Age of Sigmar

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The Speaker in the Stone wants you to tear down the false idols of your enemies. This set of themed dice will show your opponent that you’re prepared to crush them into so much rubble. Contents: – 6x turquoise six-sided, round-edged dice that measure 16mm along each edge, with black...
4,880 руб
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Only the bold dare enter the Gnarlwood, a deadly forest where the very trees uproot themselves to feast upon the flesh of living. The Horns of Hashut are relentless destroyers who worship a fiery deity of tyranny and cruelty. Their god has tasked them with razing the Gnarlwood to the ground, and...
4,350 руб
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The Rotmire Creed are artisans of virology, relentless in their pursuit of the perfect plague. A swamp-dwelling cult that worships Nurgle in his aspect as Lord Leech, their blowpipe darts and cruel barbs are daubed with deadly alchemical contagions. Once unleashed, these diseases spread quickly...
7,690 руб
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The Horns of Hashut are heralds of ruin and desolation, relentless destroyers sent forth by the Father of Darkness. Each region they conquer is pulverised, stripped, and rendered barren for the industrial tyranny of their daemonic god. The Horns of Hashut wage war like a raging taurus,...
7,690 руб
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Deep in the deadly Gnarlwood forest lies the Ravening Ruin – the shattered remains of a mighty Seraphon temple ship. Within the ship's broken hull lie artefacts of immense power and treasures of incalculable wealth. The Chameleon Skinks of the Hunters of Huanchi are determined to defend these...
21,750 руб
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3,900 руб
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A Curseling is a powerful warrior-mage imbued with daemonic power through a conjoined, spell-moulding homunculus known as a Tretchlet. Important leaders of rituals in Arcanite cults, these two-faced sorcerers love nothing more than turning the magics of their rivals back upon those who cast...
4,730 руб
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The bitter Sylvaneth are roused to anger across the Mortal Realms by the ceaseless wars plaguing the verdant groves they call home. Led by the bloody-minded Drycha Hamadreth, wicked Spite Revenants and frenzied Dryads surge from the forest in a mass of thorny vines and hooked claws, while the...
25,500 руб
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The air sings with glorious life magic as the children of Alarielle surge into battle. Embittered noble spirits command the fury of the forest, hissing Branchwyches leading from the front as verdant wyldwoods burst forth from the heaving ground. Mighty wargroves advance in defence of life...
16,500 руб
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When you rock up to the table with your Ogor Mawtribes, make sure you’ve got the dice to match your swagger. We can’t promise they’ll roll better for you, but we’re sure you’ll love rolling sixes even more when you see that maw icon. This set includes 20 six-sided, round-edged dice that measure...
4,880 руб
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Bloodpelt Hunters seek out the largest and most formidable creatures, stalking them unseen with the guile and ferocity of an alpha predator. When their quarry is within reach, these alarmingly stealthy ogors close in for the kill, maiming it with crude iron crossbow bolts before hacking it apart...
5,250 руб
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The Ogor Mawtribes are nomadic empires of brutish juggernauts that range across the lands, raiding and pillaging to appease their insatiable hunger. Iron-fisted Tyrants lead young and bullish Gluttons to war as gnoblar attendants scurry about their feet, supported by roaring blasts from the...
16,500 руб
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Ogors Mawtribes sweep across the realms and devour all in their migratory path, juggernauts of fat and muscle who crush their prey with clubs, rusted blades, and sheer bulk. When the ogors are on the Mawpath, the ground rumbles even above their prodigious bellies. Roars, belches, and booming...
6,380 руб
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The Slaves to Darkness march through the Mortal Realms in the names of Archaon Everchosen, Be'lakor the Dark Master, and the Gods of Chaos themselves, ever pushing back against Sigmar’s dreams of peace and prosperity. They have suffered and sacrificed to conquer this land – and inflicted...
23,250 руб
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This set of premium card sleeves will keep your cards safe from wear and tear, and ensure smooth shuffling. With art matching the current season of Warhammer Underworlds, you’ll be playing in style no matter which warband you’ve got on the table. This set contains 45 card sleeves, consisting...
1,800 руб
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The Mortal Realms are vast beyond imagining, and so much of their seemingly endless expanse remains unexplored and untamed. For centuries this was true of the Gnarlwood – a vast forest that lies in the Realm of Beasts. The gnarloaks that grow here are capable of uprooting themselves to hunt for...
