
Miniature Type
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Few armies are more glorious to behold than the Lumineth Realm-lords. Masters of magic and paragons of the military arts, these aelves fight alongside the aelementor spirits of their home to protect the Mortal Realms from the threat of ruin. Centuries ago, the Lumineth’s hunger for enlightenment...
6,380 руб
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Masters of the mystical arts by nature, and the art of war by training and focus, the Lumineth Realm-lords seek to bring balance to the cosmos. Vanari troops are the mainstay of the armies of Hysh – well-equipped, exceptionally experienced, and deadly whether armed with a greatblade, pike, or...
17,250 руб
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The long history of Warhammer 40,000 is teeming with quintessential matchups – but few are more iconic than Space Marines versus Orks. Genetically-engineered super soldiers clad in mighty power armour have been throwing down with brutal alien greenskins for 35 years. What better way to celebrate...
6,830 руб
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The Land Raider is regarded by many as the finest armoured fighting vehicle of its class in the Imperium’s arsenal, and is the mainstay battle tank of the Space Marine Legions. It is a phenomenally powerful war machine, its multi-layered composite armour and reinforced hull all but impervious to...
10,500 руб
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In the tangled depths of the deadly Gnarlwood, rival warbands battle over territory and plunder! Enter the grim world of Warcry in the Core Book – your guide to fast-paced skirmish combat in the Gnarlwood, a bizarre jungle in the Realm of Beasts. This book contains all the core rules for the...
6,150 руб
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Glotl Stop is known by many names across the world. The Primordial Nightmare, the Killer Krox, the Scaled Slasher. Whatever you call him, he's a fan favourite among those who prefer a more simplistic – that is to say, gloriously violent – approach to the game of Blood Bowl. Just don't ask what...
7,610 руб
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Some believe that Estelle la Veneaux is an ancient embodiment of the Amazonian goddess Rigg, sent unto the game of Blood Bowl to destroy those who would threaten the delicate balance of nature. Others say that she's just a half-crazed Amazon hermit who prefers pet frogs to civilised company....
5,660 руб
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A mysterious Snakeman of origins unknown, Boa Kon'ssstriktr slithered from the jungles of Lustria and onto the Blood Bowl pitch. With an eye for tactics honed by watching countless games from the trees, this cunning player has risen to prominence through unorthodox – some would say downright...
5,660 руб
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 Kara Temple Harpies
6,300 руб
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The very air around a Sorcerer Lord is saturated with dark magic. With command of daemonic powers and the gift of foresight, these warlocks bolster the strength of their allies while unleashing their own devastating spellcraft upon the enemy. Some sorcerers also bring along familiars – small...
12,600 руб
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Chaos Lords fight from the front, and few armours enable them to do so as effectively as Terminator plate. Formidably resilient, such a suit protects the Lord against all but the most devastating firepower and enables him to deploy by teleportation right into the heart of the foe. Nowhere are...
12,600 руб
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A storm of mutating magic heralds the Disciples of Tzeentch – eldritch warriors in service to the Changer of the Ways, a mercurial deity who delights in anarchy and manipulation. Amongst their ranks can be found bird-headed beastmen, gibbering, fire-spewing daemons, and cruel cultists bedecked...
6,380 руб
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The worshippers of the Changer of the Ways seek to reshape the Mortal Realms, twisting it into forms more pleasing to their fickle god. Sorcerously-gifted Magisters lead chanting Kairic Acolytes to war alongside braying Tzaangor herds and conjured daemonic entities, leaving a trail of...
17,250 руб
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