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PIP 74070
Cataphract arcuarii are imposing warriors encased in extremely thick and finely lacquered armor. Arcuarii wield great hooked harpoons called arcus that can be brought to bear in close quarters or fired across the battlefield to impale enemies and drag them close. Once enemies are dragged in, the...
7,810 руб
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8 баз
710 руб
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5 баз
710 руб
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PIP 35047
The Retribution of Scyrah has no greater champion than Vyros of House Nyarr. The leader of the Dawnguard rides to war astride his powerful warhorse Solarys, his hunting hawk circling overhead. Through her eyes he sees the battlefield unobstructed, allowing Vyros to direct his army rapidly to...
5,400 руб
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The Dark Gods command a horde made up of a myriad of warriors and creatures created in his image and likeness. The Lords of Wrath are next in the military hierarchy: extremely powerful beings that lead hordes of monstrous warriors: the Wasteland Warriors of Wrath. A Lord of Wrath with paired...
2,240 руб
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Dwarf gunpowder is feared in every corner of the land and its greatest exponent are the Dwarf Thanes with handgun or pistol; elite shooters of the Dwarven armies. A Dwarf Thane with handgun or pistol is perfect so that the enemy is decimated when reaching close combat.
1,790 руб
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X-Wing: TIE Fighter Expansion Pack — дополнительный набор тактической игры с миниатюрами X-Wing Miniatures Game, включащий один СИД-истребитель флота Империи, все необходимые для него карты и жетоны, круговую шкалу действий, а также 6 пилотов, в числе которых опасный и умелый пилот с позывным...
2,400 руб
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PIP Code: 1054
To those who worship Cyriss, no tenet is more sacred than the Fifth Harmonic—the belief that the Clockwork Goddess will manifest once the perfect machine is created across all of Caen. The key to this vessel’s completion lies in the geomantic fulcrums of power that cover the world, many in...
1,200 руб
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Two finely detailed replacement doors and one replacement front plate for the plastic MkII Rhino kit depicting Black Legion iconography.
2,540 руб
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Box with 6 miniatures: Wildcat (Combi Rifle) x3, Intruder (Combi Rifle), Hellcat (Combi Rifle), Alguacil (Hacker)
7,100 руб
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9,230 руб
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Some believe that being born only half-elven is a curse carried over from a former life. The Death Seekers, all of them half-elves, also believe that they can be redeemed from such an existence. Yearning for a supreme act of heroism and sacrifice, they wade fearlessly into the thickest of the...
1,500 руб
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GW_ 99120101134
Deployed as fast-moving rapid-response forces, Space Marine Vanguard Veterans are close-combat specialists. These veterans of the 1st Company take to war propelled by jump packs and armed with the Chapter's most ancient and revered melee weapons. The 5 man Space Marine Vanguard Veteran...
6,750 руб
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PIP 74060
The cyclops raider is a terrifying sight—an eight-foot-tall brute capable of unleashing torrents of razor-sharp steel. The few who survive the excruciating hail of the raider’s heavy reiver are dispatched by crushing blows of its spiked gauntlets. The raider’s proficiency at arms is greatly...
2,700 руб
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PIP 41105
2,560 руб
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In a society like Caledonia, where the clans’ power is based around Teseum, ostentatious use of this neomaterial is a symbol of power, both political and military. Because of this, the Mormaers are visibly the most elite troops in the Caledonian Army. Their armor has such a high percentage of...
1,850 руб
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Vaarso Battlespeak Notation: Since first days of the Colonial Force, the Tohaa army created after Unification and forerunner of the modern Tohaa Trident, the hundreds have been used to identify the basic military corps. Nowadays, the hundreds are the numeric denominator for the vertebral corps,...
4,970 руб
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Dragon Seekers are a special clan of Dwarf warriors who fight with frenzied rage and much more viciously than the rest of Dwarfs. A Dragon Seeker will bring brute force to your army!
