Games Workshop

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Da Kunnin’ Krew and Xandire’s Truthseekers are ready to move out of the fathomless depths of Harrowdeep and delve into the abyssal Nethermaze. Originally available in the Warhammer Underworlds: Harrowdeep Core Set, this kit contains the miniatures and fighter cards for both warbands, as well...
9,380 руб
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The vampire Deintalos dwells in the darkness of Harrowdeep – a lurking menace eager to snare those who walk its labyrinthine passages. His experiences with the Force Dynamic – the arcano-electric force he believes animates all things – led to his self-imposed exile from Shyish, where his...
5,100 руб
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One of the great mysteries of Norse teams is how they ever managed to convince the blood-crazed and savage Yhetees to play Blood Bowl. That said, fans of Norse teams are too enthralled by the displays of Yhetee brutality to ask many questions! These hulking, muscular beasts are equipped with...
6,240 руб
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Skrorg was once so wild and bloodthirsty that he needed to be sent to Rockbeard's Rage Rehab to turn his life around. After his rehabilitation, Skrorg emerged back onto the pitch as a changed Yhetee – instead of butchering teammates, Skrorg now opts to follow tactics, a team player through...
6,240 руб
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Also known as the Beer-Barrel-Bowling Bombardier, Thorsson Stoutmead’s ability to drink is matched only by his ability to knock his opponents over. He has truly mastered the art of emptying barrels of ale and hurling them at the opposition. Thorsson's drinking habits are starting to get the...
5,270 руб
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Ivar always seemed destined for life on the gridiron. Even as a youngster he could be found practicing with a ball or tackling his friends – whether they wanted it or not! This ultimately led to Ivar being signed by his boyhood favourite team, the Norsca Rampagers, at the tender age of 16....
5,270 руб
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There are few grand stadia in Norsca, for most of the Blood Bowl pitches in that icy land are loosely constructed on fjords, frozen lakes, or wind-battered tundra. Playing in such hostile conditions presents many unique dangers to Blood Bowl players – from spectacularly skidding and...
6,000 руб
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Don't miss a beat on the pitch! This deck of 44 cards will help you keep track of stats and profiles for your Norse team, as well as positions and Star Players. It also includes Special Play cards exclusively for use with Norse teams. CONTENTS – 6x Player Reference cards for the Ulfwerener,...
3,380 руб
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Norse teams enjoy nothing more than a good scrap – and that’s certainly how they perform best on the pitch! Norscans have spent their entire lives in the harsh, freezing north, making them quite a tough bunch. These hardened players excel in getting up close and personal with the opposition,...
6,000 руб
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White Dwarf is Games Workshop's premium Warhammer magazine, packed with amazing content each month including new rules and background, short stories, regular columns, special guests, and more. Contact! Letters, painting advice and beautifully painted miniatures. This issue: Necrons,...
1,350 руб
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Demonstrate your dedication to the Tyranid swarm with these insidious dice, themed to match the tendrils of the Hive Mind. Marked with the colours of Hive Fleet Leviathan, these dice are perfectly evolved for rolling, helping you to prey upon and destroy your enemies. Each six-sided,...
4,730 руб
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Datacards make referencing your rules in battle easy. Containing quick-reference Stratagems, Synaptic Imperatives, and psychic powers, they're perfect for ensuring you don't forget crucial rules when you need them most. This pack contains 70 datacards, divided as follows: - 32x...
3,300 руб
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The Tyranids are rapacious alien swarms that emerge from the cold darkness of the intergalactic void. Guided by the unknowable intellect of the Hive Mind, these nightmarish super-predators hunt, kill, and feed without end, stripping world after world of biomass and leaving nothing but...
18,750 руб
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Swooping on leathery wings, Parasites of Mortrex use their barbed ovipositors to drive Ripper gestation pods deep into their victims’ bodies. These swiftly-growing creatures soon chew themselves free from their unfortunate hosts. Such was the fate of the defenders of Imperial planet of...
4,880 руб
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As the Era of The Beast rages on, the savage Realm of Ghur awakens. A wellspring of primordial energy has burst its banks, and the bone-strewn plains and blood-soaked swamps of Thondia are consumed by war. Rival powers battle over arid wastes littered with the ruins of forgotten kingdoms,...
28,500 руб
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You've read the Warhammer 40,000 rules, assembled your models, and painted them beautifully. Now, you just need somewhere for them to fight. These boards bring the arid, debris-strewn wastelands of the Fronteris setting to your tabletop, providing you with the perfect setting to prove the...
