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2,400 руб
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In battle, Skarr Bloodwrath is a terrifying maelstrom of carnage. Blades whipping about him like extensions of his fury manifest, he carves a gory path through the ranks of the foe. Even should an enemy best him, Skarr will rise again from the spilled blood of his enemies, axes held ready...
5,460 руб
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Following the Gutbusters into battle are their beasts and slaves, all eager to snatch scraps from the ogors’ tables. Gorgers – starved, ravenous horrors with distensible jaws that are drawn to battle by the scent of spilled blood – lope forth from the shadows. This pack contains one...
4,490 руб
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Yhetees inhabit the very highest mountain ranges, living amongst the towering peaks of the Ancient Giant Holds. There, high above the world, the Yhetees survive by preying on the beast herds of the highlands. It is not uncommon for an Ogre tribe to include some Yhetees amongst its ranks. How or...
9,260 руб
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Massive felines with jutting, sword-like fangs, Frost Sabres form an unbreakable bond with their ogor pack master – enough for them to give up their lives in battle. Their blood, when drained and distilled, forms a powerful elixir that allows an ogor to breathe a magical blizzard over his...
3,610 руб
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Not merely a terrifying, imposing brute, the Icebrow Hunter is surprisingly adept at laying traps and using his surroundings to launch ambushes with the aid of his Frost Sabres. As swift as the encroachment of winter, the Icebrow Hunter holds the place of finder and seeker of hunting grounds,...
8,000 руб
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In the midst of the Gutbuster armies are the Butchers; magicians of meat and blood who concoct foul arcane brews and meals for their kin. This box contains one Butcher - a finely detailed resin cast kit that comes as 16 components (including a choice of three different heads) and is...
8,000 руб
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Worshippers of ash and flame, volcano and magma, the Firebellies revere Gorkamorka as the Sun‑eater. Firebellies consume burning combustibles in sorcerous rituals so that they might honour their god by belching fire over their enemies. This box contains one Firebelly armed with a Basalt...
8,000 руб
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Slaughtermasters have entirely lost themselves to their cravings, hacking off their limbs and replacing them with rusty hooks and blades. They drag a cookpot into battle behind them so that they may boil up a tasty broth even as they slice up their prey. Does your army need a little extra...
12,190 руб
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Warplock Jezzails are long-barrelled rifles that fire a high-velocity bullet made of refined warpstone. Due to their length, Jezzails can fire an incredible distance and still strike with enough force to punch clean through even the toughest armour. If the target does not die from their...
9,750 руб
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The Doom-Flayer is a motorised ball of whirling blades powered by warpstone and steered by two Skaven hell-bent on destruction. While it lacks the range of the other Skaven weapons, the Doom-Flayer more than makes up for it by slicing, tearing and shredding the enemy in close combat before...
5,270 руб
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Dragon Ogor Shaggoths are the same creatures that bartered with the Chaos Gods before the dawn of man; beings that have bargained with divinity, and not only survived, but also been granted immortality in return. A Shaggoth is a towering mountain of muscle and rage. In appearance it resembles a...
11,700 руб
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While Clan Skryre perfects the art of firing incandescent balls of warp lightning, the Plague Monks of Clan Pestilens are busy launching toxic sludge from their Plagueclaws, which bring long-range death to their arsenal. The Plagueclaw model comprises of a huge timber frame and several...
6,630 руб
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Take your battles to the stars with X-Wing™ Playmats , available via Fantasy Flight Games’ In-House Manufacturing! Each X-Wing Playmat takes the form of an easily portable, 3’ by 3’ neoprene playmat, complete with a slip-resistant bottom that helps to ensure your valuable miniatures stay safe...
6,600 руб
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Within every Vampire lurks a predatory creature, driven to feed on blood time and again. There are a few Vampires who embrace their thirst, who allow the bestial hunter within to take over. These are the Varghulfs - blood-mad killers that exist only to feed. A Varghulf's main weapon is a wide...
6,830 руб
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Wild Riders are fey and dangerous creatures who serve as Orion’s personal guard. They are borne into battle on snarling steeds of Kurnous, which are as reckless and aggressive as their riders. This multi-part plastic boxed set contains all the components to build five Wild Riders, each is...
