
Miniature Type
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WYR 20636
3,410 руб
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WYR 20534
2,980 руб
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WYR 20241
2,980 руб
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There is a long, messy history of Blood Bowl teams sneaking weapons onto the pitch, but few do it with such regularity (not to mention unapologetic brazenness) as Goblins. With very few exceptions, Goblin teams tend to have ready access to a well-stocked arsenal of unusual equipment at their...
5,270 руб
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The Raiders started out as the Severed Heads, but changed their name following a relocation to Orcland after financial trouble. Under the fierce coaching of Ogre ex-torturer Cruel-Eye, the Orcland Raiders won the first Blood Bowl Open Championship, and they are now looking for their second open...
6,240 руб
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Vandus Hammerhand is a sworn enemy of the Dark Gods. As Lord-Celestant of the hammers of Sigmar his warriors fight as one, energised by his purpose and might. Vandus was the first to tame a celestial Dracoth, and the first to harness the beast’s ability to breathe bolts of magical force....
6,830 руб
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The Thunderhawk Gunship fulfils a number of different strategic and tactical roles. Its primary mission is that of a drop ship but its utility does not end with the deployment of its lethal cargo of Space Marines, for it is a formidable heavy weapons platform in its own right. Equipped with a...
138,450 руб
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This book is designed to update the rules for Forge World’s current and recent ranges of models for use with the latest incarnation of the Warhammer 40,000 game. It provides rules for Forge World’s Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Daemons, Chaos Titan Legions and Renegade Knight units, including...
3,710 руб
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This book is designed to update the rules for Forge World’s current and recent ranges of models for use with the latest incarnation of the Warhammer 40,000 game. It provides rules for Forge World’s Space Marine, Grey Knight, Inquisition and Sisters of Battle units, including ancient relics from...
3,710 руб
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The Slayer Cult is a strange but well-documented aspect of life for a Dwarf, seen as the only option for those who have committed a shameful act. Shedding their worldly possessions and symbolically greasing their hair with pig fat, these contrite Dwarfs seek only a pure death in combat against...
4,680 руб
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From the Core Worlds to Kashyyyk and beyond, the Force connects all living things and binds them together. Pirates, Imperial cadets, and Wookiees. No matter who they are or where they go, they're all connected by the Force. They're all drawn together by the eternal struggles between...
3,600 руб
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From the Core Worlds to Kashyyyk and beyond, the Force connects all living things and binds them together. Pirates, Imperial cadets, and Wookiees. No matter who they are or where they go, they're all connected by the Force. They're all drawn together by the eternal struggles between...
2,700 руб
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Estimated Release Date: July - September 2017. Preorder items are not yet available. The quantity available and "in stock" notations are the quantities we have available for advance order. If there are other items on the order, the entire order will not ship until all preorders release....
4,500 руб
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Magnus the Red is unique among the primarchs. Above all his brothers, he’s the most numinous – a psyker of prodigious power. Possessed of a supreme intellect and a hunger for knowledge, Magnus sees himself, and the Thousand Sons, as shapers of the future. To him the Great Crusade, and each...
23,400 руб
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CVB 280587-0661
2,910 руб
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The vanguard of Dain's army, these Chariots run ahead of the Dwarves of the Iron Hills taking out any enemy scouts who dare to oppose them. Pulled by six goats at a time and with razor-sharp scythes attached to its wheels, anyone that is unfortunate enough to get in the way of a charging Chariot...
25,350 руб
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Based upon the technology of the Coronus Grav-carrier, the smaller Caladius grav-tank is designed to utilise the firepower afforded by the heaviest elements of the Legio Custodes’ arsenal on a highly mobile, protected platform. Given the fusion of advanced systems and weapons, the Caladius is...
25,350 руб
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Данный стартер снят с продажи, аналогичный стартер новой 9-ой редакции, по этой ссылке Command Edition *THE BOX* *DARK IMPERIUM* 53 brand new Citadel miniatures Hardback 40K Rulebook (280 pages) Death Guard book (24 pages) Primaris Space Marines book (24...
