
Miniature Type
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PIP 35088
Representing an expansion of House Vyre’s myrmidon production in support of the Retribution of Scyrah, the Harpy is a formidable machine that generates deadly blasts of wind designed to hurl adversaries back, if they are not immediately torn apart. It is a sleek engine of death favored...
3,260 руб
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PIP 34138
The terrifying and ghostly witch Agrimony, more often whispered of as the Crone of the Dying Strands, is herself enslaved to Captain Rengrave, the first citizen of Cryx. She is nearly as old as her master, once having ruled her own island and standing apart from the pirate kings of old,...
1,990 руб
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PIP 33126
Kapitan Sofia Skirova has earned a place of prestige among the officers of the Black Dragons, the elite of the elite, veteran Iron Fangs who have vowed never to retire from active duty. She ably demonstrates why their emblem is feared, intercepting blows intended for her soldiers while...
2,130 руб
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Upgrade your trusty Land Raider to better represent the Sons of Horus with this set of 2 finely detailed resin doors and a top hatch, each featuring sculpted Chapter iconography.
3,710 руб
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PIP 32128
Champions of the Order of the Wall inspire their fellow paladins to push past their limits even as they ride down enemies of the faith. Hails of gunfire rebound harmlessly off the heavy shields of these master horsemen as they charge across the field, utterly decimating anything unlucky...
5,680 руб
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Upgrade your trusty Land Raider to better represent the Sons of Horus with this set of 2 finely detailed resin doors and a top hatch, each featuring sculpted Chapter iconography.
3,710 руб
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Upgrade a Rhino to better represent the Sons of Horus with this finely detailed set of resin components – 2 doors and a front plate, each featuring sculpted Chapter iconography. These components can optionally be used to upgrade a Storm Eagle.
2,130 руб
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Upgrade a Rhino to better represent the Sons of Horus with this finely detailed set of resin components – 2 doors and a front plate, each featuring sculpted Chapter iconography. These components can optionally be used to upgrade a Storm Eagle.
2,730 руб
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Upgrade a Rhino to better represent the Iron Warriors with this finely detailed set of resin components – 2 doors and a front plate, each featuring sculpted Chapter iconography. These components can optionally be used to upgrade a Storm Eagle.
1,950 руб
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Upgrade your trusty Land Raider to better represent the Iron Warriors with this set of 2 finely detailed resin doors and a top hatch, each featuring sculpted Chapter iconography.
2,730 руб
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Upgrade a Deimos Pattern Rhino to represent the Iron Warriors with this set of 2 finely detailed resin doors, each featuring sculpted Legion iconography. These doors can also be used to upgrade the Legion Deimos Pattern Whirlwind Scorpius and Deimos Pattern Damocles Command Rhino. If you...
3,510 руб
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Upgrade a Rhino to better represent the Dark Angels with this finely detailed set of resin components – 2 doors and a front plate, each featuring sculpted Chapter iconography. These components can optionally be used to upgrade a Storm Eagle.
3,710 руб
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2,730 руб
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Upgrade your trusty Land Raider to better represent the Blood Angels with this set of 3 finely detailed resin doors, each featuring sculpted Chapter iconography.
3,710 руб
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Upgrade a Rhino to better represent the Blood Angels with this finely detailed set of resin components – 2 doors and a front plate, each featuring sculpted Chapter iconography. These components can optionally be used to upgrade a Storm Eagle.
3,710 руб
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Upgrade a Deimos Pattern Rhino to represent the Blood Angels with this set of 2 finely detailed resin doors, each featuring sculpted Legion iconography. These doors can also be used to upgrade the Legion Deimos Pattern Whirlwind Scorpius and Deimos Pattern Damocles Command Rhino.  If you...
3,510 руб
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Bloated with festering corruption, Plague Marines form the mainstay of the Death Guard, and unlike many Traitor Legions their numbers have only swollen as the millennia have passed. Sworn to Nurgle’s service, Plague Marines have disgusting, rotted bodies that stink of decay. The...
7,130 руб
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Sworn to Nurgle’s service, Plague Marines have disgusting, rotted bodies that stink of decay. The putrescent slime that oozes from their sores corrodes armour and boils away skin, yet despite their horrific disfigurements they are fearsome warriors indeed. Their rotting brains are inured...
3,750 руб
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Sworn to Nurgle’s service, Plague Marines have disgusting, rotted bodies that stink of decay. The putrescent slime that oozes from their sores corrodes armour and boils away skin, yet despite their horrific disfigurements they are fearsome warriors indeed. Their rotting brains are inured...
