Grand Alliance Order

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Fyreslayers. This set includes 20 six-sided, round-edged dice that measure 16mm along each edge. They are cast in a roaring orange colour with white pips and a Fyreslayers icon on each 6 face.
4,730 руб
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The Fyreslayers are a culture of duardin whose entire existence revolves around battle, renowned for their short tempers and unrivalled skill with the axe. Many believe these grizzled mercenaries are little more than avaricious barbarians, for they will fight for any who meet their price in...
6,380 руб
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Stay focused on the battle at hand with this essential set of reference cards, covering every single unit found in Battletome: Idoneth Deepkin. You'll also get 28 tokens that will help you keep track of your myriad powerful abilities, including battle tactics, spells, and Tides of Death. In...
3,680 руб
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The Idoneth Deepkin are a mysterious race of aelves who dwell within the oceans of the Mortal Realms, emerging from their watery seclusion to plunder the souls of land-dwellers – a grim harvest upon which their very survival depends. When the Idoneth go to war, they bring with them a phantasmal...
6,380 руб
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Twisted followers of the God of Murder, the Daughters of Khaine combine aelven prowess with shadowy abilities and strange mutations. If you desire nothing more than to dance a trail of destruction through the Eightpoints, spilling blood in the name of Morathi, this is the warband for you. With...
10,130 руб
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Stormcast Eternals are the mightiest warriors of Grand Alliance: Order. Each forged in Azyr by Sigmar's hand, these noble warriors strike out into the realms to do battle. Riding coruscating thunderbolts, they arrive on the field of war with an ear-splitting thunderclap. The forces of the...
19,500 руб
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Graceful of mind as well as of body, the Lumineth Realm-lords are the quintessence of all that is aelven. Their speech is eloquent and their mastery of arcane matters supreme, for the Ten Paradises of Hysh have blessed them with uncanny intellect. The Lumineth consider themselves the most...
24,000 руб
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With the Pact Draconis sworn between Sigmar and the drake-lords Krondys and Karazai, the Draconith set forth to fight back against a resurgent Kragnos and reclaim their ancestral lands. Some choose to bear heroic Stormcast Eternals into battle, evaluating chosen Stormcasts for weeks on end...
15,380 руб
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Long ago, before Sigmar was plucked from the heavens by the great drake Dracothion, the powerful Draconith empire was brought low at the hands of Kragnos, whose divine rampage smashed city after city until only a handful of Draconith remained. In a desperate gambit to defeat what they could not...
20,250 руб
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The bulwark of the Thunderstrike-armoured Stormcast Eternals, Vindictors are defensive specialists, using their shields and stormspears to hold the line against the multitudinous enemies of Order.  By bellowing litanies of faith, they are able to conjure arcs of lightning that jump between...
7,130 руб
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Annihilators charge with the impact of a falling star, crashing into their opponents with enough force to obliterate them outright. Anything that somehow manages to survive their brutal charge is swiftly pummeled by massive meteoric hammers, while the Annihilators shrug off return blows with...
7,130 руб
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Praetors are soul-bound bodyguards to the lords of the Stormcast Eternals. Having crossed the Anvil of Apotheosis with their liege, the fates of both parties become intertwined, with Praetors ready to sacrifice themselves so that their masters might fight on. Armed with magnificent halberds,...
6,380 руб
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Vigilors are Thunderstrike-armoured advance scouts. Rangers who forge ahead of the main Stormcast Eternal forces, Vigilors function similarly to the Vanguard chamber for the newly forged Stormhosts composed mainly of Thunderstrike warriors.  Like their Justicar brethren, Vigilors are keen...
8,250 руб
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Vanquishers are expert, greatsword-wielding warriors, well practised in counter-charging enemy units pinned in place by Liberators and Vindictors. The celestial greatswords they wield with preternatural skill are embedded with a shard of celestium realmstone, which these warriors meditate upon...
8,250 руб
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The Knight-Relictor is a sombre guardian of the sepulchral Temple of Ages. In battle these macabre-looking warriors chant prayers to the God-King in order to invoke his divine might to smite their opponents and energise their allies.  Armed with hefty relic mauls, wearing Thunderstrike...
4,730 руб
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There is no higher rank in a Stormhost than Lord-Commander, and in the Hammers of Sigmar this esteemed position is held by Bastian Carthalos, the Thunderborn. Once reforged with the power of the ninth Great Bolt, Skjordamar, Carthalos is a master tactician and an indomitable warrior. Sigmar has...
