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Период проведения промо-акции: от 21/02/2022 по 28/02/2022

Легендарный "Манчкин" – теперь и во вселенной Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. Покоряйте эту грандиозную вселенную, свергайте царей и богов с их престолов, захватывайте артефакты, способные уничтожать миры, покоряйте драконов и причиняйте добро направо и налево – ведь кто сильнее, тот и прав, а в...
1,790 руб
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Given life by spirits held within the Oak of Ages Past, the Warsong Revenants sprang forth as Alarielle's Rite of Life rippled across Ghyran and added their Spirit Song to her chorus. To their Sylvaneth allies, the music emanating from their flutes is a joyous tune, full of hope and uplifting...
7,690 руб
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Ensure your most sinister and depraved plots go off flawlessly with these nifty Hedonites of Slaanesh warscroll cards! Designed to make it easy to reference your units' rules and track ongoing effects, these cards mean less time flicking through your battletome and more time spreading excess and...
300 руб
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Struggle to remember the Great Plan? See any time flicking through books as a distraction from the eternal war against Chaos? Just fancy checking out your warscrolls at a glance? Then you need these Warscroll Cards! These quick-reference cards allow you to check your rules without having to...
500 руб
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Spend less time searching through your battletome and more time eating your way across the Mortal Realms with these handy Warscroll Cards! This pack of cards contains easy reference versions of each Ogor Mawtribes warscroll, plus a double-sided token sheets for tracking command points, ongoing...
500 руб
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Nurgle is the Chaos God of plagues, whose power waxes strong when disease and despair ravage the Mortal Realms. Though he is a source of fear and revulsion to his enemies, Nurgle is a perversely paternal god, generous with his foul gifts and proud of his worshippers’ every disgusting...
100 руб
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100 руб
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The Daughters of Khaine move with quicksilver speed, carving into enemies like a whirlwind of steel. As blades flash, the she-aelves shed their visage of cold and distant beauty, their ecstatic faces alight with each fresh kill. To them the clash of arms is the height of their religion, holy...
100 руб
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Spend less time leafing through your battletome and more time defending the Mortal Realms from those who would despoil it with these handy Warscroll Cards! This pack of cards contains easy reference versions of each Sylvaneth warscroll, plus a double-sided token sheets for tracking command...
300 руб
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Warlord Battle Titans bestride the battlefields of the Imperium, their thunderous tread heralding the destruction of the enemies of Mankind. A mainstay of the Collegia Titanica, Warlord Battle Titans are among the largest and most powerful war machines ever devised by the Mechanicum. Standing...
16,580 руб
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In the Mortal Realms, the Era of the Beast has begun. The question is, how will your armies forge their Path to Glory in this tumultuous new age? Simple! Grab yourself a Path to Glory Diary and keep track of their journey with each fresh victory or defeat. The diary is A5 in size, and is clad...
4,500 руб
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The Age of Sigmar began with the thunderous arrival of the Stormcast Eternals, borne upon the heavenly storm of the God-King Sigmar Heldenhammer. They are great heroes, snatched up at the moment of death and magically reforged – these golden warriors are thrown into battle against all who would...
1,000 руб
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1,800 руб
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In the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium, specially selected bands of elite combat operatives hunt each other through a twisting alien tomb… The Pariah Nexus, a growing area of space in which worlds have been silenced, baffles and disturbs the Imperium. Within this region, Space...
18,750 руб
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The 41st Millennium is a dark and sinister setting, riven by endless struggles between warring factions. For all that, one can find a certain grim beauty amidst the battles. Show your appreciation of the lore and background with this collectible deck of 54 playing cards, featuring...
1,800 руб
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Description There is no time for peace. No forgiveness. No respite. There is only war. After more than forty thousand years of war and strife among the stars, Humanity stands on the brink of extinction. Beset on all sides by hostile aliens and threatened from within by traitors,...
700 руб
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The corrupting power of Chaos has fully defiled the Eightpoints over the course of centuries, transforming flora and fauna alike into unnatural, mutated abominations. Many of the beasts that make their lairs in the lands around the Varanspire are little more than frenzied monsters, but others...
6,000 руб
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Stretching beneath the surface of the Eightpoints are dungeons of vast scale and formidable complexity; bloodstained catacombs where warriors of the Dark Gods engage in brutal, claustrophobic skirmishes fought over territory, plunder or simply to earn the favour of their pitiless patrons. Of...
