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Зачастую изгои, преступники или просто искатели приключений. Они бродят по Железным Королевствам ища славы и богатства. Но несмотря на это не все готовы пожертвовать своими убеждениями поэтому всегда выбирайте правильно - иначе тот кого вы пригласили просто не войдет в вашу армию.

Наёмники искусны и в том и в другом Однако они сами себе на уме поэтому всегда выбирайте Воркастера с умениями которые вам по душе . От него одного зависит направленность вашей армии может вы и платите ему но он всё же сам себе хозяин. Хотите повелевать воздухом и скоростью Ashlyn Elyse c вами, тролль Boomhowler и его войска готовы противостоять силой и выносливостью, Gorten Grundback даст вам конструктора, ну а Alexa Ciannor со своим магическим мечом призыват на помощь нежить.

Ворджеки. Всё зависит от лидера - каков он таковы и его машины.

Может поэтому наёмники не для слабаков

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7,810 руб
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The Hammerfall Siege Crawler is the first Mercenary Battle Engine. FEATURES: Bristling with guns and layered with thick steel armor, the Hammerfall Siege Crawler is a powerful new weapon for Mercenary, Cygnar, and Khador players. Its siegebreaker guns with their AOE 4 POW 15 can devastate...
12,070 руб
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PIP 41125
A former physician who has turned his skills to the ceaseless conflicts of western Immoren, Sergeant Nicolas Verendrye is highly esteemed by those under his command. Verendrye has found his place in the bloody press of melee, employing his medical expertise to keep his men standing and using...
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Each piece of artillery employed by the Steelheads has a distinct role, directed by veteran gunners to exploit that artillery’s strengths. Mortars fire in high soaring arcs, directing explosive payloads onto the heads of distant targets, even those otherwise shielded from direct fire by...
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As the Steelhead Mercenary Company evolved into a larger outfit, capable of fielding full armies for hire, it saw the need to develop an artillery division. This cannon is the mainstay Steelhead artillery weapon, providing blasts of concussive firepower to complement withering volleys of...
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Engineered as a modified variant of an Ordic weapon first invented by Midfast Munitions, the Steelhead Volley Gun can unload a steady barrage into enemy lines. It utilizes a double-rowed rack of seven barrels firing solid shot in sequence to batter infantry and even light warjacks into oblivion....
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The Order of Illumination relies on an arsenal of blessed weapons and holy wards, the preservation and upkeep of which falls to Morrowan battle priests. Soldiers of the Order are glad to be joined by such priests, who support them in battle with prayers and shield them from enemy magic. Battle...
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The Host of Archons is accepted as the manifestation of Morrow’s will on Caen, and their appearances are always momentous. Awe-inspiring as they are, the sight of a Morrowan archon can chill the blood of even the most pious, as they herald events that are both terrifying and world-changing....
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PIP 41001
She's a ranged combat solo of extreme quality; she brings good damage output, board control, and utility. Her Disruptor Bolt ends games if you get it on an enemy caster, and also keeps warjacks in check. Death Bolt is a handy finishing move that also lets her kill high ARM infantry despite her...
1,420 руб
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PIP 41094
The raw might of a naval ironhull now walks the lands as the Galleon. The colossal fires a rolling broadside before reaching out with its enormous cargo claw to toss warjacks like rag dolls. It can also use its massive trident to reel in foes and finish them off at close range with a series of...
19,170 руб
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4,970 руб
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PIP 41103
When the wealthiest Rhulic clans need to leverage immense power—whether at a construction site or on the battlefield—they mobilize the Ghordson Earthbreaker. This hulking construct, outfitted with drilling torpedoes and massive steam claws, can level opposing soldiers and warjacks as...
22,010 руб
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PIP 41045
Captain Shae's first mate Hawk is responsible for keeping her Sea Dogs ready for action, and she suffers neither fools nor sloth among the crew. She wields a pair of cutlasses, and few can boast to have lived after standing toe-to-toe with her. Hawk's example fires up the men who go to great...
1,420 руб
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PIP 41093
General Ossrum Dhurg’s disdain for traditional tactics and penchant for startling improvisation and bold maneuvers have earned him both admiration and ire from his peers. The men he commands, though, regard him with universal respect and affection, not merely for the victories he brings...
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PIP 41009
Another of Magnus the Traitor's creations, the Renegade is his idea of the perfect support warjack. With the obliterator rocket able to destroy targets at long range, the shredder's ability to tear enemies apart in melee, and an arc node that allows Magnus the ability of slinging spells...
2,270 руб
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