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Hellions are airborne killers. Feral Dark Eldar, they descend upon their prey in a flurry of hooked blades before hurtling away to safety. Hellions ride to war upon skyboards, single-pilot anti-gravity boards, and pump their systems full of combat drugs. They are crazed terror troops who swoop...
5,070 руб
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Over the millennia since Commorragh's founding its sand-filled arenas have drunk the blood of millions. Each arena has witnessed countless spectacles of perversity and death, but there is one gladiatorial favourite that never fades in popularity - the wild hunts of the Beastmasters. When...
3,900 руб
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The strongest and most dangerous Ork Nobz will be chosen by the Warboss to form his bodyguard. These Nobz will be armed and armoured with the best equipment.
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Набор содержит 10 пластмассовых моделей, и включает все необходимое для сборки Офицера, и Сержанта, и множества оружия; поставляются несобранными и неокрашенными.
7,130 руб
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The Tervigon is a massive, living incubator, beneath whose lumpen carapace dozens upon dozens of Termagants slumber in a state of near-life – and it can spawn its dormant broods at will. The Tervigon displays all the horrific might so typical of the Tyranids, and is a suitably...
8,180 руб
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Hive Tyrants are the commanders of the Tyranid Swarm and the enactors of the Hive Mind's will. All Hive Tyrants are massively powerful creatures, hulking monsters three times the height of a man. Though individuals will often appear different, every part of their body is created to maim and...
7,690 руб
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Toxicrene передвигается, возвышаясь над бесконечным роем, который он сопровождает в бою, давя тех, кто рискнул подойти слишком близко к его щупальцам. Но свою репутацию он получил не за это, а за удушливые, токсичные облака спор, исходящие из спинных труб Toxicrene. Этот пластиковый набор из...
13,160 руб
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Exocrines are feared for their ability to deal death from afar. The Exocrine is purely a means of transportation for the bio-plasmic cannon nested into its flesh, a giant weapon able to unleash a vast ball of roaring energy, or several focussed streams of death from its multiple barrels. The...
11,700 руб
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Spore Mines are not only launched by Biovores towards their enemy - clusters of them are often seeded directly onto worlds from orbit. In fact, Spore Mines have been known to drift untriggered for days or even years, just waiting for an unwary and unfortunate foe to come near. A cluster...
3,800 руб
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The Hive Crone is a flying monstrosity used by the Tyranids to establish air superiority over prey worlds. It is a creature perfectly adapted to aerial combat, able to wrestle enemy aircraft out of the skies. The Hive Crone is distinguished by the delightfully disgusting, sack-fed drool...
14,140 руб
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Bloodthirsters are the mightiest of Khorne’s daemons, the fury of war given terrible form. Every one of these towering beasts is the equal of an entire mortal army. This multi-part plastic kit allows you to make any one of three specific types of Bloodthirster: the Wrath of Khorne...
18,750 руб
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The Razorshark Strike Fighter is a sleek atmospheric aircraft that is capable of sweeping down from the skies and blasting ground targets with its potent payload. Built along a design pattern modified from this aircraft, the Razorshark Strike Fighter forgoes an Interceptor Drone in favour of...
13,160 руб
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Fateskimmer, Herald of Tzeentch on Burning Chariot / Burning Chariot of Tzeentch / Exalted Flamer of Tzeentch As they blaze through the heavens of the mortal world, the Chariots of Tzeentch are commonly mistaken for comets, which are often interpreted as omens of great events and...
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Skull Cannon / Rendmaster, Herald of Khorne on Blood Throne Skull Cannons of Khorne are monstrous fusions of daemonic spirit and hellforged machine. Their twisted and clinkered forms burn with the desire to shed blood and crush bones, to exalt Khorne with every trampled foe. The Skull...
6,830 руб
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The Meganobz are the richest and most battle-hardened Nobz around. Clad in Mek-built mega armour (with enough protective plating to turn the wearer into a walking tank), these Nobz can shrug off the hail of bullets that would kill lesser Orks. This multi-part plastic boxed set contains three...
8,250 руб
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The Lychguard are the wardens of the nobility, said to be utterly dedicated to their charges. While most Necrons wear a suit of living metal, the Lychguard wear huge suits of ancient armour. The Lychguard models are highly detailed, and display the rich iconography and dynastic glyphs in all...
7,130 руб
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