Age of Sigmar

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The cataclysmic necroquake of Shyish has flooded the Mortal Realms with the powers of the aether. Incantations summon forth new conjurations of unprecedented power and...
6,830 руб
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In life, those who were to become Grimghast Reapers were careful and meticulous killers. In death, they never cease in their long, sweeping strokes that mercilessly cut the enemy down a rank at a time, and they never tire....
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She is the Mourning Bride, the Unrequited Queen, the Veiled Lady and the Mortarch of Grief. She is despair made manifest, gloom given form. She is Lady Olynder, and in her are bound all the sorrows and...
6,600 руб
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Spirit Torments such as Crawlocke are entrusted with a duty Nagash considers vitally important – it is their role to capture the souls of transgressors, those who have escaped their due fate. A Spirit Torment draws its...
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The cataclysmic necroquake of Shyish has flooded the Mortal Realms with the powers of the aether. Incantations summon forth new conjurations of unprecedented power and frightful sentience, but beware – such endless spells can be...
6,830 руб
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The Myrmourn banshees have a diabolical hunger, for they feast solely upon magic. No enemy spell is safe from the ravenous spirits, and they haunt the Mortal Realms in search of arcane energies to consume. Myrmourn Banshees are drawn to magic as carrion are drawn to the dead, and such is their...
2,360 руб
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A Glaivewraith Stalker is an unstoppable force. Its long blade always points at the beating heart of its intended victim, just as the needle of an arcane compass indicates the highest concentration of magic. Though it...
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Castigators are powerful ranged support troops, commonly employed by the Lord-Arcananums of the Sacrosanct Chambers against those ethereal enemies that can kill with but a touch. The thunderhead greatbows they carry are miracles of Azyrite science and...
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The Realmgate Wars were fought over the magical portals that bound the Mortal Realms together, but another conflict has been brewing in the shadows for thousands of years. This is a battle not for resources, nor for pure conquest, but for the immortal souls of the living and dead; a cosmic...
29,250 руб
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Akhelian Morrsarr Guard / Akhelian Ishlaen Guard No troops exemplify the Idoneth Deepkin way of life more than the Akhelian Guard. Mounted atop Fangmora Eels, they fight in a loose formation ideal for rapid...
7,130 руб
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At first they appear as spectral blurs in the ethersea, distant streamlined shapes that seem to materialise from nowhere. With powerful thrusts of their sickle-finned tails, the forms grow all too quickly as...
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Shrugging off enemy missiles, the Akhelian Leviadon plunges into the fray. Scythed fins dismember foes while the beast’s powerful jaws clamp down with enough force to crush tempered steel. Should the aelves...
16,500 руб
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This is a pack of 44 handy reference cards for a Skaven Blood Bowl team, along with blank cards allowing every coach to create their own players! Contained in the pack: - Reference cards for Lineman, Gutter Runner, Thrower, Blitzer and Rat Ogre.; - Reference cards for the following Star...
1,050 руб
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It is the Tidecasters who conjure the phantasmal sea that allows aelf and aquatic beast to move and breathe as if they were in their own natural environment. They are able to conjure spells from the repressed anguish of the Idoneth, the curse that echoes still from their ancestors’ torture...
3,750 руб
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This is a pack of 44 handy reference cards for a Chaos Chosen Blood Bowl team, along with blank cards allowing every coach to create their own players! Contained in the pack: - Reference cards for Beastman Runner, Chosen Blocker, Minotaur, Chaos Spawn, and Frog; - Reference cards for the...
3,000 руб
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With their cyfar compasses and dowserchimes, the Soulscryers can map the dark corners of a being’s soul as well as those of the mortal realms, marking them out as navigators and priests among the Idoneth. Whether their quest leads towards spirit-plunder or along new paths of the whirlways, the...
4,680 руб
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A splendid deck of 24 cards covering all the Star Players from Death Zone Seasons 1 & 2, as well as the Blood Bowl boxed game – this is a treat for all sports fans. Each reference card features handsome (well… mostly handsome) artwork, along with the player’s name, race, statline, skills and a...
