Grand Alliance Order

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Witchfinder of the Stormcast Eternals, the Lord-Veritant is the eye of Sigmar, the inescapable wrath of the heavens. The blazing light of his Lantern of Abjuration is the terror of evil magic-users across the mortal realms, as he hunts out and systematically destroys them and their vile,...
5,070 руб
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Grombrindal – The White Dwarf himself, namesake of the Ultimate Warhammer Magazine – comes to the Mortal Realms! Some say Grombrindal is the living incarnation of Snorri Longbeard himself; others that he was betrothed to the goddess Valaya. None truly know the origins of this most ancient and...
4,290 руб
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The air sings with glorious life magic as the children of Alarielle surge into battle. The reborn goddess of war leads from the front as glorious Wyldwoods burst forth from the heaving ground, called into being by ancient spirits. Determined to protect the Realm of Life, mighty Wargroves...
11,250 руб
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Merciless, fast and graceful, Tree-Revenants have a number of duties in a sylvaneth Household. Patrol, defence, conquering and crushing; huge bands of Tree-Revenants, with their sombre outlook and...
6,600 руб
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One of the few deities worshipped by the sylvaneth alongside Alarielle, Kurnoth represents nature’s wildness and hunger. The Kurnoth Hunters are living embodiments of his wrath. Nearly twice the size of a Dryad, masters of sword,...
7,690 руб
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Said to be a truly ancient spirit, one who fought at the end of the world-that-was, the daughter of Alarielle known as Drycha Hamadreth has named herself the Regent of the Outcasts, leading them into battle while screaming her discordant songs of hatred for all who...
7,500 руб
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Reborn from the land she loved in a soaring crescendo of hope, fury, loss and exhilaration, Alarielle the Everqueen is an ancient and powerful being. She is the goddess of life magic; where she treads, atop her immense wardroth beetle, new blooms scream forth in a riot of colour, strength and...
19,500 руб
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Sylvaneth Treelord / Sylvaneth Treelord Ancient / Spirit of Durthu Shaking the very earth itself with each of their determined, purposeful strides, Treelords are mighty defenders of the forest. Their roots burrow through the earth as quickly as arrows fly through the air, bursting...
9,000 руб
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Sacred priestesses of the sylvaneth, the Branchwraiths are imbued with the power of Ghyran that flows through each of their lithe limbs. Magic users of renown, they are capable of calling upon the Wyldwoods, rousing Dryads from their slumbers to answer the call of war. This is one finecast...
2,830 руб
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The Sylvaneth Dryads are a howling, screaming manifestation of the forest’s wrath, falling upon those who defile their sacred glades with a malign violence that borders on glee. Dancing lithely between their opponents with a grace that belies their nature, they stab and choke foes with vicious...
6,380 руб
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Legends are told all across the mortal realms of the Great Drake, Dracothion. An immense creature, ruler of the night sky, his form has been picked out in stars across the firmament for countless generations, inspiring awe and wonder in all who gaze at the heavens. His offspring, the Stardrakes,...
21,750 руб
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Born into the Stormcast Eternals as a natural leader, extraordinarily gifted with the talent of leadership, the Lord-Celestants are notable for their stoic tenacity and fighting ability. On foot, they are virtually unmatched – atop a vicious Dracoth, they become capable of dealing absolutely...
9,380 руб
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Forged over centuries of battle and strife, a Saurus Sunblood is merely steps away from being a pure manifestation of the power of Azyr. Instinctual warriors who perceive an enemies’ weaknesses as other might perceive the blood of the wounded, they are rare amongst the seraphon - living relics,...
3,900 руб
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Salamanders are large, predatory creatures that dwell in swamps and estuaries. They are swift-moving on both land and water, with strong, slender bodies, viciously sharp talons and a long, powerful tail that propels them quickly through water. They have a ravenous appetite and are able to hunt...
4,680 руб
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Few creatures have mastered the secrets of pure magic like the slann. Their aeons of travel amongst the stars have saturated their minds and bodies with the shimmering power of Azyr - as they glide into battle atop their graven thrones, incredible, crackling energies thrum around their...
