Вармашина 40% (Акция завершена)

Период проведения промо-акции: от 15/12/2023 по 30/12/2023

PIP 31074_h
Caspian engineers developed the hulking Centurion to rival the size and strength of Khador’s warjacks. Its increased armor and heavy shield makes it one of Cygnar’s most durable designs, and its mighty piston spear can easily pierce the hulls of enemy warjacks. The Hammersmith swaps...
4,970 руб
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PIP 31074_a
Caspian engineers developed the hulking Centurion to rival the size and strength of Khador’s warjacks. Its increased armor and heavy shield makes it one of Cygnar’s most durable designs, and its mighty piston spear can easily pierce the hulls of enemy warjacks. The Hammersmith swaps...
4,970 руб
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PIP 31062_c
The Cygnaran Armory takes pride in its innovation and technological superiority, traits seen in all the battle-tested warjacks built on the classic Ironclad chassis. Armed with a powerful quake hammer, the Ironclad effortlessly smashes lesser combatants to scrap. The Defender employs its long,...
4,970 руб
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PIP 31075
3,410 руб
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PIP 31086
Cygnar’s dashing gun mages are a unique breed of soldier-sorcerers who can weave devastating arcane power into their unerring pistol shots. With highly accurate magelock pistols, gun mages can snipe distant targets, cripple heavily armored foes, or knock enemies off their feet. Отряд...
4,970 руб
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PIP 31089
Варджек Чарджер (Cygnar Charger Light Warjack) – разумный выбор при действиях против легких соединений противника. Легкая броня, высокая скорость и серьезное дальнобойное вооружение обеспечивают доминирование над тяжелой пехотой противника. В ближнем бою этого шустрого дальнобойщика необходимо...
2,700 руб
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PIP 31060
Если у вашей девушки - варкастера еще нет Сквайра – обязательно (!) подарите ей этого полезного спутника! Этот маленький забавный самодвижущийся паровой чемодан на самом деле – важнейшее приобретение любого варкастера Cygnar! Сквайр (Cygnar Squire Warcaster Attachment) – это чрезвычайно...
1,420 руб
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PIP 91016
Completely revised, updated, and redesigned, this deck contains color stat cards for every Cygnar warcaster, warjack, solo, and unit available from Prime through Superiority. Altered to reflect the clarifications made in WARMACHINE: Prime Remix, these decks bring every model up to date with a...
570 руб
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1,350 руб
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PIP 42009
Офицер и Знаменосец отряда Прекурсор Кнайтс (Cygnar Allies Precursor Knights Officer & Standard Bearer) позволят вашим ударным войскам обрести совершенно необходимые возможности! Под развевающимся знаменем Морроу ваши рыцари-пехотинцы (Cygnar Allies Precursor Knights Unit) не только...
2,840 руб
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PIP 31052
Даже до открытия своих заклинательских талантов, Крае заработал репутацию безрассудно смелого разведчика и за свои многочисленные диверсии в тылу врага, и за своё умение появиться в нужное время в нужном месте, чтобы повести отчаявшихся защитников к неожиданной победе. Крае предпочитает ударить...
3,690 руб
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PIP 31063
Unleash The Power Of The Storm! Armed with the most advanced mechanika in the Iron Kingdoms, the warjacks of Cygnar provide commanders with the perfect balance of mobility and stopping power. Led by Commander Coleman Stryker, the accurate battle cannon fire of the Charger, magical arc node of...
7,100 руб
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PIP 31001
Капитан Cygnar Виктория Хейли (Cygnar Warcaster Captain Victoria Haley) – девушка отчаянная, смелая и умная – но всё же хрупкая. Так что следите за дистанцией и не позволяйте врагу связать одного из лучших боевых заклинателей Cygnar ближним боем! Ее тактические навыки позволят в...
1,140 руб
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PIP 31062_i
Armed with the mighty Quake Hammer, the Ironclad is the spine of the Cygnar's warjack fighting force. Самый массовый и дешёвый в производстве среди тяжелых варджеков Цигнара, Айронклад (Cygnar Ironclad Heavy Warjack), давно играет роль «рабочей лошадки» в армии. Удачная...
4,970 руб
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PIP 31062_d
Armed with the formidable Shock Hammer and the long range Heavy Barrel, the Defender brings mobile artillery capabilities to your Cygnar army. Дальнобойная звезда тяжелых варджеков Цигнара, Дефендер (Cygnar Defender Heavy Warjack) создан на основании шасси Айронклад (Cygnar Ironclad...
4,970 руб
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PIP 31016
With the power to command mighty warjacks the Journeyman Warcaster strides into battle looking to prove himself worthy of leading his own battle group one day. The destructive abilities of your Cygnar army will be limitless with the addition of a Journeyman Warcaster! Варкастеры в мире...
1,280 руб
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PIP 31087
7,100 руб
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PIP 31026
При ведении напряженных военных действий возрастает необходимость в мощных юнитах поддержки позиций пехоты. Поэтому взводу Пулеметчиков Траншейной Пехоты Cygnar (Cygnar Trencher Chain Gun) всегда рады «свои» – и очень сильно не рады «чужие». Пулеметчики –...