18,750 руб
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Hakflem Skuttlespike, the result of decades of unpleasant Skaven experiments, a player upon whose shoulders Clan Rigens immediately placed the future of the Skaven game of Blood Bowl. A petty, jealous and vicious example of Skaven cunning, he ensured that no other player would be created to...
4,680 руб
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The Khenetai Occult were a mystical sect within the Thousand Sons Order of the Jackal who served as the guardians of the five Prosperine Cults as well as their reliquaries and sanctums. Bound together by oath and ritually-forged psychic bonds, each of the elite were all initiates of the Cults’...
3,900 руб
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The Sekhmet, also known widely as the Scarab Occult outside their Legion, were the elite of the First Fellowship of the Thousand Sons, and when called upon to do so, served as Magnus’ personal bodyguard. Clad in Terminator armour, each of them was a high initiate of the Prosperine Mysteries who...
12,870 руб
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The Scarcrag Snivellers made a decision a long time ago to make an attempt at playing Blood Bowl without all the sneaky tricks employed by most Goblin teams. Eleven Goblins line up at the start of the match – no Trolls, no Secret Weapons – and do their very best to last at least a couple of...
6,000 руб
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They might not have any specialists, they might not be hulking great slabs of powerful muscle, but one thing Goblins are is numerous. Expand your own team of Blood Bowl Goblins with this set of 4 multi-part plastic miniatures! You’ll get 4 unique bodies, with 4 unique heads to attach to them,...
1,800 руб
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PIP 74100
With exaltation a remote hope at best, the ruthless warriors of the Venator caste take to the field for survival and victory instead. Relentless and cunning, Venator dakars are stern leaders with exacting standards. Under the watchful eye of a dakar, other Venators march quickly and take precise...
2,560 руб
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PIP 74099
Zaadesh rose from a wounded soldier who few thought would return to the field of battle to an influential lord tyrant. In battle, Zaadesh empowers his army to strike with brutal precision and to punish those enemies within reach before they get the chance to strike. He takes every opportunity in...
2,700 руб
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PIP 35086
релиз 14 июня Aelyth Vyr is one of the most distinguished ryssovass ever to have watched over the mountain passes of the Shard Spires. He is the embodiment of the ryssovass tradition—a steadfast defender of his people and a merciless killer bent on ending the lives of those blighted Nyss who...
2,130 руб
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PIP 35085
релиз 14 июня
1,560 руб
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PIP 35084
релиз 28 июня Fane Knight Guardians swear oaths to protect Scyrah, her fane, and her priesthood. These knights served the ailing goddess well before the Retribution came to prominence and have joined the cause to see the goddess and the Iosan people restored. These guardians regard several of...
2,130 руб
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PIP 35083
House Shyeel is best known for its feats of ingenuity in the engineering and production of myrmidons. Unlike other arcane mechanics in the service of the Retribution, Shyeel arcanists are equipped to wade into battle to return impaired myrmidons to the fight. These arcanists train to master both...
3,550 руб
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PIP 35082
релиз 14 июня
3,550 руб
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PIP 35081
 релиз 28 июня Designed for Issyria’s exclusive use and fitted with experimental technology that includes a cutting-edge arc node, Hemera magnifies the warcaster’s arcane abilities. The myrmidon wades into the thick of combat to take Issyria’s place, allowing her to guide the flow of...
7,810 руб
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PIP 35077
релиз 14 июня The swordsmen of House Ellowuyr practice a unique traditional discipline of fighting that utilizes perfectly balanced blades and fluid movements. Employing great sweeping motions they can cleave an opponent in two and continue to the next without losing momentum, while also...
7,810 руб
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PIP 35076
релиз 14 июня Elara is one of the Retribution’s most skilled killers. She has refined her arcane abilities to suit the ancient traditions of the goddess, Lyliss, patron of assassins, and treats each death she inflicts as a tribute. Elara has mastered the essence of shadow, stepping through one...
2,270 руб
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PIP 34137
This is the new Cryx character warjack featured in Forces of WARMACHINE: Cryx Command. For decades Kharybdis was lost, believed to have been destroyed when the Cygnaran Navy sank the blackship carrying it. With nothing but a crude map, Captain Aiakos set out to recover this powerful helljack...