8,290 руб
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The Starseers - greatest among the skink spellcasters, attuned to their ancient masters like no other - are uniquely capable understanding a measure of the great plan that the slann follow, and the war they wage against the Dark Gods. Thus motivated, and unclouded by the memories of the aeons...
7,800 руб
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Circling above the battlefield like sinister reptilian vultures, the Terradon Riders rely on their pinpoint accuracy to hurl down utterly deadly weapons, bringing death from above. This is not their only purpose, however - these riders make excellent scouts, relaying information to the warriors...
9,750 руб
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Description An enormous creature covered entirely in impregnable armoured scales, the Bastiladon shrugs off all but the strongest attacks, all the while smashing down enemy lines with all the unstoppable force of a landslide. Stamping down anything able to move out of range of its terrible maw,...
9,750 руб
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In times of great need, a slann might summon a Stegadon carrying a mysterious Engine of the Gods. Only Stegadons have the brute strength required to transport this terrifying device which, whilst wildly unpredictable, can summon raging celestial infernos and even restore fallen seraphon. Its...
10,730 руб
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Saurus Oldblood On Carnosaur / Skink Oracle on Troglodon / Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur A mass of corded muscle and thick, scaled hide, covered in an intimidating latticework of scars new and ancient, the Saurus Oldbloods are mighty war leaders of the seraphon. Striding into battle with...
13,650 руб
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The strongest and most skilful warriors of their lodges - no small feat amongst the Fyreslayers - Grimwrath Berzerkers are the fury of Grimnir given form. Not content to have a mere few ur-gold runes hammered into their flesh, these stubborn champions of battle are covered in dozens of these...
5,850 руб
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Auric Runesmiter on Magmadroth / Auric Runefather on Magmadroth / Auric Runeson on Magmadroth Able to silence the racing heart of the foe into icy coldness and terror with naught but his steely glare, the Auric Runefather is the lord of the Fyreslayer lodge, a war leader with...
13,950 руб
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Incredibly powerful elite warriors, possibly the strongest in their lodges, the Hearthguard Berzerkers are the first to heed the call of Fyreslayers’ battle horns. Filled with fiery determination, glowing with the ur-gold runes hammered into their flesh, they are eager to unleash the full fury...
6,600 руб
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Essential to the operation of a lodge, Auric Runemasters serve a number of purposes. As high priests of the forge-temple, they craft the ur-gold runes that are hammered into the flesh of the Fyreslayers, giving them the power of Grimnir. Auric Runemasters are attuned to this power like no other,...
5,850 руб
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Known across the Realms for their prowess in battle and absolute lack of fear when faced with enemies that tower over their stout forms, Vulkite Berzerkers are rightly feared by their enemies. Born from a foundation of ancient tradition that stubbornly clings to martial pride, these dauntless...
7,690 руб
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Description Older than memory, existing for aeons unrecorded, the seraphon have ever waged an unending, savage war against Chaos. Summoned by the incredible power of the Slann Starmasters, they materialise from the energy of the stars themselves - nimble skinks, predatory saurus and hulking...
12,750 руб
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At the very forefront of the Stormhost are the Knights-Heraldor, whose blasting clarion call announces the return of justice and order to the realms. His battle-horn sounds like a glorious thunderclap, the very sound of victory, spurring the Stormcast Eternals on to ever more astonishing feats...
4,390 руб
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Blazing with the glorious light of celestial energies, the banners of the Stormcast Eternals are carried proudly into battle by the Knights-Vexillor. A grand declaration of war in the highest regard, these banners proclaim the hatred of Chaos and the intent of Sigmar to reclaim the realms. A...
4,490 руб
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A fearsome winged hunter, a predator that glides through the skies above the battlefield raining death upon the enemies of Sigmar, the Knight-Venator is a sky-archer of repute. Able to line up and fire entire volleys of projectiles in the time it would take a mortal to nock a single arrow, often...
6,630 руб
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The herald of the Stormhosts, an avenging angel clutching a glittering starblade that can carve a swathe through the hardiest of foes, the Knight-Azyros wields another, far more potent weapon. He carries a celestial beacon, a lantern radiating the searing light of the heavens, a light that falls...