8,780 руб
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Build an immersive battlefield and wage war on a hotly contested frontier world with terrain pieces representing rugged Imperial structures – such as the Landing Pad. An aeronautical access point and cargo hold in times of peace, when border worlds become battlegrounds this large structure...
9,000 руб
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Build an immersive battlefield and wage war on a hotly contested frontier world with terrain pieces representing rugged Imperial structures – such as a Vox-Antenna and Auspex Shrine. These robust arrays are a vital source of communication for frontier worlds, and are easily repurposed by the...
9,000 руб
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The battles of War Zone Nachmund see armies clash on inhospitable frontier worlds blasted by extreme weather conditions. These blighted planets are dotted with Imperial fortifications, intended to secure strategically important locations and hold crucial borders against the encroaching...
28,500 руб
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Build an immersive battlefield and wage war on a hotly contested frontier world with terrain pieces representing rugged Imperial structures – such as the STC Hab-bunker and Stockades. These armoured structures are an everyday sight amongst the brutal architecture of an Imperial border world,...
10,130 руб
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The Aeldari once ruled the galaxy, before their civilisation collapsed beneath the weight of its own hedonism. Now the Asuryani sail the stars aboard massive vessels called craftworlds, their citizens keeping to highly disciplined Paths to avoid drowning in the same decadent madness as their...
18,750 руб
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An Avatar of Khaine is an ancient deity incarnate – a burning shard of Khaela Mensha Khaine, the Bloody-Handed God of the Aeldari. Awakened for battle, he marches through enemy fire without breaking stride, laughing cruelly as his weapon – the Wailing Doom – cleaves flesh and tastes the...
12,750 руб
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The Rangers are Outcast warriors, wanderers who left the regimented lives of the craftworlds behind them. Adepts in the arts of stealth warfare, marksmanship, and tracking enemies through harsh terrain, the Rangers aid their brethren as scouts and snipers. Veiled by cameleoline cloaks and...
7,500 руб
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Autarchs are renowned for their strategic brilliance, sublime martial skill and indomitable strength of will. Long have they trodden the Path of the Warrior, wearing the ritual masks of countless Aspect Warriors and yet never once slipping into the trap of obsession. Instead, these peerless...
4,880 руб
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Aeldari mythology is replete with noble heroes at one with their steeds, and in the Shining Spears, the glories of legend are made manifest. These Aspect Warriors live to joust, which they do at breathtaking speeds upon their jetbike mounts. Their chosen weapon is the long and formidable...
8,250 руб
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Streaking into battle at speeds that render them barely visible to human eyes, Shroud Runners effortlessly outmanoeuvre their enemies while harassing them with pinpoint sniper fire. Each jetbike acts as the mount for a pair of skilled Aeldari Rangers, the pillion rider often entering a...
8,250 руб
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Set up exciting games of Warhammer 40,000 without wasting a second using the Tempest of War mission pack. This pack provides a fast and casual way to approach matched play missions, offering plenty of variety for your pick-up-and-play games. The 66 cards in this pack are separated into five...
3,680 руб
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The Thousand Sons advance into battle amidst gouts of kaleidoscopic warpflame and bolts of raw sorcery. The heart of these arcane armies is comprised of Rubricae – implacable warriors who level salvo after salvo against the foe, marching at the command of the mighty Sorcerers and diabolic...
18,750 руб
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The most mysterious of the Emperor’s servants, the Grey Knights are a unique Chapter of Space Marines. Each is an elite warrior-mystic, clad in sigil-scribed power armour and wielding archaic weapons through which they channel their otherworldly abilities. They are a purified order of...
18,750 руб
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Castellan Garran Crowe is the Champion of the Order of Purifiers, and his flawless soul radiates outward in a searing psychic aura. He is the keeper of the Black Blade of Antwyr, a daemon sword that whispers promises and threats to corrupt those who wield it – a temptation against which...
5,250 руб
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Infernal Masters forge pacts with daemonic entities, referred to in the lore of Prospero as tutelaries. Chanting jagged syllables and making promises of blood and souls, they unleash the powers of these malign familiars to engulf their foes in swarms of momentarily corporeal terrors, to divine...
4,880 руб
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The Chalnath Expanse was once home to thriving industrial zones, until open war erupted between the T'au Empire and the Imperium. Now elite Kill Teams scurry through the urban wasteland and across the ruins of demolished buildings. The once-majestic gothic architecture is now a mere shadow of...