3,750 руб
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The great labour of the Death Guard is to spread Nurgle’s bounteous gift to every corner of realspace. The Biologus Putrifiers have a vital role to play in this process, for it is they who refine the batches of diseased slurry brewed by the Foul Blightspawn, and distil them to the...
3,750 руб
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Box with: 1x TASKMASTER (Red Fury) 2x CrazyKoalas 1x TinBot A Extra arm: "Heavy Rocket Launcher"
4,490 руб
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This set contains, Genatorum Nexus, Manufactorum Sector, Primus Sector, Concourse Sector, Shattered Plaza and Generatorum Sector. Enough for a 6 foot by 4 foot board.
142,800 руб
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Created as a dedicated assault dropship for the Legio Custodes, the Orion can carry a full task force of the Emperor’s Talons into combat. Protected by frontal armour superior to that of the Legiones Astartes Thunderhawk Gunship, its Arachnus heavy blaze cannon and Lastrum bolt cannon...
83,850 руб
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Although the Tactical Dreadnought Armour project was conceived first and foremost for the use of the Legiones Astartes, it was inevitable given the success of Terminator armour that its principles could also be adapted for Legio Custodes use. The first pattern developed was what became...
15,210 руб
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The worshippers of the Dark Gods know that there is power in words and numbers, incantations and arcane numerology. Seven is the unholy number of Nurgle, and the preachers of this doctrine are the Tallymen. Part priests, part demagogues, part metaphysical scribes and quartermasters,...
3,750 руб
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Sinister, hooded figures, Plague Surgeons drift through the mayhem of battle like ghoulish spectres of death. They were once Death Guard Apothecaries who brought healing to those who could be saved, and absolution to those who could not. Damnation transformed their order, rendering them...
3,750 руб
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Plagueburst Crawlers are lumbering, formidable siege tanks whose huge ram-blades, thick armour plating and daemonic energies provide them with incredible resilience. Their fearsome plagueburst mortars boast a parabolic fire arc and terrifying range, while the shells they...
9,380 руб
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Labouring through the air on buzzing turbines and driven by the trapped essence of a Nurgle Daemon, the Foetid Bloat-drone drifts toward the enemy like an armoured plague fly. This hideous war engine bears monstrous weapons onto the battlefield to annihilate the enemies of...
7,130 руб
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The ranged weapons of the Leviathan pattern Siege Dreadnought were designed to be used at closer range than those carried by most classes of dreadnought. The Leviathan Grav-flux Bombard creates a spiralling vortex of gravitation-torsion force. It is a fortress-breaching weapon which can reduce...
4,100 руб
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The close combat weapons of the Leviathan pattern Siege Dreadnought were developed to be even more destructive than those of other dreadnoughts. The Leviathan Siege Drill was designed to bore straight through the heavy armour armoured vehicles. It also incorporates a melta-gun and, as with...
4,100 руб
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The ranged weapons of the Leviathan pattern Siege Dreadnought were designed to be used at closer range than those carried by most classes of dreadnought. The Leviathan Storm Cannon is a rapid firing multi-barrelled weapon, purpose built to scythe down infantry and clear out the defenders of...
4,100 руб
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Created in limited numbers in the latter days of the Great Crusade, the Leviathan pattern Siege Dreadnought was developed in secret on Terra, away from the pervasive oculars of the Mechanicum. Its massive frame incorporates hybridised technologies, some dating back into the dim past of humanity....
14,630 руб
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Вокруг Мерзкого Порождения Порчи распространяется облако отвратительного запаха. Хрипы и кашель вылетают из его покрытых гноем дыхательных труб, когда он вращает ржавые вентили, выпуская на свободу чумной, зараженный воздух из расположенного на его спине инкубатума. Увидев это, некоторые...
3,750 руб
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Тифус, Лорд первой Чумной Роты Мортариона и Носитель Средоточия Разрушения (Host of the Destroyer Hive) - один из самых ужасающих командиров Чумных Флотов. Со своего древнего корабля - Терминус...
