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Sylvaneth Treelord / Sylvaneth Treelord Ancient / Spirit of Durthu Shaking the very earth itself with each of their determined, purposeful strides, Treelords are mighty defenders of the forest. Their roots burrow through the earth as quickly as arrows fly through the air, bursting...
12,190 руб
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Sacred priestesses of the sylvaneth, the Branchwraiths are imbued with the power of Ghyran that flows through each of their lithe limbs. Magic users of renown, they are capable of calling upon the Wyldwoods, rousing Dryads from their slumbers to answer the call of war. This is one finecast...
2,830 руб
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The Sylvaneth Dryads are a howling, screaming manifestation of the forest’s wrath, falling upon those who defile their sacred glades with a malign violence that borders on glee. Dancing lithely between their opponents with a grace that belies their nature, they stab and choke foes with vicious...
8,580 руб
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Legends are told all across the mortal realms of the Great Drake, Dracothion. An immense creature, ruler of the night sky, his form has been picked out in stars across the firmament for countless generations, inspiring awe and wonder in all who gaze at the heavens. His offspring, the Stardrakes,...
21,750 руб
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Born into the Stormcast Eternals as a natural leader, extraordinarily gifted with the talent of leadership, the Lord-Celestants are notable for their stoic tenacity and fighting ability. On foot, they are virtually unmatched – atop a vicious Dracoth, they become capable of dealing absolutely...
9,380 руб
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Forged over centuries of battle and strife, a Saurus Sunblood is merely steps away from being a pure manifestation of the power of Azyr. Instinctual warriors who perceive an enemies’ weaknesses as other might perceive the blood of the wounded, they are rare amongst the seraphon - living relics,...
3,900 руб
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Salamanders are large, predatory creatures that dwell in swamps and estuaries. They are swift-moving on both land and water, with strong, slender bodies, viciously sharp talons and a long, powerful tail that propels them quickly through water. They have a ravenous appetite and are able to hunt...
4,680 руб
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Few creatures have mastered the secrets of pure magic like the slann. Their aeons of travel amongst the stars have saturated their minds and bodies with the shimmering power of Azyr - as they glide into battle atop their graven thrones, incredible, crackling energies thrum around their...
8,290 руб
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The Starseers - greatest among the skink spellcasters, attuned to their ancient masters like no other - are uniquely capable understanding a measure of the great plan that the slann follow, and the war they wage against the Dark Gods. Thus motivated, and unclouded by the memories of the aeons...
7,800 руб
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Circling above the battlefield like sinister reptilian vultures, the Terradon Riders rely on their pinpoint accuracy to hurl down utterly deadly weapons, bringing death from above. This is not their only purpose, however - these riders make excellent scouts, relaying information to the warriors...
9,990 руб
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Description An enormous creature covered entirely in impregnable armoured scales, the Bastiladon shrugs off all but the strongest attacks, all the while smashing down enemy lines with all the unstoppable force of a landslide. Stamping down anything able to move out of range of its terrible maw,...
9,990 руб
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In times of great need, a slann might summon a Stegadon carrying a mysterious Engine of the Gods. Only Stegadons have the brute strength required to transport this terrifying device which, whilst wildly unpredictable, can summon raging celestial infernos and even restore fallen seraphon. Its...
10,730 руб
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Saurus Oldblood On Carnosaur / Skink Oracle on Troglodon / Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur A mass of corded muscle and thick, scaled hide, covered in an intimidating latticework of scars new and ancient, the Saurus Oldbloods are mighty war leaders of the seraphon. Striding into battle with...
14,140 руб
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The Dreadclaw is a unique variant of the standard Legiones Astartes Drop Pod that allows for greater mobility for the forces transported as it is able to take off again after landing. This is a complete resin and plastic kit.
19,990 руб
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The Domitar Class Battle-automata was a sophisticated variant of the ancient Conqueror pattern. Larger than the more common Castellax alongside which it would serve, the Domitar was also swifter, designed to cross the open battlefield at speed, and built expressly to crash into the enemy with...
15,210 руб
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A huge brute even by ork standards, tall, muscular and imposing, Grukk Face-rippa is an absolutely terrifying sight. Hard as iron, with a fearsome reputation for absolutely stunning violence, many orks consider him blessed by Gork himself. Naturally, such a massive and killy ork draws others to...