5,250 руб
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Amongst the Stormcast Eternals, the warriors of the Sacrosanct chambers are most gifted with the ability to control the capricious magic of the realms. In battle they are the perfect blend between support and offence – complementing their martial allies with incantations and demolishing their...
8,780 руб
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Serve the God-King Sigmar with this dice set for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. It contains all the dice that you need to play the game and channel the celestial power of Azyr. The set contains 20x 16mm, round-edged dice with traditional pips denoting the numbers, but with a Sigmarite halo icon in...
3,750 руб
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Sigmar himself is sure to bless those who roll these dice, allowing you to lead your Stormcast Eternals to victory. This set includes 20 six-sided, round-edged dice that measure 16mm along each edge. They are cast in a bold royal blue with bright white pips and a twin-tailed comet on the '6'...
3,750 руб
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Stormstrike Chariots are the Stormcasts specialist linebreaker units. Pulled by two specially bred gryph-chargers, these chariots are swift enough to evade enemy fire, and in return respond with either a mighty charges or thunderous long-range support. The Stormstrike Chariot itself bears the...
6,600 руб
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The eagle-eyed Knight-Judicator is an officer of Angelos Conclaves who wields the terrifying terminus greatbow, a gargantuan weapon that can fell the mightiest of foes from far across the battlefield. His faithful gryph-hounds act as wards, altering him of incoming threats and harassing enemies...
4,730 руб
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Stormcast Eternals are the mightiest warriors of Order. Each forged in Azyr by Sigmar's hand, these noble warriors strike out into the realms to do battle. Riding coruscating thunderbolts, they arrive on the field of war with an ear-splitting thunderclap. The forces of the Stormcast Eternals are...
6,380 руб
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Внимание! Цена указана ориентировочная, на момент последней закупки. После оформления менеджер свяжется с вами и сообщит корректную стоимость. Срок поставки в среднем около 2 месяцев. Sigmar himself dictates the missions of the Knights-Questor. These heroes will travel any distance to...
7,800 руб
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Warhammer Age of Sigmar is a tabletop strategy game of fantasy warfare. Whether you command the valiant Stormcast Eternals, the wicked Kruleboyz Orruks, or one of the many other factions fighting for dominance of the Mortal Realms, your battles in the realms promise to be action-packed. Collect...
1,800 руб
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Paint set Building and painting models is a fun and exciting way to engage with the hobby, and it gets more rewarding with time. You’ll need a few tools and a set of paints to get started, and this box includes the basics that will form the core of your hobby toolkit. This set contains a...
5,250 руб
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Dauntless warriors of the Redeemer conclaves, the Vindictors are the shieldwall upon which the forces of ruin shatter. This box is the perfect way to start your collection of Stormcast Eternals. You’ll get two plastic Vindictors with distinct poses, the paints you need to prepare them for...
4,500 руб
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The Soul Wars are over, but a new conflict brews in the Realm of Beasts. It is a time of great change in the Mortal Realms. A surge of life sweeps across the eight realms to force back the tide of death left in the Necroquake’s wake, and the forces of Order waste no time in laying claim to the...
22,500 руб
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The Soul Wars are over, but a new conflict brews in the Realm of Beasts. It is a time of great change in the Mortal Realms. A surge of life sweeps across the eight realms to force back the tide of death left in the Necroquake’s wake, and the forces of Order waste no time in laying claim to the...
12,380 руб
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The Soul Wars are over, but a new conflict brews in the Realm of Beasts. It is a time of great change in the Mortal Realms. A surge of life sweeps across the eight realms to force back the tide of death left in the Necroquake’s wake, and the forces of Order waste no time in laying claim to the...
6,150 руб
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The Soul Wars are over, but a new conflict brews in the Realm of Beasts. It is a time of great change in the Mortal Realms. A surge of life sweeps across the eight realms to force back the tide of death left in the Necroquake’s wake, and the forces of Order waste no time in laying claim to the...
23,250 руб
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Crafted from the aelven souls that most cried out for bloody revenge, the Melusai Ironscales were created as elite war leaders by Morathi herself and serve their mistress with single-minded fury. Terrifying combatants in their own right, the most unlucky of their victims are turned into statues...
4,050 руб
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Deep in the city of Excelsis lie several wards sealed off on pain of death, areas forever blighted by Tzeentchian sorceries left in the wake of the traitor Ortam Vermyre's uprising. To deal with the magical creatures and haphazard spells that found their way out of these quarantined zones, the...
