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Belthanos leads the eternal hunt that keeps his master Kurnoth’s spirit in bloom. Cloaked in leaves and riding atop a Carnelian Greatspite made of pure life magic, he chases down those who would harm Ghyran so that his howling followers might rip them apart. This multipart plastic kit builds...
13,560 руб
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Belthanos, the First Thorn of Kurnoth, leads the eternal hunt that keeps his master’s spirit in bloom. Cloaked in evergreen and riding atop a Carnelian Greatspite made of pure life magic, he chases down those who would harm Ghyran so that his howling Revenant Seeker and Kurnoth Hunter followers...
19,380 руб

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Regiments of Renown are storied mercenaries who wander the Mortal Realms, offering their services to whichever armies will help them achieve their own ambitions. Led by warriors famous and infamous alike, these dogs of war recruit like-minded soldiers to join them in their quests to fill their...
8,530 руб
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The bitter Sylvaneth are roused to anger across the Mortal Realms by the ceaseless wars plaguing the verdant groves they call home. Led by the bloody-minded Drycha Hamadreth, wicked Spite Revenants and frenzied Dryads surge from the forest in a mass of thorny vines and hooked claws, while the...
26,350 руб
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The air sings with glorious life magic as the children of Alarielle surge into battle. Embittered noble spirits command the fury of the forest, hissing Branchwyches leading from the front as verdant wyldwoods burst forth from the heaving ground. Mighty wargroves advance in defence of life...
17,050 руб
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The Lady of Vines is the literal hand of Alarielle, cut from the goddess’s wrist and grown into a towering war leader. She holds true to the Everqueen's summery war-aspect even in times of wintery melancholy, her song of wrath echoing through the very realmroots, and has slain countless foes of...
6,820 руб
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The Spiterider Lancers are Alarielle's elite cavalry, mounted upon agile Dragonspites whose bodies thrum with the energies of Life. Taming one of these ancient insectoid predators is a quest in itself – their forest spirit riders deftly swoop and whirl above the battlefield before suddenly...
8,530 руб
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A breed of forest spirit only recently-emerged into the ranks of the Sylvaneth, the Gossamid Archers are afforded the power of flight by the zephyrwing spites that clasp their torsos. With impressive speed and mobility, the Archers fly to wherever they're needed on the battlefield, swooping...
7,940 руб
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Strange and fey are the Sylvaneth, children of the life goddess Alarielle. These forest spirits have long dwelt in the woods of the Mortal Realms, protecting places of power from malign trespassers and the warping touch of Chaos. As the effects of the Everqueen’s Rite of Life are felt across...
6,590 руб
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When the verminous skaven make a daring raid on the innocent Sylvaneth enclave of Neos, Grey Seer Skrittat's successful theft of priceless soulpods sets in motion a devastating counterstrike – for the Lady of Vines and her hand-picked Sylvaneth warriors have a thirst for vengeance that can only...
23,250 руб
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Given life by spirits held within the Oak of Ages Past, the Warsong Revenants sprang forth as Alarielle's Rite of Life rippled across Ghyran and added their Spirit Song to her chorus. To their Sylvaneth allies, the music emanating from their flutes is a joyous tune, full of hope and uplifting...
7,940 руб
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Arch-Revenants soar high over the battlefield, borne upon the wings of a zephyrspite. Swooping down to strike where the foe is most vulnerable, their regal presence inspires nearby Sylvaneth, filling them with courage and warlike aggression. Arch-Revenants are brilliant front-line commanders...
5,270 руб
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Unleash the verdant life magics of the Sylvaneth with these endless spells! Available only to Sylvaneth Wizards, these powerful summoned sorceries have the potential to turn the direst of battles in your favour with a variety of in-game effects. In this set, you’ll find three endless spells,...
8,260 руб
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The air sings with glorious life magic as the children of Alarielle surge into battle. The reborn goddess of war leads from the front as glorious Wyldwoods burst forth from the heaving ground, called into being by ancient spirits. Determined to protect the Realm of Life, mighty Wargroves...
11,630 руб
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Merciless, fast and graceful, Tree-Revenants have a number of duties in a sylvaneth Household. Patrol, defence, conquering and crushing; huge bands of Tree-Revenants, with their sombre outlook and...
6,820 руб
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One of the few deities worshipped by the sylvaneth alongside Alarielle, Kurnoth represents nature’s wildness and hunger. The Kurnoth Hunters are living embodiments of his wrath. Nearly twice the size of a Dryad, masters of sword,...
7,940 руб
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Said to be a truly ancient spirit, one who fought at the end of the world-that-was, the daughter of Alarielle known as Drycha Hamadreth has named herself the Regent of the Outcasts, leading them into battle while screaming her discordant songs of hatred for...
10,330 руб
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Reborn from the land she loved in a soaring crescendo of hope, fury, loss and exhilaration, Alarielle the Everqueen is an ancient and powerful being. She is the goddess of life magic; where she treads, atop her immense wardroth beetle, new blooms scream forth in a riot of colour, strength and...
20,150 руб
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Sylvaneth Treelord / Sylvaneth Treelord Ancient / Spirit of Durthu Shaking the very earth itself with each of their determined, purposeful strides, Treelords are mighty defenders of the forest. Their roots burrow through the earth as quickly as arrows fly through the air, bursting...
12,590 руб
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Sacred priestesses of the sylvaneth, the Branchwraiths are imbued with the power of Ghyran that flows through each of their lithe limbs. Magic users of renown, they are capable of calling upon the Wyldwoods, rousing Dryads from their slumbers to answer the call of war. This is one finecast...
2,920 руб
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