1,800 руб
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The Soulrenders are unusual amongst the Isharann, for they are trained alongside the Akhelians, and are well accustomed to acting at the forefront of battle. Upon each Soulrender’s helm dangles a lurelight, its strange glow attracting and absorbing souls. Armed with a hooked polearm known as a...
4,680 руб
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Guest edited by the Head Coach of the Nordland Raiders, Johan T. Mad, this is the very first issue of Spike! Journal. Covering the Chaos Chosen, with a veritable host of brand-new content for Blood Bowl, this is sure to be a must-have for every player – not just Chaos. Contained in the 36-page...
1,500 руб
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The exact identity of the owner of the Doom Lords is unknown – he is referred to commonly as ‘The Overfiend’. When establishing his team, the Overfiend cut no corners. He hired the best coach money could buy and equipped him with the best...
6,300 руб
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Namarti Reavers provide the archers and scouts for the Idoneth Deepkin phalanxes. The Akhelians recognise the need for reconnaisance, picket forces and massed missile fire, but regard such...
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He was the first of his kind, and is the last of the Cythai still alive. All Ionrach bow before him, their one acknowledged leader, the eldest and greatest of their race. He is Volturnos, High King of the...
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When the Idoneth Deepkin go to war, they bring their supernatural sea with them. Ethereal creatures,...
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100 руб
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Aspect of the Sea / Aspect of the Storm Idolised echoes of a bygone era, the Eidolons of Mathlann are summoned to life in times of dire need. These are no divine avatars, however, but collective manifestations of the ancestral souls of the...
16,500 руб
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Gifted with the spirit-sight and keen analytical minds, the Soul Wardens keep a tally of interred souls, tending to them and calculating how many are needed for certain tasks. Ordinarily they do not accompany the...
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Like all aelves, Namarti Thralls possess a physical grace that to other races appears supernatural. The Thralls march to war for the Idoneth as the main body of their infantry, and it is their task to engage and hold the enemy in place. In battle the Namarti fight with an...
8,780 руб
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Blood Sisters are powerful warriors used as bodyguards to High Priestesses or Bloodwrack Medusae, or as a potent vanguard for the war covens. Each Blood Sister is equipped with a heartshard glaive – a heavy polearm ideal for driving driving through armour and ribs to cut out an opponent’s heart....
7,690 руб
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Tucking their wings close, the Khinerai known as Lifetakers plummet down at high speeds. At the last moment they spread their leathery pinions, snapping their descent as they swing their sickle-blades with maximum force. Foes that survive this devastating assault can strike back, but the...
7,690 руб
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A creature of magic, manipulation and secrets, the High Oracle of Khaine, the Shadow Queen and grand matriarch of the Daughters of Khaine, Morathi is an ancient being, a seeress unmatched in her mastery of dark magics. In addition to being able to summon the horrors of the nightshade-realm, she...
19,500 руб
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5,850 руб
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Masters of celestial engineering, the Lord-Ordinators are wise men who have shaped the Mortal Realms through the word of Sigmar and the readings of the heavens. When their sharp and serious minds cannot re-mould reality to their whims, they take up their hammers and march to war, hewing the...
6,340 руб
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The mushroom-gobbling grot maniacs known as Cave-Shamans are not right in the head. To these greenskinned nutters, to get lost in a brain-mangling vision is to grow closer to the side of Gorkamorka that epitomises cunning and trickiness over brute strength, which is the side that all grots...
6,340 руб
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Thousands of mortal tribes have bound their fates to the will of Chaos, and at the fore are the Darkoath Warqueens. These are souls who have committed all manner of atrocity to attract the favour of the Dark Gods. With a fierce animal charisma and the fires of ambition fueling their every move,...
5,850 руб
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This is a set of plastic weapon upgrades for use with Tzaangors, Tzaangor Skyfires and Tzaangor Enlightened. It includes 5 arms holding autopistols, and 5 arms holding chainswords which are used to replace the weapons that come with the kits, attaching in the same way with plastic glue.
