology of the Cyclic Ion blaster and vehicle mounted Ion Cannon into a stable battlesuit system. The long accelerators of the Phased Ion Gun allow the pilot to engage the enemy at range with a...
10,530 руб
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The most cutting-edge of the battlesuit technology utilised by the Fire Caste of the T'au Empire, the XV-9 'Hazard' Close Support Armour is an original battlesuit design intended to act as a powerful counter-attack unit and weapons platform.
10,530 руб
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Shas'o R'myr's personal Battlesuit, supreme commander of the T'au Sept Coalition on Taros.
8,580 руб
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