6,630 руб
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The wrath of the God-King. The Avenging Angel of Azyr. The Bearer of the World-Hammer. The First Scion of Sigmar - this is the Celestant-Prime. A great king and guardian of men even in mortal life, he has been strengthened by a prodigious infusion of Sigmar’s divine might; but even this power...
12,580 руб
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he shimmering, golden wrath of the heavens made flesh, the Retributors live up to their name, dealing merciless justice to the sworn enemies of order in blinding flashes of celestial anger. Their weapons are forged from the purest ensorcelled sigmarite - the Retributors call upon the power of...
9,260 руб
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Watching over their Stormcast brothers with the guiding light of their warding lanterns spilling a glorious, warm glow over everything nearby, the Lord-Castellants are masters of defensive warfare. The purifying aura of their golden light shields and heals wounded Stormcast Eternals with...
4,500 руб
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The leaders of the Stormhosts, exceptionally gifted warriors who ride into battle in blazing fields of azure light, the Lord-Celestants are respected for their tenacity and battle skills even amongst the immortals. Their sigmarite runeblades and warhammers crush and pulverize any enemy...
5,070 руб
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Wild Riders are fey and dangerous creatures who serve as Orion’s personal guard. They are borne into battle on snarling steeds of Kurnous, which are as reckless and aggressive as their riders. This multi-part plastic boxed set contains all the components to build five Wild Riders, each is...
8,290 руб
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Utterly loyal, the Black Guard are the personal protectors of the coven’s leader. The Black Guard have a choice of 10 helmeted heads, and 10 ebon halberds. The Captain has a choice of two bare heads, leans on his sword with his right arm and points towards the enemy with his left. The...
8,780 руб
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Against swift-moving foes the Privateers also employ Scourgerunner Chariots. Quick and deadly, these war machines streak ahead of the hunting parties. From the mobile fighting platforms, keen-eyed aelves snare beasts by launching wickedly sharp harpoons. The Scourgerunner Chariot is drawn...
8,290 руб
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 Hag Queen on Cauldron of Blood / Bloodwrack Shrine / Slaughter Queen on Cauldron of Blood For a battle worthy of their finest offerings, the war covens of the Daughters of Khaine bring forth the greatest of their religion’s icons – the Cauldron of Blood. Mounted on iron-shod...
12,680 руб
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The Order Serpentis make great use of monsters within their armies. The War Hydra is notoriously difficult to slay, as each time a foe chops off one of its many fire breathing heads another swiftly grows back in its place. The War Hydra has 6 heads, all of which are of individual designs....
11,700 руб
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This multi-part plastic kit contains 74 components with which to build either Karl Franz on Deathclaw, or a General of the Empire or Wizard Lord on a Griffon.
10,730 руб

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The Helblaster Volley Gun is one of the most infamous black-powder weapons ever invented, its devastating firepower able to tear apart an entire regiment in one thunderous volley. The Helblaster Volley Gun would make an imposing addition to any Empire collection, and represent an ingenious...
4,880 руб
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Darkling Coven armies are formed around a core of utterly merciless soldiers. The Bleakswords are swordsmen of the highest skill who wield slender duelling blades. There are 9 bodies which have the heads already attached, whilst 1 body allows the addition of any of 3 separate heads (1...
6,340 руб
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In a labyrinth of tunnels the Ironbreakers stand guard. The protectors of all that is sacred, the Ironbreakers battle tirelessly to prevent the desecration of their homes. Clad in gromril and armed with axe and shield, they stand bold. They are impervious, implacable and unmoving. While in...
8,290 руб
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Gyrocopters and Gyrobombers represent the best of Dwarf engineering. Designed by the Engineers Guild and inspired by combining dragon and drilling machine the original Gyrocopter design took centuries to gain acceptance. Piloted by beardlings (still growing into their whiskers!) these fearsome...
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Revered by their holds, the Runelords are the greatest of all the Runesmiths. As custodians of ancient lore they are naturally suspicious and jealously guard the secrets and rituals of their hammercraft. On the battle field Runelords dampen and channel the magic of their foes, rending it...
