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Период проведения промо-акции: от 21/02/2022 по 28/02/2022

Гаргулии зачастую первое что видят обитатели планеты осажденной Тиранидами. Всем атакам Тиранидов предшествуют хлопки тысяч перепончатых крыльев Гаргулий. Небо окутывается роем тысяч тел летающих охотников, закрывающих собой солнце, пока оружейные симбиоты «бурильщики» изрыгают на противника...
5,250 руб
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When Tyranids invade, the Broodlord leads his followers into battle, often appearing from sewers or hidden vents to cause untold carnage amongst the enemy army. Incredibly dangerous as with all Tyranids, the Broodlord towers over many, presenting a bulky silhouette of muscle and claws. There is...
5,250 руб
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The Piranha is a lightly armoured vehicle used by the Tau in a range of capacities, including rapid response, support of pathfinder teams and even as battlefield transport for high-ranking dignitaries. By Upgrading the vehicle to carry a fusion blaster or a pair of seeker missiles it becomes an...
5,100 руб
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Merciless, fast and graceful, Tree-Revenants have a number of duties in a sylvaneth Household. Patrol, defence, conquering and crushing; huge bands of Tree-Revenants, with their sombre outlook and...
6,600 руб
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Tomb Banshees are apparitions of revenge and retribution. For countless lifetimes, these fell spirits have dwelt upon the dark deed that robbed them of vitality, love or contentment, becoming bitter and hate-filled. A single piercing scream from a Tomb Banshee is enough to freeze the life from...
2,210 руб
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The ravages of time and the footfalls of hundreds of rampaging armies have laid waste to many of the God-King’s Stormvaults, though the vengeful spirits of the guardians leashed to them still linger. Need some extra scatter terrain for your board? This Dominion of Sigmar set turns any gaming...
7,690 руб
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A virtually impenetrable barrier of glowing energy from behind which the Fire Warriors of the Tau Empire can pour scathing fire upon their foes, the Tidewall Shieldline thrums across the battlefield on repulsor jets, giving the enemy less room to hide with every inch of ground gained. From...
9,750 руб
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Used to control the flow of scorching plasma from generator to final destination, these Plasma Regulators can be used as cover by the brave (or foolish) – they have a tendency to leak their meltingly-hot cargo when hit by stray gunfire. This kit contains 2 Thermic Plasma...
4,500 руб
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The Masque once entertained Slaanesh, but then displeased him, and was exiled. Since then the Herald has been cursed to dance endlessly. Those drawn into this endless performance are doomed to a swift and spectacular death. Few warriors can keep up with the lightning-swift attacks of The...
4,500 руб
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A morbid set of disease-ridden triplets, held in check and balance by their opposing attitudes and desires, the brains of the Glottkin - the pragmatic Otto and devious sorcerer Ethrac - ride to battle on the shoulders of their brother Ghurk, a creature so grotesquely swollen by the blessings of...
16,500 руб
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The Dwarf Giants are an old team with a very long and distinguished history. They were one of the original Blood Bowl sects, and have been present for every major development in the game’s history. In more recent times they have consolidated their talents and re-launched themselves as major...
6,300 руб
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The Tervigon is a massive, living incubator, beneath whose lumpen carapace dozens upon dozens of Termagants slumber in a state of near-life – and it can spawn its dormant broods at will. The Tervigon displays all the horrific might so typical of the Tyranids, and is a suitably...
8,180 руб
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An iconic rendering of Tau technological progress and ingenuity, the XV8 Crisis Battlesuit is a thing of joy to behold in battle - unless you’re its target. Skimming along on the jets of their...
10,130 руб
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O’Shaserra, Commander Shadowsun, is a superlative warrior and a masterful tactician. She leaps around the battlefield in her XV22 battlesuit, using its advanced targeting systems and sophisticated cloaking technology to identify her prey and stalk them unseen. With her wide array of deadly...
6,600 руб
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The quiet mining world of Taros became the target of the T’au Empire’s Third Sphere Expansion, and the Imperium of Mankind vowed to take it back at any cost. As the world below erupted in violent action across numerous fronts, so too did the sky become filled with fire and devastation. This...
5,100 руб
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Taros was an unassuming mining world nestled in the Ultima Segmentum, faithfully toiling in the service of the Imperium of Man for thousands of years… or so it seemed. The T’au Empire quietly began trading with the planetary governor – when this treachery was discovered, the Imperium’s...