26,250 руб
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A brooding tower of pipes, cables and forgotten technology, the Void Shield Generator is the epitome of Mechanicus architecture. Able to project up to three void shields, it is an impressive defence system, aiding the warriors of the Imperium when hunkering down against alien assaults. The...
19,110 руб
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A Lord Discordant is a machine-obsessed heretic who scuttles across the battlefield atop a Helstalker mount, all the while exuding a palpable aura of anarchy. His mere presence short-circuits machinery not already riddled with daemonic entities – actuators and servos whir erratically, and...
9,380 руб
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Squads of Vertus Praetors swoop into battle astride powerful Dawneagle jetbikes. Veteran warriors who have seen conflict on a hundred worlds, these Custodians know the true value of speed: not simply to bring the enemy to bear, but to direct their might precisely where and when it is needed...
7,690 руб
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The Dark Eldar rely heavily on surprise and raw speed, and hence their skycraft are all fast and manoeuvrable. The most deft of all Commorite transports is the Venom, an arrow-swift skimmer that carries an elite cadre of warriors into battle to strike like a poisoned dart at the heart of the...
5,100 руб
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Soldiers and scholars both, the Vanari Bladelords are a walking contradiction of Lumineth philosophies. Although they hail from the Tyrionic nations and dedicate themselves to mastery of combat in all its forms, they make their home in Teclian cities and devote just as much time to studying the...
7,690 руб
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Master archers, the Auralan Sentinels wield complex aelven bows that can either fire straight and true or loft arrows high in the air to curve down onto distant foes. When their High Sentinel channels power into their arrowheads, they are all the more lethal. Auralan Sentinels are a superb...
7,690 руб
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Elder vampires often continue to grow in power as the years tick by, their arcane and martial might growing steadily even as the paragons of mortal races wither and die. Many take up the mantle of a Vampire Lord, commanding legions of undead servants and scores of lesser Soulblight vampires in...
3,900 руб
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The T’au Air Caste utilises Tiger Shark Fighter-Bombers in a support role, raking ground targets with punishing strafing runs. Larger than the Barracudas and packing twice the firepower, woe betide the enemy aircraft that finds itself in target lock with these bruisers. Their transport capacity...
6,000 руб
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Воины Тиранидов – самые приспосабливающиеся организмы из всех биоформ Разума Улья. Они – эффективные машины для убийств, способные вмещать в себя при создании самые разнообразные симбиоты био-оружия. В зависимости от биоформ, они могут быть приспособлены для ближнего боя, стрельбы издалека или...
7,690 руб
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Swift and deadly, Tau Commanders pilot battlesuits of intimidating size and power. Of course, simply piloting a huge battlesuit doesn’t automatically make a troop into a Commander - more than anything, it’s the strategic nous and ability to adapt to unpredictable situations that stands this...
7,690 руб
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Скат представляет собой рабочую лошадку Тау с общей вместимостью в 12 воинов огня. Вооруженный бурст кенноном, БТР Скат может быть отличным прекрытием для легко бронированной пехоты.
7,350 руб
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This mission pack is a matched play expansion for Warhammer 40,000. Within it, you’ll find the rules required to play Tactical Deployment games of Warhammer 40,000. This mission pack has been specifically designed to allow you to use your own terrain collection on the battlefield and set it...
5,250 руб
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Tiger Shark Fighter-bombers are tremendously versatile – essentially a modular flying platform capable of delivering a wide range of weapons to the right place, at the right time. The Tiger Shark AX-1-0 is similar to the other aircraft in the same class, but geared towards taking out the...
6,000 руб
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Versatile Barracuda Fighters are the backbone of the T’au Air Caste. Their skilled pilots and sophisticated technology allow them to seize control of the skies with a versatile array of main weapons and support systems for every enemy and occasion. Build six Barracudas with this box, armed...
6,000 руб
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The Silent King rides to war aboard his Dais of Dominion, flanked by the phaerons of his Triarch and orbited by crackling noctilith Menhirs. He unleashes god-like powers of annihilation upon his dismayed foes, even as his absolute authority radiates out to empower the Necron legions and drive...