13,130 руб
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Sisters Novitiate are young recruits to the Adepta Sororitas. Trained by the Drill Abbots of the Schola Progenium, these impetuous warriors are assigned to an Order Militant to gain combat experience and prove their mettle in the crucible of war. This box allows you to build a unit of 10...
7,500 руб
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T'au Empire Pathfinder Teams wreak havoc behind enemy lines. Their firepower is formidable, especially when sniping with potent rail rifles, and their drones can optimise the team’s pulse fire or drive the enemy back with gravitic waves. In larger engagements, their deadliest ability is...
6,750 руб
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A Wood Elf stadium is a carefully maintained sanctuary, a picturesque reserve for trees, woodland spirits, and the noble art of Blood Bowl. Time works strangely in the forest of the Wood Elves, and the trees surrounding the pitch change season rapidly in response to the unfolding game. At...
6,000 руб
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Resource-rich and isolated from the other worlds of the Chalnath Expanse, the Vedik System is a worthy target for the T’au Empire. When a lost fleet of Adepta Sororitas unexpectedly arrived in the system, months of trade and negotiation were undone, as the zealous Sisters of Battle took it...
5,250 руб
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Redesigned for the Second Season ruleset, this deck of 44 cards will help you keep track of stats and profiles for your team, positions, and Star Players – plus Special Play cards exclusively for use with Wood Elf Teams. This set includes: - 5x Player Reference cards for Thrower,...
3,380 руб
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Fyreslayers. This set includes 20 six-sided, round-edged dice that measure 16mm along each edge. They are cast in a roaring orange colour with white pips and a Fyreslayers icon on each 6 face.
4,730 руб
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The Fyreslayers are a culture of duardin whose entire existence revolves around battle, renowned for their short tempers and unrivalled skill with the axe. Many believe these grizzled mercenaries are little more than avaricious barbarians, for they will fight for any who meet their price in...
6,380 руб
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Stay focused on the battle at hand with this essential set of reference cards, covering every single unit found in Battletome: Idoneth Deepkin. You'll also get 28 tokens that will help you keep track of your myriad powerful abilities, including battle tactics, spells, and Tides of Death. In...
3,680 руб
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The Idoneth Deepkin are a mysterious race of aelves who dwell within the oceans of the Mortal Realms, emerging from their watery seclusion to plunder the souls of land-dwellers – a grim harvest upon which their very survival depends. When the Idoneth go to war, they bring with them a phantasmal...
6,380 руб
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The Yncarne is the embodiment of the Whispering God, Ynnead – the Aeldari God of the Dead. A macabre angel, both beautiful and terrifying to behold, the Yncarne is summoned to battle by the energy released when Aeldari lives are lost. Once it has torn into realspace, the Yncarne advances on...
8,290 руб
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Striding into the fray with the confidence of a master swordsman, the Visarch echoes the Aeldari at the height of their power – Yvraine's escort, teacher, and confidante, and an integral part of the Ynnari inner circle. In combat he darts among the foe, taking off limbs and heads with the...
4,880 руб
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Yvraine, known as the Daughter of Shades, is a fearsome warrior and psyker. She was once brought back to life by the power of the Aeldari God of the Dead and now operates as their emissary. In battle she wields the Cronesword Kha-vir, the Sword of Sorrows, which can turn an enemy to ash with the...
6,340 руб
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Datacards make referencing your rules in battle easy. Containing quick-reference Stratagems and psychic powers, they're perfect for ensuring you don't forget crucial rules when you need them most. This pack contains 93 datacards, divided as follows: - 30x Asuryani Stratagem datacards - 16x...
3,300 руб
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So few in number are the Asuryani that every citizen must train for war, in case they should one day need to defend their craftworld. In times of peace these Aeldari pursue artistic and civic Paths, but when called upon, they don their war masks and take to the battlefield. This kit builds 10...
6,750 руб
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Seers who once trained as Aspect Warriors find it easier to develop destructive psychic powers. These Aeldari are known as Warlocks, and frequently band together in conclaves to pool their eldritch power, or else guide other Aeldari squads such as Guardians from the front. The warlocks bolster...
6,750 руб
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The skull-helmed visage of the Dark Reapers is a spine-chilling sight in itself. These Aspect Warriors exemplify the War God as Destroyer, and their formidable warsuits echo that of their founder, Maugan Ra. Dark Reapers unleash blistering firestorms with their long-range Reaper Launchers,...
7,500 руб
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Maugan Ra, also known as the Harvester of Souls, is the Phoenix Lord of the Dark Reapers – among the most grim and foreboding Aspects of the Asuryani. A master at killing from a distance, Maugan Ra wields the Maugetar. This scythe-like weapon fires mind-linked shuriken discs large enough to...
