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The Space Marines are numbered amongst the most elite warriors in the Imperium. Created by the Emperor himself from the genetic material of the demigod Primarchs, they are the ultimate soldiers for a cruel and terrible age. Wield the unstoppable might of the Angels of Death with Combat Patrol:...
18,750 руб
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The Necrons are amongst the most ancient and powerful races in the galaxy. Armoured bodies of living metal, they advance in inexorable lockstep upon their terrified foes. Their weapons unleash the fundamental energies of the cosmos, even as flickering portals beam Necrons into battle from across...
18,750 руб
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Clad in thick Gravis armour, Heavy Intercessors secure ground and are immovable in defence. Always ready for any sign of enemy counter-attack, they stand firm, laying down volleys of heavy fire that keep all but the most determined or foolhardy enemies at bay. Heavy Intercessors are the final...
8,250 руб
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Space Marines on the defence fight with a tenacious fury. Captains will take up heavy bolt rifles to lay down punishing fire and wear Gravis armour to withstand the foe's best attempts to dislodge them. Fighting in such a way, they are a symbol of the Space Marines' indomitable will to never...
5,100 руб
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Flayed Ones keen shrill hunting cries as they fall upon the foe, talons flashing. Infected with the gruesome flayer virus, the Flayed Ones attempt to gorge themselves upon the flesh and blood of their butchered foes, gore drizzling through their mechanical forms as they seek to slake a thirst...
6,600 руб
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Chronomancers are Crypteks who harness temporal energies, their aeonstaves and entropic lances slowing down or speeding up weaponised time. Their timesplinter mantles use crystallised moments to confound enemy blows while their chronometrons hasten allies through time itself. ...
5,100 руб
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Lelith Hesperax’s athleticism is far beyond those of other Wyches. She has raised death to a high art, wielding nothing more than simple knives. Gifting her victims with precise wounds in a blur of blade and flesh, she finishes in a bloody finale with a gory flourish.  There are few...
5,250 руб
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Marshals lead the maniples and cohorts of Skitarii soldiery. They are veteran warriors of countless crusades, privileged to bear enhanced augmentations. Marshals stand as intermediaries between Skitarii formations and their priestly masters, employing sacred uplinks to refine their warriors’...
3,900 руб
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The Adeptus Mechanicus are the undisputed masters of Mankind’s technological secrets, many examples of which date back thousands of years before the birth of the Imperium. In battle, the maniples of Skitarii march relentlessly alongside devastating war machines to win glory for the Omnissiah and...
18,750 руб
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Unleash your Skitarii maniples with these handy reference cards. This set is great for quickly referring to your rules, making sure you pick the right Stratagems and Canticles of the Omnissiah for your battles with ease. This pack contains the following datacards: - 7x core Stratagems - 33x...
3,300 руб
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The military wing of the Adeptus Mechanicus comprises the most zealous servants of the Cult Mechanicus. They are tasked with exalting the Omnissiah through the annihilation of Mars’ foes and the rediscovery of lost archeotech from Mankind’s ancient past. Inside this 120-page hardback codex,...
6,380 руб
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When Nagash resolved to conquer Ghur, Kainan's Reapers were amongst the first forces he despatched, the tithekeepers sent to call in ancient debts and claim osseous stockpiles that might be used to bolster the Bonereapers' advance. The Mortisan Executioner Mir Kainan was charged with collecting...
5,100 руб
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Even amongst the Soulblight vampires, Lady Annika's thirst for blood is legendary. In battle, she attacks as a sanguine blur, her enchanted rapier reaping a red harvest as her foes fatally stumble and slip in the gore that inevitably pools about her feet. Tear a crimson path through the heart...
4,730 руб
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Though Kritza professes nobility, in reality, his soul is as odious as the sewers that are his lair. Swathed in choking perfume, the Rat Prince is nevertheless a cunning adversary, returning after each apparent defeat to exact a cruel revenge.  Kritza is all but unkillable on the...
4,730 руб
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Unswervingly loyal to their immortal master, Radukar the Wolf, the courtiers of Ulfenkarn ensure that all who enter the city without their lord’s permission remain evermore within its boundaries – as one of his undying servants. Radukar’s Court represents the Wolf’s most favoured...
21,450 руб
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Radukar is a cruel and savage Vampire Lord who rules over the city of Ulfenkarn. In battle, he wields the barrow-blade of a legendary vampire emperor, which, combined with his bestial nature, makes Radukar a fearsome foe indeed. If you're looking to assemble a collection of Soulblight...
