Privateer Press

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В Warmachine , сама земля содрогается во время жестокой схватки, где шеститонные творения из закалённого железа и стали устремляются одно на другое с разрушительной силой локомотива, где извергающие свинец пушки разрывают броню как плоть, и где бури потаённой магии опаляют ратное поле огнем Армагеддона, так что сами боги страшатся ступить на сию изувеченную землю. Победа за смелыми! Вступай в схватку, если в тебе достаточно метала. Возьмите под контроль коварного ворлока и сокрушите врагов могучими ворбистами, движимых необузданной яростью. В HORDES выживут лишь сильнейшие и искуснейшие, все остальные пойдут на корм для ворбистов. HORDES -дикие места в Железных Королевствах. Игрок управляет загадочными Ворлоками и стаями диких Ворбистов, в битве за территорию и выживание.

PIP 41105
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PIP 74100
With exaltation a remote hope at best, the ruthless warriors of the Venator caste take to the field for survival and victory instead. Relentless and cunning, Venator dakars are stern leaders with exacting standards. Under the watchful eye of a dakar, other Venators march quickly and take precise...
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PIP 76004
True and false are merely words to turn the masses into herds. The last of the Defiers to spurn Menoth, the Heretic is a self-styled god who rebelled against his creator. Believing all are able to become divine, he fashioned himself into a paragon of his own distorted virtues. Now the Heretic...
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PIP 76010
Slinking in the shadows upon feet like grasping hands, the horror called the gorehound ranges all across our lands. The gorehound hunts far and wide at its masters’ bidding. Its long tongue tastes the air for the sweet taint of corruption as it stalks its prey. Once a stonehearted coward...
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PIP 76011
SCREAM and scream and scream again For you have seen the frightmare’s grin! Born of the deepest fears of The Child, the frightmare is a m?lange of horrors embodying all that is wrong in the world. Staggering onto the battlefield, it disgorges foul bile to punish the enemies of the grymkin, so...
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PIP 71115
Among the Northkin leadership are their revered elders, many of whom are also powerful mystics, either shamans or sorcerers who can lend the cold of the north to the power already contained in krielstones to strengthen their allies. The winds they summon can speed an army into the fray...
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Gatormen bokors do not loathe death, as other creatures and their dark arts are sacred rituals. The dank powers of death rise steaming from the swamps and can be bound into dead flesh, harnessed to augment the cold-blooded warlocks leading the Blindwater Congregation. Bereft of thought and...
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PIP 34145
Feared by all in the port towns of the Broken Coast who know of her exploits as “the Queen of Blood,” the blighted trollkin Jussika Bloodtongue is a favored lieutenant of Slaughterborn, a brutal taskmaster who leads hosts of Bloodgorgers and marauders in great orgies of destruction. She...
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PIP 73113
Speaking in the tongue of a mad seer, the Truthbearer prophesies destruction for the enemies of Everblight. His burden oozes a miasma of blighted energies that corrupts all that it touches. Graven with runes whose true purpose was lost with the fall of the Black Kingdom of Morrdh, this...
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PIP 74091
A master mortitheurge, Hexeris is unrivaled in the manipulations of life and death. He has lost the ability to empathize with the living and now sees them as machines with precisely analyzed thresholds for potential, injury, and pain. Those who speak to him leave feeling tainted, for his...
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PIP 76030
Hollow Holden is the direct result of the WARMACHINE community’s actions in the Crossroads of Courage yearlong narrative league. As a weapon attachment for the Hollowmen unit (PIP 76013), Holden increases the unit’s capabilities and lethality turn to turn based on a bit of random luck...
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PIP 34042
Боне Лорд Тартарус (Проклятый Лорд Тартарус, Cryx Solo Bane Lord Tartarus) - шедевр старой, традиционной школы некромантии Cryx. Никакой некротехники - исключительно традиционные и проверенные временем компоненты: душа проклятого, оскверненные останки, руническая броня и проклятый топор....
2,410 руб
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PIP 41062
Eiryss has spent years cutting down humans who would profane Caen and her goddess with foul sorceries, but she has seen first-hand that the wars and magics of mankind threaten to destroy her people and her gods. Eiryss has returned to her lonely fight with renewed conviction and new tools to...