5,250 руб
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The Aeldari once ruled the galaxy, before their civilisation collapsed under the weight of their hedonism. Now they are a dying and fractured race, their differing factions all finding ways to survive in a galaxy where their extinction seems inevitable. All members of Aeldari society depend on...
6,380 руб
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After seven years of brutal, internecine war, after the Emperor's greatest son fell from grace and rose in rebellion, the Warmaster, Horus, reached Terra for a final reckoning with his father. Long prepared for war, Terra raised its defences, marshalled by the Praetorian, Rogal Dorn. Armies of...
2,330 руб
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A warrior and an artist of great renown, Dominion Zephon's exemplary record was abruptly cut short when he was maimed by a xenos blade during the Great Crusade. No longer able to fight, Zephon solemnly accepted the dubious honour of representing the Blood Angels Legion as part of the Crusader...
4,880 руб
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The sons of Dorn are famed for their loyalty, discipline, and methodical approach. In Fafnir Rann, those qualities are coupled with a ruthless and bellicose nature that pushed him to the forefront of the Imperial Fists. His combat prowess is not measured in the Legion’s duelling floors and...
3,750 руб
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The underhive of Necromunda is a close and brutal place, where short-range gunflights take place as fighters dart between cover, and brutal melee combat is almost impossible to escape from. With this massive boxed set you can recreate the rusted, crumbling environs of Necromunda on your tabletop...
37,800 руб
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Twisted followers of the God of Murder, the Daughters of Khaine combine aelven prowess with shadowy abilities and strange mutations. If you desire nothing more than to dance a trail of destruction through the Eightpoints, spilling blood in the name of Morathi, this is the warband for you. With...
10,130 руб
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Sigmar’s immortal champions wield the celestial fury of the God-king, and nowhere in the Mortal Realms is safe from their wrath. Clad in armour and weapons of an ingenious design, they descend from Azyr on bolts of holy lightning. They’ve come to the Eightpoints to punish the followers of the...
7,130 руб
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These kunnin’ greenskins have been rising up all across the Mortal Realms, and not even the harsh environments of the Eightpoints can keep them away. The Kruleboyz have come for no better reason than to invade, loot, and turn it into a stinking swamp they can then call home. Don’t make the...
9,380 руб
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The Hedonites of Slaanesh revel in the brutal carnage of battle, giving praise to the God of Excess and indulging in their every whim. They can be found throughout the Mortal Realms, and their presence in the Eightpoints has a malign influence on the mortal cultists who fight for survival in...
10,130 руб
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The Lumineth Realm-lords seek to purify the Mortal Realms, scouring the taint of Chaos wherever it’s found. Some brave warbands take the battle to the enemy, striking deep into the Eightpoints itself to hunt the vile servants of the Dark Gods at their source. With elements of three kits to...
10,130 руб
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The Tome of Champions 2021 is an essential companion to Warcry, no matter how you like to play. From new narrative content to twists for matched play and fresh open play game modes, it’s packed with updated rules and ideas to inspire you. Incredible new adventures in the Eightpoints await....
4,350 руб
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Swift and savage battle erupts upon the warp-cursed world of Daethe, as Autarch Ghaelyn leads the warriors of Saim-Hann against the Black Legionnaires of Warpsmith D'vok the Unmaker. Deep within the war-torn Nachmund, these two warbands clash over a mighty prize of souls, and a dread technology...