20,250 руб
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Dauntless warriors of the Redeemer conclaves, the Vindictors are the shieldwall upon which the forces of ruin shatter. This box is the perfect way to start your collection of Stormcast Eternals. You’ll get two plastic Vindictors with distinct poses, the paints you need to prepare them for...
4,500 руб
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The air sings with glorious life magic as the children of Alarielle surge into battle. The reborn goddess of war leads from the front as glorious Wyldwoods burst forth from the heaving ground, called into being by ancient spirits. Determined to protect the Realm of Life, mighty Wargroves...
11,250 руб
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Marching in relentless unity, their fleshless hands clutching rusted weapons, the Deathrattle legions advance with grim and unstoppable purpose. A Wight King on Skeletal Steed – available first in this box – leads the charge of the mouldering Black Knights, while the implacable Grave Guard...
13,500 руб
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Description Older than memory, existing for aeons unrecorded, the seraphon have ever waged an unending, savage war against Chaos. Summoned by the incredible power of the Slann Starmasters, they materialise from the energy of the stars themselves - nimble skinks, predatory saurus and hulking...
12,750 руб
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ВНИМАНИЕ! К сожалению, из-за взрывоопасности данного товара, мы не можем отправлять баллоны под давлением сдэком, или же АВИА тарифом почты России (ВОЗМОЖНА - наземная перевозка ПОЧТОЙ РОССИИ!) Благодарим за понимание.
3,280 руб
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ВНИМАНИЕ! К сожалению, из-за взрывоопасности данного товара, мы не можем отправлять баллоны под давлением сдэком, или же АВИА тарифом почты России (ВОЗМОЖНА - наземная перевозка ПОЧТОЙ РОССИИ!) Благодарим за понимание.
3,280 руб
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Scout squads are the vanguard of a Space Marine army. Infiltrating behind enemy lines they sow disruption and secure vital strongpoints. Only once a Scout has proven his courage and skill at arms in a Chapter's Scout Company is he elevated to the rank of battle brother, and inducted into one of...
4,500 руб
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Разорбэк это модификация бронетранспортера Носорог, в котором транспортная вместимость была пожертвована в пользу установки систем тяжелого вооружения. Набор содержит все детали, необходимые для сборки бронетранспортера Разорбэе и сборки спаренной лазерной пушки или спаренного тяжелого...
6,750 руб
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Incredible strategists, masters of tactics and capable of besting foes many times their size in single combat, Space Marine Captains rank amongst the universe’s finest commanders – perfect for leading a Space Marine Command Squad. This awesome plastic box set nets you a Space Marine Captain,...
7,500 руб
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The Realmgate Wars were fought over the magical portals that bound the Mortal Realms together, but another conflict has been brewing in the shadows for thousands of years. This is a battle not for resources, nor for pure conquest, but for the immortal souls of the living and dead; a cosmic...
29,250 руб
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Most Darkling Covens centre around a single powerful Sorceress; these despots may have apprentice spellcasters and captains, but their rule is absolute. Such is the supernatural charisma of the mistress of a Darkling Coven that almost anyone might fall under her spell. This plastic kit...
2,210 руб
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While the jokes and songs of Plaguebearers infected by the Chortling Murrain find little purchase amidst the glum Plaguebearers, Nurgle’s other daemons find the antics of the Sloppity Bilepipers hilarious. Unfortunately for their foes, this disease is incredibly infectious, and can cause mortals...
4,500 руб
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Expand your games of Necromunda with these 26 cards, representing the myriad tricks and schemes that can be used to gain an advantage in the underhive. As well as 18 gang-specific Tactics cards that perfectly encapsulate the way that Slave Ogryn gangs fight, there are also 8 blank Fighter cards...
1,800 руб
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When the madness of battle descends upon Slaangor Fiendbloods, the carnage left in their wake is truly sickening. These gangly beasts are frighteningly strong and swift, and they fight with a frenzied disregard for their own survival.  Though they look almost delicate, these savage beasts...
7,130 руб
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Тяжеловооруженные и невероятно быстрые, отряды Skyweavers переигрывают своих врагов быстрым маневрированием прежде, чем разобрать их на куски концентрированной огневой мощью. Нескончаемые потоки огня сюрикеновых пушек и трещащие разряды электромагнитной энергии устраивают бойню для пехоты...