1,940 руб
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Воины Тиранидов – самые приспосабливающиеся организмы из всех биоформ Разума Улья. Они – эффективные машины для убийств, способные вмещать в себя при создании самые разнообразные симбиоты био-оружия. В зависимости от биоформ, они могут быть приспособлены для ближнего боя, стрельбы издалека или...
7,500 руб
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Защитники Улья – тяжело-бронированные твари, вооружённые чрезвычайно мощными симбиотическими био-орудиями. Они созданы для охраны Кораблей-Ульев Тиранидов и капиллярных башен, появляющихся на захватываемых планетах-жертвах. С помощью своего вооружения, они способны справиться практически с любым...
12,190 руб
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PIP 41109
After fleeing the blighted terror that consumed her homeland, Cylena Raefyll leads a strong band of fanatically loyal warriors against her despised foes. The skilled hunters of the Raefyll tribe are expert stalkers capable of unleashing withering fire from their compound bows and deadly harm...
8,520 руб
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PIP 34002
1,850 руб
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PIP 31106
Отряд Рыцарей-Мечников Cygnar (Сворд Кнайтс, Cygnar Sword Knights Unit) – это массовая дешевая пехота поддержки, действующая в наступлении совместно с варджеками ближнего боя. Специальные тренировки позволяют бойцам очень эффективно атаковать скованных в рукопашной дружественными боевыми...
9,940 руб
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PIP 75057
The fiercely territorial and primitive amphibians known as bog trogs thrive in swampy regions considered undesirable by humans and other more civilized species. Bog trogs are peerless masters of ambush, swimming silently and unseen just below the surface of a stream, river, or shallow pond...
7,100 руб
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Box with 6 miniatures: Morat Vanguard Infantry (Combi Rifle) x3, Raktorak (Combi Rifle + Heavy FT), Sogarat (Feuerbach), Oznat.
7,670 руб
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Cтартер "Разверстые могилы" (Open Graves) предлагает игрокам начать карьеру смотрителя кладбища Никодима. Мрачный колдун-воскрешатель обитает на самой подходящей для него территории и имеет возможность практиковать некромантию, имея неограниченный ресур материала любой свежести. Со времени...
6,390 руб
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2,560 руб
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PIP 41113
Rising from an endless complex of tunnels beneath the earth, Exulon Thexus leads the armies of the inscrutable cephalyx in their cruel assaults. A master manipulator, this potent warcaster controls the minds and bodies of his own troops and the enemy alike. With terrifying precision Exulon...
3,980 руб
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PIP 41111
A natural at hit-and-run tactics, the bitter, reckless Gastone Crosse prefers to strike from a distance, whether with his powerful mechanikal pistol Gypsy Kiss or the cannons of his warjacks. He lends his arcane power to extending the range of his battlegroup's arms, while each kill provides...
2,130 руб
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6,390 руб
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2,270 руб
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PIP 73083
The nimble Fyanna is a blur of motion as she stalks her prey. She is one with the shadows and is rarely seen before she strikes. Her barbed lash flashes from surprising distance to topple and toss her hapless victims before she springs away, safe from retaliation and already preparing for her...
1,850 руб
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2,980 руб
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2,270 руб
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370 руб
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PIP 36021
An enemy soldier who finds himself the target of a Mitigator stares death in the face. He knows that once it launches its razor bola, fitted with spikes that actuate with enough force to easily puncture armor and bone, his chances of escape are practically nil. Those who survive the impact of...
2,700 руб
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Enormous, bloated warriors, festering with pustules and plague, the Putrid Blightkings are the favoured mortal servants of Nurgle. Blessed with the bite of the daemonfly, these rotting murderers lumber into battle with their tocsins tolling. Possessed of a shockingly deceptive speed, they wield...
7,500 руб
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Spat from the quivering orifices of hive ships in low orbit, the Tyrannocyte thunders through tortured skies to slam into the surface of its target world. The impact causes its gravid belly to split, disgorging the host of Tyranids that dwell inside. This 124-piece plastic kit makes one...