25,500 руб
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Скидка 15%
Product Choices 4.73 inches (12cm) 1/18 Scale Made from ABS and PVC Set of three figures Field Contents 3 Warhammer 40K Ultramarines Primaris Inceptors
20,450 руб 17,382 руб
Вы экономите: 3,068 руб
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Скидка 15%
Product Choices Figure: 4.72 inches (12cm) 1/18 Scale Extremely articulated Made from ABS and PVC Every determine options a wide range of equipment Field Contents 3 Ultramarines Aggressors figures
20,450 руб 17,382 руб
Вы экономите: 3,068 руб
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Скидка 15%
Product Choices Figure: 4.72 inches (12cm) 1/18 Scale Extremely articulated Made from ABS and PVC Every determine options quite a lot of equipment Field Contents 3 Ultramarines Primaris Reivers figures
13,210 руб 11,228 руб
Вы экономите: 1,982 руб
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Скидка 15%
Product Choices 4.73 inches (12cm) 1/18 Scale Manufactured from ABS and PVC Field Contents Ultramarines Primaris Captain (Gravis Armour) Brother Captain Voltain determine Helmet Alternate hand Sword Base
10,370 руб 8,814 руб
Вы экономите: 1,556 руб
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Скидка 15%
Product Choices 5.63 inches (14.30cm) 1/18 Scale Manufactured from plastic Based mostly on Warhammer 40K Extremely detailed Totally articulated Brother Talas determine 3 Pairs of palms Sword Gun Backpack
10,370 руб 8,814 руб
Вы экономите: 1,556 руб
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Скидка 15%
Product Choices 5.63 inches (14.30cm) 1/18 Scale Made from plastic Primarily based on Warhammer 40K Extremely detailed Absolutely articulated Brother Bathalorr determine Helmet Alternate proper hand Gun
10,370 руб 8,814 руб
Вы экономите: 1,556 руб
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Скидка 15%
Product Choices 5.63 inches (14.30cm) 1/18 Scale Manufactured from plastic Based mostly on Warhammer 40K Extremely detailed Totally articulated Brother Narghast determine 3 Pairs of palms Axe Knife Gun Backpack
10,370 руб 8,814 руб
Вы экономите: 1,556 руб
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Скидка 15%
Product Choices 5.63 inches (14.30cm) 1/18 Scale Made from plastic Primarily based on Warhammer 40K Extremely detailed Absolutely articulated Field Contents Brother Gnarl determine Helmet 2 Pairs of arms Sword Gun
10,370 руб 8,814 руб
Вы экономите: 1,556 руб
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Скидка 15%
Product Choices 5.63 inches (14.30cm) 1/18 Scale Made from plastic Primarily based on Warhammer 40K Extremely detailed Absolutely articulated Brother Gornoth determine Helmet Alternate proper hand Gun Removeable fore-arm armor
10,370 руб 8,814 руб
Вы экономите: 1,556 руб
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Скидка 15%
1/18 Warhammer 40K Chaos Space Marines Black Legion Warband Set of 6 Material: ABS Height: 13cm / 5.11" Scale: 1/18 Include: - Lord Khalos - Brother Bathalorr - Brother Gnarl - Brother Gornoth - Brother Narghast - Brother Talas
86,940 руб 73,899 руб
Вы экономите: 13,041 руб
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Скидка 15%
Product Choices 4.73 inches (12cm) 1/18 Scale Product of ABS and PVC Set of 4 figures Field Contents 4 Warhammer 40K Ultramarines Incursors
19,310 руб 16,413 руб
Вы экономите: 2,897 руб
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Скидка 15%
Product Choices 4.73 inches (12cm) 1/18 Scale Manufactured from ABS and PVC Set of 4 figures Box Contents 4 Warhammer 40K Ultramarines Infiltrators
19,310 руб 16,413 руб
Вы экономите: 2,897 руб
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Скидка 15%
Product Choices 4.73 inches (12cm) 1/18 Scale Made from ABS and PVC Set of 4 figures Field Contents 4 Warhammer 40K Ultramarines Intercessors
16,190 руб 13,761 руб
Вы экономите: 2,429 руб
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Скидка 15%
Product Choices 4.73 inches (12cm) 1/18 Scale Fabricated from ABS and PVC Set of 4 figures Field Contents 4 Warhammer 40K Blood Angels Death Company Intercessors
21,300 руб 18,105 руб
Вы экономите: 3,195 руб
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Скидка 15%
Product Choices 4.73 inches (12cm) 1/18 Scale Fabricated from ABS and PVC Box Contents Primaris Librarian figure Extra pair of palms Helmet Sword
9,940 руб 8,449 руб
Вы экономите: 1,491 руб
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Скидка 15%
Product Choices Mecha: 8.66 inches (22cm) Soldier: 2.95 inches (7.5cm) 1/18 Scale Extremely articulated Manufactured from ABS and PVC Field Contents Invictor Tactical Warsuit Mecha determine Pilot determine Rifle
28,120 руб 23,902 руб
Вы экономите: 4,218 руб
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Скидка 15%
Product Choices Mech: 12 inches (30.5cm) Pilot: 4.9 inches (12.5cm) 1/18 Scale Product of ABS and PVC Primarily based totally on the Warhammer 40K sequence Intricately detailed A number of elements of articulation Box Contents Invictor Tactical Warsuit Mecha figure Pilot figure...
29,820 руб 25,347 руб
Вы экономите: 4,473 руб
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Product Choices 4.72 inches (12cm) 1/18 Scale Fabricated from ABS and PVC Based mostly totally on the Warhammer 40K Intricately detailed A number of components of articulation Field Contents Erik Icefang determine Helmet Chainsaw Brother Wulfgar determine Helmet Rifle...
