Dreadguard Slayers

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Made up exclusively of newly undead eldritch spawned in the aftermath of the fall of Ios, the dreadguards are the dark knights of the House Kallyss forces, and the dreadguard slayers are the elite heavy infantry of this force. Each slayer is armed with a huge and deadly Executioner’s Axe, forged from sorcerous metals alloyed to never lose their edge. These nigh-unstoppable immortal killers replenish their vitality by drinking the life forces of those they fell in battle.

  • Each trooper has 5 damage boxes.
  • Possess the Undead and Tough advantages.
  • When a dreadguard slayer destroys a living or undead model with a melee or ranged attack, immediately after the attack is resolved it can remove d3 damage points.
  • Their magical axes have the Critical Decapitation special rule.

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