6,750 руб
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7,170 руб
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The Horus Heresy Book Six - Retribution continues the unfolding saga of the Horus Heresy. As the fires of total war consume entire worlds and whole Legions clash, away from the front lines the Knights-Errant are abroad too, penetrating the warp storms that afflict the entire galaxy as they carry...
10,920 руб
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A creature of endless hate and unstoppable savagery, Skaarac the Bloodborn is a beast of venerated legend among the devoted of Khorne. He is said by some to be a fallen Daemon, others claim he is no more than a mindless beast of prodigious power while some claim he is a rogue experiment of the...
36,080 руб
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A fiercely competitive warrior who lives for the thrill of proving the Space Wolves’ superiority in combat, Wolf Lord Krom is an intimidating figure. Leaping at the chance to prove himself, he gleefully takes any opportunity to challenge his peers - though all know that it is the spilling of the...
5,460 руб
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Wise beyond measure, having fought and survived countless battles in hundreds of worlds, Ulrik the Slayer is legendary. Older than any Space Wolves, barring those trapped within the twilight existence of the Dreadnought, he has become an iconic figure to many of the Chapter’s warriors. He has...
4,730 руб
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Likened to the alpha of a wolf-pack, the Iron Priest marshals and directs the power of the Fang’s war machines into something far more impressive than the sum of its parts. Claiming absolute dominion over the tank, the fortress and the gunship, this priest of the machine coaxes maximum yields...
4,730 руб
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4,970 руб
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Having surrendered to the terrible curse that the Canis Helix afflicts, the Wulfen are a grotesque distortion of the power of the Space Wolves. Loping forward at a preternatural pace, due to the strange curse that alters their anatomies in bizarre and striking ways, they are perfectly adapted to...
7,690 руб
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5,270 руб
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Natural born fighters, swollen by the corrupting taint of Chaos, the Chaos Marauders are a terrifying sight to behold on the battlefield. Charging toward the enemy in great numbers, their faces twisted into snarling parodies of humanity, they fall upon their prey and tear it apart with axe,...
6,830 руб
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A magic user of terrifying renown, able to wield fell energies and bend them to his grim will, a Chaos Sorcerer Lord is a fearsome foe to encounter. Able to bestow his followers with daemonic essence, boosting their skill, strength and endurance to unholy levels, his magical abilities and...
2,880 руб
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The Bloodcrushers of Khorne are heavy cavalry from within the Realm of Chaos, massive Juggernauts, ridden into battle by deadly Bloodletters. Beasts of brazen brass and corded muscle, Juggernauts are massively resilient and incredibly strong - their charge powerful enough to smash any...
16,580 руб
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Huge engines of death pulled into the fray by crazed, muscular destriers, Chaos Chariots are driven at incredible speed toward the foe, announcing their impact with shattered bones and torn flesh aplenty. The charioteers are experts with their barbed whips, stirring their steeds into a frenzy...
6,830 руб
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Even for creatures of Chaos, Manticores are particularly ferocious, possessed of an innate stubbornness that propels them to fight for their territory against even the most overpowering odds. No matter what their adversary, the Manticore will launch itself roaring into a bloody and brutal...
9,990 руб
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The first Slaves to Darkness warriors to blood their blades in combat are usually the mounted outriders known to their foes as Marauder Horsemen. They range ahead of the others, galloping around the enemy battle line and cutting off any chance of escape. Expert hunters all, Marauder Horsemen are...
8,780 руб
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Description The histories of the Great Crusade record that it was the Alpha Legion that conceived of the deployment of Legion Seeker squads. Whilst this unit configuration spread to other Legions, the Alpha Legion further refined the concept to create Headhunter Kill Teams. These supremely...
6,630 руб
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Among the earliest patterns of Terminator armour issued, Cataphractii tactical dreadnought armour was even more heavily protected than its contemporaries. The armour featured slab-like Ceramite pauldrons housing additional shield generators, exchanging speed for formidable defences. Space...
4,780 руб
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Among the earliest patterns of Terminator armour issued, Cataphractii tactical dreadnought armour was even more heavily protected than its contemporaries. The armour featured slab-like Ceramite pauldrons housing additional shield generators, exchanging speed for formidable defences. Space...