12,000 руб
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At the outset of the Soul Wars, Nagash’s cataclysmic Necroquake flooded the Mortal Realms with the powers of the aether. Incantations summoned forth new conjurations of unprecedented power and frightful sentience, though these endless spells were often treacherous, as likely to turn upon their...
12,190 руб
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At the outset of the Soul Wars, Nagash’s cataclysmic Necroquake flooded the Mortal Realms with the powers of the aether. Incantations summoned forth new conjurations of unprecedented power and frightful sentience, though these endless spells were often treacherous, as likely to turn upon their...
7,800 руб
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Get ready to stomp your enemies into submission with this set of Sons of Behemat-themed dice. The four-toed foot icon lets you and your opponent know just how badly the’ve been mauled as soon as the dice drop. This set includes 20 six-sided, round-edged dice that measure 16mm along each edge....
4,730 руб
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Once ruler of the gargant clans of the Scabrous Sprawl, the infamous King Brodd now leads the stomps in a crusade against the forces of Sigmar. A legendary priest-king blessed with mystic wisdom, Brodd draws upon an ancient, primal power – as well as his own vast strength – and will stop at...
25,880 руб
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Mancrusher Gargants often band together under a particularly strong-handed leader, usually known as a Bullstomper. These earth-shaking warbands roam the Mortal Realms, raiding and terrorising civilised lands to fill their grumbling bellies – or marching to war at the call of a Mega-Gargant. In...
19,500 руб
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The Sons of Behemat are might incarnate. When the gargant tribes are on the stomp, everyone else had better duck and cover if they want to survive. These ill-tempered titans can crush anything in their path, and they challenge anyone to tell them otherwise. They live to fight and revel in their...
6,380 руб
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Bring searing purity and balance to the Mortal Realms with these Lumineth Realm-lords themed dice. This set includes 20 six-sided, round-edged dice that measure 16mm along each edge. They are cast in light blue with bright white pips and a Lumineth Realm-lords icon on each 6 face.
4,730 руб
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Few armies are more glorious to behold than the Lumineth Realm-lords. Masters of magic and paragons of the military arts, these aelves fight alongside the aelementor spirits of their home to protect the Mortal Realms from the threat of ruin. Centuries ago, the Lumineth’s hunger for enlightenment...
6,380 руб
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Masters of the mystical arts by nature, and the art of war by training and focus, the Lumineth Realm-lords seek to bring balance to the cosmos. Vanari troops are the mainstay of the armies of Hysh – well-equipped, exceptionally experienced, and deadly whether armed with a greatblade, pike, or...
17,250 руб
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In the tangled depths of the deadly Gnarlwood, rival warbands battle over territory and plunder! Enter the grim world of Warcry in the Core Book – your guide to fast-paced skirmish combat in the Gnarlwood, a bizarre jungle in the Realm of Beasts. This book contains all the core rules for the...
6,150 руб
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Glotl Stop is known by many names across the world. The Primordial Nightmare, the Killer Krox, the Scaled Slasher. Whatever you call him, he's a fan favourite among those who prefer a more simplistic – that is to say, gloriously violent – approach to the game of Blood Bowl. Just don't ask what...
7,610 руб
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Some believe that Estelle la Veneaux is an ancient embodiment of the Amazonian goddess Rigg, sent unto the game of Blood Bowl to destroy those who would threaten the delicate balance of nature. Others say that she's just a half-crazed Amazon hermit who prefers pet frogs to civilised company....
5,660 руб
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A mysterious Snakeman of origins unknown, Boa Kon'ssstriktr slithered from the jungles of Lustria and onto the Blood Bowl pitch. With an eye for tactics honed by watching countless games from the trees, this cunning player has risen to prominence through unorthodox – some would say downright...
5,660 руб
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6,380 руб
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 Kara Temple Harpies
6,300 руб
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A storm of mutating magic heralds the Disciples of Tzeentch – eldritch warriors in service to the Changer of the Ways, a mercurial deity who delights in anarchy and manipulation. Amongst their ranks can be found bird-headed beastmen, gibbering, fire-spewing daemons, and cruel cultists bedecked...
