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Tzeentch’s minions revel in manipulation – after all, it is not for nothing that their patron is known as the Architect of Fate. Within great cities lurk hidden Kairic Acolytes, while vicious Tzaangor flocks stalk the warped wilds. The daemons of Tzeentch are especially strange, often casting...
1,200 руб
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The Beasts of Chaos have long dwelt in the wild places of the Mortal Realms. Even during the Age of Myth, these creatures menaced the civilised lands, and their alliance with the primal essence of anarchy has only made them more deadly. Their marauding Greatfrays contain all manner of bestial...
1,200 руб
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Even the blood and thunder of the arena ceases to hold any allure for the Spire Tyrants. Instead, they seek greater tests, venturing out into the lethal wilds of the Eightpoints. There they look for worthy foes and challenges, hoping to earn infamy enough to gain the favour of the Everchosen....
6,380 руб
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Myrmidons are masters of the Varanspire’s fighting pits, and have spent decades mastering the gladiatorial arts. In battle, they lead those who seek to join the Everchosen’s legions, for to impress a Myrmidon is to be marked for glory. Whether you're commanding your Slaves to Darkness or...
6,830 руб
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Lazarus is a magnificent warrior, welding Enmity’s Edge with all the martial skill expected of the Dark Angels. Known throughout the Chapter for his cool demeanour, it is only when fighting enemy sorcerers that his composure fades in any way. He has seen many battle-brothers fall to the evils of...
6,830 руб
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Book 4 of the Psychic Awakening Series The epic Psychic Awakening series continues with Ritual of the Damned. This campaign book features a host of new rules for the Thousand Sons, Dark Angels and Grey Knights. The campaign book also tells a sweeping narrative recounting the fiendish plan of...
4,880 руб
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Sisters of the Orders Hospitaller are the physical and spiritual healers of the Adepta Sororitas. As much as their medicinal expertise and surgical skill, they provide a font of faith to those in need. Intoning prayers to salve the fevered mind and reciting tenets of fortitude, they remind their...
5,100 руб
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Junith Eruita sweeps into battle wreathed in holy fire and holding high the Mace of Castigation. Riding within the Pulpit of Saint Holline’s Basilica, she hovers across the battlefield upon thrumming waves of holy energy. The pulpit’s heavy flamers swivel seemingly of their own accord, seeking...
6,600 руб
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The Exorcist is a weapon uniquely representative of the ways in which the Adepta Sororitas pair shows of devotion to the Emperor with the castigation of his heretical enemies. It is a rolling shrine to the magnificence of the Master of Mankind, a breathtakingly ornate piece of craftsmanship that...
10,880 руб
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Arco-flagellants lope alongside faithful armies in packs, their lash-like limbs whipping back and forth as they follow their priestly masters to battle. When the enemy is sighted, they are driven into a frenzied killing rage by a potent cocktail of adrenal stimulants and neural kill-signals,...
7,130 руб
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Penitent Engines charge towards the foe heedless of danger, knowing that only in death, theirs or the enemy’s, can absolution be earned. The arms of the engine, mounted with enormous flamers, blaze a trail of fiery destruction as it thunders forwards. Upon reaching the enemy, the chemical and...
7,690 руб
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Soldiers are called to serve in many types of missions, from tense hostage exhanges to payload deliveries to bombing runs. Wherever and whenever the battle rages, the Vital Assets Battlefield Expansion adds new options to expand the scope of your Star Wars ™: Legion games! This expansion...
6,300 руб
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The AAT Trade Federation battle tank is a hard-hitting vehicle favored by Separatist commanders like Lok Durd. While its droid operators require precise commands to be used to full effect, is primary MX-8 artillery laser cannons can blast out barrages that target multiple enemies or hammer the...
10,800 руб
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A light repulsor tank designed with the tactical flexibility of a starfighter, the TX-130 Saber -class fighter tank is agile and swift, making it an ideal match for the heightened acuity of Jedi generals like Aayla Secura or Plo Koon. For a battle tank, the Saber -class can be elegant as it...
10,800 руб
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B2 Super Battle Droids are the hulking, brutal cousins of the wiry B1-series battle droids of the Separatist army. Heavily armored and devastatingly powerful with their integrated wrist blasters, the sight of a squad of these droids on the battlefield can chill even the most seasoned of clone...