5,660 руб
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This official HORDES Faction Template Set includes a circular template, a spray template, and a measuring key. The measuring key allows quick confirmation of short distances and includes marks establishing model volume for line of sight. The spray template allows easy measuring of sprays or...
1,700 руб
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This official HORDES Faction Template Set includes a circular template, a spray template, and a measuring key. The measuring key allows quick confirmation of short distances and includes marks establishing model volume for line of sight. The spray template allows easy measuring of sprays or...
1,700 руб
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This official HORDES Faction Template Set includes a circular template, a spray template, and a measuring key. The measuring key allows quick confirmation of short distances and includes marks establishing model volume for line of sight. The spray template allows easy measuring of sprays or...
1,700 руб
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This official WARMACHINE Faction Template Set includes a circular template, a spray template, and a measuring key. The measuring key allows quick confirmation of short distances and includes marks establishing model volume for line of sight. The spray template allows easy measuring of sprays or...
1,700 руб
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This official WARMACHINE Faction Template Set includes a circular template, a spray template, and a measuring key. The measuring key allows quick confirmation of short distances and includes marks establishing model volume for line of sight. The spray template allows easy measuring of sprays or...
1,700 руб
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This official WARMACHINE Faction Template Set includes a circular template, a spray template, and a measuring key. The measuring key allows quick confirmation of short distances and includes marks establishing model volume for line of sight. The spray template allows easy measuring of sprays or...
1,700 руб
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This official WARMACHINE Faction Template Set includes a circular template, a spray template, and a measuring key. The measuring key allows quick confirmation of short distances and includes marks establishing model volume for line of sight. The spray template allows easy measuring of sprays or...
1,700 руб
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This official WARMACHINE Faction Template Set includes a circular template, a spray template, and a measuring key. The measuring key allows quick confirmation of short distances and includes marks establishing model volume for line of sight. The spray template allows easy measuring of sprays or...
1,700 руб
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This official WARMACHINE Faction Template Set includes a circular template, a spray template, and a measuring key. The measuring key allows quick confirmation of short distances and includes marks establishing model volume for line of sight. The spray template allows easy measuring of sprays or...
1,700 руб
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2,840 руб
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2,840 руб
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7,810 руб
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12,780 руб
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7,810 руб
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9,230 руб
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1,700 руб
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PIP 34131
Overseer Mobius became greater than the sum of its dead parts when it was clear to its Cryxian masters that this undead oddity could successfully lead bloat thralls against the enemy without prematurely detonating the thralls or accidentally destroying itself in the process. Engineered in...
3,550 руб
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2,270 руб
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Великий Инспектор Севериус (Grand Scrutator Severius - Protectorate Warcaster) уже давно расстался не только с пламенем юности – но и с силой зрелости. Глубокий старик, на закате своей жизни достигший высот в иерархии Protectorate of Menoth, Севериус не стремиться демонстрировать свою верность...
2,560 руб
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2,560 руб
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8,520 руб
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2,270 руб
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3,120 руб
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The strongest and most skilful warriors of their lodges - no small feat amongst the Fyreslayers - Grimwrath Berzerkers are the fury of Grimnir given form. Not content to have a mere few ur-gold runes hammered into their flesh, these stubborn champions of battle are covered in dozens of these...
6,140 руб
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8,520 руб
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Not content to stand idly by as their myrmidons march to war, House Vyre has recently deployed its own seasoned electromancers. Arcanists trained for years under the tutelage of House Vyre’s most accomplished battle mages, electromancers have done much to further the house’s cause. The voltaic...
4,260 руб
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The Shrike soars against the weight of its great tempered-steel wings by virtue of the roaring fires of its necrotite engine and the dark spells woven into its frame. Following the predatory instincts instilled in its cortex, the Shrike surveys the field of battle from aloft before plunging into...
2,130 руб
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The Salamanders are the exemplars of forge-wrought duty, masters of artifice and possessed of a fearsome and uncompromising sense of honour. The Legion wields the tools of the smith as weapons of war, bringing heat, iron and raw strength of arms to strike down all those who would deny the...
5,850 руб
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