15,760 руб 13,396 руб
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Product Choices 6.30 inches (16cm) 1/18 Scale Manufactured from plastic Based on Warhammer 40K Extraordinarily detailed Completely articulated Field Contents Lord Khalos the Ravager determine 2 Pairs of palms Cape Hammer Backpack Pistol
10,370 руб 8,814 руб
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A compilation of Spike! Journal’s Necromantic Horror, Imperial Nobility & Black Orc, and Khorne issues – as well as much, much more! Presaged with a foreword by Lord Borak the Despoiler, this Almanac is the ideal way to catch up on a busy year of Blood Bowl, with rules for four new...
6,380 руб
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March to war under the banners of the most violent Adepta Sororitas Order with these bloodsoaked dice. No matter the enemy, this set will aid you as you slice and shoot your way through enemy hordes. This set includes 20 six-sided dice measuring 16mm along each edge. They are cast in black,...
4,730 руб
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Ancients bear a Space Marine Chapter’s precious standards. These glorious relics have been present in some of the Chapter’s most notable battles, their finely worked designs commemorating countless campaigns and heroic deeds. They are symbols of selfless commitment and the unbreakable...
4,880 руб
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Captains are fearless leaders among the Space Marines, each one a masterful tactician and skilled warrior armed with a variety of weapons and equipment. Clad in a suit of heavy Gravis armour, a Captain can fearlessly stride into the very fiercest battlefield firestorms. To don Gravis armour...
4,880 руб
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This mission pack is a narrative play expansion for the Warhammer 40,000 Crusade campaign system. Within this book, you’ll find the rules required to play games of Warhammer 40,000 set in the Nachmund Gauntlet, which continues to suffer under the assault of Chaos and xenos forces. This...
5,250 руб
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The worlds of the Vigilus System have echoed to the clamour of cataclysmic war for decades, assailed not only by xenos, but also the armies of Abaddon the Despoiler. A fragile survival was bought at terrible cost – now Vigilus itself must stand or fall without its most heroic saviour. The...
6,380 руб
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Datacards make referencing your rules in battle easy. Containing quick-reference Stratagems and Invocations, they're perfect for ensuring you don't forget crucial rules when you need them most. This pack contains 50 datacards, divided as follows: – 7x Core Stratagem cards – 31x...
3,300 руб
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Broaden the borders of the T'au Empire and spread the greater good with these themed dice. Every six you roll brings the empire one step closer to launching the next Sphere Expansion. This set includes 20 six-sided dice measuring 16mm along each edge. They are cast in white, featuring red...
4,730 руб
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The T'au Empire are a fledgling race in the grand scheme of things, thrusting out into the stars to spread their philosophy of the Greater Good to all they can reach. For many races, this comes in the form of pleasant democracy, which pleases the T'au. For those that resist, the T'au are...
18,750 руб
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The Ethereals are serene and wise – spiritual leaders of the T’au who embody the wisdom and unity of the Greater Good. In times of war, they take to the field in person, fighting with ritual weapons, skimming above the battle aboard hover drones and invoking the fundamental might of the T’au...
3,750 руб
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4,500 руб
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The T’au are a young and dynamic race of technologically advanced aliens whose empire is spreading like wildfire across the stars. Ruled and guided by the enigmatic Ethereals, the T’au seek to unite every sentient being under the light of the T’au’va, or Greater Good. They prefer that others...
6,380 руб
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Tylos Rubio, erstwhile Librarian of the Legiones Astartes Ultramarines, was the first to be recruited into the Knights-Errant by Nathaniel Garro, who upon the Sigillite’s order travelled across the entire Imperium to reach Calth at the very moment of the Word Bearers’ betrayal of the...
13,070 руб
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Show your allegiance to Jaghatai Khan and the Emperor with these incredible White Scars Legion-themed dice. They are just what you need to stop Horus and his schemes. Contents: 20 16mm x 16mm x 16mm dice in white marble effect with a swirl and red ink, including – 19 D6 with an...
6,340 руб
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Show your allegiance to Leman Russ and the Emperor with these incredible Space Wolves Legion-themed dice. They are just what you need to stop Horus and his schemes. Contents: 20 16mm x 16mm x 16mm dice in pearlescent dark and light grey marbled swirl and a red ink, including – 19...
