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Although many gobbers have gained acceptance at the fringes of society, swamp gobbers have always held a particularly unsavory reputation, and those who serve as river raiders among the pirate crews that prey on western Immoren are no exception. With rusted hooks, axes, and swords, they hack...
2,270 руб
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Watching over their Stormcast brothers with the guiding light of their warding lanterns spilling a glorious, warm glow over everything nearby, the Lord-Castellants are masters of defensive warfare. The purifying aura of their golden light shields and heals wounded Stormcast Eternals with...
4,500 руб
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PIP 34058
Дарраг Врейс (Призрак Дарраг, Cryx Light Cavalry Dragoon Character Solo) - жесточайший даже по меркам Cryx колдун и каваллерист, ведущий легионы конных призраков на врага с фанатичным рвением и необычайной бережливостью. Отменно показав себя при покорении материка, Дарраг снискал славу...
4,260 руб
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PIP 33071
Operating independently, Khador’s senior Widowmaker marksmen move unobserved across the battlefield. The expert sharpshooters are equipped with the prized Vanar Liberator rifle. The Liberator weighs a full twenty pounds, nearly twice the weight of the standard hunting rifles issued to Widowmaker...
640 руб
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The leaders of the Stormhosts, exceptionally gifted warriors who ride into battle in blazing fields of azure light, the Lord-Celestants are respected for their tenacity and battle skills even amongst the immortals. Their sigmarite runeblades and warhammers crush and pulverize any enemy...
5,070 руб
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The Word Bearers are a Legion of zealous missionaries, once charged with branding the Imperial Truth across the soul of humanity. The XVII Legion now offers its devotion to more otherworldly powers, taking to the battlefield in a fanatical storm of daemonic fire and hellish whispers. Driven...
5,850 руб
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It is said that none can match Sigismund in battle other than the Primarchs themselves. Remorseless and unstoppable in combat, he has swiftly risen through the ranks of the Imperial Fists Legion to serve as commander of the Templar Brethren who make up the VIIth Legion’s First Company....
13,070 руб
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Primarch of the Ultramarines Legion and Master of the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar, Roboute Guilliman is an indefatigable warrior, consummate tactician and statesman without parallel. He has forged the XIIIth Legion to be a disciplined and deadly force; one which fights with seamless tactical...
19,500 руб
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Silent and intense, watching constantly for any sign of weakness or heresy from their brothers, the Interrogator-Chaplains of the Dark Angels are not like the Chaplains of other Chapters. Every one has learned the grim secret gnawing at the heart of the Dark Angels’ history, and has become a...
5,460 руб
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PIP 33102
Through a combination of fearsome reputation, ruthless tactics, and intimate knowledge of the occult, Aleksandra Zerkova has scaled the ranks of the Greylords Covenant. Her open display of mystical power, from forbidden relics to guardians enslaved to her will, has earned her many enemies—but...
5,400 руб
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PIP 31107
Victoria Haley has risen through the ranks of the Cygnaran Army to become one of the most potent arcanists in recorded history. Her mastery over the flow of time allows her to conjure echoes of herself from the past and future to fight at her side. By her unprecedented powers, Major Prime...
4,970 руб
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PIP 31095
By taking the impressive bulk and chassis of the Ironclad and adding powerful voltaic weaponry, the Stormclad and Reliant were born. The Stormclad is equipped with an accumulator that draws on the galvanic energies of nearby Stormblades to augment its impressive storm-powered generator blade....
4,970 руб
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Support troops who truly live up to their name, the Space Marine Devastators deliver the Emperor’s judgment via stunning displays of brutal firepower. Missiles slam into ranks of enemies, blasts of scorching plasma melt craters into the very earth, lascannons punch through the hardest defences...
7,690 руб
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Falling from the sky with lightning speed and stunning aggression, the ferocity of the Space Marine Assault Squad is rarely matched in battle. Countless shells of bolt pistol fire slam into the enemy as the squad charges forward with no hesitation whatsoever, hacking and rending at any survivors...
6,750 руб
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A proud Space Marine Chapter of the First Founding, the Blood Angels fight both to protect the Imperium, and to protect themselves from their own hidden failings. Though they are amongst the best, most heroic warriors Mankind has ever known, they harbour a terrible inner darkness - a gene-curse...
2,580 руб
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