8,290 руб
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Upon ghostly steeds, the Hexwraiths ride right through their foes, turning blood to ice and snatching souls from screaming warriors. Once knights both proud and cruel, they relive their glory by visiting pain and death upon the races of the realms.  This multi-part plastic boxed set...
7,220 руб
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PIP 71096
As war has consumed the trollkin people, even outlaws and bandits among them have taken up arms in defense of kith and kriel. Peerless woodsmen and hunters, these highwaymen blend easily into forests and swamps. They strike from the shadows, unleashing withering pistol fire from a distance...
8,520 руб
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PIP Code 71079
Kriel warriors are the heart of the armies of the trollkin. These bands of warrior brothers march to war in defense of their people wielding shields, hand weapons, and an indomitable spirit. They are often accompanied by mighty caber throwers, who put their prowess in the traditional sport of...
9,230 руб
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PIP 71091
Sacred monuments of the trollkin, krielstones are carried into battle as reservoirs of spiritual energy. Only the strongest trollkin can bear the immensely heavy stones, which radiate an aura that protects nearby warriors. The accompanying stone scribes bear witness to the brave deeds of their...
7,810 руб
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Utterly loyal, the Black Guard are the personal protectors of the coven’s leader. The Black Guard have a choice of 10 helmeted heads, and 10 ebon halberds. The Captain has a choice of two bare heads, leans on his sword with his right arm and points towards the enemy with his left. The...
9,260 руб
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Against swift-moving foes the Privateers also employ Scourgerunner Chariots. Quick and deadly, these war machines streak ahead of the hunting parties. From the mobile fighting platforms, keen-eyed aelves snare beasts by launching wickedly sharp harpoons. The Scourgerunner Chariot is drawn...
8,580 руб
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 Hag Queen on Cauldron of Blood / Bloodwrack Shrine / Slaughter Queen on Cauldron of Blood For a battle worthy of their finest offerings, the war covens of the Daughters of Khaine bring forth the greatest of their religion’s icons – the Cauldron of Blood. Mounted on iron-shod...
13,160 руб
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The Order Serpentis make great use of monsters within their armies. The War Hydra is notoriously difficult to slay, as each time a foe chops off one of its many fire breathing heads another swiftly grows back in its place. The War Hydra has 6 heads, all of which are of individual designs....
12,190 руб
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This multi-part plastic kit contains 74 components with which to build either Karl Franz on Deathclaw, or a General of the Empire or Wizard Lord on a Griffon.
10,730 руб

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The Helblaster Volley Gun is one of the most infamous black-powder weapons ever invented, its devastating firepower able to tear apart an entire regiment in one thunderous volley. The Helblaster Volley Gun would make an imposing addition to any Empire collection, and represent an ingenious...
4,880 руб
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GW_ 99120212006_mail
Darkling Coven armies are formed around a core of utterly merciless soldiers. The Bleakswords are swordsmen of the highest skill who wield slender duelling blades. There are 9 bodies which have the heads already attached, whilst 1 body allows the addition of any of 3 separate heads (1...
6,630 руб
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Jabberslythes are truly repugnant to look upon, having such grotesque and twisted features that even the clearest pools of water will not offer up their reflection. A sickening fusion of toad, sludge-drake, and many-limbed insect, the Jabberslythe encompasses all that is unwholesome and vile...
13,160 руб
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Cygors are distant cousins of the Minotaurs, but they have diverged significantly from their kin. Where once they could see the mortal world with two eyes, they can now only see the swirling Winds of Chaos with one. The Cygor is a tall model that will stand out in any Beastmen collection....
10,730 руб
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Lunatic murdersmiths who are feared and revered in equal measure, the Wrathmongers are absolute in their fervent devotion to Khorne. Infused with the unnatural energies of daemons, they are the elite of the Chaos tribes and are unstoppable in battle, hurling themselves at their foe with...
7,690 руб
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The treacherous Archmagos Draykavac had a fearsome reputation throughout the Imperium, thinking nothing of sacrificing thousands of lives to further his knowledge and understanding of the arcane arts of the Omnissiah. When the Horus Heresy broke out, Draykavac revealed his dark allegiance to...
19,500 руб
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Captain of the 405th Company of the Imperial Fists Legion, Alexis Polux 'The Crimson Fist' was a warrior of unique promise both elevated to greatness and condemned to bear great sorrow by the events of the Horus Heresy. A tactical genius with a talent for void warfare, he was the protégée of the...