6,750 руб
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Given life by spirits held within the Oak of Ages Past, the Warsong Revenants sprang forth as Alarielle's Rite of Life rippled across Ghyran and added their Spirit Song to her chorus. To their Sylvaneth allies, the music emanating from their flutes is a joyous tune, full of hope and uplifting...
7,690 руб
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The most ancient and powerful of all the slann Relic Priests, Lord Kroak has cast a watchful gaze over the Seraphon's realms since time immemorial. Appearing unbidden when the myriad strands of the Great Plan are most threatened, his overwhelming arcane might crushes scores of foes beneath...
16,500 руб
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As the tide of Death magic suffusing the realms recedes in the wake of Teclis' retribution, Alarielle undertakes a grand ritual to seed the Mortal Realms with resurgent life energy. But with new growth comes the sundering of an ancient prison and the release of a forgotten deity – Kragnos, the...
5,250 руб
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As a master endrineer from the famed sky-port of Barak-Zilfin, Drongon Humboldsson is one of the foremost experts in keeping the Kharadron's skyvessels ship-shape and skyworthy. Taking to the field in an ingenious Dirigible Suit with a team of Endrinrigger apprentices in tow, Drongon ensures the...
9,750 руб
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As the revered Lord-Celestant of the Hallowed Knights and a living symbol of hope to all citizens of Order, Gardus Steel Soul shines like a beacon of divine light at the head of his Stormcast Eternals war host. Wielding his faith as surely as he does his runeblade and warhammer, Steel Soul never...
4,730 руб
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The Shrines Luminor, carried atop a realmstone-rich metalith that hovers gracefully above the ground, are bastions of cleansing purity in the tumultuous aftermath of the Age of Chaos. Garrison your heroes in these graceful monuments to provide a range of powerful benefits for your army, for...
8,250 руб
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Prodigal twins exemplifying the Teclian and Tyrionic martial philosophies favoured by the Lumineth, Ellania and Ellathor have already displayed an unrivalled level of skill despite their mere fifty years of age. Unfortunately, their meteoric rise earned them as many enemies as friends, and now...
6,380 руб
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Although they hail from the Scinari caste, a Loreseeker is one dedicated to mastering the arts of magic and combat equally – it is even said that they are everything it is to be Lumineth in one body. Their role is to hunt down and catalogue all the lore and learning of the Mortal Realms, no...
3,750 руб
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Soldiers and scholars both, the Vanari Bladelords are a walking contradiction of Lumineth philosophies. Although they hail from the Tyrionic nations and dedicate themselves to mastery of combat in all its forms, they make their home in Teclian cities and devote just as much time to studying the...
7,690 руб
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Made from supple, yet extremely strong dreamwood, the Vanari Starshard Ballistas are the premier artillery piece of the Lumineth Realm-lords. Firing a pair of long, perfectly balanced bolts in unison, the brilliant flash of light that accompanies their impact dazzles and disorients all those who...
6,750 руб
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Hurakan Windmages are the wisest of their order, aelimentiri of such prowess that the winds of their homeland regard them as kin. More at home flying through the skies than walking on land, these mages are born aloft on an aelementor wind visible only as a rolling blur of energy. Experts at the...
4,880 руб
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Of all the seven sentient winds of Hysh, none have suffered so greatly at the hands of Chaos as Sevireth. Manifesting in physical form to defend the Ten Paradises, the spirit also known as the Red Gale seeks to tear down the monuments of its foes with scouring magical sandstorms, all the while...
9,990 руб
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Scinari Calligraves are esoteric symbol-mages, adept at painting aetherquartz light-magic onto the very realm itself in the form of colossal aelven runes. As the magic of geomantic transference passes from their pages to the land beneath their feet, powerful effects ripple through the earth to...
3,750 руб
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Bearing majestic standards into battle at the head of a Vanari host, Bannerblades are honoured champions of the Lumineth trusted with the sacred duty of defending the enchanted banners even in the thick of combat. These standards are magical artefacts blessed by each of the four aelementiri...
4,500 руб
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Bounding across the plains on their nimble treerunner steeds, Hurakan Windchargers loose arrows with the unerring accuracy of master archers even while travelling at breakneck speeds. Preferring to fire a single killing shot over the massed arrow barrages of the Auralan Sentinels, it is said...
8,250 руб
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Representatives of Tyrion's will among the Vanari warhosts, Lord Regents speak with an authority unmatched among their militant kin. Bedecked with dazzlingly pure aetherquartz and displaying feats of surpassing martial skill, these august warriors inspire their comrades through both word and...