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PIP 73060
Products of generations of Everblight’s manipulations, succubi are fonts of blighted arcane power. To create each one, a specially selected Nyss is brought to the spawning pools and ritually bathed in the blood of a warlock. It emerges as something no longer wholly Nyss, attuned to the warlock...
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PIP 75044
Greed, ferocity, and cunning are virtues esteemed by farrow, and Midas lacks for none of these. A potent bone grinder, he is empowered by lives stolen and feasted upon. The energies released in death are weapons and tools for Midas, who consumes his foes to gain their powers and knowledge. At...
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PIP 72101
This is the full warlock version of the character solo Una the Falconer featured in Forces of HORDES: Circle Orboros Command. FEATURES: Now a full warlock, Una the Skyhunter has mastered her control over the winged warbeasts of the Circle. Her Hawker ability grants her battlegroup warbeasts...
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PIP 38019
An arcanist who becomes an infernalist can seize a leadership position among the cults, attracting others into their pacts. Lord Roget d’Vyros is an example of one who has risen to such a position. A former member of the Order of the Golden Crucible, Roget is glad to have put that group behind...
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PIP 41110
This bloody Thamarite pirate takes to the battlefield completely free of quaint notions of morality and justice. Surrounded by a worshipful cabal of Sea Dogs who obediently follow her, Fiona rushes into the fray eager to press the attack personally. She has the power to dominate lesser minds...
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PIP 41055
Consummate professionals, the Iosan spell-caster Lady Aiyana and her gunslinging bodyguard Master Holt add an air of mystery to the Talion. All that is known about them is that she deftly manipulates powerful magic unknown beyond her native land and that he wields his pistols with skill and cool...
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PIP 41125
A former physician who has turned his skills to the ceaseless conflicts of western Immoren, Sergeant Nicolas Verendrye is highly esteemed by those under his command. Verendrye has found his place in the bloody press of melee, employing his medical expertise to keep his men standing and using...
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PIP 35076
релиз 14 июня Elara is one of the Retribution’s most skilled killers. She has refined her arcane abilities to suit the ancient traditions of the goddess, Lyliss, patron of assassins, and treats each death she inflicts as a tribute. Elara has mastered the essence of shadow, stepping through one...
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Had destiny chosen a different path for him, Prospero would have been one of the greatest warcasters to grace the Order of the Golden Crucible and the Crucible Guard. But Prospero was not to achieve his full potential. When the Khadorans assaulted Llael, Prospero`s body was destroyed. To...
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The Order of Illumination relies on an arsenal of blessed weapons and holy wards, the preservation and upkeep of which falls to Morrowan battle priests. Soldiers of the Order are glad to be joined by such priests, who support them in battle with prayers and shield them from enemy magic. Battle...
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PIP 34045
The Soulhunters are an unholy vision of terror incarnate. The plating, piping, gears, furnace, and flesh are an amalgamation designed for swiftness and ferocity. Hungry necrotite furnaces within each equine ribcage burn with baleful corpse-fire as they vent choking black smoke from the flues...
2,130 руб
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PIP 34059
Генерал Герлак Слаутерборн (Cryx Blighted Trollkin Character Solo) - это троллкин с огромным топором, прочной броней и яростью ко всему, что еще не познало смерть от его руки. Возглавляемые этим могучим рубакой отряды блудгоргов (Кровавых Горгов, Bloodgorgers) неистово несут свои...
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PIP 33058
Some men are simply too dangerous to let live, or at least to let free. A hunter of nearly inhuman skill from the north of Khador, Yuri has left a staggering trail of bodies behind him. The leaders of Khador have played on Yuri's patriotism and offered him amnesty in exchange for turning his...
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PIP 73043
The hollowness of blighted swordsmen aligned naturally with the meditative discipline of sword mastery, allowing them to evade horror by concentrating solely on their skill. Those who embraced this new philosophy, the abbots, kill as a form of meditation and are the greatest blade masters of...