8,520 руб
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PIP 34136
A malevolent specter born of Cryxian magic, the Hellslinger Phantom bears a striking resemblance to the Cygnaran warcaster Allister Caine, and rumors suggest it was made from a sliver of his very soul. The Hellslinger Phantom mimics Caine’s style on the battlefield, firing runeshots akin to the...
2,130 руб
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PIP 34135
This is the newest incarnation of Master Necrotech Mortenebra, presented in Forces of WARMACHINE: Cryx Command. Mortenebra is the dark mistress of the Cryxian war industry. With her cold and penetrating mind, she has worked behind the scenes to further the development of the Nightmare Empire’s...
5,400 руб
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PIP 34129
This is the full warcaster version of the character solo Aiakos, Scourge of the Meredius, and it is one of the two new warcasters featured in the pages of Forces of WARMACHINE: Cryx Command . A merciless cutthroat of the high seas, Aiakos has risen from humble beginnings among the gangs of...
2,700 руб
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PIP 33125
This is the newest incarnation of Kommander Oleg Strakhov, who now comes to battle as part of a warcaster unit, introduced in Forces of WARMACHINE: Khador Command . Assault Kommander Oleg Strakhov has spent decades carving a bloody trail through the kingdoms of western Immoren, eliminating...
3,550 руб
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PIP 33123
релиз 24 мая The artillery kapitans of the Winter Guard understand the true strength of Khadoran artillery. Under their command, crews lay down fearsome barrages just ahead of their advancing troops, decimating enemy lines while creating a chaotic environment that Khadoran forces can turn to...
1,990 руб
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PIP 33122
This is the new Greylord Man-O-War solo presented in Forces of WARMACHINE: Khador Command. More than just craftsmen, Forge Seers also take to the battlefield alongside the warjacks they help create. These Greylords apply their knowledge of magic and mechanika to imbue the weapons of...
3,550 руб
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PIP 33119
This is the full warcaster version of the character solo Kovnik Andrei Malakov, and it is one of the two new warcasters featured in Forces of WARMACHINE: Khador Command. Kommander Andrei Malakov has developed into a ruthless but eminently capable Khadoran officer. Driven by bold...
2,130 руб
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PIP 32122
релиз 24 мая Few deliverers survive long enough to gain true mastery of the weapons they wield, but those who do can earn the distinguished title of arms master, directing their charges in combat from the back lines. Tasked with the upkeep and repair of Skyhammer rockets and Sunburst...
1,700 руб
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PIP 32110
релиз 24 мая Faith alone is insufficient to protect the faithful. Thus, the Devout was built to guard the Protectorate’s leaders from heretics and engraved with holy inscriptions to protect its controller from accursed magic. The Dervish, on the other hand, is a divinely inspired weapon...
3,550 руб
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PIP 35087
релиз 28 июня The warcaster once known as Goreshade was an eldritch, one of a strain of abominations who fed on the spiritual essence of others and consorted with the Nightmare Empire of Cryx. Now, Lord Ghyrrshyld has been restored by the goddess Scyrah and is filled with renewed purpose. While...
3,120 руб
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Skywardens are elite members of the Arkanaut crews, a form of aerial cavalry that can scramble to aid the fleets. They use potent, heat-generating vulcaniser pistols to fell foes before lowering their skypikes and charging in to finish them off. Each Skywarden is equipped with skymines...
6,600 руб
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An Aether-Khemist is an invaluable addition to an airfleet. The armour of these specialists incorporates an array of high-tech tools, including quadbreather apparatus that allows them to sniff out aether-gold hidden within thick cloud banks. In addition to harvesting and assessing...
4,880 руб
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For many decades, the arts by which the powers of a psyker could be maintained medically into the half-life of Dreadnought sarcophagus internment eluded the Thousand Sons, just as it had many others of the Legiones Astartes who attempted the task. It was not until the mind of Magnus itself was...
15,210 руб
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Attendants, advisors and bodyguards to the Wurrgog Prophet – and successors, when he invariably blows up – the Wardokks are unhinged leaders of bands of Morboys. Performers of wild rituals that channel Waaagh! energy, they magnify the power of the Prophet, stirring up so much incredible magic...