7,500 руб
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An air of eccentric jubilation fills the air as Xintil’s finest battle wizards bring their creations to the front line. The visionary Hyshian mage Arcobalde Lazerne leads the way, using his Luminark, Beacon of Intellect, to protect his comrades and send beams of intense Hyshian energy burning...
9,750 руб
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Step out of the shadows of Ulgu with a set of dice themed around Morathi's favoured servants. This pack contains 20 dice, with a Daughters of Khaine icon in place of those all-important 6s.  This set contains 20 16mm six-sided dice in blood-red colour with black ink. The 6 facing on each...
3,750 руб
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When the Daughters of Khaine march to war, their wizards and priestesses can conjure blood and shadow into dangerous magicks to harry their foes. The Bloodwrack Viper is an enormous serpent formed from boiling blood, a manifestation of hatred and bitterness that binds its prey into a crushing...
5,850 руб
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The Daughters of Khaine are a fearsome cult that exults in the spilling of fresh blood. Honouring the Lord of Murder, these aelven warriors fight to fulfil the aims of their true mistress, the Shadow Queen Morathi. Emerge from the shadows to cut down those who would oppose the will of Morathi...
8,780 руб
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The grim Lord-Veritant Keiser Ven Brecht has assembled an elite band of Stormcast sharpshooters in order to track down servants of darkness operating in the shadows of Sigmar’s free cities. Known as the Black Watch, this retinue employs keen-scented Gryph-hounds to run heretics and traitors into...
12,000 руб
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A colossus of a man clad in scarred iron plate and wielding a cursed greataxe that blazes with unholy power, Lord Rokar Gresh is the ruler of the Crimson Brethren, a horde of Idolators that seeks out sites steeped in the corruption of Chaos. Riding atop his thundering Chaos Chariot and...
10,500 руб
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Many Endrinmasters take to the skies in mastercrafted dirigible suits, their aether-turbines allowing them to zoom through the air towards skyvessels in need of repair even as an in-built weapons array blasts their enemies into pieces. Repairing skyvessels, leading your Endrinriggers into...
4,880 руб
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Spirits of the Mountain are the war forms of the stony peaks that the Alarith temples have taken as their patrons. Avatars of incredible toughness and strength, they can smash castle gates and steam tanks with a single swing of their worldhammers. An Alarith Spirit of the Mountain is a...
15,000 руб
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The Alarith temples accept the mountain as their master and, in doing so, inherit part of its strength and resilience. They fight as immovable objects, wielding magical hammers that can crush enemy skulls in a single, perfectly measured blow. Alarith Stoneguard are elite infantry capable of...
7,690 руб
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The Dawnriders charge the foe in tight formation, thundering into the enemy ranks and punching their lances through the chests of their foremost adversaries before leaping over their corpses so that their noble steeds might trample those behind. Vanari Dawnriders are infantry-slaying shock...
8,250 руб
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The Lumineth Realm-lords are carefully attuned to both the winds of magic and the elemental forces that define their realm, with powerful mages marrying the two in devastating endless spells. Unleash the full magical might of the Lumineth Realm-lords with this endless spells set! Inside,...
6,830 руб
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he Lumineth are masters of magic. Through their immeasurable skill, they will save the Mortal Realms from disaster – no matter the cost. Only the Lumineth would be arrogant enough to claim the title of Realm-lords, yet such is the close bond they have forged with Hysh that they have earned that...
500 руб
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The Scinari Cathallar is the single point of darkness in the shining host of their fellow Lumineth. They take the emotional trauma of their kin and weaponise it, unleashing this torment at the foe to render them crippled by angst and despair. The Cathallar is a key strategic unit for any...
4,880 руб
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The Auralan Wardens fight in close formation, using long pikes that they set to receive the charge of the foe. The Wardens guide their sunmetal tips into the enemy’s chests at the last moment; those pierced by them are slain in a heartbeat. Auralan Wardens are the front line of any Lumineth...
7,690 руб
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Master archers, the Auralan Sentinels wield complex aelven bows that can either fire straight and true or loft arrows high in the air to curve down onto distant foes. When their High Sentinel channels power into their arrowheads, they are all the more lethal. Auralan Sentinels are a superb...
7,690 руб
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Eltharion has no physical form, only a spiritual essence given uncanny strength through Teclis’ magic. An ancestor of the Lumineth race, his avenging spirit is a puissant warrior and an inspiring hero to those aelves who witness his shining light. Whether you’re commemorating the...
5,250 руб
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