2,840 руб
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PIP 31027
Few military developments have been so disquieting to Cygnar's rivals as the Hunter; simply stated, it is a jack assassin. Equipped with advanced mechanika relays, an inventive boiler design, and a Long Arm cannon specifically designed for penetrating heavily armored opponents over...
2,410 руб
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PIP 31028
Капитан Адепт Ганмагов Cygnar (Cygnar Gunmage Captain Adept) – вольный стрелок, специализирующийся на уничтожении старших офицеров противника. Его опыт и навыки заклинателя позволяют нейтрализовать любое спецподразделение, полагающееся на скрытность, а высокий чин позволяет в необходимые...
1,280 руб
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PIP 31031
Encased in his enormous steam-powered armor, Captain Darius strides into battle like a man of iron. The most ingenious element of this walking arsenal is a drone deployment system allowing him to unleash a number of halfjacks to serve as both weapons and battlefield repair assistants. Darius and...
6,390 руб
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PIP 31033
Варкастер Cygnar майор Виктория Хейли (Cygnar Epic Warcaster Major Victoria Haley) обладает FOCUS в 8 поинтов, что, вместе с огромной зоной контроля (area of control), делает эту девушку опаснейшим заклинателем вооруженных сил Cygnar. В серьезном бою Виктория Хейли играет со временем (Feat -...
2,560 руб
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PIP 31034
Варкастер Cygnar Лорд-Коммандер Страйкер (Cygnar Epic Warcaster Lord Commander Stryker) – один из наиболее универсальных высших офицеров Cygnar. Его тактика может варьироваться от всесокрушающего удара на опережение вплоть до истощения противника. В то же время его живучесть и...
2,840 руб
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PIP 31035
Тяжелый варджек Cygnar Тандерхеад (Cygnar Thunderhead Heavy Warjack) является в той же мере прекрасным, сколь и ужасным на поле боя. Будучи творением коммандера Немо (Cygnar Warcaster Commander Adept Sebastian Nemo), этот иммунный к электричеству варджек удивительным образом сочетает мощь...
7,100 руб
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PIP 31040
Captain Finn is a fearless veteran of countless engagements who rose through the ranks of the Trenchers as a living legend. His scar-riddled skin serves as a reminder that the best officers lead from the front. Maxwell charges forward and dodges bullets to seize key strategic positions ahead of...
1,850 руб
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PIP 31041
As Cygnar's most talented and audacious gun mage, Captain Allister Caine reluctantly accepted his promotion; he considers the rank more of a burden than an honor. He is sent forth to conduct precision attacks along Cygnar's war-torn borders. Despite his intolerance of authority, this...
2,840 руб
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PIP 31114
The earth-shuddering charge of Storm Lances is a vision of precision in motion. Bound within a corona of crackling energy, the knights pound into the enemy without remorse. The rippling surge of hooves and weaponry advances like a living thing while bolts of electrical power arc into the enemy....
12,070 руб
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PIP 31044
Using the same undercarriage as the Hunter, the Grenadier exchanges its predecessor's boiler and long gun for heavier armor and weapons designed for trench war. The 'jack's mattock punches cleanly through even heavy armor, and when assisted by Trenchers, it can launch a hail of...
2,410 руб
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PIP 31045
Earning their commissions in bullets and blood, long gunner lieutenants lend tactical expertise to any riflemen lucky enough to serve with them. Able to suppress areas of the field, the lieutenant can control the flow of battle. The accompanying standard bearer ensures that his comrades keep a...
1,850 руб
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PIP 31046
Cunning and resourceful, Rangers are elite troops trained to blend into the terrain and mark enemy targets for Cygnaran gunners. Equipped with an array of signal gear and detailed maps, Rangers can blaze trails for friendly units and even bring them into the battle far behind the enemy's...
4,400 руб
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PIP 31047
Офицер Траншейной Пехоты Cygnar (Cygnar Trencher Officer) по давней армейской традиции всегда приходит в отделение вместе со своим снайпером (Cygnar Trencher Sniper). Подобный подход позволяет усилить подразделение пехоты (Cygnar Trencher Unit) специалистом дальнего боя, да и в рукопашной...
1,850 руб
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PIP 31049
With the power to command mighty warjacks the Journeyman Warcaster strides into battle looking to prove himself worthy of leading his own battle group one day. The destructive abilities of your Cygnar army will be limitless with the addition of a Journeyman Warcaster! Варкастеры в мире...
1,280 руб
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PIP 31051
Sebastian Nemo has defended Cygnar for nearly fifty years. Promoted to general, he has learned from recent battles and created new strategies and weapons to throw back his nation's enemies. Nemo takes to battle with surprising aggression and power. His experience thwarts his foe's plans as...
2,270 руб
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PIP 31053
Ol' Rowdy has five decades of service under its chassis. It hails from the first generation of Ironclads hammered together at the Cygnaran Armory from parts manufactured at Engines East. Not until after several years fighting with distinction during the Scharde Invasions did the ornery temper...
