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PIP 35007_h
Гидра (Hydra - Retribution Heavy Myrmidon) – эффективный и сложноуничтожаемый тяжелый мирмидонец, мех-магический воин армии Retribution of Scyrah. Дом Шиел вложил в разработку Гидры немало усилий, и шла она с большим трудом. Однако, эльфы Ios всегда славились своей решительностью и...
1,925 руб
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Дредноут - многотонная боевая машина, высотой в два или три человеческих роста. Когда Дредноут идет в бой, вражеский огонь разбивается об его корпус из адамантия и керамита как капли дождя. Огненный смерч вырывается из его орудий, а мощные металлические клешни превращают в месиво глупцов,...
7,690 руб
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PIP 41085_r
Mercenary warjacks are often drawn from discontinued chassis once produced by kingdom armies. The Mule, a former Cygnaran warjack, wields a massive battle mace and an innovative steam-powered cannon packing enough explosive punch to scatter enemies like leaves. The Nomad, once a Cygnaran...
4,970 руб
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PIP 35034_b
multi-part heavy myrmidon plastic model (PIP 35034)
4,970 руб
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PIP 35034_d
multi-part heavy myrmidon plastic model (PIP 35034)
4,970 руб
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PIP 35034_s
multi-part heavy myrmidon plastic model (PIP 35034)
4,970 руб
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Капелан Лемартес является надзирателем Роты Смерти, никогда они не обладали такой силой какую обрели под его руководством. Хотя сам капеллан страдает от проклятия Черного Гнева, его несгибаемая воля позволяет ему сохранять контроль над собой и контролировать вверенную ему Роту Смерти....
4,580 руб
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The Eldar use powerful support weapons to provide their warriors with long-range firepower. Capable of mounting any of three distinctive and deadly guns, Eldar Support Weapons can be suited to a number of battlefield roles, including anti-personnel and anti-tank duties, as the needs of the...
3,410 руб
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PIP 33063_s
Дестроер, или Разрушитель (Destroyer - Khador Heavy Warjack) – это классическое сочетание неплохого рукопашного бойца и возможности вести огонь навесом. Крупнокалиберная бомбарда обладает высокой дальностью и неплохим весом залпа, а крепкая броня компенсирует заметность и позволяет долго...
4,970 руб
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PIP 32061_t
4,970 руб
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Commanding legion upon legion of deathless soldiers whose only purpose is to obey his every order, the Necron Overlord is a cold, calculating demigod. He has the pick of a multitude of arcane armaments of his ancient race – powerful artefacts that predate many of the galaxy’s greatest...
3,600 руб
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Warlock Engineers are the artificers of Skaven society, blending arcane sorceries with technology in an insane and mind-boggling mix. They often go to war carrying many of their latest devices, from warplock pistols to blades powered by crackling warpstone. This product contains two metal...
4,680 руб
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The latest creations from the crazed laboratories of the Clans Skryre, Stormfiends are hulking brutes stitched together from a variety of body parts. Armed with a deadly array of experimental weaponry, they are able to wade through densely-packed enemies, or single-handedly halt enemy...
9,380 руб
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Thanquol is a grey seer of prodigious ability (some would say luck) who is watched over by his sturdy and loyal, albeit mindless, bodyguard Boneripper. They make a fearsome duo; the arcane might of Thanquol complimenting the savage brawn of his giant rat ogre. This imposing multipart plastic...
14,140 руб
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The Horus Heresy Book Four – Conquest , lavishly illustrated in full colour, contains extensive background information on Warmaster Horus’ invasion of the northern Imperium having revealed his treachery at the Isstvan System. In addition, this book contains details of the Solar Auxilia of the...
10,920 руб
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Verminlord Warbringer / Verminlord Corruptor / Verminlord Warpseer / Verminlord Deceiver Verminlords are living icons of ruin; towering figures possessed of raw power and feral savagery. As avatars of the Horned Rat they can call upon fell energies, manipulating the weak-willed...
13,950 руб
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В состав дополнения входят: миниатюры истребителей A-Wing и B-Wing в альтернативных цветовых схемах (например, B-Wing покрашен в цвета эскадрильи «Кинжал»); 4 пилота; 13 карт улучшений; шкалы манёвров; все необходимые жетоны; сценарий, представляющий собой спасательную миссию. Join the...
4,950 руб
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In addition to their starships, each of which is sculpted faithfully at the game’s standard 1/270 scale, the VT-49 Decimator Expansion Pack introduces a host of new upgrades and terrain pieces that allow you to explore a wide range of new tactics in your space battles. To be granted command of...
6,600 руб
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In addition to their starships, each of which is sculpted faithfully at the game’s standard 1/270 scale, the YT-2400 Freighter Expansion Pack introduces a host of new upgrades and terrain pieces that allow you to explore a wide range of new tactics in your space battles. A fast and...
4,950 руб
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Introduces one Z-95 Headhunter starfighter at 1/270 scale, along with four ship cards, five upgrade cards, one maneuver dial, and all the necessary tokens to bring this reliable Rebel starfighter to life in your tabletop space battles. Also, as the Rebel starfighter with the lowest squad point...
2,400 руб
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