6,380 руб
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The worshippers of the Changer of the Ways seek to reshape the Mortal Realms, twisting it into forms more pleasing to their fickle god. Sorcerously-gifted Magisters lead chanting Kairic Acolytes to war alongside braying Tzaangor herds and conjured daemonic entities, leaving a trail of...
17,250 руб
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Twist fate in your favour on the battlefield for Tzeentch with these Disciples of Tzeentch themed dice. This set includes 20 six-sided, round-edged dice that measure 16mm along each edge. They are cast in a dark blue with yellow pips and a Disciples of Tzeentch icon on each 6 face.
4,730 руб
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Dromm, Wounder of Worlds, lord amongst the Slaughterpriests of Khorne, seeks to commit the ultimate act of violence in the name of his murderous god. He leads his group of Gorechosen to the very nadir of the Nethermaze, where he plans to enact a grand blood ritual upon tectonic weak points to...
5,100 руб
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Внимание! Цена указана ориентировочная, на момент последней закупки. После оформления менеджер свяжется с вами и сообщит корректную стоимость. Срок поставки в среднем около 2 месяцев.
5,500 руб
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Warcry: Compendium is your ultimate guide to assembling a Warcry warband to enter the depths of the Gnarlwood, accompanied by a powerful following of thralls, monsters, and allies. Within you will find a comprehensive list of rules for the second edition of Warcry, allowing you to command...
5,250 руб
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Chaos Legionnaires are elite, well-armed, and highly disciplined – yet though they march alongside the armies of the Dark Gods, these warbands have a shadowy agenda of their own. Sworn to the First Prince, the Legionnaires uphold a secret religion known as the Dark Creed, and strive with each...
7,690 руб
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Centaurions are terrifying creatures, their strength and skills honed in the Varanspire's warpits. Charging headlong into the fray on iron-hard hooves, Centaurions wreak havoc with each of the deadly weapons gripped in their four arms – ensnaring, skewering, bludgeoning, and trampling any who...
5,250 руб
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The Mortal Realms are inhabited by many strange and deadly creatures. The megadroths of Ghur are one such beast - titans that stride the plains and swamps, preying on other megafauna. When they die, their fossilised remains often become points of conflict - some seek to claim the primordial...
7,690 руб
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Cleansing Aqualiths are magical shrine-engines used by the Dawnbringer Crusades to bring fresh water to newly-founded settlements. Designed by Collegiate mages, forged by Ironweld engineers, and blessed by Sigmarite priests, these floating metaliths absorb ambient magic to generate an endless...
9,750 руб
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The Incarnates that haunt the Krondspine Range are terrifying entities - creations of pure Ghurish energy, protected by monstrous bones and guided by a bestial intellect. In their presence, reason crumbles; the minds of mortals are filled with savagery, and wild energies are unleashed with...
7,690 руб
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The Lady of Vines is the literal hand of Alarielle, cut from the goddess’s wrist and grown into a towering war leader. She holds true to the Everqueen's summery war-aspect even in times of wintery melancholy, her song of wrath echoing through the very realmroots, and has slain countless foes of...
6,380 руб
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Deathmasters are the greatest assassins of the Clans Eshin, trained in the shadowy arts of stealth and contracted to slay those whom influential skaven deem too dangerous to live. Armed with poisoned ‘weeping blades’ and toxin-laced throwing stars, these supernaturally dextrous killers have...
4,500 руб
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In the magic-scoured reaches of the Realm of Light, there are treasures of incredible potency buried under vitrified sand and shattered rocks. When a greed-driven expedition of Tzeentchian Arcanites seeks to pilfer the lore of a long-disappeared Lumineth seer, only the sharp eyes of a gifted...
26,250 руб
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A tragic and terrifying wanderer, Cado Ezechiar has lost everything - and outlived the memory of the age that made him. A vampire who accepted the Soulblight curse as his people and kingdom fell to Chaos, Ezechiar travels the Realm of Death and beyond, seeking retribution. He is the Hollow King,...
5,850 руб
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According to some, Drekki Flynt is the most dashing Arkanaut Captain in all of the Skyshoals. According to others, he's a no-good huckster, a wanton pirate, and owes them money. Always on the search for his next adventure, the master of the Aelsling is a sky-pilot of rare talent and daring...