6,340 руб
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Show your allegiance to Vulkan and the Emperor with these incredible Salamanders Legion-themed dice. They are just what you need to stop Horus and his schemes. Contents: 20 16mm x 16mm x 16mm dice in bright emerald green with a marbled swirl and an orange ink, including – 19 D6...
6,340 руб
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Show your allegiance to Corax and the Emperor with these incredible Raven Guard Legion-themed dice. They are just what you need to stop Horus and his schemes. Contents: 20 16mm x 16mm x 16mm dice in pearlescent black with a dark grey marbled swirl and a bright white ink, including...
6,340 руб
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Show your allegiance to Ferrus Manus and the Emperor with these incredible Iron Hands Legion-themed dice. They are just what you need to stop Horus and his schemes. Contents: 20 16mm x 16mm x 16mm dice in pearlescent black with a dark grey marbled swirl, and a bright white ink,...
6,340 руб
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Gangs often entice specialists to aid them in their missions. As with any survivor in the underhive, these folks can hold their own in a fight – but that's not why gangs like them around. Food in the underhive rarely holds any joy. Most meals consist of corpse-starch or nutri-slime,...
5,460 руб
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Outnumbered and outgunned? Never fear, the Underdog Card Pack is here! This 26-card pack contains a host of tactics your gang can perform if the difference in credits between your opponent's gang and your own is 400 credits or greater. These Underdog tactics allow you to perform tricks and...
2,580 руб
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While other Clan Houses proudly proclaim their strengths – and their dominance – to all who will listen, the underhive denizens of Delaque silently wait and watch, leaving others to wonder what dark thoughts the House of Secrets harbours. Upgrade your Delaque fighters with a selection of...
3,300 руб
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The Outcast Gangs of Necromunda are made up of the dregs of underhive society. These individuals have freed themselves from the constraints of societal hierarchy in order to walk a dangerous and often short-lived path of risk and reward. Hive Scum can be found everywhere, often hired by...
2,360 руб
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In the Killzones of Octarius, teams of specialist soldiers skirmish between ramshackle Ork structures. These ferrous heaps are hammered together with reckless abandon by the teeming Ork hordes. Crude fortifications and staging posts built in places of strategic importance, they create a...
13,130 руб
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War Zone Octarius is a meat grinder. Within it, entire armies are consumed in the inferno of apocalyptic conflict with each passing day. In scorching deserts, steaming jungles, ruined cities, and industrial wastelands, Veteran Imperial Guardsmen take the fight to mobs of sneaky Ork Kommandos...
5,250 руб
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No right-thinking Ork trusts Kommandos. They sneak up on the enemy rather than charging in headlong, and have an unhealthy fascination with very big knives and their application to people’s backs, throats and guts. That said, having a band of Kommandos ambush the enemy mid-battle definitely...
8,250 руб
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Imperial Guard regiments are often called upon to fight gruelling wars of attrition lasting years or even decades. As time passes, each company will shrink in size as casualties take their inevitable toll. Those that survive are the hardiest troopers in the Astra Militarum. Their battlefield...
7,500 руб
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Enter the thrilling world of tabletop gaming with the ultimate sci-fi skirmish game – Kill Team. This starter set is packed with everything you need to take your first steps into Kill Team, making it ideal for sharing with a friend, or gifting to someone you'd like to introduce to your...
12,750 руб
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This edition of Chapter Approved is the essential gaming toolbox for all fans of Warhammer 40,000 matched play. Whether you're a tournament regular or simply like to ensure your battles are always fought on an even footing, this is the essential supplement for matched play games of Warhammer...
5,250 руб
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The Black Templars are the Adeptus Astartes' most zealous Chapter, charging into battle to meet their foes face-to-face and deliver the Emperor's justice at the point of a sword. So great is their fervour that they chain their weapons to their wrists, ensuring their bolters and blades leave...
18,750 руб
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White Dwarf is Games Workshop's premium Warhammer magazine, packed with amazing content each month such as new rules and background, short stories, regular columns, special guests, and more. Here’s what you can look forward to in January's issue: Contact! Letters, painting advice and...
1,350 руб
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Aeronautica Imperialis – Companion is an expansion book for Aeronautica Imperialis games. The perfect addition to any Aeronautica collection, it contains new rules, aircraft, and factions for games of Aeronautica Imperialis, as well as collating previously published content from White Dwarf...
3,900 руб
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Redesigned for the Second Season ruleset, this deck of 44 cards will help you keep track of stats and profiles for your team, positions, and Star Players – plus Special Play cards exclusively for use with Nurgle teams. This set includes: - 1x How to Use card - 4x Nurgle reference cards for...