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A Lord of Blights is a brutish figure who creates and destroys in equal measure. Swollen with muscle, he lumbers into the midst of the foe swinging his bubotic hammer in thunderous arcs. Every impact shatters bone and ruptures organs, leaving his victims lying like bruised and rotten fruit on...
3,750 руб
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Beasts of Nurgle are slug-like monstrosities whose enormous bodies are weighed down with slime-slick muscle and blubber. Fanged maws yawn wide in their flesh, and an unspeakable reek wafts from their bodies – but for all their horrifying aspect, they are friendly and enthusiastic creatures....
6,380 руб
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While the jokes and songs of Plaguebearers infected by the Chortling Murrain find little purchase amidst the glum Plaguebearers, Nurgle’s other daemons find the antics of the Sloppity Bilepipers hilarious. Unfortunately for their foes, this disease is incredibly infectious, and can cause mortals...
4,500 руб
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Putrid Blightkings that succeed in infecting 77 foes with a vile curse according to the Feast of Maggots are rewarded by becoming Pusgoyle Blightlords. Symbiotically connected to the Rot Fly that he receives, the Blightlord rarely if ever leaves its saddle. Between the powerful blows of the...
11,700 руб
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Nurgle is the Chaos God of plagues, whose power waxes strong when disease and despair ravage the Mortal Realms. Though he is a source of fear and revulsion to his enemies, Nurgle is a perversely paternal god, generous with his foul gifts and proud of his worshippers’ every disgusting...
100 руб
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Wherever the servants of Nurgle gather in large numbers and the blessed rot begins to set in, Feculent Gnarlmaws push their way up through the blighted soil. These disgusting trees ring with the sorrowful tolling of entropic chimes, belch clouds of daemonic spores, and shed rot-wet blossom to...
7,800 руб
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Gnarled and leathery like a rotted apple left too long in the sun, Horticulous Slimux is a pragmatic and humourless being with a no-nonsense approach to battle and gardening alike. Sat astride his lumbering molluscoid steed – known affectionately to Horticulous as Mulch – the Gardener ploughs...
9,750 руб
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The Great Unclean Ones are Nurgle’s mightiest daemons. Towering over their enemies, these living hillocks of rotting flesh lumber across the battlefield swinging their rusted weapons, vomiting streams of filth and unleashing diseased magics upon the foe. Great Unclean Ones are terrifying when...
18,750 руб
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The leaders of the Stormhosts, exceptionally gifted warriors who ride into battle in blazing fields of azure light, the Lord-Celestants are respected for their tenacity and battle skills even amongst the immortals. Gavriel Sureheart is a valiant champion of Sigmar’s Stormhosts, casting aside the...
4,200 руб
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A double-sided card Blood Bowl pitch, complete with matching dug-outs, this is the perfect place for your Goblin teams to play. One side features a slightly worse for wear grass (and mud) pitch, covered in craters and debris – it’s even sprouting mushrooms. The other side is the same pitch after...
4,730 руб
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A double-sided card pitch for Blood Bowl, featuring Human and Orc pitches covered in a blanket of lovely snow, this is an appropriately festive place to play games during the long winter months. Both sides are covered in details with snowmen, reindeer skulls, broken Christmas trees and presents...
4,730 руб
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This is a pack of handy reference cards for an Orc Blood Bowl team, along with blank cards allowing every coach to create their own players! Contained in the pack: - Reference cards for Goblins, Throwers, Blitzers, Black Orc Blockers and Trolls; - Reference cards for the following star players:...
3,000 руб
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3,000 руб
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The life of a Blood Bowl coach can get a bit boisterous, and sometimes terrible things happen to your precious Blood Bowl cards – spillages, wear and tear, even spontaneous combustion. Protect your cards, then, with this set of 50 transparent card sleeves designed for your cards to fit within...
3,000 руб
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This is a pack of handy reference cards for an Elven Union Bowl team, along with blank cards allowing every coach to create their own players! Contained in the pack: - Reference cards for Linemen, Throwers, Blitzers and Catchers; - Reference cards for the following Star Players: Eldril...