10,730 руб
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First encountered during the Battle of Ithraca amidst the catastrophe on Calth, the twisted form of the Mhara Gal Tainted Dreadnought is terrifying in both its aspect and its unearthly power. The first Mhara Gal is believed to have been created from the barely living remains of a Gal Vorbak Dark...
16,970 руб
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An indomitable warrior whose strength in battle was tempered by the depth of his wisdom, Vulkan was sire to the Salamanders Legion and its paragon. In war, his fury was a match for any of his brothers, and yet was ever mastered by a keen understanding for the destruction he caused and the power...
19,500 руб
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Gibbering nonsense with lunatic energy the luminescent Pink Horrors whirl and flail their arms, generating raw magic that fills the air. En masse, the Pink Horrors give rise to so much arcane force that they can hurl blasts of unnatural fire at the enemy. In combat the Pink Horrors use their...
5,250 руб
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6,830 руб
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A rich and daring Dark Eldar may surrender himself to the Haemonculi, requesting that his bones be hollowed out, that bands of new muscle be grafted onto his torso, and powerful wings and adrenaline dispensers be attached to his shoulders so that he is capable of true flight. The Kabal overlords...
4,730 руб
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Hellions are airborne killers. Feral Dark Eldar, they descend upon their prey in a flurry of hooked blades before hurtling away to safety. Hellions ride to war upon skyboards, single-pilot anti-gravity boards, and pump their systems full of combat drugs. They are crazed terror troops who swoop...
5,070 руб
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Over the millennia since Commorragh's founding its sand-filled arenas have drunk the blood of millions. Each arena has witnessed countless spectacles of perversity and death, but there is one gladiatorial favourite that never fades in popularity - the wild hunts of the Beastmasters. When...
3,900 руб
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The strongest and most dangerous Ork Nobz will be chosen by the Warboss to form his bodyguard. These Nobz will be armed and armoured with the best equipment.
4,490 руб
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Набор содержит 10 пластмассовых моделей, и включает все необходимое для сборки Офицера, и Сержанта, и множества оружия; поставляются несобранными и неокрашенными.
7,130 руб
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The Tervigon is a massive, living incubator, beneath whose lumpen carapace dozens upon dozens of Termagants slumber in a state of near-life – and it can spawn its dormant broods at will. The Tervigon displays all the horrific might so typical of the Tyranids, and is a suitably...
8,180 руб
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Hive Tyrants are the commanders of the Tyranid Swarm and the enactors of the Hive Mind's will. All Hive Tyrants are massively powerful creatures, hulking monsters three times the height of a man. Though individuals will often appear different, every part of their body is created to maim and...
7,690 руб
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Toxicrene передвигается, возвышаясь над бесконечным роем, который он сопровождает в бою, давя тех, кто рискнул подойти слишком близко к его щупальцам. Но свою репутацию он получил не за это, а за удушливые, токсичные облака спор, исходящие из спинных труб Toxicrene. Этот пластиковый набор из...
13,160 руб
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Exocrines are feared for their ability to deal death from afar. The Exocrine is purely a means of transportation for the bio-plasmic cannon nested into its flesh, a giant weapon able to unleash a vast ball of roaring energy, or several focussed streams of death from its multiple barrels. The...
11,700 руб
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Spore Mines are not only launched by Biovores towards their enemy - clusters of them are often seeded directly onto worlds from orbit. In fact, Spore Mines have been known to drift untriggered for days or even years, just waiting for an unwary and unfortunate foe to come near. A cluster...
3,800 руб
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The Hive Crone is a flying monstrosity used by the Tyranids to establish air superiority over prey worlds. It is a creature perfectly adapted to aerial combat, able to wrestle enemy aircraft out of the skies. The Hive Crone is distinguished by the delightfully disgusting, sack-fed drool...
14,140 руб
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Bloodthirsters are the mightiest of Khorne’s daemons, the fury of war given terrible form. Every one of these towering beasts is the equal of an entire mortal army. This multi-part plastic kit allows you to make any one of three specific types of Bloodthirster: the Wrath of Khorne...
18,750 руб
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The Razorshark Strike Fighter is a sleek atmospheric aircraft that is capable of sweeping down from the skies and blasting ground targets with its potent payload. Built along a design pattern modified from this aircraft, the Razorshark Strike Fighter forgoes an Interceptor Drone in favour of...