6,600 руб
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Striding forward in a rush of ungainly steps, their weaponised limbs sweeping in a whirlwind of gore, Skorpekh Destroyers feed their need to kill whenever they are unleashed upon the battlefield. Nothing else can override the hard-wired desire to kill that empowers these deranged Necrons....
7,690 руб
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Sigvald the Magnificent considers himself to be the favoured son of Slaanesh. Few would dare question this belief. In battle, the Geld-Prince fights as a golden blur, laughing cruelly as his elegant blade tears through rabble and champions alike.  Whether you’re after a duellist who can...
7,690 руб
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Designed to match and complement the Realm of Battle: Shattered Dominion gameboard, these awesome, highly detailed plastic bases are ideal for the large, mounted heroes in your Warhammer Age of Sigmar collection. You’ll receive 6 90x53mm Oval bases and 20 60x35mm Oval bases, with 14 pieces of...
5,100 руб
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Designed to match and complement the Realm of Battle: Shattered Dominion gameboard, these awesome, highly detailed plastic bases are ideal for the smaller monsters in your Warhammer Age of Sigmar collection. You’ll receive 20 40mm Round bases and 6 65mm Round bases, with 8 pieces of rubble to...
5,100 руб
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Designed to match and complement the Realm of Battle: Shattered Dominion gameboard, these awesome, highly detailed plastic bases are ideal for the foot-soldiers in your Warhammer Age of Sigmar collection. You’ll receive 40 25mm Round bases and 30 32mm Round bases, with 16 extra skulls for...
5,100 руб
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An incredibly detailed, striking scenery set, the Ferratonic Furnace is a modular plastic kit compatible with the entire Sector Mechanicus range – detailed, configurable scenery that will help you play games on a multi-level environment! A large silo possibly filled with unmentionable...
9,750 руб
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7,800 руб
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Designed to match and complement the Realm of Battle: Sector Imperialis gameboard, the Large Base Detail Kit is perfect for large models such as the Imperial Knight Warden. Contained in the box you’ll 72 bits of rubble, pieces that evoke broken examples from the Sector Imperialis gameboard,...
4,880 руб
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Scarab Occult Terminators were once the finest psykers in the Thousand Sons Legion, bodyguards to Magnus the Red himself. Reduced to dust along with their brethren, they now possess only an echo of their previous intellect. They stride into battle at the behest of their sorcerous masters,...
7,690 руб
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Stepping out from the fog of war come the Rubricae. Many of these undying warriors were psykers in their own right, before an ancient curse damned them to an eternity as living husks – their baroque power armour now contains nothing but sparkling dust. In battle, a malevolent witch-light...
7,690 руб
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Rockgut Troggoths have stony hides that are proof against blade, bolt and magical blast alike. Their lumpen claws pass through stone as though it were water, allowing them to scoop up huge clubs and throwing boulders at will....
7,690 руб
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Many of the Dawnbringer Crusades survived to establish new outposts for the forces of Order, with some eventually growing into settlements in their own right. Others, however, were soon overrun by the rampaging forces of Destruction, and so the realm of Ghur is littered with the ruined,...
6,000 руб
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The Soul Wars are over, but a new conflict brews in the Realm of Beasts. It is a time of great change in the Mortal Realms. A surge of life sweeps across the eight realms to force back the tide of death left in the Necroquake’s wake, and the forces of Order waste no time in laying claim to...
12,380 руб
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The Era of the Beast sees armies clash across all manner of terrain, from fetid bogs and ancient ruins to wind-blasted plains and snow-capped mountains. The nigh-endless expanses of the Mortal Realms play host to constant warfare, and no two battlefields are ever alike. As surely as there are...
7,130 руб
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Enormous, bloated warriors, festering with pustules and plague, the Putrid Blightkings are the favoured mortal servants of Nurgle. Blessed with the bite of the daemonfly, these rotting murderers lumber into battle with their tocsins tolling. Possessed of a shockingly deceptive speed, they wield...
7,690 руб
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Psychomancers study the science of fear. They are expert manipulators, conjuring phantasms and temporary hard-light constructs that trigger primal survival instincts in their victims’ minds or overload even the most advanced sensoria. No being is safe from the creeping tendrils of the...
4,730 руб
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