8,250 руб
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1,280 руб
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1,280 руб
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1,280 руб
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В бою, труппы Арлекинов передвигаются быстро и атакуют мощно, пользуясь своей скоростью и мастерством для уничтожения врагов прежде, чем они смогут даже поднять свое оружие. Оказавшись в бою, Арлекины попадают в свою стихию, исполняя смертельную пляску смерти, а их маски переливаются...
5,250 руб
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PIP Code: 35065
Commissioned for Garryth, Blade of Retribution, Moros is a quick and agile myrmidon that strikes using its dual curved blades with the deadliness of an assassin. Its unique power field renders Moros invisible to the naked eye and can be manipulated to lash out and stun potential victims. For...
3,690 руб
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Тяжеловооруженные и невероятно быстрые, отряды Skyweavers переигрывают своих врагов быстрым маневрированием прежде, чем разобрать их на куски концентрированной огневой мощью. Нескончаемые потоки огня сюрикеновых пушек и трещащие разряды электромагнитной энергии устраивают бойню для пехоты...
6,380 руб
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PIP 72029
1,080 руб
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Набор содержит 10 пластмассовых моделей, и включает все необходимое для сборки Офицера, и Сержанта, и множества оружия; поставляются несобранными и неокрашенными.
5,850 руб
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PIP Code 71079
Kriel warriors are the heart of the armies of the trollkin. These bands of warrior brothers march to war in defense of their people wielding shields, hand weapons, and an indomitable spirit. They are often accompanied by mighty caber throwers, who put their prowess in the traditional sport of...
9,230 руб
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PIP 71091
Sacred monuments of the trollkin, krielstones are carried into battle as reservoirs of spiritual energy. Only the strongest trollkin can bear the immensely heavy stones, which radiate an aura that protects nearby warriors. The accompanying stone scribes bear witness to the brave deeds of their...
7,810 руб
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4,950 руб
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С характерной формой двуногого шагающего танка, артиллерийская платформа, известная как Ironstrider Balistarius, действительно обладает грозным видом. Обладая гироскопической балансировкой и отличными линиями связи, которые предоставляют информацию о противнике, Ironstrider Ballistarius стала...
7,500 руб
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Будучи продуктом уже утерянных технологий, Onager Dunecrawler основан на Универсальной Марсианской Сухопутной Платформе, появление которой было вдохновлено древними вьючными животными Святой Терры. Но Onager Dunecrawler, вместо того, чтобы просто возить людей, наполнены передовым вооружением,...
9,750 руб
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PIP 75058
Well versed in the mystic arts of butchery, farrow bone grinders seek out choice organs and marrow-filled bones from slain warbeasts in order to harness the mystical power lingering within. These parts are combined with blood, bile, and lymph to create powders, unguents, and talismans able to...
5,680 руб
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Гораздо крупнее и мощнее, чем сервиторы, используемые остальным Империумом, Kataphron Breachers больше роботы, чем люди. Играя роль живого щита и тарана, они используются техножрецами для разрушения линий обороны и укреплений противника в их ненасытной жажде поиска технологий. Kataphron...
7,500 руб
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A proud Space Marine Chapter of the First Founding, the Blood Angels fight both to protect the Imperium, and to protect themselves from their own hidden failings. Though they are amongst the best, most heroic warriors Mankind has ever known, they harbour a terrible inner darkness - a gene-curse...
2,340 руб
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2,560 руб
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PIP 34123
Drawn to the dying, the soul trapper stalks the front lines with both eagerness and desperation. Its arms continually wrest souls of the recently departed from the air, limbs darting here and there like the workings of a manic threshing machine. It crams its stolen harvest into prepared chambers...
2,840 руб
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6,390 руб
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3,410 руб
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2,980 руб
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2,980 руб
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4,970 руб
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Held up as paragons of honour and duty amongst their fellow Legiones Astartes, Invictarus Suzerains are warriors of great renown, elevated above the line units to serve their Primarch, Roboute Guilliman, and the Tetrarchs of Ultramar directly. They can be found at the most critical points on any...
22,910 руб
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1,560 руб
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3,410 руб
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