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PIP 74035
Makeda has risen in the skorne people’s hour of need as a peerless leader whose vision of their mutual destiny has inspired her soldiers to ever greater efforts. Makeda has vowed to impose order and forge the seeds of a new nation. Solidarity will be the key to rising from the ashes and leading...
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PIP 32069
The divine power of Menoth flows without effort through the High Reclaimer as he sends forth clouds of burning ash and causes the unworthy to burst into flame. These unfaithful are consumed with brutal agony before their lives are snuffed out and their souls sent to Urcaen. One crushing blow...
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PIP 32067
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PIP 72059
While the last tenuous thread of his life was held fast by Megalith, Baldur’s spirit was subsumed within the entirety of Orboros, and the fundamental principles of the world were made clear to him. He has returned to serve as a conduit for a torrent of destructive power. In the midst of battle...
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PIP 41111
A natural at hit-and-run tactics, the bitter, reckless Gastone Crosse prefers to strike from a distance, whether with his powerful mechanikal pistol Gypsy Kiss or the cannons of his warjacks. He lends his arcane power to extending the range of his battlegroup's arms, while each kill provides...
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PIP 75060
In farrow society, might makes right, and only the strongest and most willful climb the ranks over the battered bodies of those left below them. Through bloody battles against both friend and foe, farrow warlords are those rare few who have scraped together enough clout to hold their positions...
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The Shrike soars against the weight of its great tempered-steel wings by virtue of the roaring fires of its necrotite engine and the dark spells woven into its frame. Following the predatory instincts instilled in its cortex, the Shrike surveys the field of battle from aloft before plunging into...
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Official customizable wet- or dry-erase capable WARMACHINE and HORDES tokens take your players’ games to the next level! This faction set includes key tokens to get any player right into the action of a game of WARMACHINE and HORDES. FEATURES: New and veteran players alike will want these...
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Official customizable wet- or dry-erase capable WARMACHINE and HORDES tokens take your players’ games to the next level! This faction set includes key tokens to get any player right into the action of a game of WARMACHINE and HORDES. FEATURES: New and veteran players alike will want these...
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Official customizable wet- or dry-erase capable WARMACHINE and HORDES tokens take your players’ games to the next level! This faction set includes key tokens to get any player right into the action of a game of WARMACHINE and HORDES. FEATURES: New and veteran players alike will want these...
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Official customizable wet- or dry-erase capable WARMACHINE and HORDES tokens take your players’ games to the next level! This faction set includes key tokens to get any player right into the action of a game of WARMACHINE and HORDES. FEATURES: New and veteran players alike will want these...
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Cut through the fog of war with official WARMACHINE and HORDES universal game tokens. Vibrant and visible, these effect tokens make marking and remembering in-play effects a snap, even in the thick of the action! FEATURES: Each set of these tokens contains 15 Fire tokens, 10 Corrosion tokens,...
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Cut through the fog of war with official WARMACHINE and HORDES universal game tokens. Vibrant and visible, these effect tokens make marking and remembering in-play effects a snap, even in the thick of the action! FEATURES: Each set of these tokens contains 10 Blind tokens, 10 Knockdown tokens,...
2,130 руб
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Official customizable wet- or dry-erase capable WARMACHINE and HORDES tokens take your players’ games to the next level! This faction set includes key tokens to get any player right into the action of a game of WARMACHINE and HORDES. FEATURES: New and veteran players alike will want these...
2,130 руб
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Official customizable wet- or dry-erase capable WARMACHINE and HORDES tokens take your players’ games to the next level! This faction set includes key tokens to get any player right into the action of a game of WARMACHINE and HORDES. FEATURES: New and veteran players alike will want these...
2,130 руб
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Official customizable wet- or dry-erase capable WARMACHINE and HORDES tokens take your players’ games to the next level! This faction set includes key tokens to get any player right into the action of a game of WARMACHINE and HORDES. FEATURES: New and veteran players alike will want these...
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PIP 76012
Click and clack, bound and leap, these nightmares will their harvest reap! These grotesque little nightmares may act ridiculous, but they ravenously defend their masters and devour the enemies of the Wicked Harvest. Able to bound in great leaps to land upon their prey, or to spring into...
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