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Tactical Squads are the mainstay of the Space Marine Legions, highly versatile infantry units that can attack or defend at will, assault heavily fortified positions, and take and hold strategic objectives – or simply slaughter the enemy – in almost any terrain or situation. All 18 Legions make...
13,160 руб
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Внимание! Цена указана ориентировочная, на момент последней закупки. После оформления менеджер свяжется с вами и сообщит корректную стоимость. Срок поставки в среднем около 2 месяцев.
10,500 руб
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Внимание! Цена указана ориентировочная, на момент последней закупки. После оформления менеджер свяжется с вами и сообщит корректную стоимость. Срок поставки в среднем около 2 месяцев.
5,500 руб
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Внимание! Цена указана ориентировочная, на момент последней закупки. После оформления менеджер свяжется с вами и сообщит корректную стоимость. Срок поставки в среднем около 2 месяцев.
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Warcry: Compendium is your ultimate guide to assembling a Warcry warband to enter the depths of the Gnarlwood, accompanied by a powerful following of thralls, monsters, and allies. Within you will find a comprehensive list of rules for the second edition of Warcry, allowing you to command...
5,250 руб
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Chaos Legionnaires are elite, well-armed, and highly disciplined – yet though they march alongside the armies of the Dark Gods, these warbands have a shadowy agenda of their own. Sworn to the First Prince, the Legionnaires uphold a secret religion known as the Dark Creed, and strive with each...
7,690 руб
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Centaurions are terrifying creatures, their strength and skills honed in the Varanspire's warpits. Charging headlong into the fray on iron-hard hooves, Centaurions wreak havoc with each of the deadly weapons gripped in their four arms – ensnaring, skewering, bludgeoning, and trampling any who...
5,250 руб
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The Mortal Realms are inhabited by many strange and deadly creatures. The megadroths of Ghur are one such beast - titans that stride the plains and swamps, preying on other megafauna. When they die, their fossilised remains often become points of conflict - some seek to claim the primordial...
7,690 руб
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Cleansing Aqualiths are magical shrine-engines used by the Dawnbringer Crusades to bring fresh water to newly-founded settlements. Designed by Collegiate mages, forged by Ironweld engineers, and blessed by Sigmarite priests, these floating metaliths absorb ambient magic to generate an endless...
9,750 руб
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The Incarnates that haunt the Krondspine Range are terrifying entities - creations of pure Ghurish energy, protected by monstrous bones and guided by a bestial intellect. In their presence, reason crumbles; the minds of mortals are filled with savagery, and wild energies are unleashed with...
7,690 руб
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The Lady of Vines is the literal hand of Alarielle, cut from the goddess’s wrist and grown into a towering war leader. She holds true to the Everqueen's summery war-aspect even in times of wintery melancholy, her song of wrath echoing through the very realmroots, and has slain countless foes of...
6,600 руб
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Deathmasters are the greatest assassins of the Clans Eshin, trained in the shadowy arts of stealth and contracted to slay those whom influential skaven deem too dangerous to live. Armed with poisoned ‘weeping blades’ and toxin-laced throwing stars, these supernaturally dextrous killers have...
6,140 руб
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In the magic-scoured reaches of the Realm of Light, there are treasures of incredible potency buried under vitrified sand and shattered rocks. When a greed-driven expedition of Tzeentchian Arcanites seeks to pilfer the lore of a long-disappeared Lumineth seer, only the sharp eyes of a gifted...
26,250 руб
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A tragic and terrifying wanderer, Cado Ezechiar has lost everything - and outlived the memory of the age that made him. A vampire who accepted the Soulblight curse as his people and kingdom fell to Chaos, Ezechiar travels the Realm of Death and beyond, seeking retribution. He is the Hollow King,...
6,140 руб
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According to some, Drekki Flynt is the most dashing Arkanaut Captain in all of the Skyshoals. According to others, he's a no-good huckster, a wanton pirate, and owes them money. Always on the search for his next adventure, the master of the Aelsling is a sky-pilot of rare talent and daring...
6,140 руб
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Содержит одну неокрашенную миниатюру.  ВНИМАНИЕ! В данной линейке - миниатюра идет в разобранном состоянии, и БЕЗ грунта!
2,700 руб
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