6,300 руб
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Phase II clone trooper armor reflected one of the Republic's greatest technological successes and included advanced tactical gear that further augmented the clone troopers' individual strengths. Additionally, the clones wearing this armor were themselves better trained and more experienced than...
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Whether they're battling enemy fighters from the cockpits of their TIE Fighters or on the ground below, Inferno Squad is one of the Empire's most fearsome special forces units and now you can add the leader of this crack team to your Imperial armies. Possessing a keen tactical mind and a...
3,600 руб
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One of the Rebellion's most capable intelligence agents, Cassian Andor has dedicated his life to the cause. Capable of both leading an all-out assault or operating independently on the battlefields of Star Wars : Legion, Andor is a versatile addition to any Rebel army. No matter what role you...
3,600 руб
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As outposts and data centers, Imperial bunkers play a pivotal role in securing the Empire's reign over the galaxy. Found on Imperial-controlled planets such as Scarif and the forest moon of Endor, these bunkers keep safe some of the Empire's most vital military secrets and command centers....
13,500 руб
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Feared by friend and foe alike, Darth Vader is the living embodiment of the Empire’s might. Before he could become one of the most fearsome field commanders in the galaxy, however, he honed his skills hunting Jedi to the far corners of the galaxy. Now he is ready to carry out the Emperor’s...
2,340 руб
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One of the Rebellion's most enduring heroes, Luke Skywalker has sparked hope across the galaxy. As the first new Jedi Knight in a generation, he helped bring the Empire to its knees and began the process of restoring peace and justice to planets that had only known oppression. The Luke...
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The Galactic Republic’s Phase I Clone Troopers are always armed with state-of-the-art equipment. For most clone troopers, this means carrying the powerful and versatile DC-15A blaster rifle, but a select few Phase I Troopers are trained in the use of even more weapons, ensuring the Grand Army of...
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The Separatist Alliance’s B1 Battle Droids are manufactured to attack in massive numbers and wear down enemy forces through raw attrition alone. But that does not mean they don't have other purposes to serve as the Separatists seek to overthrow the Galactic Republic. Other series of battle...
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The Rebellion is made up of beings from countless worlds, all standing united in opposition to the tyranny of the Empire. No matter what world they hail from, every Rebel trooper dedicates their life to fighting on the front lines for the cause of the Rebellion. Now, you can add even more...
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A ubiquitous sight across the galaxy, white-armored stormtroopers strike fear into the hearts of all those who would oppose the Empire. Though their uniform armor and rigid tactics emphasize the crushing weight of Imperial might, Stormtroopers can be surprisingly flexible units that serve a...
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Selecting the troops that you’ll lead into battle is only the first step in creating your own Star Wars : Legion army. Once you’ve supplemented your armies with fresh recruits, you can further enhance them with the addition of upgrade cards. Each upgrade unlocks new tactical possibilities for...
1,800 руб
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Versatile and extremely destructive, Droidekas are a threat to even veteran squads of clone troopers and skilled Jedi Knights—and when B1 Battle Droids fail, droidekas are often sent to execute their primary function: annihilation of their targets. Rolling swiftly into battle, droidekas...
4,500 руб
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The Republic’s Clone Troopers may be bred for battle, but even the finest soldiers eventually break under the crushing weight of legions of B1 Battle Droids. Despite possessing little cunning or tactical intelligence, these droids march heedlessly forward to crush any resistance through raw...
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Versatile and swift, BARC speeders are designed to assist clone troopers as they scout the field, protect key targets, and launch rapid surprise attacks. These durable speeder bikes are armed with heavy blasters and fitted with powerful engines, making them useful in nearly any theater of ground...
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The first troops to take the field in the Clone Wars, Phase I Clone Troopers represent a new era of galactic warfare. Genetically crafted for battle and outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment, Clone Troopers charge into battle on countless worlds to do the job they were made for: defeat the...
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Clone Captain Rex viewed military service as an honor, and his loyalty to the Republic and his Jedi Generals was absolute. Rex honed the use of twin blaster pistols into an art form, leading his fellow clones to victory on countless battlefields across the galaxy. The Clone Captain Rex...
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While much of the galaxy knows him as the Separatist Alliance's Head of State, Count Dooku serves a more sinister purpose in the Clone Wars. Actually a powerful Sith lord, Dooku works behind the scenes to bring down the Jedi and destroy the Republic once and for all. As the rare Separatist unit...
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