4,730 руб
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The Stormraven Gunship is an armoured versatile craft that combines the role of dropship, armoured transport and strike craft. This multi-part plastic kit contains 116 components including every option available for the Stormraven from heavy bolters, assault cannons and plasma cannons...
14,250 руб
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An awesome sight, descending at incredible velocities from orbiting warships to engage and annihilate enemy craft, Stormhawk Interceptors are a stunning hymn to aerial superiority that the Space Marines sing with gusto. The frontal armour and huge firepower makes them excellent dogfighters,...
8,180 руб
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The latest creations from the crazed laboratories of the Clans Skryre, Stormfiends are hulking brutes stitched together from a variety of body parts. Armed with a deadly array of experimental weaponry, they are able to wade through densely-packed enemies, or single-handedly halt enemy...
9,380 руб
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Имея настоящий арсенал тяжелого оружия, Voidweaver’ы оставляют пылающие обломки на своем пути. Каждый их залп валит врагов с ног целой бурей кричащих на ветру сюрикенов, а вражеские танки испаряются от смертельной призматической пушки. Starweavers проносятся по полю боя, как буря мерцающего...
5,250 руб
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A vision of golden celestial light, a living embodiment of the God-King’s might, the Stormcast Eternals are messengers of vengeance armed with the might of stars. Once-mortal champions of Order forged by Sigmar into an astonishing fighting force, hurled down from the heavens to meet the forces...
11,250 руб
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Huge, hulking brutes, much taller and broader than a man, the Ironjawz rumble across the mortal realms in search of a good scrap. To them, nothing is so pleasing as the sound of battle – blades on metal, screams of...
13,500 руб
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Squig Hoppers bound madly into battle, wreaking havoc on anything they collide with. Each hurtling squig has a cackling grot clinging to its back, flailing wildly at nearby enemies as he tries vainly to steer his weird steed....
7,130 руб
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Squigs! Little more than mouths with legs and a terrible attitude, these vicious creatures are feared across the Mortal Realms for their rapacious appetites and are often employed by the Gloomspite Gitz on the front lines....
6,600 руб
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GW_ 99120201092_mail
The mystic leaders of the Splintered Fang lead their people in worship of the Coiling Ones, serpentine daemons who embody cunning and might. Poison is the greatest weapon of the Fangs, and a single cut from their blades can prove fatal. Durable enemies getting you down? The Splintered Fang...
10,730 руб
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Choking the air above the Nighthaunt host are the most numerous of its warriors - the Spirit Hosts. These are the souls of the damned, stripped of body and identity, and they scream endlessly for the life they have lost. This multi-part plastic kit makes three Spirit Hosts. Includes three...
3,750 руб
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Clad in Mk X Phobos-pattern armour, the light and fast-moving Primaris Infiltrators are responsible for disrupting enemy communications and sabotaging targets of opportunity. The first the enemy sees is a cascade of choking smog as the Infiltrators hurl a barrage of smoke grenades, masking their...
7,690 руб
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The Vindicator is a Rhino-based siege tank that boasts the most devastating weapon in the Space Marines' armoury - the demolisher cannon. The demolisher cannon is the weapon of choice amongst the Imperium's armies when faced with dug-in enemy infantry in a dense environment such as a cityfight...
9,000 руб
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Втрое выше человеческого роста, эти боевые машины несут мощное оружие как дальнобойное, так и ближнего боя. Почтенные дредноуты являются релквиями ордена, которых будят только в случае большой необходимости. В каждом дредноуте заключено тело великого героя, смертельно раннного в сражении.
7,690 руб
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Tactical Squads are the backbone of any Space Marine army. They hold ground; provide fire support and charge into bloody melees, as the ever-changing theatre of war dictates. This box contains everything you need to make a highly personalised 10 man Tactical Squad, including Sergeant and Special...
7,130 руб
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The Impulsor is a lightly armoured, fast-moving assault transport favoured by Vanguard Space Marine forces. Benefiting from the same advanced gravitic-impulsion technology employed by the heavier Repulsor-class chassis, the Impulsor boasts vectored thrusters that offer the it far greater...
10,130 руб
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Лэнд Спидер "Шторм" является существенно переработанным вариантом исходной модели, в котором штатное тяжелое вооружение принесено в жертву небольшому увеличению вместимости. В результате аппарат получил возможность перевозить небольшие отряды разведчиков, не потеряв при этом в скорости и...