2,830 руб
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Even the most fierce intellect would eventually submit to the power of Gorkamorka. Maniak Weirdnobs never really had much in the way of strong will, so their descent into gibbering madness is particularly spectacular. These Bonesplitterz are sometimes created when a Wardokk kills a creature with...
5,270 руб
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A highly-detailed, evocative plastic scenery kit, the Galvanic Servohaulers are a set of 2 haulers and a large crane, which open up a host of modelling options with which to add linear obstacles to your gaming table, providing cover for your miniatures and evoking a lived-in, working feel to the...
6,750 руб
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An incredibly detailed, striking scenery set, the Ferratonic Incinerator is a modular plastic kit compatible with the entire Sector Mechanicus range – detailed, configurable scenery that will help you play games on a multi-level environment! Made up of a cylindrical structure – the...
11,700 руб
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An incredibly detailed, striking scenery set, the Promethium Forge is a modular plastic kit compatible with the entire Sector Mechanicus range – detailed, configurable scenery that will help you play games on a multi-level environment! A large collection of walkways, pipes, platforms and...
11,700 руб
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Designed to complement the Sector Mechanicus scenery range, this box of 52 highly detailed Citadel plastic round bases contains three different sizes, and features the same textures as the rest of the Sector Mechanicus range. There’s a host of pipework, vents, cogs and Adeptus Mechanicus symbols...
5,100 руб
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Masters of the guiding winds, Aetheric Navigators are aero-cartographers, atmospheric map-makers that help chart courses, find currents and steer along perilous trade routes. Even the most journeyed Admirals value the counsel of an Aetheric Navigator, for they can see barometric eddies and...
4,880 руб
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Brokk Grungsson exemplifies the self-made Kharadron Overlord privateer. He is rapacious in the hunt for aether-gold, and daring in his explorations of the skybound wonders of Chamon. Brokk Grungsson is the only Admiral that has successfully led a fleet around the Spire, the fabled Horn of...
6,830 руб
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The jewel in the crown of the fleet, the Arkanaut Ironclad is a majestic airship. Bristling with weaponry, its deep cargo holds can be laden with aether-gold or it can be loaded to the gunwales with Arkanaut Companies or Grundstok Thunderers. Advancements made by the Kharadron’s endrineers have...
17,250 руб
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PIP 31112
This plastic kit contains the parts to build either the new resculpt of the Stormwall or the new Hurricane colossal warjack. Stormwalls and Hurricanes tower over Cygnar’s enemies with the majesty and menace of a looming cloudburst. From the thunder of its guns to the blinding arcs of...
15,620 руб
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The ruler of Mirkwood , Thranduil is a wise but proud king who cares little for those beyond his own borders. Journeying to Erebor to reclaim the white gems of Lasgalen that dwell within the mountain, gems that Thranduil desires above all else in order to remember his late wife, when his...
10,340 руб
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The mighty fire-drake, Smaug ™ is doubtless the largest and most powerful of his kind left in Middle-earth ™. Smaug ™ is built upon a stunningly detailed scenic base that depicts the vast treasures of Erebor. The Arkenstone ™ and The One Ring can both clearly be...
105,300 руб
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Box Contains 3 Field Reporters
2,130 руб
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The Grundstok Thunderers are militarised formations employed by the fleet to help defend it. The endless training and drilling conducted by the Grundstok Academies results in high standards of discipline and marksmanship in their graduates – upon commands from their officer, the Grundcaptain,...
6,600 руб
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Grundstok Gunhaulers streak through the air, weaving between the larger Arkanaut craft. They are two-duardin vessels tasked with eliminating threats before they have a chance to endanger the ships under their care. In this the Grundstok Gunhaulers are ideal, for they are fast and agile craft,...
9,560 руб
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PIP 76028
The ancient prophecy is fulfilled as the Wicked Harvest unites all grymkin under the command of their creators, the ancient and powerful Defiers. With their army of living nightmares, horrors born from twisted folklore, and other bizarre creatures, the Defiers have emerged from the hells of the...
