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Citadel Layer paints are high quality acrylic paints, and with 70 of them in the Citadel Paint range, you have a huge range of colours and tones to choose from when you paint your miniatures. They are designed to be used straight over Citadel Base paints (and each other) without any mixing. By...
650 руб
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Citadel Layer paints are high quality acrylic paints, and with 70 of them in the Citadel Paint range, you have a huge range of colours and tones to choose from when you paint your miniatures. They are designed to be used straight over Citadel Base paints (and each other) without any mixing. By...
650 руб
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Citadel Layer paints are high quality acrylic paints, and with 70 of them in the Citadel Paint range, you have a huge range of colours and tones to choose from when you paint your miniatures. They are designed to be used straight over Citadel Base paints (and each other) without any mixing. By...
650 руб
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Citadel Layer paints are high quality acrylic paints, and with 70 of them in the Citadel Paint range, you have a huge range of colours and tones to choose from when you paint your miniatures. They are designed to be used straight over Citadel Base paints (and each other) without any mixing. By...
650 руб
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Citadel Layer paints are high quality acrylic paints, and with 70 of them in the Citadel Paint range, you have a huge range of colours and tones to choose from when you paint your miniatures. They are designed to be used straight over Citadel Base paints (and each other) without any mixing. By...
650 руб
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Citadel Layer paints are high quality acrylic paints, and with 70 of them in the Citadel Paint range, you have a huge range of colours and tones to choose from when you paint your miniatures. They are designed to be used straight over Citadel Base paints (and each other) without any mixing. By...
650 руб
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Citadel Layer paints are high quality acrylic paints, and with 70 of them in the Citadel Paint range, you have a huge range of colours and tones to choose from when you paint your miniatures. They are designed to be used straight over Citadel Base paints (and each other) without any mixing. By...
650 руб
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Citadel Layer paints are high quality acrylic paints, and with 70 of them in the Citadel Paint range, you have a huge range of colours and tones to choose from when you paint your miniatures. They are designed to be used straight over Citadel Base paints (and each other) without any mixing. By...
650 руб
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Citadel Layer paints are high quality acrylic paints, and with 70 of them in the Citadel Paint range, you have a huge range of colours and tones to choose from when you paint your miniatures. They are designed to be used straight over Citadel Base paints (and each other) without any mixing. By...
650 руб
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At the heart of each Hurricanum lies one of Teclis' Orbs of Sorcery, a revered artifact that can enable comets to come crashing down from the heavens.
11,990 руб

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Khador Destroyer Heavy Warjack
480 руб
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Menoth Crusader Heavy Warjack
450 руб
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Menoth Vanquisher Heavy Warjack
450 руб
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Menoth Repenter Light Warjack
320 руб
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The Sslyth are the favoured bodyguards of Dark Eldar Archons because, unlike the Dark Eldar themselves, the Sslyth are 'almost' totally loyal. These hulking serpent-bodied warrior-fiends have two sets of arms, which means they've got plenty of guns and blades, all of them razor sharp and ready...
3,390 руб
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An Archon's courtesans will take many strange forms; however the mysterious sisterhood of Lhilitu are desired above all others, for they are poisoners without equal. The presence of a Lhamaean can ensure a supply of the most virulent toxins, which she will share with her Archon before each...
3,390 руб
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Вирдбои самые психически мощные из всех Орков и служат своеобразным коллектором психической энергии генерируемой их зеленокожими товарищами. Орки обычно очень буйные и в результате Вирдбои вбирает в себя столько пси энергии, что если он ее не выпустит, результат будет фееричный и фатальный....
5,500 руб
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Khador Warcaster Kommander Sorsc
Коммандер Сорша Кратикофф (Kommander Sorscha Kratikoff - Khador Warcaster) – толковый офицер вооруженных сил королевства Khador. Её коронный прием – сковать противника ледяными оковами и за счет этого развернуть свои отряды максимально эффективно. Не являясь приверженцем ведения кровавой...
130 руб
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Khador Man-O-War Shocktrooper Un
Мановары - шоктруперы (Солдаты - Штурмовики, Man-O-War Shocktroopers - Khador Unit) – это элита войск Khador. Самая лучшая броня, которую только смогли придумать в оружейных мастерских, самые прочные щиты с встроенными пушками для сокрушающего выстрела по противнику перед атакой, опаснейшие в...
1,280 руб
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Menoth Warcaster High Exemplar K
Великий Экземплар Креосс (High Exemplar Kreoss – Protectorate Warcaster) предпочитает лично сражаться с врагами, ведь лишь так он может сохранить жизни своих бойцов во имя Менота. Он способен на великие свершения во имя веры и Протектората, а жуткий боевой цеп в его руке отправляет еретиков и...
200 руб
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