7,100 руб
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PIP 31054
Thorn behaves with almost reckless aggression in battle as if it enjoys taunting the enemy to try to catch it while it rushes forward. To bolster its ability to evade opposing 'jacks, Major Haley had Thorn outfitted with a disruptor spear, which it has used to fend off 'jacks three times its...
3,980 руб
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PIP 31055
A superlative, battle-proven cavalry officer, Katherine Laddermore demonstrates unflinching loyalty and a tenacious fighting spirit that inspires her comrades. She leads a handpicked group of Storm Lances on lightning-imbued charges that arc deadly bolts of electricity and clear out swaths of...
4,260 руб
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PIP 31056
An arcane mechanik of surpassing skill, Arlan Strangewayes has an unshakable confidence in the Cygaran warjacks he commands in battle. He takes each rent in armor, each broken steam pipe, and each severed piston as a personal insult and repairs them in the field with nearly casual ease....
1,990 руб
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PIP 31057
The Black 13th is a well-honed weapon of war sharpened to a razor’s edge by relentless service to the crown. It serves as the elite strike force of the Militant Order of the Arcane Tempest. The exact number of men and women serving in this tight knit organization has waxed and waned since...
2,410 руб
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PIP 31058
Battling their way forward despite incoming mortar and rifle fire, Trencher artillery crews haul their cannons into the fray across any terrain. The crews dig hasty positions on high ground, throw up sandbag barricades, and prepare to fire. These cool, professional gunners, chosen as much for...
4,690 руб
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PIP 31059
Офицер и Знаменосец Рыцарей - мечников Cygnar (Cygnar Sword Knight Office & Standard Bearer) значительно повышают шанс на выживание вверенного подразделения Рыцарей - Мечников Cygnar (Cygnar Sword Knights Unit) в бою. И даже больше – сплоченные под знаменем бойцы благодаря...
3,120 руб
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PIP 31061
Bringing a well rounded arsenal of arcane abilities together with deadly accurate magelock pistol fire, Arcane Tempest captains and their teams are highly prized for their versatile fire support. Research has demonstrated that experienced gun mages can prepare warjack ammunition to transmit...
1,140 руб
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PIP 42013
A Cygnaran order dedicated to the warrior philosophies of the god Morrow, the Precursor Knights are sworn to honorable combat and dedicated to protecting the innocent. The prayers of these righteous soldiers can knit flesh and protect them from malignant magic as they shield the helpless,...
9,940 руб
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PIP 31067
Master gunners are survivors of countless battles and have earned expertise that makes them some of the most valued artillerists in all of Cygnar. These men and women are versed in all the skills of the artilleryman from barrage firing patterns to the use of defilades. They are experts in the...
1,420 руб
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PIP 31024
Кующие Бурю (Stormsmiths - Cygnar Character Solo) - высокотехнологичный отряд поддержки войск Cygnar. Имунные к электрическому урону, эти техномаги способны наносить чудовищный урон по врагу, а тайные знания магии электричества и знание основ геометрии позволяют Кующим Бурю нанести чудовищную...
2,560 руб
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PIP 31068
Капитан Кара Слоэн (Captain Kara Sloan) стоит целой стрелковой бригады, хотя она и женщина. Враги, оказавшиеся в прицеле ее винтовки, оказываются сладкой добычей для ее союзников, а каждый WarJack под ее руководством становится точнее и сильнее. Вооруженная своим магическим ружьем она без...
1,700 руб
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PIP 31065
For any who have seen the determination in Lieutenant Caine’s eyes when he is outnumbered by an enemy, there is no question why he leads men in war. While he may be arrogant and cocky, he single-handedly pioneered gunplay into an art of war. Slinging twin Spellstorm magelock pistols, Caine...
1,700 руб
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PIP 31064
Коммандос Cygnar (Cygnar Trencher Commandos) – это очень злые и опытные пехотинцы из окопов, у которых отобрали саперные лопатки. Зато эти ребята таскают с собой разрывные гранаты и умеют отлично прятаться (stealth), кроме того, в рукопашном бою любая пехота с одним хитпоинтом будет...
7,100 руб
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PIP 31070
The light warjacks commissioned by the Cygnaran Armory set the standard by which all light warjacks are judged. The original Charger chassis has proven an excellent platform for versatile and deadly machines. The Firefly is the most recent variant of the Charger chassis and possesses...
2,700 руб
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4,970 руб
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PIP 31099
The Stormguard march to war, darkening the air around them with the promise of an electrical reckoning. Each is a master of the Voltaic Halberd, a mechanikal polearm constructed to hack through flesh and steel while torrents of lightning strike deep into the ranks of the enemy. Every halberd...
7,100 руб
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PIP 31043
The earth-shuddering charge of Storm Lances is a vision of precision in motion. Bound within a corona of crackling energy, the knights pound into the enemy without remorse. The rippling surge of hooves and weaponry advances like a living thing while bolts of electrical power arc into the enemy....
1,100 руб
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