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Wargs are gigantic, evil wolves - massive and dangerous creatures with a cunning and carnivorous intelligence. Warg Riders scout far ahead of the main armies of Orcs and other evil creatures, spying out the land and picking off stragglers. In battle wargs swarm towards the foe in great packs,...
6,150 руб
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Wargs are gigantic, evil wolves - massive and dangerous creatures with a cunning and carnivorous intelligence. Warg Riders scout far ahead of the main armies of Orcs and other evil creatures, spying out the land and picking off stragglers. In battle wargs swarm towards the foe in great packs,...
6,830 руб
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The armies of Harad often employ M?makil, massive war-beasts trained by the Mahud, to trample their enemies under colossal hooves. A Mumak is nigh unstoppable once it begins its charge, tossing aside enemies like broken dolls. A M?mak can break through an enemy line while Haradrim warriors rain...
13,950 руб
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If Orcs are the foulest creatures to walk Middle-earth then the Uruk-hai are the most dangerous perversion of the breed. Where ordinary Orcs are crook-limbed and timid, the Uruk-hai are strong, muscular, upright warriors of greater skill and courage. Equipped with flame-forged armour and brutal...
6,150 руб
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The Ringwraiths, or Nazg?l, were once the Kings of Men, the bearers of the magical rings created by Sauron. Their rings granted endless life but gradually enslaved the Kings to Saurons will. Together with their leader, the Witch-king of Angmar, they are known as the Nine and are the most deadly...
8,250 руб
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It is not enough for Saruman that he has unleashed an army of thousands against Helm's Deep -- his plan is to destroy Rohan's greatest defence utterly. To that end, he has fabricated explosive charges which can be detonated with devastating effect. Using these charges, Uruk-hai Siege...
5,070 руб
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The Riders of Rohan are horse-masters beyond compare, reknowned for their great skill and bravery. This box set contains 6 plastic Riders of Rohan, including: 2 with spear and shield, 2 with bows, 1 with sword and shield, and 1 with axe and shield. Models supplied with 40mm round bases.
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The men of Rohan are doughty folk, raised in a harsh land of moors, hills, and endless grassland. The warriors of this land fight for survival against a multitude of foes, from the Trolls and Orcs of the Misty Mountains, to the forces of the Dark Lord Sauron when they cross the Anduin into the...
8,000 руб
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The Trolls of Mordor have been bred by Sauron so that they can withstand the light of the sun without turning to stone like other Trolls. Even bigger and stronger than their subterranean kin, these monsters are amongst the most lethal troops in the armies of the Dark Lord. This...
6,150 руб
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Orcs are the foulest creatures to walk Middle-earth. They are evil-hearted monsters that rejoice in slaughter and destruction. The Orc's natural aggression makes them the perfect tool of evil intent, their numberless hordes forming the core of the Mordor army. While they're individually...
6,150 руб
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A stronger strain of Orc has appeared within the armies of the Black Gate and Barad-d?r - the Morannon Orcs. Their armour is thick and strong, providing them additional resilience. This enhanced wargear, coupled with the Morannon Orcs' increased strength, makes them ideal shock troops for...
6,150 руб
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Those warriors who excel in riding a horse will join the Knights of Minas Tirith. Tall and stern, these knights are truly the pride of Gondor's armies. It is often the knights who lead the charge against Gondor's enemies, leaving the broken remnants of enemy formations in their wake....
5,250 руб
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Amongst the Haradrim tribes are accomplished horsemen who roam the desert and savannah alike, conducting unrelenting raids upon their neighbours. This box set contains 6 plastic Haradrim Raiders, including 3 with spears, 2 with bows and a banner bearer. Models supplied with 40mm round...
6,830 руб
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Borne aloft on soft and silent wings, the host of Great Eagles hunt far and wide in the valleys around the Misty Mountains. These Great Eagles are impressive additions for any collection. With their wings out wide, one of them slightly further back than the other, their talons are extended...
6,600 руб
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It was in Rivendell that Frodo made the decision to carry the Ring to Mordor and cast it into the fires of Mount Doom, thus ending its power forever. With him went eight companions, and collectively they were known as The Fellowship of the Ring. This multipart plastic The Fellowship of the...
