Grand Alliance Order

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The Stormreach Portal is a masterful example of Azyrite engineering, adapting the mystical powers of the Star Bridges for use in the field. Stormcast Eternals that enter its swirling interior can be instantly redeployed via lightning strike to a new area within the Portal's vicinity, as if...
9,750 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 05.11.2024

The Reclusians are the warriors of the Ruination chambers, their identities eroded by countless Reforgings over centuries in service to the God-King. Though they are close to becoming more engine of war than human, their lightning-scoured souls are extremely resistant to Chaos, allowing them to...
7,500 руб

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Stormstrike Palladors are the hard-hitting cavalry of the Warrior chambers. They are outfitted to administer a devastating charge and to engage in extended periods of melee fighting. In this role, their heavy blades and the talons of their Gryph-chargers prove the most effective killing tools....
8,250 руб

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A Lord-Terminos is armed with a mighty blade with which they cut down enemies in great numbers, but they also take the heads of fellow Stormcasts. These grim figures are responsible for ushering the afflicted members of the Ruination chamber whose time in the Mortal Realms has come to its...
5,100 руб

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Lord-Relictors are the high priests of the God-King's armies, calling upon the fulminating energies of Azyr to annihilate the foe, and energise their flagging brethren. As battle rages, these grim champions ward the souls of their kin and use their strange powers to guide them safely back to the...
5,100 руб

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Lord-Celestants are cunning tacticians, ferocious fighters, and effective leaders. To the people of the realms, they are the avenging hand of the heavens walking among them. To the warriors they lead, they're lieges who shoulder the burden of choosing where their kin shall endure another death....
5,250 руб

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Tornus the Redeemed is living proof that even the most tainted are not beyond salvation. A former devotee of the Plague God, Nurgle, he now serves Sigmar with unshakeable faith. Reforged as a Knight-Azyros, he has dedicated himself to providing some degree of succour to the troubled warriors of...
6,150 руб

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Iridan the Witness is determined to preserve the memory of the Ruination chambers' warriors as they once were, before the nightmare of the flaw and the slow degradation of their souls. Through the power of remembrance and the shattering power of their martial might, the Witness will fight for...
13,950 руб

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The Stormcast Eternals are Sigmar’s chosen champions – immortal heroes imbued with the power of the celestial lightning that drops them into the heat of battle. This set of 16 dice is coloured like that very lightning, giving you the many blessings of the God-King you may need to take down...
4,680 руб

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The Stormcast Eternals are Sigmar’s chosen champions – immortal heroes imbued with the power of the celestial tempest. With lightning-wreathed hammers in their hands and a hymn of vengeance on their lips, they defend mortalkind against the tide of darkness that seeks to consume it. Now the...
7,130 руб

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24x Stormcast Eternals The chosen champions of Sigmar, plucked from their mortal bodies at the moment of their death and Reforged to fight once more. Each Stormcast Eternal is a nigh-immortal warrior, capable of fighting hordes of the fiercest foes and emerging victorious. - 1x Lord-Vigilant...
12,000 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 05.11.2024

Warhammer Age of Sigmar is an action-packed, strategic tabletop wargame. No matter which of the many unique factions of warriors, monsters, and strange creatures you choose to play, you'll have an opportunity to carve out your slice of the near-infinite Mortal Realms. Amidst the chaos and...
2,250 руб

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Building and painting Citadel miniatures is a fun and exciting way to engage with the Warhammer hobby, and it only gets more rewarding with time. You’ll need a few tools and a set of paints to get started, and this box includes the basics that will form the core of your Warhammer hobby...
5,250 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 05.11.2024

The Stormcast Eternals are lightning-blessed crusaders. Chosen for their heroism in mortal life, they are now fated to fight forever. They face the worst horrors the Mortal Realms have to offer, exchanging their humanity one piece at a time to protect Sigmar’s followers. This box is an...
4,500 руб

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The Age of Sigmar is an era of unending war. For centuries, the mighty Stormcast Eternals have battled against the forces of evil. Yet now it seems the Hour of Ruin is nigh as the skittering, numberless hordes of the Skaven flood into the Mortal Realms. So potent is their arcane weaponry, that...
25,500 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 05.11.2024

The Age of Sigmar is an era of unending war. For centuries, the mighty Stormcast Eternals have battled against the forces of evil. Yet now they face their darkest time as the foul mutant ratmen of the Skaven hordes threaten to overrun the Mortal Realms. This set is ideal for starting off with...
13,130 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 05.11.2024

Welcome to the Age of Sigmar – an era of ceaseless conflict in which mortals, gods, and monsters clash upon the battlefield. It is an age of heroism, sacrifice, and unending war. Take to the field and lead your troops into battle – to defend civilisation or tear it down. This set introduces you...
8,250 руб

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The Hour of Ruin is nigh, and the skittering, numberless hordes of the Skaven flood into the Mortal Realms. So vile is their warp-magic, so potent their arcane weaponry, that Sigmar has sent his most powerful champions to hold back the tide – the Stormcast Eternals. At their head march the...
31,500 руб
В наличии
Krethusa is the Croneseer, a renegade aelven prophet touched by the divine essence of a long-forgotten goddess – Morai-Heg, the Keeper of Souls. Her rise to prominence has rocked the cult of Khaine to its core, and Krethusa's followers only grow with each victory. Calling upon her powers of...
7,130 руб
В наличии
The Cities of Sigmar are bastions of light and hope in realms embattled by darkness. With faith and overwhelming firepower, their mortal armies fight back against the fiend, the monster, and the wraith. This stalwart boxed set provides you with infantry, cavalry and artillery for Cities of...
17,250 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 05.11.2024

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