13,160 руб
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Fateskimmer, Herald of Tzeentch on Burning Chariot / Burning Chariot of Tzeentch / Exalted Flamer of Tzeentch As they blaze through the heavens of the mortal world, the Chariots of Tzeentch are commonly mistaken for comets, which are often interpreted as omens of great events and...
8,580 руб
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Skull Cannon / Rendmaster, Herald of Khorne on Blood Throne Skull Cannons of Khorne are monstrous fusions of daemonic spirit and hellforged machine. Their twisted and clinkered forms burn with the desire to shed blood and crush bones, to exalt Khorne with every trampled foe. The Skull...
6,830 руб
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The Meganobz are the richest and most battle-hardened Nobz around. Clad in Mek-built mega armour (with enough protective plating to turn the wearer into a walking tank), these Nobz can shrug off the hail of bullets that would kill lesser Orks. This multi-part plastic boxed set contains three...
8,250 руб
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The Lychguard are the wardens of the nobility, said to be utterly dedicated to their charges. While most Necrons wear a suit of living metal, the Lychguard wear huge suits of ancient armour. The Lychguard models are highly detailed, and display the rich iconography and dynastic glyphs in all...
7,130 руб
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For countless millennia, Deathmark Squads have served the Necron nobility as snipers and assassins. They can effectively slip in and out of dimensions at will. Able to carry devastating weapons such as the synaptic disintegrator, the Necron Deathmarks possess the classic, intimidating...
5,250 руб
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The Doomsday Ark is a technological wonder, easily eclipsing the primitive energy weapons of the Imperium. Even fired at low power the doomsday cannon is ferociously destructive. The Doomsday Ark is a large model with an imposing presence in any Necron collection. It features several immense...
10,630 руб
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While embarked upon a Command Barge, a Necron Overlord is able to oversee the battle, ensuring that his troops are engaged with appropriate targets and that everything is going to plan. The Command Barge is a striking and imposing model. Adorned with Necron iconography and dynastic glyphs, it...
7,130 руб
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Vulkan He'stan, Forgefather of The Salamanders is the chosen of his Chapter and carries three of its most sacred relics: the Spear of Vulkan, a blade that burns so brightly as to set even ceramite ablaze; Kesare's Mantle, a legendary drakescale cloak; and the Gauntlet of the Forge, whose...
4,580 руб
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GW_ 99120101211
The Centurion Devastator Squad's arms can be equipped with either twin-linked heavy bolters, twin-linked lascannons; or grav cannons and grav-amps. The chest plates can be armed with either a hurricane bolter or a missile launcher. The Centurion Assault Squad members are equipped with...
9,750 руб
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4,260 руб
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Иллюзия, ложные цели и ужасы – это те психические инструменты, которые имеются в распоряжении Shadowseer. Где бы Shadowseer не наступал на поле боя, дисциплина рушится, подменяясь бедламом невнятных панических криков и беспорядочной стрельбой. Через все это шагает Shadowseer - остров зловещего...
3,750 руб
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Отыгрывая роль Смерти в полном объеме, Death Jester не имеет понятия пощады в его сердце. Их огромные сюрикеновые-пушки пожинают смертельную плату с врагов, так как каждый снаряд, начиненный вирулентнымт биотоксинами, заставляет метаболизм его жертвы эффектно взорваться. Это набор их 10...
3,750 руб
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Танк "Баал", модификация танка "Хищник", созданная Кровавыми Ангелами, как наиболее подходящий их боевой доктрине. Оснащенный спаренной штурмовой пушкой и тяжелыми огнеметами "Огненный Шторм", Баал с одинаковой легкостью уничтожает пехоту и легкую технику врага. Набор содержит 110 деталей,...
11,700 руб
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The bulk of the 1st Company is composed of Terminator Squads, indefatigable warriors who blast apart their enemies with storm bolters while advancing into assault range The Deathwing Terminator models come resplendent in the iconography of the Dark Angels and Space Marines, as well as wing...
7,500 руб
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Those who survive in the Ravenwing long enough learn to take mobile warfare to the next level. If they can pass the Seven Rites of the Raven, they will be inducted into the Black Knights, the Inner Circle of the 2nd Company. This kit can be used to make either a Ravenwing Command Squad or...
7,690 руб
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