6,340 руб
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Overwhelmed by his wrath, Radukar has undergone a terrifying transformation. The bestial monster within has come to consume the vampire almost entirely, and he now fights with a raw and brutal fury, his ferocious howls ringing through the night. Unleash the fearsome lord of the Vyrkos Dynasty,...
7,130 руб
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Little is known of the mysterious First of the Vyrkos. When she and her lupine packs hunt, the enemy is overcome by a storm of savage claws and slavering fangs, their champions hideously transfigured by the cruel and ancient matriarch.  This ancient Soulblight vampire is as deadly as they...
7,130 руб
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Marching in relentless unity, their fleshless hands clutching rusted weapons, the Deathrattle legions advance with grim and unstoppable purpose. A Wight King on Skeletal Steed – available first in this box – leads the charge of the mouldering Black Knights, while the implacable Grave Guard...
7,130 руб
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Marching in relentless unity, their fleshless hands clutching rusted weapons, the Deathrattle legions advance with grim and unstoppable purpose. A Wight King on Skeletal Steed – available first in this box – leads the charge of the mouldering Black Knights, while the implacable Grave Guard...
13,500 руб
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White Dwarf is Games Workshop's premium Warhammer magazine, packed with amazing content each month such as new rules and background, short stories, regular columns, special guests, and more. Here’s what you can look forward to in May’s issue: Contact! Letters, painting...
1,200 руб
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Once a courageous vampire-knight who, despite holding no love for Ghur's mortal races, refused to prey upon those weaker than herself, Lauka Vai's constant struggle against the hunger within was cruelly cut short while tangling with a Tzeentchian sorcerer. Upon falling into a pool of primordial...
8,250 руб
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Elder vampires often continue to grow in power as the years tick by, their arcane and martial might growing steadily even as the paragons of mortal races wither and die. Many take up the mantle of a Vampire Lord, commanding legions of undead servants and scores of lesser Soulblight vampires in...
3,900 руб
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Some vampires dedicate their eternal lives to the mastery of one pursuit, and those determined to become peerless warriors invariably end up among the ranks of the Blood Knights. Atop their hulking undead nightmare mounts and clad in thick plate armour, these martial experts are unstoppable on...
8,250 руб
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Grotesque monsters that prey upon the blood of the unfortunate souls they catch, Fell Bats are an amalgamation of deathly magics and the Soulblight curse brought into being by their vampire masters. Often seeking out victims to drain for their lord's own sustenance, the grossly oversized...
7,130 руб
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Deadwalker Zombies are created from the bodies of the recently dead, given strength through the power of dark necromancy and sent onto the battlefield in shambling hordes. Utterly mindless and driven by a collective instinct alone, zombie migrations have become an ever-present plague following...
7,130 руб
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Bedecked in rusting weapons and wearing the fading scraps of once-proud armour, Deathrattle Skeletons are the unflinching core of many a Soulblight vampire's army. Not only are they tireless, remorseless warriors, but also diligent workers in the fields of the Deathrattle Kingdoms, ruled over by...
7,690 руб
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The gangers that fight in the name of House Goliath are hulking brutes, each a pillar of muscle and pent-up violence ready to be unleashed. The weapons and equipment that they use reflect this brutality. Upgrade your Goliath fighters with a selection of deadly weaponry allowing you to create a...
3,380 руб
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Masters of pharmaceuticals and chemical manipulation, what Eschers may lack in terms of raw physical strength, they more than make up for in speed, skill, and deadly flair. The weapons and equipment used by an Escher gang emphasise their strengths and lethal skills. Upgrade your Escher fighters...
3,380 руб
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All Bonesplitterz carry a spark of the violent god Gorkamorka's wild rage in their cracked minds. In the Wurrgog Prophet Hedkrakka, the self-proclaimed 'Gob of Gork', this connection is especially strong. Hearing the Great Green God's command through his serpent familiar, Hedkrakka led his...
5,100 руб
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Redesigned for the Second Season ruleset, this deck of 44 cards will help you keep track of stats and profiles for your team, positions, and Star Players – plus Special Play cards exclusively for use with Chaos Chosen teams. – 5 Player Reference cards for Beastman Runner Linemen, Chosen...
4,100 руб
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The stadiums of Chaos Chosen teams have more in common with arenas built for mortal combat than a sporting pitch. The proliferation of gore and weaponry do nothing to dispel the notion… One side of the pitch depicts the unyielding stone of a regulation pitch, but the piles of skulls...
7,220 руб
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