Grand Alliance Order

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Those given the rank of Lord-Arcanum by Sigmar earned it by wielding eldritch energies in the name of freedom. There are those whose mastery of the heavenly realmsphere is such that they can astrally project into the aether, that non-space that lies between the realms, there to make lasting...
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Masters of aetheric lightning who can manipulate the cerulean energy of Azyr, the leaders of the Sacrosanct Chamber are known as Lord-Arcanums. Their storm-sight allows them to see the souls of living creatures, and they can hurl destructive bolts and empower the warriors around them with but a...
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The Sacristan Engineers of the Sacrosanct Chambers hail from the Ordinatus Conclave – sometimes known as the Conclave of the Thunderbolt for the devastating effect it can have on battle. These warrior-engineers command the chambers’ magical field artillery. When a Celestar Ballista is set up to...
3,490 руб
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The eyes of an Evocator in full battle rage flash with sparks, and veins of lightning glow beneath his skin – the same energy that plays over his tempest blade and stormstave as he advances, arcing outward to ground nearby. These bursts are deadly, and can blacken and scorch anyone nearby if not...
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A vision of golden celestial light, a living embodiment of the God-King’s might, the Stormcast Eternals are messengers of vengeance armed with the might of stars. Once-mortal champions of Order forged by Sigmar into an astonishing fighting force, hurled down from the heavens to meet the forces...
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The Lord-Exorcist is a master at channeling celestial energy to banish daemons and gheists. Even Nagash, in his towering arrogance, has been forced to take note of these figures, for they carry the light of Order, and are anathema to even the most hateful undead spectre. By slamming the heel of...
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The cataclysmic necroquake of Shyish has flooded the Mortal Realms with the powers of the aether. Incantations summon forth new conjurations of unprecedented power and...
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Castigators are powerful ranged support troops, commonly employed by the Lord-Arcananums of the Sacrosanct Chambers against those ethereal enemies that can kill with but a touch. The thunderhead greatbows they carry are miracles of Azyrite science and...
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Akhelian Morrsarr Guard / Akhelian Ishlaen Guard No troops exemplify the Idoneth Deepkin way of life more than the Akhelian Guard. Mounted atop Fangmora Eels, they fight in a loose formation ideal for rapid...
7,360 руб
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At first they appear as spectral blurs in the ethersea, distant streamlined shapes that seem to materialise from nowhere. With powerful thrusts of their sickle-finned tails, the forms grow all too quickly as...
6,820 руб
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Shrugging off enemy missiles, the Akhelian Leviadon plunges into the fray. Scythed fins dismember foes while the beast’s powerful jaws clamp down with enough force to crush tempered steel....
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It is the Tidecasters who conjure the phantasmal sea that allows aelf and aquatic beast to move and breathe as if they were in their own natural environment. They are able to conjure spells from the repressed anguish of the Idoneth, the curse that echoes still from their ancestors’ torture...
3,880 руб
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With their cyfar compasses and dowserchimes, the Soulscryers can map the dark corners of a being’s soul as well as those of the mortal realms, marking them out as navigators and priests among the Idoneth. Whether their quest leads towards spirit-plunder or along new paths of the whirlways, the...
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The Soulrenders are unusual amongst the Isharann, for they are trained alongside the Akhelians, and are well accustomed to acting at the forefront of battle. Upon each Soulrender’s helm dangles a lurelight, its strange glow attracting and absorbing souls. Armed with a hooked polearm known as a...
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Namarti Reavers provide the archers and scouts for the Idoneth Deepkin phalanxes. The Akhelians recognise the need for reconnaisance, picket forces and massed missile fire, but regard such...
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He was the first of his kind, and is the last of the Cythai still alive. All Ionrach bow before him, their one acknowledged leader, the eldest and greatest of their race. He is Volturnos, High King of the...
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When the Idoneth Deepkin go to war, they bring their supernatural sea with them....
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Aspect of the Sea / Aspect of the Storm Idolised echoes of a bygone era, the Eidolons of Mathlann are summoned to life in times of dire need. These are no divine avatars, however, but collective manifestations of the ancestral souls of the...
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Gifted with the spirit-sight and keen analytical minds, the Soul Wardens keep a tally of interred souls, tending to them and calculating how many are needed for certain tasks. Ordinarily they do not...
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