28,400 руб
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PIP 76027
Claim the dead and stack the caskets. Save these sots from the maggots. Creaking corpse carts called death knells follow behind the cursed hordes of the grymkin. The impish coachman rings its somber bell as a warning to all who would dare disrespect the dead, and its toll can be felt as a...
12,070 руб
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PIP 76026
Loss and madness are fickle things, but for my new family now I sing. Driven to madness by loss and grief, the grymkin have adopted poor Lady Karianna Rose as one of their own. Lady Rose’s songs soothe the rage that feeds the grymkin nightmares, but she can also whip them into a frenzy on a...
1,850 руб
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PIP 76023
Avoid drunken stumbles and tavern brawls, or these intemperate imps will take you all. Cask imps are mischievous grymkin that take no greater pleasure than bedeviling drunkards. At the Defiers’ commands, cask imps chaotically hurtle themselves at the enemy to control the flow of battle,...
1,700 руб
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PIP 76022
One today and one tomorrow, a matching set to see no sorrow. Spiteful creatures that lurk behind the looking glass and fall upon the vain enraptured by their own reflections, glimmer imps now skulk into combat to aid their fellow grymkin. With no eyes of their own, they crave stealing the...
1,420 руб
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PIP 76012
Click and clack, bound and leap, these nightmares will their harvest reap! These grotesque little nightmares may act ridiculous, but they ravenously defend their masters and devour the enemies of the Wicked Harvest. Able to bound in great leaps to land upon their prey, or to spring into...
2,130 руб
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PIP 76002
Break my toys and scold me not, my anger burns both bright and hot. First of the Defiers, the Child wants nothing more than to play and not be told what to do. Accompanied by her companion, Dolly, woe upon the fool who tries to take her grymkin “toys” away or tries to harm her. Only the Child...
4,970 руб
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Armed with twin-linked Lastrum bolt cannon and Arachnus blaze cannon, the Coronus Grav-carrier is perhaps one of the most recognised vehicles used exclusively by the Legio Custodes. This heavily protected transport skimmer provides them with a degree of speed and agility unmatched by the...
35,100 руб
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The Arkanaut Frigate represents centuries of refinement by the shipwrights of the Endrineers Guild. In its design, a balance was struck between speed, transport capacity and firepower to create a versatile craft that could serve as the mainstay for the airfleets. With its sleek hull...
14,140 руб
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When it comes to feet on the ground, the Arkanaut Companies form the Kharadron Overlords’ main fighting forces. Descending swiftly via a Frigate’s grav-ladders or suspension ropes, an Arkanaut Company can deploy rapidly into the fray. This multi-part plastic kit contains the...
7,130 руб
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Arkanaut Admirals are the cream of the Kharadron officer class, intrepid leaders who direct whole airfleets from their favoured flagship. To reach the rank of Admiral requires proven excellence and tremendous profit – each one is a battle-hardened veteran of a thousand aerial engagements, whose...
4,880 руб
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Box Contains 3 Shieldbearers
2,130 руб
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Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
990 руб
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Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
990 руб
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Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
990 руб
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Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры. Для окрашивания полупрозрачных частей мы рекомендуем использовать краски формата Ink от производителя Vallejo или же Scale75.
990 руб
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Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
990 руб
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Блистер содержит три неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
990 руб
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Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
990 руб
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Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
990 руб
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Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
990 руб
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Блистер содержит три неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
990 руб
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Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
990 руб
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Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
990 руб
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Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
990 руб
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Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
990 руб
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Блистер содержит одну среднюю неокрашенную миниатюру, на которую предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
990 руб
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Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
990 руб
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Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
990 руб
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An incredibly detailed, striking scenery set, the Galvanic Magnavent is a modular plastic kit compatible with the entire Sector Mechanicus range – detailed, configurable scenery that will help you play games on a multi-level environment! A collection of walkways, turbines, supporting beams...
13,650 руб
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An incredibly detailed, striking scenery set, the Ferratonic Furnace is a modular plastic kit compatible with the entire Sector Mechanicus range – detailed, configurable scenery that will help you play games on a multi-level environment! A large silo possibly filled with unmentionable...
