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House Kallyss have departed their Iosan courts and returned to the lands of the Iron Kingdoms once more, in search of redemption for their doomed people, the tragic soulless vessels… Expand your collection with a host of options for your army. Take to the field with a brand new...
24,300 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 30.01.2025

Those who have existed within the shadows step forth once more, irrevocably changed by the death of their civilisation, and in search only of salvation from their tragic and dark fate. Specialise your existing force with new tactical options, including a new Warcaster, three units, and three...
23,400 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 30.01.2025

From the ashes of the Iosan empire has risen the Kingdom of Eternal Dusk, their deathly armies sweeping across the land like a dark and foreboding shadow. The Battlegroup Box is the perfect place to start building a new army. Augment your forces with two new Warjacks, both of which are...
11,700 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 30.01.2025

Requires five 1/8" and ten 3/16" disc magnets, not included. While drawn from a fusion of Iosan technologies, the Eidolon is configured more like the House Vyre myrmidons of old. In addition to a wide range of arcantrik devices and powerful handheld or arm-mounted weaponry, these warjacks...
7,200 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 30.01.2025

Requires five 1/8" and ten 3/16" disc magnets, not included. Ghast is amongst the first myrmidons developed by House Kallyss utilizing the technologies of both House Vyre and House Shyeel. Drawing ambient energy from its surroundings, like all Iosan warjacks, the Ghast’s cortex was...
5,940 руб

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The Eidolon Chassis Variant is part of the Dusk House Kallyss Core Expansion, but is also available to order individually. (Warjack Weapons and Heads Not Included)
3,600 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 30.01.2025

Armed with wicked shields and heavy spears, the soulless guardians are the ablative shield of the eldritch. Each is a precision instrument of war moving in lockstep with their brothers and sisters to battle. They live only to serve and are utterly willing to die in the defense of their masters....
5,940 руб

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Moving with an unnatural stillness, the soulless hunters are riflemen without compare. Their total focus borders on the supernatural, enabling their keen senses to pierce even the most obscuring magics. Trained to operate in seamless unison, the hunters can combine their firepower to tear apart...
5,940 руб

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Made up exclusively of newly undead eldritch spawned in the aftermath of the fall of Ios, the dreadguards are the dark knights of the House Kallyss forces, and the dreadguard slayers are the elite heavy infantry of this force. Each slayer is armed with a huge and deadly Executioner’s Axe, forged...
5,400 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 30.01.2025

The seeker adepts are living Iosans belonging to a martial sect of the seekers. Hoping to bridge the differences between the living and the dead, they have pledged themselves to House Kallyss. While their arcane talents and skill at arms have been a great boon to the eldritch, there are still...
3,600 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 30.01.2025

The Void Engine is a blasphemous autonomous weapon created by the Void Shapers of House Kallyss. Amongst their greatest accomplishments in the field of theoretical arcane research, the Void Engine possesses a dark and hungry fragmentary sentience, howling to unleash entropy and death. It attacks...
11,700 руб

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Void Shaper Solo The void shapers are the eldritch engineers and arcanists serving to construct House Kallyss’ myrmidons and potent arcantrik weaponry. Though most formerly served either House Shyeel or Vyre, they have put aside their longstanding rivalries in the aftermath of the doom...
2,700 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 30.01.2025

Dreadguard Cavalry Among the many shadowy secrets the ancient eldritch shared with their newly undead brethren was the mastery of the savage manticores; fierce creatures from legend who have long prowled the deepest Iosan wilderness. Under their tutelage, the eldritch of the dreadguard have...
7,200 руб

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SEEKER WARDEN The seekers were among the first living Iosans to offer their support to the eldritch of House Kallyss in battle. Not all amongst the living approved of their openness, however, and such seekers were deemed collaborators and threatened for their beliefs. As a result, the seekers...
2,700 руб

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Soulless Blademasters Unit Extensively trained and conditioned by former members of the Retribution, the blademasters are the utterly fearless and expendable shock troopers of the House Kallyss forces. The silent and swift-moving blademasters typically operate ahead of the heavier...
5,940 руб

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2,700 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 30.01.2025

Scyrafael, Nis-Issyr of Desolation Warcaster A noble scion of House Eyvreyn, Scyrafael was to be a master scribe of the Consulariat Athenaeum, like her forbearers, but the fates had other plans in store. With the discovery of her oracular and psychokinetic powers, Scyrafael devoted...
5,400 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 30.01.2025

The Dreadguard Archers are also part of the Dusk House Kallyss Auxiliary Expansion
5,400 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 30.01.2025

The Mage Hunter Commander is also part of the Dusk Ghosts of Ios Cadre.
2,700 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 30.01.2025

The Mage Hunter Sniper Team is also part of the Dusk Ghosts of Ios Cadre.
3,600 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 30.01.2025

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