5,250 руб
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Blightlord Terminators are relentless and unstoppable, elite Death Guard warriors forever bound to Cataphractii armour. They stalk forward with guns blazing, mercilessly mowing down rank after rank of enemy. Combi-weapons, plague spewers and blight launchers add to the fusilade, reducing infantry and vehicles to slop. This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a unit of 5 Blightlord Terminators. Resplendent in their cracked, rotting Cataphractii shells, they are bursting with squirming tentacles, covered all over with pustulent signs of Nurgle’s gifts: spikes, boils, grinning toothed maws and vile respirators all feature heavily. Each comes armed with a combi-bolter, and a choice of either a balesword or bubotic axe – there are some other, equally unpleasant weapons included, meaning one model can replace their combi-bolter with either a plague spewer, reaper autocannon or blight launcher, and another can carry a fearsome double-handed flail of corruption. The Champion of the unit can take combi-weapon upgrades; there’s a plasma, flamer and melta variant available. There are 8 variant heads available, a mix of helmeted and bare. None of them are especially pleasant to gaze upon… The Blightlord Terminators come as 64 components, and are supplied with 5 Citadel 40mm Round bases.
7,690 руб
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Moria Goblins are small, mean-spirited creatures that live a troglodyte existence in the numerous mines beneath the Misty Mountains, and many of the once-great Dwarven halls are now home to these loathsome beings. They scuttle through the tunnels with amazing dexterity, attacking,...
6,630 руб
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Ferocious wolf-like creatures that have found mutual cause with the vassals of the Dark Lord, Wargs are comparable in size to a horse and many times more dangerous than an ordinary wolf. Swift, agile and deadly, Wargs hunt in packs, usually led by a powerful Warg Chieftain. When the...
2,830 руб
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The Corsairs of Umbar are ruthless raiders possessed of a savagery more commonly associated with Orcs rather than Men. Fortunately for the seafaring folk of Middle-earth, Corsair attacks are generally as brief as they are vicious, for the renegades of Umbar have little stomach for...
6,630 руб
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In scattered and isolated places across Middle-earth, the dead walk, ever bound to this world by sorcery or curse. Almost all undying beings are bound into the service of Sauron, he who forged their deathless existence. By contrast, the spirit-folk of the Dwimorberg are tied to an...
6,630 руб
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Represent the unpredictable on-pitch antics of your Chaos Renegades team with this set of coins and tokens for use in your games of Blood Bowl. It’s got 2 resin turn markers and 2 resin coins included – paint them up, and get playing.
1,950 руб
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Minotaurs’ enormous strength, minimal intelligence and vicious, depraved mentality would appear to make them almost perfect Blood Bowl players. Fortunately for most other players however, few coaches allow Minotaurs in their team. This is mainly because of their disconcerting habit of...
5,270 руб
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Praetors are the mightiest warriors and battle-leaders of the Space Marine Legions, second only to the god-like Primarchs in martial skill and generalship. These lords of the Imperium hold the power of life and death over whole worlds, with the direct control of entire war fleets and...
6,440 руб
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Only the most deranged and fanatical worshippers of disease are chosen for the honour of carrying a plague censer. These weapons are flails whose spiked heads are filled with burning warpstone incense. A cloud of poisonous gas enshrouds them as they fight. This set contains 5 Plague...
6,830 руб
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PIP 71119
From a Land of Ice and Snow… Out of the blizzards of the frozen north march the Northkin, a mighty alliance of resolute trollkin warriors. The Northkin rush to battle with axes in hand, the blood of trolls in their veins, and frost-rimed winter trolls at their side, and any who face...
26,980 руб
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PIP 71115
Among the Northkin leadership are their revered elders, many of whom are also powerful mystics, either shamans or sorcerers who can lend the cold of the north to the power already contained in krielstones to strengthen their allies. The winds they summon can speed an army into the fray...
2,550 руб
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PIP 71110
Dedicated raiding bands are vital for smaller kriels that rely on their spoils to survive. These skirmishers use ambushes and hit-and-run tactics. Raiders carry firebombs used to set buildings ablaze to distract sentries and lure them from storehouses, bombs equally effective against...
12,070 руб
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PIP 34125
Privateer Press Warmachine Cryx: Corruptor/Reaper/Malice Heavy Warjack Kit PLASTIC BOX Both the Corruptor and the Reaper demonstrate Cryx’s inventive acumen when it comes to killing. While the Corruptor is the pinnacle of corrosive technology applied to strip away metal and flesh, the...
5,390 руб
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PIP 34124
Privateer Press Warmachine Cryx: Slayer/Erebus Heavy Warjack Kit PLASTIC BOX The Slayer is a swift, hulking beast of bone and black iron that relishes murdering anything in its path. The helljack known as Erebus, built upon a Slayer chassis, serves Lord Exhumator Scaverous, stalking...