9,750 руб
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7,800 руб
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The Ringwraiths, or Nazg?l, were once the Kings of Men, the bearers of the magical rings created by Sauron. Their rings granted endless life but gradually enslaved the Kings to Saurons will. Together with their leader, the Witch-king of Angmar, they are known as the Nine and are the most deadly...
10,730 руб
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Do you want to add a fearsome and slightly absurd Troll to your Orcish Blood Bowl team? Or maybe a Goblin team? You’ve come to the right place. This excellent multi-part plastic kit contains the parts you need to assemble a rather large Troll (look at him – he’s wearing a human’s helmet as a...
3,750 руб
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One of the most spectacular, if not the most efficient, secret weapons fielded by any Blood Bowl team is the Dwarf Deathroller. It was first used by the Dwarf Warhammerers back in ’64 and has been a regular part of many a Dwarf team's arsenal ever since. The Deathroller’s continuing popularity...
10,730 руб
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A variant of the Triaros Armoured Conveyor common within the Mechanicum Taghmata, the Karacnos is a dedicated assault tank, its armoured chassis and copious transport compartment devoted to the mounting and munitions store of a single heavy weapon system – a mortar battery of ‘Karacnos’...
36,080 руб
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Though less common within the ranks of the Legio Custodes than their peers, those warriors who comprise the Sagittarum Guard Sodalities nevertheless fulfil a number of vital roles within the Legio’s order of battle. Their art of war, in contrast to the rest of the Custodian Guard, is focussed on...
4,970 руб
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We are Orcs and dat’s no lie We’ll make yoo screem an’ make yoo cry… Once a laughing stock, the Gouged Eye has employed filthy tactics, brute force and lots of punching to rise through the ranks to become big players in the upper echelons of Blood Bowl. They’ve won the title...
8,190 руб
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A ton of weird, wonderful and bizarre events can and will happen on and off the pitch during games of Blood Bowl. The best way to represent these happenings is with Special Play cards, and this set of 26 Team Titans cards, usable by any and all teams adds a whole load of extra anarchy....
1,800 руб
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The pattern for Kallus’ mind and body are indelibly imprinted upon his athanc shard, ensuring his restoration no matter what he undergoes. This was proven when Kallus endured the one act that could truly destroy him: being consumed by a dragon. What should have ended his existence instead made...
5,390 руб
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PIP 1084
Clouds of gun smoke and brilliantly arcing lightning accompany the blue and gold of Cygnar into battle. Beset by enemies on all sides, this great nation stands resolute thanks to its heroic warcasters, advanced warjacks, and stalwart soldiers. Wielding weapons that harness the power of the storm...
2,220 руб
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PIP 41140
Caine’s Hellslingers has developed a reputation as one of the toughest and deadliest outfits in western Immoren. Comprised of former Black 13th gun mages Lieutenant Darsey Ryan and Sergeant Samuel Watts as well as the renegade warcaster Allister Caine himself, this trio has gunned down scores of...
4,260 руб
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Cleansing flame is the principal weapon of the Silent Sisterhood’s Witchseeker Squads, for in the hostile galaxy of the 41st Millennium there exist entities that can shrug storms of bullets – yet wither and shrink to nothing under the onslaught of holy promethium. The Witchseekers’ prey is...
7,130 руб
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Bright and resplendent in gleaming gold, the Adeptus Custodes stride into war with the confidence their imposing stature gives them. Bullets and shrapnel ricochet from gilded breastplates – these warriors are armoured with the finest wargear, carrying the blessing of the Emperor himself. With...
7,690 руб
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This pack contains 1 Imperial Guard Tank Accessory frame.
2,580 руб
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When Skaven teams want to add a bit of punch to their line-up, the most popular option is to recruit a Rat Ogre. Created through an unholy combination of selective breeding, dark sorcery and warpstone-enhanced surgery, these monstrous brutes stand twice the height of their team-mates. Their...
5,750 руб
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Oberwald’s qualities are those of the classic Blood Bowl hero. He’s tall, superfit and strong, with a grace and co-ordination that can leave most other players standing. Instantly recognisable across a murky Blood Bowl field by the splattering of gore across his kit, Oberwald cuts a very dashing...
