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PIP 31139
Privateer Press Warmachine Cygnar: Patrol Dog Weapon Attachment Not all trenchers stand on two legs. Many companies have one or more patrol dogs assigned to them—eager canine soldiers that go through their own rigorous trencher training. Patrol dogs assist the infantry in several...
1,280 руб
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PIP 31138
Masters of covert operations, sabotage, and targeted elimination behind enemy lines, the officers of the trencher commandos are the best of the best. These officers lead squads of commandos on the most dangerous and sensitive assignments, where their paramount goal is always simple:...
1,700 руб
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PIP 31137
The thundering rifle of a Trencher Express team means death to even well-protected foes of Cygnar. Each team consists of a human spotter working alongside a burly trollkin soldier wielding the largest hunting rifle ever manufactured, the Raevhan Express. Originally designed to bring down...
3,550 руб
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PIP 31136
Blockhouses are often built to support Cygnaran trenchworks, providing girded fire bays and supporting fire in the event of an enemy overrun of the front. Able to withstand direct artillery fire from all but the heaviest enemy guns, these blockhouses return fire with salvos from their...
8,520 руб
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PIP 31135
As turn the wrenches of the mechaniks, so turns the war. Trencher combat engineers are even tougher and more combat-ready than their field mechanik counterparts in the regular Cygnaran Army. Every man and woman among them must be as adept with a firearm as they are at maintaining and...
3,550 руб
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PIP 31134
Privateer Press Warmachine Cygnar: Trencher Warcaster Lieutenant Solo No journeyman’s life is without peril, but some brave men and women opt to take a nobler and more dangerous path. Enlisting in the trencher corps upon completion of basic warcaster training, these junior...
2,130 руб
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PIP 31133
Privateer Press Warmachine Cygnar: Trencher Long Gunners Unit and Command Attachment BOX To the trenchers, the staccato crack of rifle fire represents the familiar tempo of war. Trained in the use of repeating long rifles, Trencher Long Gunners provide their comrades in the corps with...
9,940 руб
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PIP 31132
Privateer Press Warmachine Cygnar: Commander Anson Hitch Solo If there is one warcaster the trenchers would call their own, it is Colonel Markus Brisbane—the most decorated and universally respected of Cygnar’s veteran battle mages. Brisbane is a pure soldier through and through, a...
1,850 руб
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PIP 31131
Privateer Press Warmachine Cygnar: Colonel Markus Siege Brisbane (2) Warcaster If there is one warcaster the trenchers would call their own, it is Colonel Markus Brisbane—the most decorated and universally respected of Cygnar’s veteran battle mages. Brisbane is a pure soldier through...
3,980 руб
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pip 76003
A dreamer can dream of beautiful things, but her slumber can also nightmares bring. Having rejected Menoth’s reality, the Dreamer chose to live within the more pleasing confines of her own dreamworld. Existence itself conforms to her slumbering visions—or is punished for its...
7,100 руб
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Бледные Жнецы; Косы Нургла; Глаза Мортариона. Элитные воины Покрова Смерти носят множество имён, и каждое из них источает миазмы страха и угрозы. Наполненные...
7,690 руб
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Archmagos Dominus Belisarius Cawl was already old at the dawn of the Imperium, over ten thousand years ago. During that span of ages the Tech-Priest has served as a Forge Lord, a Lexico Arcanus and a renowned Magos Biologis. On the battlefield Cawl is a force to be reckoned with,...
7,690 руб
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The ground shakes as the Mighty Skullcrushers ride into battle. Foes in their path are smashed aside by their furious charge, blood bursting from ruined bodies. Those who remain soon follow, rent by the whirling axes of the Mighty Skullcrushers until all that remains is blood and death....
16,580 руб
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Retrofitted to allow the Sicaran hull to carry heavier firepower, the Omega is a formidable tank hunter. It utilises the speed provided by the Sicaran’s engines to apply overwhelming short range firepower in battle, racing forwards to ambush and obliterate the lumbering siege tanks of enemy...
23,990 руб
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Travelling through Mirkwood is a perilous undertaking. Mirkwood Rangers show no fear, however, for they are hunters without peer and deadly warriors one and all. The contents of this box make 10 Mirkwood Rangers, of which 5 are male and 5 are female. You can tell them apart,...
7,800 руб
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Ангел Смерти и Разложения Вот уже десять тысяч лет Мортарион – повелитель Гвардии Смерти, сокрушает своих врагов на полях сражений. Окруженный гудящими облаками из плотоядных демонических мух и хохочущих нургликов, Мортарион летит в гущу битвы на перепончатых крыльях. Каждый...
20,250 руб
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The Ringwraiths, or Nazg?l, were once Kings of Men, and bearers of the magical rings created by Sauron. Their rings granted them endless life, but gradually enslaved them to Sauron's will. All that remains of them now are their twisted spirits - their bodies having faded into empty...
14,140 руб
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Prosecutor Cadres are among those Sisters most commonly seen by the general populace of the Imperium, forming the foot soldiers and guards of the paramilitary organisation of the League of the Black Ships, and as strike infantry well suited to combat missions outside of their silent...
3,900 руб
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Within the ranks of the Legio Custodes, Aquilon Terminator Sodalities were employed rarely but as need dictated, particularly on those rare occasions where the Legio Custodes were required to operate under conditions designated as ‘Zone Mortalis’ or required to storm a breach. In such...
15,210 руб
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Spider Demon stalks the dark places between dreams and nightmares. Beautiful and horrific, her caress can bring exquisite ecstacy, or lethal dismemberment. Her mind is utterly alien, and her motivations unknowable. Granting mercy one day and annihilation the next, she spins plans within...
10,080 руб
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