7,130 руб
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Easterlings are amongst the most fanatical followers of the Dark Lord and the best equipped of all the warriors at his command. Unlike the rabble of Orcs that spew forth from the Black Gate, the armies of the East are well-trained and disciplined warriors that will fight fiercely for Sauron, who...
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Easterlings are amongst the most fanatical followers of the Dark Lord and the best equipped of all the warriors at his command. Unlike the rabble of Orcs that spew forth from the Black Gate, the armies of the East are well-trained and disciplined warriors that will fight fiercely for Sauron, who...
6,830 руб
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The Balrog is a mighty creature of great age and power. Awoken by eager Dwarven miners, the Balrog brought destruction to their kingdoms, overwhelming Durin and his doughty warriors in a series of terrible battles. Of all the evil powers in the world, the Balrog is amongst the most terrible and...
8,250 руб
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The Armies of The Lord of The Rings ™ is an expansion for the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game that enables you to recreate your favourite scenes from The Lord of the Rings ™ Motion Picture Trilogy with your collection of Citadel and Forge World models. It includes all the...
7,690 руб
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The Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game is the tabletop game for 2 or more players that allows you to play through the events from The Lord of the Rings ™ and The Hobbit ™ with your collection of Citadel and Forge World models. Take control of your favourite heroes, villains and...
7,500 руб
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Designed for use with the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game, this is a set of 7 measuring rulers – supplied on silver metallic plastic – in a variety of shapes which tie in thematically to Middle-earth itself. Use them to measure space between models for combat, casting magic and moving your...
4,880 руб
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Of all the armies that seek to conquer the stars in the 41st Millennium, the Death Guard are truly the foulest and most corrupt. Made monstrous by their patron god Nurgle – lord of plagues and grandfather of disease – they are decay and entropy made manifest, living icons of hopelessness and...
6,630 руб
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The true history of Anacharis Scoria has been lost, but there exists fragmentary evidence that places him as a Magos Dominus in the service of Xana some thirty years before the outbreak of the wars of the Heresy. It is believed he was gifted the rank and duties of the Vodian Magister – the chief...
25,350 руб
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This pack of plastic components can be used to upgrade a variety of Primaris Space Marines with iconography and details specific to the Space Wolves Chapter. 21 components in total are included: - 5 Intercessor Shoulder pads; - 1 Intercessor Sergeant shoulder pad; - 3 Aggressor shoulder...
2,580 руб
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The Damned Damsels are the dedicated cheer squad of the Doom Lords, summoned from the Chaos Wastes by the dark prayers of the team’s coach. Murderous creatures dedicated to the Ruinous Powers, each Damned Damsel is a daemonic soul bound into the body of a willing victim. This union of warp-born...
5,660 руб
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FW_ 99550902002_mail
The Reaverettes have a long and proud history cheering for the Reikland Reavers. Based in the Old Bowl stadium in Altdorf, they are as synonymous with Blood Bowl as the Reavers themselves. Getting into the Reaverettes is even harder than earning a spot on the Reikland Reavers however, the...
5,660 руб
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Human players are the best all-round Blood Bowl players in the Old World. They may lack the sheer strength of the Orcs, the agility of the High Elves, the toughness of the Dwarfs, the frenzy of the Dark Elves, or the speed of the Skaven, but they do not suffer any of these players’ weaknesses...
5,270 руб
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FW_ 99550909003_mail
The Waaaghs (Wifes AAAnd GHerlfriendS) are the self-appointed cheer squad of the Gouged Eye. Stronger and larger than most of their male counter parts (you try raising Orc kids) the Waaaghs, disappointed with a poor season from the Orc team showed up one day to properly ‘motivate’ them. Now the...
6,830 руб
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Eldril Sidewinder has played Blood Bowl as long as most can remember, partly due to the incredibly long life span of his race, but mainly thanks to his sheer skill on the pitch. The secret of his success (and longevity) lies in his belonging to a singular class within Wood Elf and Sea Elf...