5,390 руб
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PIP 32124
Privateer Press Warmachine Protectorate: Exemplar Warder Elias Gade Solo A decorated war hero of the Exemplar errants, Warder Elias Gade leads his team of pious knights on crucial missions into enemy territory. Operating far from the Protectorate of Menoth, Gade relies on a lifetime...
2,550 руб
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PIP 32108
The consecrated colossals of the Protectorate of Menoth are towering masterpieces of faith and war. The Revelator strips away the obscuring magic of profane casters and scorches the earth to leave nothing but ashes behind, while the Judicator fills the sky with screaming rockets to rain...
15,620 руб
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PIP 31901
Privateer Press Warmachine Cygnar: Trencher Force BOX Once More unto the Breach! The trenchers of Cygnar are among the most tenacious soldiers ever to take the battlefields of the Iron Kingdoms. The first into the fight and the last to leave it, the soldiers of the Trencher Corps form...
15,620 руб
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PIP 31139
Privateer Press Warmachine Cygnar: Patrol Dog Weapon Attachment Not all trenchers stand on two legs. Many companies have one or more patrol dogs assigned to them—eager canine soldiers that go through their own rigorous trencher training. Patrol dogs assist the infantry in several...
1,280 руб
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PIP 31138
Masters of covert operations, sabotage, and targeted elimination behind enemy lines, the officers of the trencher commandos are the best of the best. These officers lead squads of commandos on the most dangerous and sensitive assignments, where their paramount goal is always simple:...
1,700 руб
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PIP 31137
The thundering rifle of a Trencher Express team means death to even well-protected foes of Cygnar. Each team consists of a human spotter working alongside a burly trollkin soldier wielding the largest hunting rifle ever manufactured, the Raevhan Express. Originally designed to bring down...
3,550 руб
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PIP 31136
Blockhouses are often built to support Cygnaran trenchworks, providing girded fire bays and supporting fire in the event of an enemy overrun of the front. Able to withstand direct artillery fire from all but the heaviest enemy guns, these blockhouses return fire with salvos from their...
8,520 руб
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PIP 31135
As turn the wrenches of the mechaniks, so turns the war. Trencher combat engineers are even tougher and more combat-ready than their field mechanik counterparts in the regular Cygnaran Army. Every man and woman among them must be as adept with a firearm as they are at maintaining and...
3,550 руб
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PIP 31134
Privateer Press Warmachine Cygnar: Trencher Warcaster Lieutenant Solo No journeyman’s life is without peril, but some brave men and women opt to take a nobler and more dangerous path. Enlisting in the trencher corps upon completion of basic warcaster training, these junior...
2,130 руб
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PIP 31133
Privateer Press Warmachine Cygnar: Trencher Long Gunners Unit and Command Attachment BOX To the trenchers, the staccato crack of rifle fire represents the familiar tempo of war. Trained in the use of repeating long rifles, Trencher Long Gunners provide their comrades in the corps with...
9,940 руб
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PIP 31132
Privateer Press Warmachine Cygnar: Commander Anson Hitch Solo If there is one warcaster the trenchers would call their own, it is Colonel Markus Brisbane—the most decorated and universally respected of Cygnar’s veteran battle mages. Brisbane is a pure soldier through and through, a...
1,850 руб
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PIP 31131
Privateer Press Warmachine Cygnar: Colonel Markus Siege Brisbane (2) Warcaster If there is one warcaster the trenchers would call their own, it is Colonel Markus Brisbane—the most decorated and universally respected of Cygnar’s veteran battle mages. Brisbane is a pure soldier through...
3,980 руб
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pip 76003
A dreamer can dream of beautiful things, but her slumber can also nightmares bring. Having rejected Menoth’s reality, the Dreamer chose to live within the more pleasing confines of her own dreamworld. Existence itself conforms to her slumbering visions—or is punished for its...
7,100 руб
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Бледные Жнецы; Косы Нургла; Глаза Мортариона. Элитные воины Покрова Смерти носят множество имён, и каждое из них источает миазмы страха и угрозы. Наполненные...
7,690 руб
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Archmagos Dominus Belisarius Cawl was already old at the dawn of the Imperium, over ten thousand years ago. During that span of ages the Tech-Priest has served as a Forge Lord, a Lexico Arcanus and a renowned Magos Biologis. On the battlefield Cawl is a force to be reckoned with,...
7,690 руб
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The ground shakes as the Mighty Skullcrushers ride into battle. Foes in their path are smashed aside by their furious charge, blood bursting from ruined bodies. Those who remain soon follow, rent by the whirling axes of the Mighty Skullcrushers until all that remains is blood and death....
16,580 руб
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