4,100 руб
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Stood defiant on his Oathstone, claimed from the shattered remains of his ancestors’ tombs, Belegar welcomes battle with open arms and grim determination. The leader of the Angrund Clan and true king of the Eight Peaks, his life is dedicated to reclaiming the home of his ancestors and avenging...
4,100 руб
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Hammerers are forged in battle and selected for their bold and courageous nature. Renowned for their elite fighting skills and steadfast loyalty, Hammerers are the preferred bodyguards for many Thanes and Lords. This plastic kit can make 10 Hammerers; each equipped with a sturdy great...
8,290 руб
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The Doomfire Warlocks are the light cavalry of the war covens. They harass foes with blasts of arcane flame and volleys of black-fletched bolts, worrying the enemy’s flanks and slaying unprotected targets. As the main Khainite formations become engaged, these swift riders will charge in,...
6,830 руб
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Devoted followers of Khaine, Witch Aelves spend their entire lives dedicated to serving their bloodthirsty deity. Weapons practice and mock duels take up the majority of their daily lives, yet these are not mere military drills, but religious services with all the gravitas other cults might use...
7,690 руб
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A killer of astonishing skill, Shadowblade is an assassin of legendary stature. Able to hide within regiments on the battle field, and even move between them, no opponent can predict when or where he will strike. All they know for certain is that if they are unlucky enough to encounter him, his...
4,290 руб
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Skink Priests are wizards who can channel the forces of nature to aid Lizardmen armies in the thick of battle. This multi-part plastic kit contains 10 components with which to make a Lizardmen Skink Priest armed with staff and sacrificial blade.
3,600 руб
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Most Darkling Covens centre around a single powerful Sorceress; these despots may have apprentice spellcasters and captains, but their rule is absolute. Such is the supernatural charisma of the mistress of a Darkling Coven that almost anyone might fall under her spell. This plastic kit...
2,210 руб
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A mass of corded muscle and thick, scaled hide, covered in an intimidating latticework of scars new and ancient, the Saurus Oldbloods are mighty war leaders of the seraphon. Striding into battle with furious intent, they are as proud reptilian gods, scattering the cowering foe and rending...
2,830 руб
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Dreadlords are master strategists yet selfish individuals, their arrogance matched only by their martial prowess. Some Dreadlords ride to war on Dragons, creatures of vast power who, when they are roused from their slumber, are capable of slaughtering entire armies with wickedly sharp claws,...
9,750 руб
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At the heart of each Hurricanum lies one of Teclis' Orbs of Sorcery, a revered artifact that can enable comets to come crashing down from the heavens.
9,750 руб

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Командира имперской гвардии сопровождает множество санитаров, адъютантов, помощников по лагерю и специалистов-консультантов извне полка, которые могут поддерживать связь с другими элементами боевой группы. В блистере содержится три металические модели: офицера связи флота, офицера...
4,100 руб
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Drakespawn Knights are some of the most fearsome of the Order Serpentis' dreaded warriors. The skill of the knights and viciousness of their mounts set them above the cavalry of lesser races. Though few in number, the ferocity of the Drakespawn Knights is such a decisive weapon that they can...
5,850 руб
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Corsairs are hardened fighters who have spent their whole lives plundering the lands of others. Lauded amongst Dark Elf society for their daring and bravery, Corsairs embody the drive for a Dark Elf to earn riches and glory. They are armed with a wide variety of vicious cutlasses, serrated...
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Steam Tanks are monstrous, smoke-belching creations that rumble towards the enemy, firing deadly cannon balls from their steam-powered guns. The advance of these iron behemoths is terrifying to behold, as arrows ricochet from armoured hulls and enemy warriors are crushed beneath their...
10,730 руб
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As Sigmar's Tempest rolls across the Mortal Realms it is the Devoted who follow closest in its shadow. Throngs of Flagellants bless the ground with bloody feet and chanted prayer. When they encounter men or beasts corrupted by Chaos, they fall upon them with rabid fervour. This boxed set...
4,880 руб
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Skinks most commonly advance ahead of the main Lizardmen army, harassing their enemies with hails of darts. Equally, they can mass together as a fighting cohort to help bulk out a Lizardmen battle line. This box set contains enough parts to make 24 multi-part plastic Skinks that can be...
5,250 руб
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