4,680 руб
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The galaxy is in flames. The Emperor’s glorious vision for humanity is in ruins, his armies locked in brutal civil war. The greatest of these bitter combatants are the towering god-engines of the Adeptus Titanicus. Those Titan Legions that remain loyal to the Emperor of Mankind fight boldly to...
35,550 руб
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House Orlock is known as the House of Iron, due to its roots in the ferrous slag pits located across the blasted surface of Necromunda. Orlock controls not only the mines, but the most vital transmotive lines between them, and are famed for their tough and fearless fighters who defend them from...
4,680 руб
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House Orlock is known as the House of Iron, due to its roots in the ferrous slag pits located across the blasted surface of Necromunda. Orlock controls not only the mines, but the most vital transmotive lines between them, and are famed for their tough and fearless fighters who defend them from...
4,680 руб
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Masters of celestial engineering, the Lord-Ordinators are wise men who have shaped the Mortal Realms through the word of Sigmar and the readings of the heavens. When their sharp and serious minds cannot re-mould reality to their whims, they take up their hammers and march to war, hewing the...
5,850 руб
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The eyes of an Evocator in full battle rage flash with sparks, and veins of lightning glow beneath his skin – the same energy that plays over his tempest blade and stormstave as he advances, arcing outward to ground nearby. These bursts are deadly, and can blacken and scorch anyone nearby if not...
7,690 руб
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In the living world executioners are tasked with the ending of life, often by axe stroke or noose. The headsmen of the Mortal Realms who knowingly slay the innocent as well as the guilty attract the gaze of Nagash, and upon death are remade into the spectral forms of Lord Executioners. Each...
6,140 руб
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Where once Dreadscythe Harridans were healers and nurturers, the Harridan Curse – dealt as a terrible reward by Nagash – reshapes them in death into something quite the opposite of what they once were. Where there were once healing hands, bonescythes grow; horrible reaping instruments meant for...
8,580 руб
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Moving like a ghostly cyclone, the creatures known as Bladegheist Revenants spin in a frenetic fashion. They are souls taken from those who met particularly tormenting ends – those sealed in spike-riddled encasements, choked beneath water or buried alive. Their last living thoughts were a frenzy...
6,600 руб
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The men and women of House Cawdor are the bonepickers, scrap herders and midden-thieves of Necromunda, their vast empire built on the discarded scraps of other clans and bound together by an...
6,150 руб
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The line infantry of a Sacrosanct Chamber is comprised of its Sequitors, stern warriors who channel the tempest through the magical weaponry bequeathed to them by Sigmar. To be struck by such a warrior is to feel the energy of the storm discharging with thundercap force. Able to to channel magic...
8,250 руб
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Those given the rank of Lord-Arcanum by Sigmar earned it by wielding eldritch energies in the name of freedom. There are those whose mastery of the heavenly realmsphere is such that they can astrally project into the aether, that non-space that lies between the realms, there to make lasting...
20,480 руб
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The Black Coaches are funerary carriages from the underworlds. Within these arcane carriages any tangible remains are gathered in a casket that offers a safe haven in which the banished entity can reform. The dormant occupant can feed upon the energies of death, drinking in agony and grief in...
17,250 руб
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The most numerous of all the spirits that join Nighthaunt processions are the Chainrasp Hordes. These gheists are created from the spirits of the most vicious and irredeemable criminals to have lived in the Mortal Realms. They are lesser spirits, held together in the afterlife by nothing other...
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BRING HEAVY METAL TO THE BATTLEFIELDS OF WARMACHINE! Girded in steel and steam, the Man-O-War of the Armored Corps are the foremost mechanized heavy infantry of the Iron Kingdoms. They meld the might of machinery with Khador’s irrepressible patriotism and fighting spirit, bringing ruin to those...
23,430 руб
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Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
990 руб
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No matter where the Rebel Alliance establishes one of its bases, it must always be prepared for an Imperial attack. Rebel ground troops are always willing to put themselves in harm’s way, but troopers are not enough to stem the tide of the Imperial legions and their heavy walkers. Laser cannon...
