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Masters of celestial engineering, the Lord-Ordinators are wise men who have shaped the Mortal Realms through the word of Sigmar and the readings of the heavens. When their sharp and serious minds cannot re-mould reality to their whims, they take up their hammers and march to war, hewing the...
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The eyes of an Evocator in full battle rage flash with sparks, and veins of lightning glow beneath his skin – the same energy that plays over his tempest blade and stormstave as he advances, arcing outward to ground nearby. These bursts are deadly, and can blacken and scorch anyone nearby if not...
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In the living world executioners are tasked with the ending of life, often by axe stroke or noose. The headsmen of the Mortal Realms who knowingly slay the innocent as well as the guilty attract the gaze of Nagash, and upon death are remade into the spectral forms of Lord Executioners. Each...
6,140 руб
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Where once Dreadscythe Harridans were healers and nurturers, the Harridan Curse – dealt as a terrible reward by Nagash – reshapes them in death into something quite the opposite of what they once were. Where there were once healing hands, bonescythes grow; horrible reaping instruments meant for...
8,580 руб
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Moving like a ghostly cyclone, the creatures known as Bladegheist Revenants spin in a frenetic fashion. They are souls taken from those who met particularly tormenting ends – those sealed in spike-riddled encasements, choked beneath water or buried alive. Their last living thoughts were a frenzy...
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The men and women of House Cawdor are the bonepickers, scrap herders and midden-thieves of Necromunda, their vast empire built on the discarded scraps of other clans and bound together by an...
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The line infantry of a Sacrosanct Chamber is comprised of its Sequitors, stern warriors who channel the tempest through the magical weaponry bequeathed to them by Sigmar. To be struck by such a warrior is to feel the energy of the storm discharging with thundercap force. Able to to channel magic...
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Those given the rank of Lord-Arcanum by Sigmar earned it by wielding eldritch energies in the name of freedom. There are those whose mastery of the heavenly realmsphere is such that they can astrally project into the aether, that non-space that lies between the realms, there to make lasting...
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The Black Coaches are funerary carriages from the underworlds. Within these arcane carriages any tangible remains are gathered in a casket that offers a safe haven in which the banished entity can reform. The dormant occupant can feed upon the energies of death, drinking in agony and grief in...
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The most numerous of all the spirits that join Nighthaunt processions are the Chainrasp Hordes. These gheists are created from the spirits of the most vicious and irredeemable criminals to have lived in the Mortal Realms. They are lesser spirits, held together in the afterlife by nothing other...
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BRING HEAVY METAL TO THE BATTLEFIELDS OF WARMACHINE! Girded in steel and steam, the Man-O-War of the Armored Corps are the foremost mechanized heavy infantry of the Iron Kingdoms. They meld the might of machinery with Khador’s irrepressible patriotism and fighting spirit, bringing ruin to those...
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Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
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No matter where the Rebel Alliance establishes one of its bases, it must always be prepared for an Imperial attack. Rebel ground troops are always willing to put themselves in harm’s way, but troopers are not enough to stem the tide of the Imperial legions and their heavy walkers. Laser cannon...
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When you’re seeking protection from enemy blaster fire, there are few substitutes for the solid weight of a barricade between you and your foes. Decorate your games with more terrain and provide cover for your troopers with the Barricades Pack for Star Wars : Legion! Within this expansion,...
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Your battles might take you to planets across the galaxy, but one thing that most games of Star Wars: Legion have in common are your objectives. Objective tokens are commonly placed on the battlefield at the beginning of the game as the players select the objective card that will be used for...
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