3,380 руб
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Grandfather Nurgle is a god of fecundity. Wherever his followers travel, a gruesome flourishing of fresh life follows, be it squirming maggoty worms or the vigorous growth of strange flora from the swelling earth. Stadia dedicated to Nurgle are particularly worrisome, for even as the walls and...
6,000 руб
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The Ogor Maneater Gorlok Blackpowder and his motley crew found themselves washed up in Harrowdeep after being sucked down from the Penumbral Sea by a whirlpool. They soon realised the ancient labyrinth offered a chance to seize a great wealth of treasure. While the Maneater sought out worthy...
5,100 руб
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Jaghatai Khan is the unexpected storm, a sudden and devastating gale that comes and goes as it pleases. Of all his brothers, he found the Great Crusade most to his liking, an endless hunt in the dark places of the galaxy. As the Great Crusade raged across the galaxy, he sat at its heart, always...
23,010 руб
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By the Emperor! Grab these dice, specially themed to match your Adeptus Custodes army. Decked out in the colours of the Talons of the Emperor, these dice will bless your table with every roll, allowing you to wipe your enemies out with ease. Each six-sided, round-cornered dice is a deep red...
4,730 руб
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Plan the downfall of your opponents with these handy Datacards that make referencing your rules in battle easy. Containing quick-reference Stratagems and psychic powers, they're perfect for ensuring you don't forget crucial rules when you need them most. This pack contains 58 datacards,...
3,300 руб
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The Genestealer Cults erupt from the shadows in a tide of mutated acolytes, turncoat soldiery and predatory xenos monsters. They employ ambush and subterfuge to outmanoeuvre their enemies, turning industrial mining equipment and repurposed civilian vehicles into potent weapons of rebellion...
6,380 руб
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Wield the might of the Adeptus Custodes against your opponents with these handy Datacards that make referencing your rules in battle easy. Containing quick-reference Stratagems and psychic powers, they're perfect for ensuring you don't forget crucial rules when you need them most. This pack...
3,300 руб
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The Adeptus Custodes are demigods of war, sworn to defend the Emperor to their last breath. In this dark and dangerous age, that mission compels them away from Holy Terra and out into the stars, for no longer can they stand upon the ramparts of the Imperial Palace and watch the galaxy burn....
6,380 руб
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Ork Boyz surge into battle in huge, unruly mobs dotted with crude special weapons and led by foul-tempered Boss Nobz. Most simply stampede towards the enemy lines, relying on their numbers and natural hardiness to carry the charge home. This kit builds 10 Ork Boyz, a surly and belligerent Troops...
6,380 руб
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Any good Ork Hunter knows the safest way to deal with a rampaging Warboss is to hit them with tank-busting artillery from as far away as possible. By donning a piston-driven suit of incredibly durable mega armour, this Warboss makes a mockery of such underhanded enemy tactics, much to the terror...
4,880 руб
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Most Orks take a dim view of muckin’ about in the sky, and would much rather go to war with their feet firmly on the ground. Deffkopta pilots are one of few exceptions, hurtling into the sky to spy out enemy forces for their warband, and give those same enemies a good strafing run or three in...
8,250 руб
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Срок поставки составит 180 дней! Celebrate the festive season with this pair of greenskin rat-killas, Bawla and Burk, available for a limited time only. The Orruks are destruction incarnate. This vicious and primal race of natural-born killers loves nothing more than to wage unending...
6,300 руб
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Escher gangers are attracted to the big cats of Phyrr in particular for their exotic looks and killer instincts. Such beasts are rare in the extreme, and smuggling them planetside to Hive Primus is no mean feat, so they are an incredibly rare sight as pets even amongst the hierarchy of House...
5,660 руб
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Show your allegiance to Sanguinius and the Emperor with these incredible Blood Angels Legion-themed dice. They are just what you need to stop Horus and his schemes. Contents: 20 16mm x 16mm x 16mm dice in metallic red and gold swirl, with a muted gold ink, including – 19 D6 with an...
6,340 руб
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Chapter Master Raldoron was first among the captains of the Blood Angels’ Three Hundred Companies – respected throughout the Legion for his tactical insight, superb martial skills and faultless discipline. As equerry to the primarch, Sanguinius relied on his even temper and keen intelligence...
13,070 руб
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Similar in most respects to the widely used Contemptor chassis, the Incaendius differs in one key aspect: the external booster pack secured to its back. It serves the Blood Angels as a shock assault unit of unparalleled ferocity, for the half-dead warrior entombed within suffers none of the...
18,140 руб
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