Вармашина 40% (Акция завершена)

Период проведения промо-акции: от 15/12/2023 по 30/12/2023

PIP 33069
The never ending arms race between nations has led the Khadoran High Kommand to embrace any weapon that may give them an advantage, no matter how inhumane. The flamethrower issued to Kommando squads is the current production model of several generations of prototypes. A huge canister is strapped...
1,560 руб
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PIP 32063
No Menite alive is as concerned for the fate of heathen souls as Vice Scrutator Vindictus. Where others among the Protectorate see only a faceless sea of heretics, Vindictus sees potential devotees of the True Faith. Where others preach with words, Vindictus communicates with agony. Vindictus...
1,420 руб
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PIP 32059
Emboldened from the wounds inflicted by the impure, Exemplar Cinerators move ahead of their brothers in arms, the Bastions, to breach enemy ranks with flame and steel. Cinerators channel the agony of their wounds into holy rage and are armed with ancient blades and shields passed down from...
6,390 руб
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PIP 32066
Ranking errants, veterans of countless crusades and incursions are chosen to lead their brother-knights in their battles abroad. Pure in heart and thought, they are trusted to carry out their holy mission no matter the bloody price. Accompanied by the battle standard of the Order of Exemplar,...
3,550 руб
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4,970 руб
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PIP 35003
Kaelyssa is the foremost strike force commander of the Retribution’s mage hunters. Her sergeants claim she can hear the heartbeats of the enemy and taste their movements on the wind. Those wizards caught in her sights are left defenseless as their own magic is negated or turned against...
1,420 руб
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PIP 35005
Гаррет, Клинок Возмездия (Garryth, Blade of Retribution – Retribution Warcaster) – великолепный боец ближнего боя, предпочитающий своими руками отправлять в ад вражеских предводителей. Ему нет равных в умении парировать удары, да и стрелок он неплохой. Его мирмидонцы обычно...
1,420 руб
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PIP 35004
Равин, Вечный Свет (Ravyn, Eternal Light - Retribution Warcaster) – островок спокойствия в среде жаждущих мести и крови неполноценных военачальников Retribution of Scyrah. Тем не менне, она спокойно отдает приказы о уничтожении любого сопротивления и создает разрушительные чары, не...
1,420 руб
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PIP 35002
Адептис Рахн (Adeptis Rahn - Retribution Warcaster) – варкастер Retribution of Scyrah и один из наиболее сильных чародеев поколения. Дом Шиел гордится его умениями управлять силой, которое позволяет превратить воздух в обдирающий плоть с костей клинок или отводящий выстрелы щит. Его...
1,700 руб
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PIP 35022
Nayl is one of the soulless, destined to stand forever apart from his people, an uncomfortable reminder of the doom awaiting Scyrah and all of Ios. At rest Nayl seems empty, yet a blade in his hand moves with a will of its own, expressing echoes of emotions. Nayl’s trainers prepared him from...
1,420 руб
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PIP 35021
Ghost snipers are specialized and secretive hunter-killers employed ostensibly to help patrol the borders by employing powerful rifles to bring death to hapless intruders who wander into their sights. Many were already sympathetic to the Retribution while others seek profit and a chance to...
990 руб
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PIP 35020
Ranking above Captains and Thanes, Scyirs are trusted to lead large, mixed task forces that include all branches of their own order as well as other warriors of the Retribution. Most are sons and daughters of nobility who have proven themselves to be the elite of the elite, the pinnacle of...
1,420 руб
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PIP 35026
Fane Knights are soldiers who have answered a divine calling and feel chosen to pledge their lives to the defense of Scyrah. They have vowed to protect both the fane and the goddess to their last heartbeat. Despite the warnings of his priests and superiors, he has turned to the Retribution for...
4,260 руб
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PIP 35028
Офицер и Знаменосец Часовых Стражи Рассвета (Dawnguard Sentinel Officer & Standard Bearer - Retribution of Scyrah Unit Attachment) обычно являются выходцами из Дома Ниар, славного своими традициями чести и нерушимой клятвы. Мужчины Дома Ниар – истинные воины, образцы для подражания...