3,600 руб
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When you’re seeking protection from enemy blaster fire, there are few substitutes for the solid weight of a barricade between you and your foes. Decorate your games with more terrain and provide cover for your troopers with the Barricades Pack for Star Wars : Legion! Within this expansion,...
2,700 руб
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Your battles might take you to planets across the galaxy, but one thing that most games of Star Wars: Legion have in common are your objectives. Objective tokens are commonly placed on the battlefield at the beginning of the game as the players select the objective card that will be used for...
4,500 руб
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As evidenced by his tracking Han Solo and the Millenium Falcon to Bespin in The Empire Strikes Back , Boba Fett is a cunning bounty hunter who considers all the angles. He’s also a formidable warrior, with his intimidating Mandalorian armor concealing an assortment of deadly weaponry. Working...
2,340 руб
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The Rebel Alliance can recruit new members from across the galaxy, finding pilots, soldiers, and medics among those who hate the Empire. Plenty of beings can take up a blaster rifle to fight Stormtroopers, but there are a few who are willing to push the boundaries and do whatever it takes to...
4,500 руб
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Imperial troops are known for their relentlessness, pressing the attack even in the face of the strongest Rebel resistance. But when the Empire really wants to bring the fight to the Rebels, it calls in its heavy blaster teams. Bridging the gap between lightly armed trooper units and the heavy...
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While Stormtroopers form the bulk of the Galactic Empire’s infantry forces, elite troopers are sometimes needed. These soldiers are capable of both working in large groups and smaller teams, with their specialized training making them particularly dangerous. Soon, these special forces will roam...
4,500 руб
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From his first introduction in a seedy cantina on Tatooine to his unorthodox leadership of the Rebel strike team on Endor, Han Solo is one of the most beloved heroes of the Star Wars saga. Over the years, he’s played a lot of roles: gambler, smuggler, scoundrel, and finally, general of the...
2,340 руб
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Enhance the look of your Star Wars ™: Legion vehicles and other large units with premium plastic bases! The Premium Large Bases pack contains eight premium notched bases covering all three sizes of notched base, providing four 50-mm bases to upgrade units such as the 74-Z Speeder Bikes, two...
3,600 руб
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Enhance the look of your Star Wars ™: Legion soldiers by placing them on premium plastic bases! The Premium Trooper Bases pack contains 32 premium 27-mm round bases that can be used to upgrade trooper units such as Stormtroopers or Rebel Troopers. The bases contained in the pack include four...
2,700 руб
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A detailed, striking scenery set, these ruins are a modular plastic kit entirely compatible with others across the Sector Imperialis and Sector Mechanicus ranges. Combine as many kits as you like to create enormous, evocative multi-level environments perfect for games of Warhammer 40,000!...
6,150 руб
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A detailed, striking scenery set, this Adminstratum is a modular plastic kit entirely compatible with others across the Sector Imperialis and Sector Mechanicus ranges. Combine as many kits as you like to create enormous, evocative multi-level environments perfect for games of Warhammer 40,000!...
6,750 руб
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A fast paced tabletop miniatures game, Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team pits teams of elite specialists, ragtag zealots and hard-bitten veterans against each other in vicious skirmish battles to the bitter end. A single squad of well-trained and well-equipped warriors can tip the balance of a wider...
4,880 руб
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6,300 руб
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Guest edited by Mali Keith, this is the second issue of Spike! Journal. Covering the Dark Elves, with a veritable host of brand-new content for Blood Bowl, this is sure to be a must-have for every player – not just the cruel and unusual fans of Dark Elves... Contained in the 36-page journal: -...
1,500 руб
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3,000 руб
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3,000 руб
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A double-sided card Blood Bowl pitch, complete with matching dug-outs, this is the perfect place for your Dark Elves teams to play. One side represents a pitch aboard a corsair vessel peacefully sailing the calm azure seas – the other side is a touch more fraught, as an enormous sea monster – a...
4,730 руб
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Masters of aetheric lightning who can manipulate the cerulean energy of Azyr, the leaders of the Sacrosanct Chamber are known as Lord-Arcanums. Their storm-sight allows them to see the souls of living creatures, and they can hurl destructive bolts and empower the warriors around them with but a...
5,250 руб
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