5,850 руб
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Haskel Hexbane and his band of mirthless followers are as ruthless as they are determined. They are members of the Order of Azyr, a Sigmarite organisation dedicated to the rooting out and purging of evil across the Mortal Realms. This clandestine sect has sent Hexbane and his hunters deep within...
5,250 руб
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The winds of magic flow freely across the Elven Union's home turf, which is just as likely to be an idyllic, perfectly tended patch of lush turf as it is to be a glassy sheet of ice – all the better for these peerless athletes to demonstrate their grace and composure. The fickle nature of...
6,000 руб
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Everyone knows elves play Blood Bowl as much for the style and fashion as for love of the game. These dice match your team's style and swagger to intimidate your opponent. Coloured in a beautiful pearlescent, swirling purple with bright yellow ink, each of these dice features the Elven Union...
2,180 руб
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Redesigned for the Second Season rule set, this deck of 44 cards will help you keep track of stats and profiles for your team, positions, and Star Players – plus Special Play cards exclusively for use with Elven Union Teams. This set includes: - 4x Player Reference cards for Thrower, Catcher,...
3,380 руб
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Only the bold dare enter the Gnarlwood, a deadly forest where the very trees uproot themselves to feast upon the flesh of living. Yet glory and riches await those few who can endure this hellish environment, for at the heart of the forest lies Talaxis, the legendary Ravening Ruin, its shattered...
27,000 руб
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The Scriptors Mortis record the rise of Nagash’s empire and punish any who would stand against it. With a mere flick of a quill, they sentence souls to be dragged to the underworlds, condemning them to an eternity of torment. It is said that the quill is mightier than the sword – in the...
4,880 руб
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A High Gladiatrix is a living conduit of Khaine’s wrath. Striding at the head of their sisters’ advance, these paragons of combat ride the wave of fanaticism that spreads through a war coven, channelling it into acts of gruesome murder. The Gladiatrix's every movement is a paean to the...
4,500 руб
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Thrallmasters are cunning and sea-scarred Akhelians who lead the Namarti hosts into battle. Master duellists skilled with all manner of esoteric weapons and accompanied by a vicious snapjaw eel, they mow down their foes with contemptuous ease. Often exiles from Idoneth society, the Akhelians...
3,750 руб
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Auric Flamekeepers are the fearsome funerary priests of the Fyreslayer lodges. They keep alive the fiery spirit of Grimnir by absorbing ur-gold power from fallen Fyreslayers, channelling this energy to imbue their comrades with the supernatural might of a fallen god. This multipart...
3,750 руб
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From Shyish, the Realm of Death, come the ethereal Nighthaunt – incorporeal spirits driven to murder by their bitter hatred for the living. These spectres are the terror weapon of the Great Necromancer, united under the cruelest and most tortured rulers ever to die. At the command of a...
17,250 руб
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The skaven are a race of perfidious ratfolk who gnaw on the very fabric of existence, pouring from their Under-Empire in teeming swarms to spread corruption and conquer the Mortal Realms in the name of the Great Horned Rat. Led by maniacal Grey Seers, great seething hordes of Clanrats scurry...
17,250 руб
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As deadly as they are graceful, the warlike aelves of the Daughters of Khaine seek to spill sacred torrents of blood in the name of their violent deity. Shaped by drops of Khaine's own blood, the elite Melusai Ironscale leads her slithering Blood Stalkers into battle. As their heartseeker...
17,250 руб
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Stay focused on the battle at hand with this essential set of reference cards, covering every unit and Endless Spell found in Battletome: Daughters of Khaine. You'll also get 33 tokens that will help you keep track of your artefacts, spells, unique battle tactics and grand strategies,...
3,600 руб
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For centuries beyond counting has the race of malevolent ratmen known as the skaven plagued the Mortal Realms. Arrogant, avaricious and utterly without mercy, the skaven seek to annihilate every other sapient creature – expanding, multiplying, and consuming everything in their path until...
6,380 руб
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The Spiterider Lancers are Alarielle's elite cavalry, mounted upon agile Dragonspites whose bodies thrum with the energies of Life. Taming one of these ancient insectoid predators is a quest in itself – their forest spirit riders deftly swoop and whirl above the battlefield before suddenly...
8,250 руб
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