4,680 руб
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Unusually tactical and thoughtful, Varag Ghoul-Chewer is almost unique – an Orc Blitzer capable of making rudimentary strategic decisions! Dragged up into the big leagues and placed at the head of the Gouged Eye – the most famous Orc team currently playing – his sights are set on winning the...
4,680 руб
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A hulking brute of an Ogre Blocker, Morg ’N’ Thorg is something of a lumbering juggernaut. Nearly eight feet tall, bludgeoning his way through the opposition, he’s always a spectacle to watch out for on the pitch. Off the field, his frightening appearance disguises a truly gentle nature, making...
5,270 руб
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Gifted with not only hefty bulk, strength and power but the ability to use them properly, The Mighty Zug is an expert at incapacitating opponents with a single swipe of his gigantic paw. A firm favourite with the fans despite (or because of) his brutish, ugly and stupid demeanour, he’s the Star...
4,680 руб
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Annam the All-Father, the eldest and greatest of the giant gods, has shattered the ancient caste system of the giants known as the ordning, which throws all giantkind into chaos. Now any giant with ambition can challenge the hierarchy, and no giant knows its place... Assault of the Giants...
10,500 руб
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7,200 руб
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6,600 руб
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6,600 руб
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Collecting together all the splendid Blood Bowl Star Player releases, this bundle is a quick and easy way to pick up these legends of the pitch. Morg ‘N’ Thorg, the hulking Ogre Blocker who’s willing to play for any team (as long as they’re not Undead…), is a cheerfully brutish miniature covered...
37,050 руб
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In those isolated cases where the body has been all but irrevocably destroyed but the Custodian’s mind remains intact and their will to survive undimmed, internment within the cold and unyielding body of a Dreadnought is the next step. To this purpose, the few Dreadnoughts of the Legio Custodes...
17,360 руб
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This Space Wolves Legion Transfer Sheet is perfect for personalising the models in your Space Wolves collection. It is an A4 sheet packed with a huge number of symbols including Legion honour and rank markings, runes, squad markings for vehicles and infantry and full, detailed banners.
5,850 руб
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1,950 руб
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The elite amongst the elite, carefully selected and recruited for their exceptional abilities, the Deathwatch are a thin black line, a sentinel that stands between the Imperium and alien threats unimaginable. Always outnumbered – such is the staggering scale of the hordes they face – this noble...
2,580 руб
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The Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon is a prototype weapon system designed as a more compact and portable variant of the highly successful Kheres pattern. Unfortunately, during field testing, it was found to be prone to catastrophic failure under heavy use – but being rewarded with the sheer...
3,220 руб
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A larger and bulkier version of the Combat Shield, Storm Shields are powered shields providing more effective defence against attack. Wielded by those clad in Cataphractii Terminator armour, they form a near-impenetrable barrier. This set of 5 resin Storm Shields features Imperial Fists...
4,780 руб
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This bundle allows you to upgrade a set of Cataphractii Terminators with Storm Shields, featuring Imperial Fists Iconography. The Cataphractii Pattern Terminators are a set of 5 detailed multi-part plastic models which includes an optional sergeant shield, bare head and a grenade harness....
13,460 руб
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4,760 руб
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This bundle nets you a Reikland Reavers team, and a fantastic Ogre to field with them. You’ll receive the plucky Reikland Reavers team – 2 blitzers, 2 throwers, 2 catchers and 6 linemen – and a Blood Bowl Ogre.
6,000 руб
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This multi-part box contains the components to build a Blood Bowl Ogres. The box comes supplied with a 32mm Blood Bowl round base, featuring a hole to slot the ball into when the miniature has possession. We expect this box to sell well, as the Blood Bowl Ogre can be used in any Blood Bowl...
3,900 руб
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With Hurricane Crossbows & Aetherwings / Vanguard-Raptors With Longstrike Crossbows & Aetherwings Raining death upon the enemy from afar, Vanguard-Raptors armed with longstrike crossbows are marksmen with few equals. Poised in well-chosen vantage points they wait with bolts loaded,...
5,250 руб
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