2,130 руб
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PIP 35009
Часовые Стражей Рассвета (Dawnguard Sentinels - Retribution unit) – могущественные воины с двуручными клинками, способные опрокинуть любой защитный строй врага. Тяжелые латы и умение сражаться в строю позволяют Часовым отлично наступать и обороняться, как они это делали в течении...
2,750 руб
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PIP 35027
Офицер и Знаменосец Побеждающих Стражи Рассвета (Dawnguard Invictor Officer & Standard Bearer - Retribution of Scyrah Unit Attachment) – это ветераны бесчисленных битв, которые пережили не только ярость врага но и безжалостность своих командиров. Теперь Офицер занимает свою должность...
1,700 руб
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PIP 35012
contents: this boxed set contains 6x Retribution of Scyrah House Shyeel Battle Mages
4,260 руб
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PIP 35015
Коммандер Охотников на Магов (Mage Hunter Commander - Retribution Unit Attachment) – опытный эльф-ветеран, которому не хватило ловкости и стойкости для того, что бы стать Охотником-Убийцей (Mage Hunter Assassin), но и держать в рядовых которого нерационально. Коммандер Охотников превращает...
1,420 руб
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PIP 35014
contents: this boxed set contains 6x Retribution of Scyrah Mage Hunters
5,680 руб
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PIP 35029
contents: this blister pack contains 1x Retribution of Scyrah Houseguard Halberdier Officer 1x Retribution of Scyrah Houseguard Halberdier Standard-Bearer
2,270 руб
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PIP 35017
contents: this blister pack contains 4x Retribution of Scyrah Stormfall Archers
3,550 руб
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PIP 35018
While Retribution handlers endeavour to train soulless as soldiers, some are destined to serve another function. Energy flows sent to destroy Retribution soldiers are siphoned into the body of the soulless. If they siphon too much it prompts complete organ failure. Heart and lungs burst from...
990 руб
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PIP 35056
Горгон (Gorgon - Retribution Light Myrmidon) – великолепный образец превосходной работы магов и мастеров оружия Дома Шиел. Созданный для контроля поля битвы, Горгон способен принести победу даже в сражении с превосходящим по силам врагами. Его уникальное орудие, поляризующая пушка (Polarity...
2,700 руб
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PIP 41075
Rutger Shaw enlisted in the Cygnaran Army as a young man and trained as a trencher, demonstrating a unique knack for marshaling warjacks as well as skill with a blade. Military service and long years of battle hardened him, even as his conscience chafed at fighting at the whim of callous...
1,420 руб
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PIP 41076
1,420 руб
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PIP 41072
The court of King Baird Cathor II of Ord is known for its subtle intrigues and stunning courtesans. Madelyn Corbeau may not have been the most beautiful woman to grace the Bandit King’s court, but she is certainly the most brilliant intriguer to enter his service. Having charmed half the...
1,420 руб
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PIP 41074
contents: this boxed set contains 10x Mercenary Steelhead Riflemen
7,100 руб
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PIP 41078
contents: this blister pack contains 1x Mercenary Hammerfall High Shield Gun Corps Officer 1x Mercenary Hammerfall High Shield Gun Corps Standard-Bearer
2,410 руб
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PIP 41077
While most of the warjacks that accompany Rhulic mercenaries into battle were designed with industrial uses as well as military service in mind, the Avalancher is a dedicated combat machine. The warjack bears the intimidating Avalanche Cannon, a weapon capable of obliterating man and mechanika...
4,970 руб
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PIP 31099
The Stormguard march to war, darkening the air around them with the promise of an electrical reckoning. Each is a master of the Voltaic Halberd, a mechanikal polearm constructed to hack through flesh and steel while torrents of lightning strike deep into the ranks of the enemy. Every halberd...
7,100 руб
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PIP 31043
The earth-shuddering charge of Storm Lances is a vision of precision in motion. Bound within a corona of crackling energy, the knights pound into the enemy without remorse. The rippling surge of hooves and weaponry advances like a living thing while bolts of electrical power arc into the enemy....
1,100 руб
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1,350 руб
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