3,000 руб
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A double-sided card Blood Bowl pitch, complete with matching dug-outs, this is the perfect place for your Elven Union teams to play. One side features a perfectly manicured grass pitch with an Elven Union symbol delicately mown into the centre, the other is a frozen field entirely covered in ice...
4,730 руб
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Compiling together the 2 Death Zone Seasons available so far, with some fantastic content from White Dwarf articles content added on, this is an essential book for every Blood Bowl coach. Contained in the 140-page hardback: - Official League rules! This is a guide to running a Blood Bowl...
6,000 руб
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The Elfheim Eagles are notable for eschewing the fancy outfits and extravagant parties of Elven teams past in favour of drills, training sessions and even more drills. The fans may have disapproved at first, but after the Elfheim Eagles nudged out Nurgle’s Rotters to win Blood Bowl XX they...
5,100 руб
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Only the most deranged and fanatical worshippers of disease are chosen for the honour of carrying a plague censer. These weapons are flails whose spiked heads are filled with burning warpstone incense. A cloud of poisonous gas enshrouds them as they fight. This set contains 5 Plague...
6,830 руб
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The ground shakes as the Mighty Skullcrushers ride into battle. Foes in their path are smashed aside by their furious charge, blood bursting from ruined bodies. Those who remain soon follow, rent by the whirling axes of the Mighty Skullcrushers until all that remains is blood and death....
16,580 руб
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Every unit and warscroll battalion in Warhammer Age of Sigmar owes allegiance to one of the four Grand Alliances – Order, Chaos, Death and Destruction – with many having other, more specific Allegiances that can be chosen instead, allowing the use of powerful battle traits, command...
6,830 руб
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Vandus Hammerhand is a sworn enemy of the Dark Gods. As Lord-Celestant of the hammers of Sigmar his warriors fight as one, energised by his purpose and might. Vandus was the first to tame a celestial Dracoth, and the first to harness the beast’s ability to breathe bolts of magical force....
6,340 руб
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The Scarcrag Snivellers made a decision a long time ago to make an attempt at playing Blood Bowl without all the sneaky tricks employed by most Goblin teams. Eleven Goblins line up at the start of the match – no Trolls, no Secret Weapons – and do their very best to last at least a couple of...
6,000 руб
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They might not have any specialists, they might not be hulking great slabs of powerful muscle, but one thing Goblins are is numerous. Expand your own team of Blood Bowl Goblins with this set of 4 multi-part plastic miniatures! You’ll get 4 unique bodies, with 4 unique heads to attach to them,...
1,800 руб
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Skywardens are elite members of the Arkanaut crews, a form of aerial cavalry that can scramble to aid the fleets. They use potent, heat-generating vulcaniser pistols to fell foes before lowering their skypikes and charging in to finish them off. Each Skywarden is equipped with skymines...
6,600 руб
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An Aether-Khemist is an invaluable addition to an airfleet. The armour of these specialists incorporates an array of high-tech tools, including quadbreather apparatus that allows them to sniff out aether-gold hidden within thick cloud banks. In addition to harvesting and assessing...
4,680 руб
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Attendants, advisors and bodyguards to the Wurrgog Prophet – and successors, when he invariably blows up – the Wardokks are unhinged leaders of bands of Morboys. Performers of wild rituals that channel Waaagh! energy, they magnify the power of the Prophet, stirring up so much incredible magic...
2,830 руб
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Even the most fierce intellect would eventually submit to the power of Gorkamorka. Maniak Weirdnobs never really had much in the way of strong will, so their descent into gibbering madness is particularly spectacular. These Bonesplitterz are sometimes created when a Wardokk kills a creature with...
5,270 руб
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Masters of the guiding winds, Aetheric Navigators are aero-cartographers, atmospheric map-makers that help chart courses, find currents and steer along perilous trade routes. Even the most journeyed Admirals value the counsel of an Aetheric Navigator, for they can see barometric eddies and...
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