
Miniature Type
По цене
Блистер содержит одну среднюю неокрашенную миниатюру, на которую предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета. Для окрашивания полупрозрачных частей мы рекомендуем использовать краски формата Ink от производителя Vallejo или же Scale75.
990 руб
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Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
990 руб
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Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
990 руб
В наличии
Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
990 руб
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Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
990 руб
В наличии
Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
990 руб
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Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
990 руб
В наличии
Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
990 руб
В наличии
Блистер содержит одну среднюю неокрашенную миниатюру, на которую предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета. Для окрашивания полупрозрачных частей мы рекомендуем использовать краски формата Ink от производителя Vallejo или же Scale75.
990 руб
В наличии
Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
990 руб
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In the tainted wastes of the Eightpoints, a bitter struggle rages for control of varanite – a mysterious substance infused with the liquid power of Chaos. Bubbling seams of this transmutative realmstone are dredged up from the depths within sweltering mines, where desperate workers operate...
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The Tarantulos Brood worship Chaos in the form of the Eightfold Watcher, a bloated cosmic spider, and seek out mutagenic substances like varanite to uplift their mortal forms ever-closer to the sacred shape of their god. The Tarantulos act as an eerie psychic gestalt, communing with the spiders...
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Darkoath Savagers are legendary for their strength and martial prowess, which they use to fulfil the pacts and prophecies that drive them across the Mortal Realms. To break these vows is the foulest of crimes, and a sign of terrible weakness – such cowards don't last long, among their own ranks...
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There is no engine of the oppressors that a Reductus Saboteur cannot lay low, and there are few materials they cannot fashion into an explosive given a little time to tinker. Flitting through the shadows, they lace the battlefield with booby traps and deploy powerful explosives that make short...
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A Blade Champion is a living weapon in the Emperor’s hand. His role is to identify the greatest battlefield threat – be that a mighty leader, a host of killers, or a deadly war engine – then to employ his archeotech blades and specialised fighting styles to ensure their swift and absolute...
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Resplendent in gleaming gold, the Adeptus Custodes stride into war with the confidence earned through ten millennia of martial superiority. Bullets and shrapnel ricochet from gilded auramite breastplates – these warriors are armoured with the finest wargear, carrying the blessing of the...
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When the verminous skaven make a daring raid on the innocent Sylvaneth enclave of Neos, Grey Seer Skrittat's successful theft of priceless soulpods sets in motion a devastating counterstrike – for the Lady of Vines and her hand-picked Sylvaneth warriors have a thirst for vengeance that can only...
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Since the coming of Sauron to Dol Guldur, the surrounding Greenwood has become a place of fear and darkness – corrupted by the influence of the Necromancer, it become known by the new name of Mirkwood. Yet the shadow that had grown over the forest had not gone unnoticed by the wise, and...
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Sauron never turned his gaze completely away from the northern kingdoms – even during the close of the Third Age, the forces of Evil closed in on Dale, Erebor, Mirkwood, and Lothlorien. Across the lands of Rhovanion, the forces of Good rallied to defend their homes, their acts of...
6,600 руб
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The lives of the Fyreslayers revolve around battle, for these grizzled duardin mercenaries will fight on behalf of any who meet their price in gold. Renowned for their fearsome tempers and unrivalled martial skills, the Fyreslayers seek treasure to gather the essence of their long-lost deity,...
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