4,880 руб
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Дредноут - многотонная боевая машина, высотой в два или три человеческих роста. Когда Дредноут идет в бой, вражеский огонь разбивается об его корпус из адамантия и керамита как капли дождя. Огненный смерч вырывается из его орудий, а мощные металлические клешни превращают в месиво глупцов,...
7,500 руб
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Космические Десантники имеют репутацию ангелов смерти, и это название особенно уместно, когда они используют Десантные Модули. Они позволяют сбрасывать космодесант в сердце вражеских позиций прямо с десантных кораблей на орбите планеты. Набор содержит 89 деталей, необходимых для сборки...
6,600 руб
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This box is the most cost effective way to buy three multi-part plastic Space Marine Bikes. The kit is supplied with three Bikers, which can be equipped with twin-linked bolters and bolt pistol. Also included is a Space Marine Transfer Sheet.
6,830 руб
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Space Marine Bike squads carry out fast-moving assault missions. Attacking at incredible speeds, they use surprise and momentum to punch holes in the enemy formation, accelerating away as the enemy recovers his wits. Bike squad tactical strikes are often likened to thunderbolts - by the time a...
4,500 руб
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gryns are one of the most commonly seen strains of abhuman throughout the Imperium. What they lack in intelligence they more than make up for in terms of strength. As such they are in great demand in the underhive, where they fulfill a variety of roles. It's not unheard of for these Ogryns to...
9,750 руб
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Skywardens are elite members of the Arkanaut crews, a form of aerial cavalry that can scramble to aid the fleets. They use potent, heat-generating vulcaniser pistols to fell foes before lowering their skypikes and charging in to finish them off. Each Skywarden is equipped with skymines...
6,600 руб
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Skulltaker is Khorne’s immortal champion and the greatest of all Bloodletters. Ever seeking worthy skulls for his master, he scans the battlefield for the enemy’s greatest champion, bellowing his challenge before moving in to end yet another storied life. Skulltaker is a savage hero-slayer....
4,880 руб
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Skinks most commonly advance ahead of the main Lizardmen army, harassing their enemies with hails of darts. Equally, they can mass together as a fighting cohort to help bulk out a Lizardmen battle line. This box set contains enough parts to make 24 multi-part plastic Skinks that can be...
5,250 руб
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The only team to have ever won the Blood Bowl trophy two years on the run (Blood Bowl XVII and XVIII, fact fans,) the Skavenblight Scramblers are at least a bit legendary. They’ve had a run of bad luck since then, but since the recent appointment of their new head coach Sandch Blackpelt, they’ve...
6,300 руб
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Known as one of Khorne’s greatest champions, Skarbrand’s own lust for blood ultimately proved to be his downfall. He slew innumerable mortals in the name of the Blood God, and was spoken of only in hushed whispers by those remaining. However, his ambition far outstripped his power when he...
18,750 руб
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A set of fantastic decorative bits for your Warhammer Age of Sigmar miniatures’ bases, these are designed to match the Realm of Battle: Shattered Dominion gameboard for a brilliantly themed battleground! Contained in the box you’ll 54 large pieces of rubble and 10 large mushroom and...
5,100 руб
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Shardspeakers of Slaanesh are favoured sorcerers who have been gifted with a relic from the Temple of Twisted Mirrors. By tapping into the power of these artefacts, they can reduce a disciplined regiment to a pack of howling beasts ripe for slaughter.  These wizards wield powerful...
3,900 руб
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Иллюзия, ложные цели и ужасы – это те психические инструменты, которые имеются в распоряжении Shadowseer. Где бы Shadowseer не наступал на поле боя, дисциплина рушится, подменяясь бедламом невнятных панических криков и беспорядочной стрельбой. Через все это шагает Shadowseer - остров зловещего...
3,750 руб
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The line infantry of a Sacrosanct Chamber is comprised of its Sequitors, stern warriors who channel the tempest through the magical weaponry bequeathed to them by Sigmar. To be struck by such a warrior is to feel the energy of the storm discharging with thundercap force. Able to to channel magic...
8,250 руб
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An incredibly detailed, striking scenery set, the Promethium Forge is a modular plastic kit compatible with the entire Sector Mechanicus range – detailed, configurable scenery that will help you play games on a multi-level environment! A large collection of walkways, pipes, platforms and...
11,700 руб
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An incredibly detailed, striking scenery set, the Ferratonic Incinerator is a modular plastic kit compatible with the entire Sector Mechanicus range – detailed, configurable scenery that will help you play games on a multi-level environment! Made up of a cylindrical structure – the...
11,700 руб
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