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While massed infantry can overwhelm the foe, it often falls to Heavy Weapons Squads to deliver the killing blow. These teams of gun crews swiftly set up their mobile heavy weapons as their comrades advance, providing the firepower to bolster battle lines. With access to an arsenal of portable...
6,150 руб
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Cadia's officer class are exceptional leaders, serving in perhaps the Imperium's most outstanding regiments. Trained to be the very best and surrounded by a cadre of hand-picked guards and aides, these uncompromising veterans expect no less from the troops under their command. Some are as...
5,250 руб
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Born soldiers, the Shock Troops of Cadia are trained for military service from the moment they can hold a rifle. Long years of rigorous firing drills have forged them into expert sharpshooters, skilled in both dogged defence and storming assault. Cadian Shock Troops are held by many as the ideal...
6,150 руб
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Ursula Creed is the Lord Castellan of Cadia – and though the planet itself may no longer exist, the post and her duty remain firmly intact. She is a forbidding and implacable strategist, the heir to the legendary general who fell with his world, and a living symbol of the enduring indomitability...
5,250 руб
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Arcadian Leontus is the Lord Commander Solar of the Astra Militarum, wielding vast armies against apocalyptic invasions, sector-wide insurgencies, and even distant campaigns beyond the Segmentum Solar. A master tactician and peerless scholar of military history, he is guided in his strategic...
7,690 руб
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The Astra Militarum is the largest cohesive fighting force in the galaxy. Fed by a constant tithe of soldiers raised from hundreds of thousand of worlds, its regiments form the vast bulk of Humanity's martial power. On countless worlds, the mortal soldiers of the Astra Militarum march in their...
6,380 руб
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The Astra Militarum are the backbone of the Imperium's largest armies. They are the men and women who hold the line, a bulwark that stands between humanity and a nightmarish galaxy of horrors. Amongst the Astra Militarum's massed regiments, the born soldiers of Cadia are some of the most...
23,250 руб
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Led by the irrepressible Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt, the Tanith First and Only are a reconnaissance regiment without peer in the Astra Militarum. So named for being the only survivors of their ill-fated homeworld, the soldiers who became known as Gaunt's Ghosts are expert woodsmen marked by...
9,380 руб
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Designed to make it easy to distinguish command vehicles in your Chaos Space Marines, Astra Militarum, Aeldari, Space Marines and T’au Empire armies and squadrons, this is a frame of 20 plastic components to add to vehicles – with the added bonus of making them look extra cool. The...
1,950 руб
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GW_99120105076 / 99120105107
ВКЛЮЧАЕТ В СЕБЯ 7 ВАРИАНТОВ СБОРКИ ПОМИМО СБОРКИ САМОГО БЭЙНБЛЭЙДА ! A single super-heavy tank is a dominant presence in an Astra Militarum battle line. As it ploughs inexorably forward it lays down a wide path of destruction. Enemy ranks shatter long before it reaches their position, and...
22,500 руб
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Sly Marbo is a natural born survivor, a veritable one-man army, a loner who sticks to the shadows. Few have seen his face and none have heard him speak. Marbo silently acknowledges orders with a slight nod before vanishing in search of the foe. Marbo kills with mechanical efficiency, striking...
4,580 руб
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This pack contains 1 Imperial Guard Tank Accessory frame.
2,580 руб
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Комиссары - пример силы и мужества, что делает их естественными лидерами с репутацией, способной повернуть ход битвы, вырвав победу из челюстей поражения. Комиссары ведут войска собственным примером, и они всегда первыми выходят на линию огня, готовые к отражению нападения врага. В...
3,750 руб
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Нелюди, известные как Булгрины, представляют из себя грозное зрелище. Облаченные в панцирную броню, сделанную для них из гусеничных траков танков Лемман Русс, они вооружены грубым штурмовым оружием, подходящим им по росту и силе. Этот набор позволяет собрать трех булгринов, которых...
7,690 руб
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Зенитная установка "Гидра" создана для отслеживания и уничтожения воздушных целей. Интеллектуальная система целенаведения и могучие орудия "Гидры" - главный инструмент Имперской Гвардии в борьбе за чистое небо. Набор содержит детали, позволяющие собрать зенитную установку "Гидра" или...
8,180 руб
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Militarum Tempestus Scions - одни из лучших воинов в галактике. Они готовы на все ради выполнения отданного им приказа - даже если это может привести к их гибели - и зачастую доверенные им миссии настолько опасны, что они считаются самоубийственными для обычных гвардейцев. Этот набор...
5,250 руб
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