

6,120 руб
В наличии

The Dark Eldar rely heavily on surprise and raw speed, and hence their skycraft are all fast and manoeuvrable. The most deft of all Commorite transports is the Venom, an arrow-swift skimmer that carries an elite cadre of warriors into battle to strike like a poisoned dart at the heart of the foe. Should even a single Venom penetrate the enemy defences it can be enough to sow the seeds of destruction, laying down supporting fire as its lethal cargo goes to work. For this reason, the Venom is the perfect transport vehicle for Archons, Succubi and their respective bodyguards.

Force Organisation
  • Dedicated Transport
Miniature Type
  • Vehicles
Игровая система
Warhammer 40k
Размер базы
Large Flying base
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